Ships built at Grimsby builder unknown.
1814 built Grimsby - 'Consul' Brig, for Brown & Co. for the Hull to Rotterdam, Captain J. Wishart. November 1818 for sale the Brig Consul, 120 tons per register, built Grimsby in 1815 in excellent order. Now lying in Alderman's Lower Chain Tier, James Cleghorn Commander.
1816 built Wivenhoe, Colchester - 'Sarah' Smack, official No.9600, registered Grimsby, 19 tons, 1872 for William Davy, Grimsby. 1875 for Thomas Campbell, Grimsby.
1823 built Grimsby - 'Fox' Smack, official No.6456, 1835 registered Hull, 15 tons, 1865 for Stephen Wilkins, Patrington. 1870/72 for Thomas Barker, Hull.
1824 built Grimsby - 'Ranger' Schooner, offiial No.22262, 59 tons, for T. Fox, Captain T. Short 1860. August 1861 foundered near Ushant bound for Antwerp from Requejada with ore, 4 crew, owner Thomas Clark.
February 1824 built Grimsby - 'Dove' Smack, official No.6474, registered Hull, 16 tons, 1865/75 for Francis Parrott, Paull.
1827 built Grimsby - 'Charles' Sloop, official No.60136, July 1868 registered Hull, 26 tons, 1870/76 for Thomas Emmerson, Hull.
1828 built Peterhead - 'Eliza' Schooner, official No.15625, registered Grimsby, 129 tons, 1880 for Edward Bannister, Royal Dock Chambers, Grimsby.
1829 - 'Mary Frances' (GY5?) Sail, official No.17730, December 1829 registered Grimsby, 18 tons, 1865/69 for Amos Appleyard, Cleethorpes.
1830 built Grimsby - 'Dart' Sloop, 10 tons, official No. 47916, December 1863 registered Hull, 1875/85 for Richard Banks, Paull.
1831 'Providence Smack 13 tons, official No.5594, for Thomas Smith, Hull 1880.
'Adelaide', Snow, Captain Armstrong, 204 tons, built Grimsby 1831 for Bell & Co. for London.
1834 - 'Mary and Elizabeth' official No.17745, February 1834 registered Grimsby, 12 tons, 1865/69 for Benjamin Stephenson, Cleethorpes.
1835 (Rebuilt 1848)'May Flower Cutter 23 tons, official No.17743, registered Grimsby for Robert Suggitt, Cleethorpes (1880/90).
1835 - 'Olive Leaf' (GY3?) Sail, official No.17732, 1835 registered Grimsby, 20 tons, 1865 Arabella Chapman, Cliff Hotel, Cleethorpes. 1869 for Mrs. Arabella Chapman, Cliff Hotel, Cleethorpes.
October 1838 built Grimsby - 'Rising Sun' Smack, official No.7567, registered Hull, 11 tons, 1865 for Robert Parrot, Patrington. 1867 for Bethel Scarr, Hull. 1870 for Sir H. H. Bacon, Bt. Hurrock, Gainsborough. 1872/76 for John Wilkins, Paull.
1838 built Grimsby - 'Sarah Bell' Brig, offical No.13608, 146 tons, March 1862 stranded Yarmouth, 7 crew lost, owned by William Mugridge.
1838 built Grimsby - 'Sarah Jane' (GY107) Smack, official No.17731, October 1854 registered Grimsby, 16 tons, 1865/70 for David Brocklesby, Lock Hill, Grimsby. 1880/87 for James Horrey, Boston.
1839 - 'Diana' (GY7?) Sail, official No.17727, November 1839 registered Grimsby, 15 tons, 1865 for Tobit Appleyard, Cleethorpes. 1870/71 for Thomas Hick, London.
1841 built Dogdike, Lincs - 'Naomi' Sloop, official No.4773, 1854 registered Grimsby, 35 tons, 1865/70 for William Jacklin, Saltfleet, Lincs.
1841 - 'Venus' Sail, official No.17725, November 1841 registered Grimsby, 12 tons, 1865/69 for Joseph Leesing, Cleethorpes.
June 1842 built Grimsby - 'Providence' Smack. official No.7663, registered Grimsby, 11 tons, 1865/70 for Nathan Chapman, Grimsby. 1879/85 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby.
April 1843 - 'Chase' Smack, official No.9958, registered London, 1860 registered Grimsby, 35 tons, 12 h.p. 1865 for John Allen jnr, Grimsby. 1870 for Ebenezer W. Marks, Grimsby. Broken up December 1871.
June 1844 - 'Hero' official No.7658, registered Grimsby, 11 tons, 1864.
1844 - 'Lydia' Sail, official No.17752, August 1844 registered Grimsby, 20 tons.
1845 built Prince Edward Island - 'Regina' official No.2656, April 1850 registered London, 233 tons, 1865/70 for William E. Fielding, Davis's Wharf, Southwick. 1872/75 registered Grimsby for Richard McSheen, Grimsby. October 1873 inspected by the Board of Trade and repaired and released after finding rotten timber and partly loaded with coal for Boulogne.
1845 built Manningtree, Suffolk - 'Pearl' (GY138) Steam Cutter, official No.17721, July 1855 registered Grimsby, 53 tons, 20 h.p. 1865/70 for Joseph Harup, 11 Worsley's Buildings, Grimsby. 1880/82 for Robert Suggitt, Cleethorpes.
1845 - 'Williams' Sail, official No.17746, November 1848 registered Grimsby, 41 tons, 1865/70 for John Marshall, Grimsby.
1846 built Grimsby - 'Rose in June' (GY96) Smack, official No.17740, October 1846 registered Grimsby, 13 tons, 1865/72 for John Caulbeck, Cleethorpes. 1874/76 for Francis Parrott, Paull.
1847 built Grimsby - 'Robert' Sail, official No.17722, July 1853 registered Grimsby, 53 tons, 1865/74 for William Ellis, Grimsby.
1847 - 'Pink' Sail, official No.17728, September 1847, registered Grimsby, 16 tons, 1865 for Robert Suggett, Grimsby. 1868 for Robert Suggett, Cleethorpes. Missing since 1st December 1867.
1848 built Grimsby - 'Secret' Cutter, official No.17738, July 1848 registered Grimsby, 19 tons, 1865/75 for J. Appleyard, Cleethorpe. 1878 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby.
1848 - 'Rebecca' Sail, official No.17747, November 1848 registered Grimsby, 17 tons, 1865 for George Robinson, Clusthorpe, Grimsby. 1870 for John Sandall, Boston.
1849 'Providence Sloop 30 tons, official No.12646, for Elis Davies, Lisguard, Cheshire 1880.
1849 built Grimsby - 'Ann & Rosetta', Sloop, 71 tons, for Hodgson, Captain J. Rodwell 1860.
1849 - 'Kate' Sail, official No.17744, September 1849 registered Grimsby, 12 tons, 1865/69 for George Kimson, Smethurst Buildings, Cleethorpe Roadf, Grimsby.
1850 built Grimsby - Friends' Sloop, 35 tons, official No.17716, March 1854 registered Grimsby, 1865 for John Robinson, Grimsby. 1870/85 for William Brown, Grimsby.
1850 'William' Sloop, official No.62726, registered Grimsby, 31 tons, 1870 for Nathan Chapman, Grimsby. 1871 broken up.
April 1850 - 'Happy Jack' official No.634, registered Grimsby, 44 tons, March 1857 arrived Sunderland. 8th February 1859 a wreck was found outside the Vareholm, near Vaage Strand with part of the stern with the name 'Happy Jack, Grimsby' and inside 'W. H.'. It is suposed that the wreck is an English fishing Smack.
1851 - 'Mary' official No.17703, registered Grimsby. 42 tons, 1865 for Thomas Broadley, Selby.
May 1852 - 'Huntley' official No.6208, registered Grimsby, 93 tons, September 1853 at Peterhead from Findon for London, Captain Mitchell. Lost October 1859.
1852 built Grimsby - 'Eliza Ann' Smack, official No.17756, March 1852 registered Grimsby, 14 tons, 1865/70 for John Croft, Cleethorpes. 1880 registered Lynn for James Goodson, Allen's Yard, North End, Lynn.
1852 - 'Hamburg' Steamer, official No.17711, 1852 registered Grimsby, 532 tons, 1860 registered London, 437 tons, 250 h.p.
1852 - 'Two Brothers' Sail, official No.17723, December 1852 registered Grimsby, 12 tons, 1865 for Samuel Croft, Cleethorpes. 1870 for Robert Smith, Hull.
1853 built Grimsby - 'Abstainer' (GY111) Smack, October 1853 registered Grimsby, 25 tons, official No. 17733, 1865/70 for Thomas Campbell, Kent Street, Grimsby . 1880 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby.
1853 built Grimsby - 'Eliza' Smack, 18 tons, official No.17736, July 1853 registered Grimsby, 1865/70 for Richard Appleyard, Cleethorpe. 1875/80 for Thomas Coulbeck, Cleethorpes. 1881 rebuilt as Cutter, 25 tons, for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby. 1894 for Amos King, 91 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1853 'James & Catherine Sloop 33 tons, registered Hull. Official No.818, for Edward J. Dent, Goxhill (1880).
1853 built Grimsby - 'Mary Ann (GY139) Cutter, 21 tons, official No.17735, August 1853 registered Grimsby, 1865/70 for Thomas Jackson, Grimsby. 1880/87 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby.
1853 built Grimsby - 'Morning Star (GY65) Smack, 21 tons, official No.83536, October 1853 registered Grimsby, 1865 for Joseph Dobson, Grimsby. 1870 for William Appleyard, Cleethorpes. 1880/89 for Thomas Campbell, Grimsby.
September 1853 built Grimsby - 'James and Catherine' Sloop, official No.818, registered Goole, 38 tons, 1865 registered London, for T. Honychurch, London. 1870 registered Hull for William Dent, Goxhill. 1880 for Edward Jobson Dent, Goxhill.
1853 - 'King Fisher' (GY9) Sail, official No.17726, October 1853 registered Grimsby, 15 tons, 1865/69 for Thomas Grant, Cleethorpes. Broken up July 1969.
1853 built Grimsby - 'Maria' Smack, official No.17729, February 1854 registered Grimsby, 19 tons, 1865/72 for Joseph Leesing, Cleethorpes.
1853 - 'Hazard' (GY132?) Sail, official No.17737, October 1853 registered Grimsby, 18 tons, 1865/68 for Thomas Saimley, Cleethorpes. April 1868 missing.
1853 - 'Betsey' Sail, official No.17751, June 1853 registered Grimsby, 12 tons, 1865/70 for William Mackrill, Cleethorpes.
1854 built Grimsby - 'Julian (GY1043) Smack, 29 tons, June 1854 registered Grimsby. Official No.17741, 1865/85 for J. Dobson Jnr, Grimsby. 1887/88 for John Garner, Custom House Street, Sutton Bridge. 1890 registered Wisbeach for John Garner, Custom House Street, Sutton Bridge.
1854 built Grimsby - 'Polly' (GY46?) Smack, official No.17748, December 1854 registered Grimsby, 17 tons, 1865/70 for Nathan Chapman, Grimsby. 1880 registered Aberdeen forAlexander Sangster, Aberdeen. 1890 for Robert Arcus, Westray, Orkney. 1892 wrecked.
1854 - 'Temperance' Sail, official No.17749, December 1854 registered Grimsby, 15 tons, 1960 registered London.
1855 built Grimsby - 'Edmund Dennison' or 'Wiiliam Denison' (GY35) Smack, official No.17742, June 1855 registered Grimsby, 50 tons, 1865 for William Smith, Grimsby. 1870/79 for W. W. Dawson, Grimsby. 1875 for Henry Smethurst snr, Grimsby.
1855 'Pledge Smack, 17 tons, official No.17718, June 1855 registered Grimsby, 1865/70 for Thomas Campbell, Grimsby.
1855 'Sarah Pringle Schooner, 70 x 18 x 10 ft, 76 tons registered Liverpool, official No. 25732, for R. Hughes, registered Almwich for the coastal trade. Captain W. Evens 1860. For Owen Hughes, Anglesea 1890.
1855 - 'Williams' Sloop, official No.17746, registered Grimsby, 41 tons, 1865/70 for John Marshall, Kent Street, Grimbsy. 1880 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby.
1855 - 'Tower' Sail, official No.17753, September 1855 registered Grimsby, 174 tons, 1860 registered Shields, 1865 for John Hall, North Shields.
1855 built by Samuelson & Co. Hull - 'Gertrude' Iron Screw Steamer, official No.17754, September 1855 registered Grimsby, 374 tons, 80 h.p. 1856 for Pearson & Co. Captain M. Brown, for the Hull to Baltic trade. 1865 registered Hull for Robert L. Cook, Hull.
1856 'John Ellis Schooner 88 tons, registered Grimsby. Official No.15239, for Carl M. Mundahl, Grimsby (1880).
January 1856 built Grimsby - 'Martha Brader Schooner, 74 x 19 x 10 ft, 92 tons, official No. 11122, for Brader and Co. registered Grimsby, for the Hull trade. Captain W. Brader 1860. 1865 for Joseph Wetherall, Knottingley. Registered Jersey for Mallett & Co, Jersey1867. Registered Guernsey for Edward Clement, Jersey (1880).
1856 'Samaritan Dandy 21 tons, official No. 28281, for Samuel Croft, Cleethorpes 1890.
1856 'Zuma Schooner, 78 x 19 x 11 ft, 96 tons, official No.14440, for G. Prest, registered Wisbeach, for the Hull coastal trade. Captain G. Hoole 1860. For Israel Jackson, Goole 1890.
1856 - 'Napoleon' Screw Steamer 600 tons in 1857 on the Grimsby to Hamburg run every Saturday along with the 'Victoria' on Wednesday. Hull, Grimsby and Baltic Line of Steamers. (Hull Packet) 1857 Captain Emery on the Hull, Grimsby to St. Petersburg route. Official No.11130.
1856 built Grimsby - 'Secret' Smack, official No.16661, registered Grimsby, 16 tons, 1865 for John Denniss, Paul. 1870/72 for Tobit Appleyard, Cleethorpe. 1880 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby.
1856 built Hull - 'Albert' Iron Screw Steamer, official No.16663, November 1856 and 1875 registered Grimsby, 177 x 28 x 15 ft, 350 tons, 98 h.p. 1865 for Anglo-French Steam Ship Company, Grimsby. 1870/80 for Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Co. Manchester. 1886 registered Penzance for George P. Bazeley, Penzance.
1857 'Closson' Smack 57 tons, official No. 18880, for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby (1880/90).
1857 built Grimsby - 'Albicore' Dandy, 57 tons, official No.56994, September 1867 registered Grimsby, 1870/80 for Thomas M. Stocks, Grimsby.
1857 'Planter Barque, 107 x 23 x 15 ft, 231 tons, official No.15355, for G. Black, registered Newcastle for the London trade. Captain Black 1860. For Hubert B. Evans, Hobart, Tasmania,1880, 1890 The Tasmainian Steam Navigation Co., Hobart.
1857 'Ann Scarborough Tug 13 tons, official No.17768, 12 h.p..
1857 built Louth - 'Agile' Sloop, official No.18883, October 1857 registered Woodbridge, 35 tons, 1865/75 registered Grimsby for William Armitage, Louth.
1857 built Grimsby - 'Maria Needham' Schooner/Barque, 354 tons, for W. Cliff, registered Liverpool, for the Liverpool to West Indies trade. Captain Booker 1860. Captain Hall 1867.
1857 built Barking, Essex - 'Alma' Sloop, official No.19768, August 1857 registered London, 45 tons, 1865 for William Baxter, Barking, Essex. 1870/90 registered Grimsby for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby.
1858 'General Havelock' Dandy 45 tons, official No.26164, for George Jeffs, Grimsby (1880).
1858 - 'Zephyr' Smack, official No.5532, registered Grimsby 43 tons, 1867 for George Jeffs, Grimsby. 1870 for Henry Smaller, Boston.
1859 'Joseph & Mary Yawl 19 tons, registered Grimsby. Official No.27559, for Jacob Trofer, New Clee (1880).
1859 'Juno Cutter/Ketch 52 tons, registered Grimsby. Official No.27545, 1865 for John Dalton, Hull. 1870/80 for William King, 54 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1859 'Questor Dandy 40 tons, official No.27547, for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. (1880), 1890 Thomas Campbell, Grimsby.
1859 built Grimsby - 'Barbadoes' Barque, official No.27327, 307 tons, September 1861 stranded off Port Elizabeth bound for the U.K. from Cape of Good Hope with wool, 16 crew and passengers, owned by F. W. Green.
1859 built Brigg - 'Alert' Cutter, official No.27541, May 1859 registered Grimsby, 38 tons, 1865 for John Marshall, Grimsby. 1870/74 for George Coates, Great Coates, Lincs. Lost March 1874.
1860 'Charles' Smack 16 tons, official No.28667, for C.M. Thompson, Grimsby (1880), William Garbutt, Hull (1890).
1860 'Hawk' Smack 19 tons, official No.28662, for Edward Paine, Harwich (1880).
1860 'Mars Sloop 45 tons, official No.28661, for William Rea, Grimsby 1880, James Meadows, Grimsby (1890).
1860 built Grimsby - 'Barbadoes' Barque, official No.27327, 279 tons. 1861 for F.W. Green, Bristol, Captain G. Anderson, Briston to Australia. February 1860 she arrived Portsmouth having been stuck on Selsey Bill, lost a portion of her failse keel, but does not make any water, Captain Anderson.
1861 built Grimsby - 'Acceptor' Dandy registered Grimsby, 49 tons, official No.29810, for Robert G. Roberts, Grimsby (1880), Charles H. Saunby, Fleetwood (1890).
1861 built Grimsby - 'Artilleryman' (GY52) Cutter, 28 tons, official No.29804, August 1861 registered Grimsby, 1865 for Joseph Garside, Worsop, Nottingham. 1870/80 for George Offord, Grimsby.
1861 built Grimsby 'Enterprise' (GY91) Dandy 50 tons, official No.29805, November 1861 registered Grimsby, 1865/70 for William Joys Skelton, Grimsby. 1875/89 for John Satchel, Grimsby, 1890 for James Plastow, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby.1893 for Charles F. Carter, Fish Docks, Grimsby.
1861 built Grimsby 'Challenger' (GY91) Dandy 41 tons, official No.29806, October 1861 registered Grimsby, 1870 for Matthew Lawler, Grimsby. 1875/80 for John Guzzwell Jnr, Grimaby, 1885 for William J. Starling, 200 Willingham Street, Grimsby. 1890/1900 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Abbey Road, Grimsby.
1861 built Grimsby 'Frolic' Smack 42 tons, official No.29809, November 1861 registered Grimsby, 1865 for John Ellis, Grimsby. 1870 for Charles Collins, Grimsby. 1880/85 for James Meadows, Cleethorpes.
1861 'Nana Sahib (GY94) Smack 40 tons, official No.29808, December 1861 registered Grimsby, 1865 for William Shaxted, 13 Hunter Street, Grimsby. 1870 registered Ramsgate for James Wales, Ramsgate. 1875 for Edward Wales, Ramsgate. 1880 for Edward Wales, Gorleston, Suffolk.
1861 'Snipe Dandy 52 tons, official No.29802, for Thomas Campbell, Grimsby (1890).
1861 'Warrior Dandy 50 tons, official No.44262, for Edward Saunt, New Clee (1890).
1861 - 'William and Mary' Ketch, official No.29803, registered Grimsby, 31 tons, 1865 for Edward Pearson, Grimsby. 1870 for William Jackson, Doncaster.
1861 built Grimsby - 'Snipe' (GY168) Dandy, official No.29802, July 1861 registered Grimsby, 40 tons, 1865 for John O. Hawke, Grimsby. 1870 for William Green, Grimsby. 1875 for T. W. Heady, Grimsby. 1880/85 for James Meadows, Cleethorpes.1887/89 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby.
1862 built Grimsby - 'Alice' Smack 42 tons, official No.44266, March 1862 registered Grimsby, 1870 for John Gidley, Grimsby. 1880 for Joseph Ward, Victoria Street, Grimsby.
1862 'Mary Ann Smack 22 tons, official No.44268, for S.Oakes, Grimsby 1880, Alfred Frederick Gee, New Clee (1890).
1862 'Patriot Cutter/Ketch 39 tons, official No.44274, for Walter Moody, Cleethorpes 1880. 1890 Thomas William Harrad, Plymouth.
1863 'Hurricane' Smack 46 tons, official No.44277, for Jas. Gariok, Shetland (1880), Lewis Garriok, Dundee (1890).
1863 'Prince Alfred Ketch 58 tons, official No.44278, for John Guzzwell Jnr., Grimsby 1880.
1863 built Rye - 'Alabama' Smack, official No.47991, November 1863 registered Grimsby, 56 tons, 1865/70 for Henry Knott Kent Street, Grimsby. 1875 for John Dixon, Grimsby.
1864 built Grimsby - 'Fox' Smack 52 tons, official No.47931, June 1864 registered Hull, 1880/85 for Wellington Lundie, Hull, 1890/95 for Mrs. Jane Lundie, 43 Hopwood Street, Hull.
1864 built Grimsby - 'Neptune' Schooner, official No.47932, July 1864 registered Hull, 53 tons, 1865/75 for Richard Glover, Hull.1880 for Joseph E. Fisher, Grimsby.
1864 built Grimsby - 'Deerhound' Smack, official No.47939, November 1864 registered Hull, 46 tons, 1865 for Thomas Halfyard, Hull. 1870/74 for John Purvis, Hull. 1875 registered Montrose for John Balfour Alexander, Montrose.
Built Grimsby 1864 - 'Morning Star' Dandy, official No.29828, 59 tons, 1867/80 for Joseph Taylor, Readby, Lincs. 1881 at Kings Lynn Joseph Taylor Master. 1885 for John Finch, Misterly, Essex.
1865 'Bellerophon' Dandy 55 tons, official No.54802, for John T. Smith, Grimsby (1880).
1865 built Grimsby - 'Breeze' (GY161) Dandy 54 tons, official No.53226, 1865/70 for W. H. Salsbury, Grimsby. 1880/90 for Edwin Newland, 87 Newmarket Street, Grimsby.
1865 'Dauntless' (GY151) Dandy 54 tons, official No.47996, May 1865 registered Grimsby, 1866 for John Guzzwell, Grimsby. 1870/75 for William Guzzwell, Grimsby. 1880 for the Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. 1885 for William Broughton, Providence Terrace, Cleethorpes. 1890/92 for Thomas W. L. Broughton, Sea Bank Road, Cleethorpes. Foundered January 1892.
1865 'Advance Dandy, December 1865 registered Grimsby, 58 tons, official No.53230, 1870 for James Cousins, Grimsby. 1880 for George E. Allington, 79 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1865 'George & Emily' Dandy 55 tons, official No.54801, for William Henry Carlton, Grimsby (1880/90).
1865 built Grimsby - 'H. Smethurst (GY192) Dandy 58 tons, official No.47998, May 1865 registered Grimsby, 58 tons, 1866/75 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1885 for Henry Smethurst snr, 3 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1865 'James Smack 56 tons, official No.53227, for the Samuel L. Salsbury, Grimsby (1880).
1865 'Jane Smack 31 tons, registered Grimsby. Official No.53223, for Robert Suggett, Cleethorpes (1880).
1865 'John Fildes Dandy 50 tons, registered Lerwick. Official No.53222, for The Shetland Fishing Co, Ltd, Glasgow (1880).
1865 'James Smack 56 tons, registered Plymouth. Official No.53227, for Brooking Watson Veal, Plymouth (1890).
1865 built Grimsby - 'Olive Leaf (GY164) Sloop/Ketch, official No.53229, December 1865 registered Grimsby, 24 tons, 1870/80 for Mrs. for Arabella Chapman, Cleethorpes, 1890 for Joseph W. Bell, 5 Stanley Street, New Clee.
1865 'Sea King (GY152) Dandy, 53 tons, official No.47997, May 1865 registered Grimsby, 53 tons, 1865/70 for Allen Hannah, Grimsby. 1875 for Thomas Saunby, Cleethorpes. 1880/95 for James Meadows, Ltd. Cleethorpes.
1865 built Grimsby - 'Dove' (GY157) Dandy, official No.48000, July 1865 registered Grimsby, 54 tons, 1866/70 for Samuel Ryder, Grimsby. 3rd March 1870 sunk due to a collision at sea, 5 crew saved, owner Samuel Ryder, Grimsby.
1865 built Grimsby - 'Triumph' Smack, official No.53270, 64 tons, May 1871 stranded Hasborough Sands whilst fishing, 5 crew, owned by Alfred W. Ancel.
1865 built Barnsley - 'Robert and Mary' or 'Robert & Mary' Fishing Sloop, official No.53224, registered Grimsby, 32 tons, 1865/72 for Robert Allen, Louth.
1865 built Plymouth - 'Mazeppa' (GY160) Ketch, official No.53225, registered Grimsby, 53 tons, 1870/76 for John Gidley, Grimsby. 17th January 1876 collided with 'Young Fanny' off Spurn Point.
1865 built Grimsby - 'James' (GY162) Smack, official No.53227, November 1865 registered Grimsby, 56 tons, 1865/70 for Thomas Colton, Grimsby. 1880 for Samuel L. Salsbury, Fish Dock, Grimsby. 1890 registered Plymouth for Brooking Watson Veal, Plymouth. 1899 for John Corry, 34 North Street, Plymouth.
1865 - 'Vivid' (GY163) official No.53228, December 1865 registered Grimsby, 50 tons, 1868 for Henry Knott, Grimsby. Lost September 1869.
1866 'Alster' (GY335) Dandy, 58 tons, official No.56001, for the Grimsby Smack Co. (1880), Edward Townsend, Cleethorpes (1890).
1866 ' built Grimsby - Angelus' (GY92) Dandy 59 tons, official No.54807, January 1866 registered Grimsby, 1870 for R. L. Alward, Grimsby. 1880/90 for James Alward, Grimsby.
1866 'Catherine' (GY181) Dandy 51 tons, official No.54816, May 1866 registered Grimsby, 1870 for Walker Moody, Cleethorpe. 1880 for Joseph Challis, 25 Church Street, Grimsby.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Cockatoo' (GY210) Dandy, 58 tons, official No.56967, December 1866 registered Grimsby, 58 tons, 1870 for John Oliver Hawke, Grimsby. 1880 for William Ashford, Grimsby. 1890 for George E. J. Moody, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1891 sold to Norwegian owners.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Confidence' (GY213) Ketch Rigged Smack, 47 tons, official No.56969, December 1866 registered Grimsby, 64 x 18 x 9 ft, 1866//70 for Robert G. Roberts, Grimsby. 1880 for Robert G. Roberts, 10 Worsley Buildings, Grimsby. 1890 for Robert G. Roberts, 41 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 17th November 1893 for Mrs. Mary Dolby, Grimsby, in collision with the Schooner 'Ardross' of Dover. The manager owner Mr. Dixon Taylor Sharper was fined £50 and the mate Robert W. Northey £15 having been in default.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Ebenezer' (GY207) Dandy, 47 tons, official No.56020, November 1866 registered Grimsby, 1870/82 for J. H. G. Mark, Grimsby. October 1883/87 for Walker Moody, 1888 for The Great Grimsby Fish & Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1888 Broken up.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Fearless' (GY188) Dandy, 56 tons, official No.56005, July 1866 registered Grimsby, 1875 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880 for Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd., 1890 for John James Jackson, Rutland Street, New Clee. 1895 for William West Long, 55 Hilyard, New Clee.
1866 built Grimsby 'James & Louisa (H90) Smack 51 tons, May 1866 registered Hull. Official No.53287, 1870 for James Harding, Hull. 1876 for W. Andrews, 4 Turner's Buildings, Cogan Street, Hull. 1890 registered Fleetwood for James Richard Gibson, Fleetwood (FD44). 1900 for Nicholas Leadbetter, 23 Victoria Street, Fleetwood. 1910/15 registered Whitehaven for Charles W. Pater, 31 Quay Street, Whitehaven.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Kangaroo (GY203) Dandy 56 tons, November 1866 registered Grimsby, Official No.56016, 1870 registered Hull for William Haycock, Hull. 1880/93 registered Lowestoft for Henry G. Jones, Earlham House, Lowestoft.
1866 'Her Majesty Dandy 72 tons, official No.56966, for Robert Minter, New Clee (1890).
1866 built Grimsby - 'Lord Lion (GY208) Dandy 72 tons, official No.56966, 1866/70 for John Wenney, Grimsby. 1880 for James Meadows, Beaconthorpe, Grimsby. 1890 for Robert Minter, 200 Victor Street, New Clee.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Martin Luther (GY213) Dandy 60 tons, official No.56971, January 1867 registered Grimsby, 1866/70 for Thomas Mitchell, Grimsby. 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd., Grimsby. 9th December 1886 abandoned.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Mary Jane (GY204) Dandy, 55 tons, official No.56017, November 1866 registered Grimsby, 1870/80 for J.A.C. Curwood, Grimsby.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Nephalist' Steamer, official No.56232, registered Hull, 49 tons, 1870 changed to sail for G. W. Rogers, Hull. 1880 Dandy for Thomas Ernest Clarke, Gorleston, Suffolk.
1866 'Onward (GY173) Dandy 68 tons, official No.54810, February 1866 registered Grimby, 1870/90 for Henry Smethurst, 3 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby.
1866 'Perserverence Dandy 54 tons, official No.54814, for James Gunhouse, Grimsby 1880.
1866 'Precurser Dandy 56 tons, official No.56011, for Henry G. Jones, Lowestoft 1880/90.
1866 'Sea Queen (GY206) Dandy 56 tons, official No.56002, for James Alward, Grimsby (1890).
1866 built Grimsby - 'Surf (GY212) Dandy 56 tons, official No.56968, 1866/70 for George Jeffs jnr, Grimsby. 1880/90 for Jas. Leeming, Grimsby.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Ann' Dandy, official No.56019, registered Grimsby, 57 tons, 1866/70 for Thomas Colton, Grimsby. 1874 for William Horner, Grimsby.
1866 built North Hylton - 'Mary' Schooner, official No.54892, 1866 registered Sunderland, 1870 registered Grimsby. 61 tons, 1870 for Henry Edwards, 7 Albert Terrace, Clee. 1880 for the Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1866 built Grimsby - 'River Queen' Dandy, official No.56239, December 1866 registered Hull, 55 tons, 1870/80 for John Austin Hill, 17 Kingston Street, Hull.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Young Fanny' (GY177) Dandy, official No.54811, May 1866 registered Grimsby, 56 tons, 1870 for W. J. S Hood, Grimsby. 1875/76 for John Richardson Clarkson, Grimsby.
1866 built Grimsby - 'May Queen' (GY182) Dandy, official No.54818, May 1866 registered Grimsby, 49 tons, 1870/72 for Henry Smethurst jnr, Grimsby.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Florence' (GY185) Dandy, official No.56001, June 1866 registered Grimsby, 58 tons, 1875 renamed 'Alster' for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 for Edward Townsend, Humber Street, Cleethorpes. 1895 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Sea Queen' (GY186) Dandy, official No.56002, June 1866 registered Grimsby, 56 tons, 1870 for Daniel Davies, Neuaddhoyd, Cardiganshire. 1880 for Edwin Robinson, Grimsby. 1890 for James Alward, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Lucks All' or 'Luck's All' (GY187) Dandy, official No.56004, July 1866 registered Grimsby, 54 tons, 1870/75 for Henry Morriss, Grimsby.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Precursor' (GY195) Dandy, official No.56011, September 1866 registered Grimsby, 56 tons, 1870 registered Hull for John Gilliatt, 23 English Street, Hull. 1880 for Henry G. Jones, Lowestoft. 1890/99 registered Lowestoft or Henry G. Jones, Earlham House, Lowestoft.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Veto' (GY184) Dandy, official No.54820, June 1866 registered Grimsby, 53 tons, 1866/76 for James Cousins, Grimsby.
1866 built Plymouth - 'Two Sisters' (GY214) Dandy, official No.56970, December 1866 registered Grimsby, 54 tons, 1866 for W. H. Carlile, Grimsby. 1870/79 for John Carlile, Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1866 built Grimsby - 'Samuel' (GY193) Dandy, official No.56009, September 1866, registered Grimsby, 50 tons, 1870 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby.1883 for William Smethurst, 23 Newmarket Street, Grimsby.
1867 built Grimsby - 'Snapper' (GY217) Dandy, official No.56972, January 1867 registered Grimsby, 61 tons, 1868 for Frederick A. Castle, Cleethorpes. 1870/79 registered Hull for Richard Blanchard, 4 Melbourne Street, Hessle Road, Hull.
1867 built Grimsby - 'Lady of Lyons' (GY218) Dandy, official No.56973, January 1867 registered Grimsby, 56 tons, 1868 for Robert Stephenson, Grimsby. 1870/75 for William Guzzwell, Grimsby.
1867 built Grimsby - 'Conquest (GY253) Dandy 56 tons, official No. 60268, November 1867 registered Hull, 1870 for Timothy G. Vivian, Grimsby. 1880 for Carl A. Nielson, 42 Cogan Street, Hull. 1890/92 registered Fleetwood for Mrs. Anne Holden, Sunnyside, Ainsdale, Lancashire.
1867 built Grimsby - 'Florence' (GY247) Dandy 59 tons, official No. 56996, September 1867 registered Grimsby, 1868/70 for William W. Dawson Grimsby. 1880/88 for William Brusey, 120 St. John's Terrace, New Clee.
1867 built Grimsby - 'Maid of Honour (GY249) Dandy 55 tons, official No. 56998, October 1867 registered Grimsby, 1868/70 for Allen Hannah, Grimsby. 1880 for John Merritt, 30 Albert Terrace, Grimsby.
1867 built Grimsby - 'Mary Ann (GY235) Dandy 52 tons, official No. 56987, 1868/70 for Thomas Cotton, Grimsby. 1880 for Joshua W. Gill, Grimsby. 1890 for Foster W. Vicars, Nottingham Terrace, Cleethorpes.
1867 'Northern Belle' (H8) Dandy, 59 tons, official No. 56269, May 1867 registered Hull, for John Austin Hill,17 Kingston Street, Hull (1870/80).
1867 built Grimsby - 'Pilot (GY226) Dandy, 56 tons, official No. 56980, 1872/75 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd, Grimsby 1880. 1890/02 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby.
1867 built Grimsby - 'Vivandiere (GY16) Dandy 58 tons, official No. 56982, April 1867 registered Grimsby, 58 tons, 1868/80 for John Guzzwell jnr, Grimsby. 1890/95 for John Guzzwell, Stafford House, Beaconthorpe.
1867 built Grimsby - 'What's That To You (GY220) Smack 34 tons, official No. 56975, February 1867 registered Grimsby, 1868/1915 for Thomas Campbell, Grimsby.
1867 built Grimsby - 'Young Mechanic (GY232) Dandy 57 tons, official No. 56985, May 1867 registered Grimsby, 1870 for James Francis Porter, Grimsby. 1880/90 for James Meadows, Cleethorpes.
1867 built Grimsby - 'Shamrock' (GY234) Dandy, official No.56986, June 1867 registered Grimsby, 55 tons, 1868/70 for John Gidley snr, Grimsby. 1880 for John Gidley jnr. Grimsby.
Septmber 1867 built Grimsby - 'Walker Moody' (GY248) Dandy, official No.56997, September 1867 registered Grimsby, 52 tons, September 1870 sunk after colliion off Humber whilst fishing, 3 crew 1 lost, owned by George Fellow, Grimsby.
November 1867 built Grimsby - 'Firm' Sloop, official No.60269, 50 tons, 1870 registered Lancaster for Morcambe Fishery Co Ltd. 142 Church Street, Lancaster. December 1870 wreced on Coniston Rock fishing from Douglas Isle of Man, 5 crew 1 lost.
1867 built Grimsby - 'Rose' (GY32) Dandy, official No.56983, April 1867 registered Grimsby, 61 tons, 1868/82 for Philip Norris, Grimsby.
1867 built Grimsby - 'Progress' (GY237) Dandy, official No.56989, June 1867 registered Grimsby, 58 tons, 1868/ 70 for William Jackson, Grimsby. 1880 for Leonard Spashett, 97 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1867 built Grimsby - 'Robert & George' or 'Robert and George' (GY240) Dandy, official No.56992, July 1867 registered Grimsby, 57 tons, 1868/80 for Robert Swaby, Cleethorpes. 1888 for Joseph E. Horne, 37 Duncombe Street, Grimsby. December 1888 broken up.
1867 built Grimsby - 'Spy' Dandy, official No.56993, August 1867 registered Grimsby, 52 tons, 1868/70 for James Cousins, Grimsby. 1880/90 registered Lowestoft for Francis Pearse, Denmark Road, Lowestoft (LT81).
1867 built Elmshorn - 'Humber' (foreign name 'Stor') (GY323) Dandy, official No.65816, August 1871 registered Grimsby, 79 tons, 1872 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880/97 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1867 built Geestemunde - 'Elizabeth & Charlotte' (GY342) Dandy, official No.65824, September 1871 registered Grimsby, 65 x 18 x 9 ft, 63 tons, 1872 for William Waltham, Grimsby. 1880 for John Gidley jnr, 2 Hainton Street, Grimsby. 23rd February 1888 stranded and abandoned at Garton, near Tunstall on the Yorkshire coast.
1868 built Grimsby - 'Clara' (GY262) Dandy 58 tons, official No. 60273, June 1868 registered Grimsby, 1870/80 for R.W. Greenwood, 116 Orwell Street, Grimsby, 1890/93 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1868 'Crusader' (GY149) Dandy 50 tons, official No. 62723, for T.W. Horton, Grimsby (1880), Thomas Campbell, Grimsby (1890).
1868 built Grimsby - 'Enigma' (GY263) Dandy 60 tons, official No.60274, June 1868 registered Grimsby, 1870/80 for John Guzzwell jnr, Grimsby. 1890 for John Guzzwell, Stafford house, Beaconthorpe. 1899 broken up.
1868 built Grimsby - 'George Moody' (GY266) Dandy 58 tons, official No. 60279, July 1868 registered Grimsby, 1870 for Walker Moody, Cleethorpes. 1880/87 registered Hull for Marks Feldman, 16 Kingston Square, Hull.
1868 built Grimsby - 'Lily (GY260) Dandy 59 tons, official No. 60271, March 1868 registered Grimsby, 1870 for4 George Jeffs, Grimsby. 1880 for John Gidley, Grimsby, 1890/96 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1868 built Grimsby - 'Lively (GY261) Sloop 34 tons, official No. 60272, May 1868 registered Grimsby, 1870/80 for William Osbourne, Cleethorpes. 1882/85 for Walter Appleyard, 3 Highgate, Bancrofts Field, Cleethorpes. 1887/88 for William Mudd, Belle Vue Terrace, New Clee.
1868 built Grimsby - 'Mary Campbell (GY265) Smack, 23 tons, official No. 60278, July 1868 registered Grimsby, 1868/80 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby, 1890 for William Peel, 14 Sea View Terrace, New Clee.
1868 built Grimsby - 'Speculator (GY280) Dandy, official No. 62717, October 1868 registered Grimsby, 62 tons, 1870 for Thomas Mitchell, Grimsby. 1878 for William Oliver Ross, 7 Victoria Street, Clee. 1880 for the Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1885 for John Nurse, 5 Tomline Street, Grimsby. 1887 for Edward Corbett, 117 Guilford Street, New Clee. 1890/97 for Harrison Mudd, Holbrook House, Grimsby.
1868 built Grimsby - 'Wave Queen (GY268) Smack 26 tons, official No. 62711, August 1868 registered Grimsby, 1870 for Wiliam Welbury Dawson, Grimsby. 1880/92 for Charles M. Mundahl, 63 Kent Street, Grimsby.
1868 built Grimsby - 'Llewellyn' Iron Screw Steamer, official No. 60044, 143 x 20 x 10ft, 123 tons, 35h.p. registered Belfast 1872 and in 1880 owned by William Hinde, Belfast.
1868 built at Hebburn - 'Mary' originally Sail converted to Iron Screw Steamer, official No.62721, registered Grimsby, 566 tons, 90 h.p. 1870/9 for Edward Jordan Hough, North Shields. 1870 Captain Robert Stranack. March 1870 The steamer 'Mary' of Grimsby yesterday morning in a fog ran into the channel islands Paddle Steamer 'Normandy', which sunk within an hour from the damage she received. The Captain, Chief Mate, two engineers, seven firemen and thirteen passengers were drowned. October 1871 the Cape Mail Steamer 'Cambria' towed the Grimsby Steamer to Southampton with a broken shaft from the Bay of Biscay, 120 miles from Ushant. February 1879 stranding and lost on the Black Middens at the entrance to the Tyne.
1868 built Grimsby - 'Fawn' (GY258) Dandy, official No.60270, February 1868 registered Grimsby, 42 tons, 1870/72 for William W. Dawson, Grimsby. 1874/79 for William Dawn, 5 West Parade, Grimsby.
1868 built Grimsby - 'Onward' (GY267) Dandy, official No.60280, July 1868 registered Grimsby, 47 tons, 1872 for William Joys Skelton, Grimsby. 1870 registered Lancaster fror the Morecambe Fishery Co. Ltd, 142 Church Street, Lancaster. 1878 foundered.
1868 built Grimsby - 'Crusader' (GY283) Dandy, official No.62723, December 1868 registered Grimsby, 50 tons, 1870 Richard Smith, Grimsby. 1880 for Thomas W. Horton, 142 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1890/94 for Thomas Campbell, Abey Villa, Wellow, Grimsby.
1868 built Altona - 'Spurn' (foreign name 'Reiherstirg') (GY333) Dandy, official No.65839, October 1871 registered Grimsby, 77 tons, 1872 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890/95 for James W. Lutkin, 7 Grafton Street, New Clee.
1869 'Alice' Smack 18 tons, official No.63107, for Lee Smith, Grimsby (1880), Septimus Wood, Burton on Stather (1890).
1869 'Cambria' (GY258) Dandy, 63 tons, official No.63111, for John Guzzwell Jnr. Beaconthorpe (1880/90).
1869 built Grimsby - 'Ann Guzzwell' (GY140) Dandy, 59 tons, official No. 62729, March 1869 registered Grimsby, 1870 for William Guzzwell, Grimsby. 1880/85 for John Ward, Grimsby. Missing since 21st November 1885.
1869 'Harriet' (GY256) Dandy 58 tons, official No.63108, for Alfred Kennington, Grimsby (1880).
1869 'Henrietta' (GY245) Dandy 64 tons, official No.63104, for George Chamberlain, Grimsby (1880).
1869 'Heroine (GY261) Dandy 60 tons, official No.63112, for Thomas Yarborough, New Clee (1880), The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd, Grimsby (1890).
1869 'Hopeful (GY264) Dandy 59 tons, official No.63113, for George Beacher, Grimsby (1880), Thomas Campbell, Grimsby (1890).
1869 'Lady's Page Dandy 57 tons, official No.63102, for George Hopper, Whitby (1880), Thomas Thompson, Scarborough (1890).
1869 'Mary Ann (GY202) Dandy 52 tons, official No.56987, for Foster W. Vicars, Cleethorpes (1890).
1869 built Grimsby - 'Economy' (GY289) Dandy, official No.62727, 59 tons, February 1869 registered Grimsby, 19th February 1870 foundered Doggerbank whilst fishing, 5 crew all perished, owned by Richard Patten Jenkins, Grimsby.
1870 'Blossom' (GY284) Smack 22 tons, official No.63136, for Thomas Campbell, Grimsby (1880/90).
1870 'British Lion (GY277) Dandy 58 tons, official No.63127, for J.W. Yarborough, Grimsby (1880), John Gidley, Grimsby (1890).
1870 'Cambridge' (GY280) Dandy 68 tons, official No.63131, for H. Smethurst Jnr. Grimsby (1880), Walter J. Reader, New Clee (1890).
1870 'Columbria' Dandy 74 tons, official No.63141, for Benjamin Bulpit, Grimsby (1880), John Loch, Grimsby (1890).
1870 'Conqueror' (GY267) Dandy 68 tons, official No.63115, for John Randall, Grimsby (1880),
1870 'Exhort' (GY283) Dandy 67 tons, official No.63135, for William Ready, Grimsby (1880), Thomas Seabrook, Grimsby (1890).
1870 'Messenger (GY281) Dandy 57 tons, official No.63132, for Walter Moody, Cleethorpes 1880, Thomas Campbell, Grimsby (1890).
1870 'New Catherine' (GY273) Smack 25 tons, official No.63124, for Thomas Campbell, Grimsby (1880).
1870 'Oxford (GY276) Dandy 69 tons, official No.63126, for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby (1880/90).
1870 'Protrude (GY278) Dandy 47 tons, official No.63129, for William Samuel Porter, Grimsby 1880. 1890 Thomas Campbell, Grimsby.
1870 'Sir Wilfred (GY269) Smack 28 tons, official No.63118, for William Peel, New Clee (1890).
1870 'Sunbeam (GY296) Dandy 65 tons, registered Hull, official No.63121, for George W. Rogers, Hull (1890).
1870 'Sway (GY14) Dandy 56 tons, registered Ramsgate, official No.63123, for Matthew Thomas Gardner, Ramsgate (1890).
Built Grimsby 1871 - 'Alfred & Henry' (GY536) Dandy, official No.65850, 62 tons, 1874/5 registered London for Reed & Stapleton, Greenwich, Kent. 1878 registered Grimsby for James Meadows, Grimsby. 1880 registered Grimsby for George H. Carrington, 52 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1885 for Joh George Bates, 38 Hainton Street, Weelsby. 1890 for John Dowll, Lower Springfield, Walls, Shetland Islands. 1896 registered Grimsby for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby. November 1896 became a total wreck on the Banks near Spurn with a catch of oysters, crew saved in their own boat.
1871 'Baroda' (GY305) Dandy, 62 tons, official No.65802, registered Grimsby, 1871/80 for William Beacock, Grimsby, 1890 registered Plymouth for William F.F. Chown, 6 Parade, Plymouth (1890).
1871 built Grimsby - 'Birmingham' (GY311) Dandy 62 tons, official No.65806, May 1871 registered Grimsby, 1872/80 for Walker Moody, Cleethorpes.
1871 'Cyclone' (GY320) Dandy, 66 tons, official No.65814, August 1871 registered Grimsby, 66 tons, 1872 for George Jeffs Jnr, Grimsby. 1880 for Charles E. Pigott, 5 Alcots Buildings, Trinity Street, New Clee. 1890/96 for Charles E. Pigott, 34 Sterling Street, New Clee.
1871 'Dawn' (GY294) Dandy 66 tons, official No.63144, for the Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. (1880), William Rowston, New Clee (1890).
1871 built Grimsby - 'Express' (GY310) Dandy, 69 tons, official No.65805, May 1871 registered Grimsby, 1872 for Henry Knott, Grimsby. 1880 for the Grimsby Smack Co.Ltd, 1890 for James Knott, 1 Macaulay Terrace, Grimsby. 1900/02 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd Shadwell Fish Market, London.
1871 'Gleaner'(GY340) Wooden Dandy, 61 tons, official No.65823, September 1871 registered Grimsby, 71 x 19 x 10 ft, 1872 for William Borrill & George Dean, Keelby. 1880 for George Merchant, Grimsby, 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. 13th June 1888 the stranding of the 'Gleaner' on the rocks to the eastward of the Island of Heligoland. Captain William James Moss had his certificate suspended for six months.On the 17th June she was eventually hauled off the rocks at towed to North Haven and thence to Grimsby for repairs to the keel which cost £70 and the salvage costs of £230.
1871 'Knight Errant (GY298) Dandy 65 tons, registered Grimsby. Official No.63149, for John Guzzwell Jnr, Grimsby (1880).
1871 'Martha Ann Dandy 59 tons, official No.63150, for Andrew Smith, Lerwick (1880).
1871 built Grimsby - 'Moss Rose' (GY345) Smack, 28 tons, official No.65825, September 1871 registered Grimsby, 1872/90 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby.
1871 built Grimsby - 'Oliver Cromwell' (GY347) Dandy 66 tons, official No.65829, October 1871 registered Grimsby, 1872/80 for William Lawrence, Grimsby, 1890/96 The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1871 'Sancho' (GY354) Dandy, 71 tons, official No.65845, November 1871 registered Grimsby, 70 tons, 1880 for Thomas Baskcomb, 7 Arlington Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Thomas Baskcomb, 92 Albert Terrace, New Clee.
1871 'Sir Titus Salt' (GY349) Dandy, 78 tons, official No.65833, 1872 for Willam Mudd, Grimsby. 1880 for James Meadows, Cleethorpes. 1890 for William H. Carrington, 166 Victor Street, New Clee. 1899 for Joseph Bishop, Stanley Street, Grimsby.
1871 built Grimsby - 'Teazer (GY312) Dandy 63 tons, official No.65807, May 1871 registered Grimby, 1872/80 for James Cousins, 182 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890 for Robert G. Johnstone, Chapman Street, West Mash, Grimsby.
1871 built Grimsby - 'Telegraph' (GY318) Dandy, 60 tons, official No.65813, August 1871 registered Grimsby, 60 tons, 1872 for Thomas Roberts Forge, Grimsby. 1880 for Walter Moody, Cleethorpes. 1890 for Henry Spencer, Claremont Villa, Clarence Street, Loughborough. 1898 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby.
1871 built Grimsby - 'Tornado (GY322) Dandy 69 tons, official No.65815, August 1871 registered Grimsby, 68 tons, 1872/80 for George Jeffs jnr, Grimsby. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1901/07 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1871 built Grimsby - 'Valiant (GY344) Dandy, 65 tons, official No.65827, September 1871 registered Grimsby, 65 tons, 1872 for Henry Knott, Grimsby. 1880 for John Dixon, Thorold Street, New Clee. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1897 for Hewett & Co. Ltd Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
April 1871 built Grimsby - Water Lily (GY306) Dandy 42 tons, official No. 65803, April 1871 registered Grimsby, 1872 for Laban Tilbrook, Grimsby.1876 for Charles Alcock, Grimsby. 1880 for Joseph Little, Grimsby. 1890 for John Little, Grafton Street, New Clee.1895 for James West, 164 Hope Street, Grimsby.
1871 built Grimsby - 'Wellesley (GY357) Dandy, 66 tons, official No.65848, November 1871 registered Grimsby, 66 tons, 1872 for Thomas William Ready, Grimsby. 1880 registered Scarborough for Henry Wyrill, Sandside, Scarborough. 1890 for John F. Reynolds, 30 Princess Street, Scarborough (SH6). 1900 registered Lynn for James John Oliver, South Quay Lynn. 1910 registered Inverness for John Fraser, 67 Huntly Street, Inverness. 1911 for Murdo Maclean, 25 Cromwell Street, Stornaway, Rosshire.
1871 'White Rose (GY343) Dandy, 53 tons, official No.65826, September 1871 registered Grimsby, 1872/80 for Ebenezer Marks, Grimsby. 1890 for Ebenezer Marks, 159 Albion Street, Grimsby. 1894 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby.
1871 built Grimsby - 'Collector' (GY341) Dandy, official No.65822, September 1871 registered Grimsby, 66 tons, 1872/75 for John Oliver Hawks, Grimsby. 27th September 1875 foundered on the Dogger Bank.
1871 built Altona, Hamburg - 'Lord Brougham' (foreign name 'Weser') (GY329) Dandy, official No.65830, October 1871 registered Grimsby, 77 tons, 1872 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 for Carl M. Mndahl, 63 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1900 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby. 1910 for George Coverly, 133 Bow Road, London. 1915/19 for George A. Roger de Coverley, Rosemount, Upper Dovercourt, Essex.
1872 'Climax' (GY365) Dandy 67 tons, official No.67666, for Jas. Alward, Grimsby (1880/90).
February 1872 'Dido' Dandy 36 tons, official No.67661, for Thomas Campbell, Grimsby (1875/90).
March 1872 built Grimsby - 'Climax' (GY365) Dandy, official No.67666, registered Grimsby, 66 tons, 1875/90 for James Alward, Albert Terrace, Grimsby.
March 1872 built Grimsby - 'Excel' (GY367) Dandy, official No.67667, registered Grimsby, 67 tons, 1875/90 for Joseph Buston, 139 Belle View Terrace, New Clee.
April 1872 built Grimsby - 'Doncaster (GY370) Dandy, 70 tons, official No.67670, registered Grimsby, 1875/80 for Robert Swaby, Cleethorpes. March 1889 Skipper William Connolly was killed by Walter Gemson, fishing apprentice on the high seas. Evidence showed the prisoner was subject to epileptic fits. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
April 1872 - 'Forward' (GY368) Dandy, offical No.67668, registered Grimsby, 66 tons, 1875/80 for George Jackson, Grimsby.
April 1872 built Grimsby - 'Will Dawn' (GY369) Dandy, official No.67669, registered Grimsby, 67 tons, 1875 for William Dawn, Grimsby. 1880 for the Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 for the Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
May 1872 'Edward' Dandy 64 tons, official No.67674, for Samuel L. Salsbury, Grimsby (1875/80).
May 1872 built Grimsby - 'Result' (GY377) Dandy, official No.67676, registered Grimsby, 67 tons, 1875 for Henry Smethurst snr, Grimsby. 1880 for John Vere 67 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890 for Mrs. Sarah A. Jackson, 80 Sterling Street, New Clee. 1900 registered Milford for John Harries, Dinas Cross, Pembroke.
August 1872 built Grimsby - 'Ranger' (GY386) Dandy, official No.67684, registered Grimsby, 64 tons, 1875/80 for Robert G. Roberts, 10 Worsley Buildings, Grimsby. 1890 for Robert G. Roberts, 41 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
August 1872 built Grimsby - 'Smelt' (GY387) Dandy, official No.67685, registered Grimsby, 44 tons, 1875/80 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby. 1890 for William Peel, Sea View Terrace, New Clee.
1872 'Ionia' (GY9) Dandy 72 tons, official No.67691, for Herbert South, Grimsby (1880), Ada Ann South, New Clee (1890).
1872 'James Stevenson Dandy 69 tons, registered Grimsby. Official No.53223, for John H. Thomas, Grimsby (1890).
1872 'Will Dawn (GY369) Dandy 68 tons, official No. 67669, for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd, Grimsby (1890).
August 1873 built Grimsby - 'Albert Edward' (GY427) Dandy, official No.67715, registered Grimsby, 70 tons, 1875 for William Green, Grimsby. 1880 for John Newton, Thorpe on the Hill. 1890 for James Plastow, 43 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1900 registered Campbeltown for Archibald McLean, 3 Randolf Terrace, Ayr. 1910 registered Irvine for John MacLennan, Diabaig, Co. Ross. 1915 registered Stornoway for Donald MacRae, Fish Market, Stornaway. 1920 for James M. MacKenzie, 18 Francis Street, Stornoway.
July 1873 'Alice & Ada' (GY425) Ketch 74 tons, official No.67713, 1875 for Henry Knott, Grimsby. 1880 for the Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd 1890 for John Smith, John Street, Grimsby..1900 registered Yarmouth for Hewett and Co. Ltd. Shadwell Fish Market, London.
September 1872 'Daring' Dandy 68 tons, official No.67688, for Henry Knott, Grimsby (1875/80). April 1878 lost at sea.
September 1872 built by John Elder & Co. Govan - 'Huddersfield' (Yard No.148) Iron Screw Steamer, official No.67697, November 1872 registered Grimsby,231 x 30 x 16 ft, 675 tons, 120 h.p. 1875/90 for the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Co. Manchester. 1900 for the Great Central Railway Co. Manchester. May 1903 in collision with Norwegian Steamer and wrecked.
October 1872 built Grimsby - 'Shannon' (GY394) Dandy, official No.67690, registered Grimsby, 65 tons, 1875 for John Wenny, Grimsby. 1880 for Charles Calvert, 206 King Edward Street, Grimsby.
October 1872 built Burton Stather - 'Trent' (GY393) Ketch, official No.67689, registered Grimsby, 71 tons, 1875 for Charles Alcock, Grimsby. 1880 for John Curwood, 11 Albert Terrace, Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890 for John A. C. Curwood, 64 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
October 1872 built Grimsby - 'Ionia' (GY9) Dandy, official No.67691, registered Grimsby, 72 tons, 1875 for William Guzzwell, Grimsby. 1880 for Herbert South, 98 Church Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Mrs. Ada Ann South, 115 Guildford Street, New Clee.
October 1872 - 'Orkney Lass' (GY395) Dandy, official No.67692, registered Grimsby, 66 tons, 1875/90 for William Brown, 16 Sterling Street, Grimsby. 1900 for Charles Thompson, High Street, Boston.
October 1872 built Grimsby - 'Annie' (GY396) Dandy, official No.67693, registered Grimsby, 67 tons, 1875/80 for William Henry Salsbury, Grimsby. 1890 for Robert Wynne Williams, 8 Worsley Buildings, Grimsby.
October 1872 built Grimsby - 'Jubilee' (GY397) Dandy, official No.67694, registered Grimsby, 67 tons, 1875/80 for Thomas William Ready, Grimsby. 1890 for William S. Letten, 125 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee.
October 1872 built Grimsby - 'Adonis' (GY399) Dandy, official No.67695, registered Grimsby, 28 tons, 1875/90 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby.
October 1872 built Selby - 'Economy' (GY400) Dandy, official No.67696, registered Grimsby, 65 tons, 1875/80 for the North Sea Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 for Thomas Hall, 26 Grafton Street, New Clee. 1900 registered Sunderland for Edward Robert Dix, 21 Bridge Street, Sunderland.
1873 'Henry & Hannah (GY448) Ketch 74 tons, official No.67730, for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby (1880/90).
1873 'John Hadfield Ketch 72 tons, registered Grimsby. Official No.67711, for Henry Shapland, Cardiff (1880). 1890 registered Dublin for Micael Flanagan, Skerries, Dublin.
July 1873 built Grimsby - 'Lincolnshire' (GY426) Ketch, official No.67714, registered Grimsby, 66 tons, 1875 for Thomas Lound Newton, Grimsby. 1880 for Alfred H. Cook, 24 Weelsby Terrace, Grimsby. 1890 for A. H. Cook, Albany Villa, Eleanor Street, Grimsby. 1900 registered Yarmouth for Hewett and Co. Ltd. Shadwell Fish Market, London.
April 1873 built Grimsby - 'Lady Godiva' Dandy, 72 tons, official No.67707, registered Grimsby, 1875/80 for William Butt, Grimsby.
1873 'Melbourne (GY456) Ketch 68 tons, official No.67734, for William H. Carlile, Grimsby (1880).
1873 'Nyanza' (GY409) Dandy 68 tons, official No.67702, for George L. Alward, Grimsby (1880/90).
March 1873 built Grimsby - 'W. J. Skelton' (GY413) Ketch, 67 tons, official No.67705, 1880/90 for Joshua Brainwood/Bramwood, Hainton Street, Grimsby.
1873 'White Star (GY419) Ketch 69 tons, official No.67710, for Henry Morris, New Clee (1890).
September 1873 built Grimsby - 'Amazon' (GY433) official No.67718, registered Grimsby, 63 tons, 1875/80 for William Lawrence, 6 Kent Street, Grimsby.1890 for William Mercer, 89 Victor Street, New Clee.
October 1873 built Grimsby - 'Young Hero' Sloop, official No.67721, registered Grimsby, 43 tons, 1875/80 for Joseph Murrell, 20 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Joseph Murrell, South Hackney, London.
1873 built at Grimsby - 'Templar' (GY411) Wooden Ketch Rigged Fishing Vessel, official No.67703, registered Grimsby, 72 x 19 x 10 ft, 63 tons for Mr. Matthew A. Felton, Grimsby. 28th August 1885 collision between the 'Templar' of Grimsby, which was lost, and the smack 'Coventry' of Grimsby when 250 miles ENE of Spurn Head in the North Sea.
December 1873 built Grimsby - 'Henry and Hannah' (GY448) Ketch, official No.67730, registered Grimsby, 74 tons, 1875/90 for Henry Smethurst, 3 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1900 for William John Long, Grimsby. 1910 for Amos King, 91 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
January 1874 'Cumberland' (GY454) Ketch 63 tons, official No.67733, registered Grimsby, for James Cross, 112 Orwell Street, Grimsby (1875/80).
February 1874 built Grimsby - 'Melbourne' (GY456) Ketch, official No.67734, registered Grimsby, 68 tons, 1875/80 for William Henry Carlile, 99 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
March 1874 - 'Sprite' official No.67736, registered Grimsby, 73 tons.
March 1874 'Carl' (GY459) Ketch 75 tons, official No.67737, for H. Smethurst Jnr, Grimsby (1880), Jesse Wilson, New Clee (1890).
April 1874 built Grimsby - 'Energy' (GY461) Cutter, official No.67738, registered Grimsby, 36 tons, 1880/90 for Joseph Murrell, Grimsby.
May 1874 built Grimsby - 'Ada' (GY465) Ketch, official No.67740, registered Grimsby, 66 tons, 1875/80 for Jacob Wiseman, Grimsby.
June 1874 built Grimsby - 'George and Mary' (GY467) Ketch, official No.67742, registered Grimsby, 48 tons, 1875/80 for George N. Dodd, Grimsby. 1890 for John Wadmore, 108 Thorold Street, New Clee.
August 1874 built Grimsby - 'Virtue' (GY475) Ketch, official No.67744, registered Grimsby, 74 tons, 1875 for Charles Jeffs, Grimsby. 1880 for Cornelius Genney, 30 Victoria Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Walter Toogood, 100 Albert Street, Grimsby. 1900 for Amos King, 91 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
September 1874 built Grimsby - 'Bank of England' Ketch 64 tons, official No.67745, for Alfred John Beeson, Grimsby (1880).
1874 ''Energy' (GY461) Cutter 36 tons, official No.67738, for Joseph Murrell, Grimsby (1880/90).
November 1874 built Grimsby - 'Garland' (GY485) Ketch 69 tons, official No.67752, 1875/80 for James Penny, Grimsby. 1890 Richard Bromfield, 135 Guilford Street, New Clee. 1895 sold foreign.
1874 'Joseph & Sarah (GY490) Ketch 69 tons, registered Grimsby. Official No.67755, for John H. Dickenson, New Clee (1880).
October 1874 built Grimsby - 'Nathan Chapman' (GY478) Ketch, official No.67747, 72 x 19 x 10 ft, 69 tons, 1875/80 for Benjamin Bulpit, Grimsby. 1890 for the Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. April 1892, skipper Mr. John Green, in collision with the ketch 'AElfleda', of Grimsby in the North Sea.
October 1874 built Sandwich - 'Maid of Kent' (GY479) Ketch, official No.67748, registered Grimsby, 71 tons, 1875 for George Atkin, Grimsby. 1880 for John Woollis, 40 Willingham Street, Grimsby. 1890 for John Picering, 90 Duncomb Street, Grimsby. 1900 for Arthur George Downes, Brightlingsea, Essex.
October 1874 built Grimsby - 'Englishman' (GY482) Cutter, official No.67750, registered Grimsby, 39 tons, 1875 for John Vere, Grimsby. 1880/90 for Matthew H. West, Kay's Terrace, Victor Street, Grimsby. 1900 for James Crask, 152 Victor Street, New Clee.
November 1874 built Grimsby - 'Neal Dow' (GY484) Ketch 66 tons, official No.67753, for Samuel E. Green, 7 Alexander Terrace, Grimsby (1880/90).
November 1874 'built Grimsby - 'Peeping Tom' (GY483) Ketch 64 tons, official No.67751, for William Butt, Grimsby 1880. 1890 Henry Slater, Grimsby.
1874 'Virtue (GY475) Ketch 74 tons, official No.67744, for Walter Toogood, Grimsby (1890).
1875 'Content' (GY505) Wooden Ketch, 70 x 19 x 11 ft, 69 tons, official No.73203, for Robert George Roberts, Grimsby (1880/90). Stranded about a mile south of Withernsea on 2nd November 1888 in command of Mr. Charles Williams. 17th November she was got off and towed to Grimsby.
1875 'Bow' (GY529) Ketch 77 tons, official No.73217, for Isaac Brusey, Grimsby (1880),
1875 'Freedom' (GY511) Ketch 69 tons, official No.73208, for William Ashford, Grimsby (1880), The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. (1890).
March 1875 'Hallamshire (GY496) Ketch 70 tons, official No.67757, for John T. Raby, Grimsby (1880), James Plastow, Grimsby (1890). 1893 sold foreign. Renamed Vabingur. 1893 (Thank you Jan)
1875 'Jumna (GY527) Ketch 73 tons, registered Grimsby. Official No.73214, for William Beacock, Grimsby (1880).
1875 'Leading Star (GY510) Ketch 69 tons, official No.73207, for Henry Thrower, Grimsby (1880/90).
March 1875 built Grimsby - 'Magna Charta' Sloop, official No.67756, registered Grimsby, 45 tons, for John Vere, 67 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890 for Matthew H. West, 179 Victor Street, New Clee.
1875 'Neptune' (GY514) Ketch 71 tons, official No.73210, for Alfred J. Blake, Grimsby 1880, Walter C. Brown, Grimsby (1890).
1875 'Oimara (GY530) Ketch 77 tons, official No.73216, for John Guzzwell Jnr, Grimsby 1880, The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. (1890).
April 1875 'Queen of the Fleet' (GY498) Ketch 67 tons, official No.67758, for William Henry Carlisle, Grimsby (1880) 1890 The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd.
1875 'Suspicious (GY512) Ketch 73 tons, official No.73209, for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd., Grimsby (1890).
1875 'Thomas & Betsey (GY521) Sloop 26 tons, official No.73218, for William G. Marshall, Grimsby (1890).
1875 'Vulcan (GY532) Ketch 75 tons, official No.73219, for Thomas D. Snell, Grimsby (1890).
1876 'Abstainer' (GY577) Ketch 76 tons, official No.73249, for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby (1880/90).
1876 'Ada' (GY809) Ketch 81 tons, official No.75239, for Henry Unett, Scarborough.(1880), for James Alward, Grimsby (1890).
1876 'Affiance' (GY541) Ketch 72 tons, official No.73224, for Edwin Bacon, New Clee (1880/90).
1876 'Alpha' (GY569) Ketch 74 tons, official No.73241, for William Fraser, Cleethorpes (1880), W.J.S. Hood, Grimsby (1890).
1876 'Arethusa Ketch 80 tons, official No.75242, for George Rowntree, Hull (1890).
1876 'Boreas' (GY566) Ketch 72 tons, official No.73239, for John Vere, Grimsby (1880), William Stephenson, Grimsby (1890).
1876 'Coventry' (GY558) Wooden Ketch Rigged Fishing Vessel, 76 x 20 x 10 ft, 79 tons, official No.73236, for William A. Butt, New Clee (1880/90). 28th August 1885 collision between the 'Templar' of Grimsby, which was lost, and the smack 'Coventry' of Grimsby when 250 miles ENE of Spurn Head in the North Sea.
1876 'Dawn o'Day' Ketch 73 tons, official No.73243, for John Johnstone, Grimsby (1880/90).
1876 built Grimsby - 'Frederick & Alice' (GY589) Ketch 76 tons, official No.76671, January 1877 registered Grimsby, 1878/80 for Frederick J. Boardman, 6 Kesgrave Street, Grimsby, 1890/98 for Jabez Cook, 122 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee.
1876 'Garibaldi' (GY551) Cutter 17 tons, official No.73232, for Thomas Campbell, Grimsby (1880).
1876 'Gladiator' (GY547) Ketch 70 tons, official No.73230, for Thomas M. Stocks, Grimsby (1880), Alfred Doust, Grimsby (1890). February 1890 sunk in collision with Smack 'Secret'.
1876 'Harrington (GY573) Ketch 72 tons, official No.73246, for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd, Grimsby (1890).
1876 'Himalaya (GY556) Ketch 75 tons, official No.73234, for Henry Johnstone, Grimsby (1880/90).
1876 'John & Maria (GY535) Ketch 69 tons, registered Grimsby. Official No.73221, for John Netherton, Grimsby (1880).
1876 'John Winteringham Ketch, 77 tons, registered Grimsby. Official No.73248, for H. Smethurst Jnr, Grimsby (1880).
1876 built Grimsby - 'Kittiwake (GY585) Ketch, 72 tons, December 1876 registered Grimsby. Official No.76667, 1878/80 for for Benjamin J. Avery, St. Leonards on Sea, Sussex. 1890 for Benjamin J. Avery, St. Leonard's Villa, Hainton Street, Grimsby. 1897-1937 owned by P. H. Dahl, Sudere, Vagur, Faroe Islands.1937- Poul Johannes Beder, J.M.V. Nicodemussen. (Thank you ,Jan)
1876 'Liberator (GY583) Ketch, 73 tons, official No.76664, November 1876 registered Grimsby, 1878/80 for Mrs. Annie M. Thrower, Grimsby, 1890/93 for William Lambert, 49 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1876 'Lottie (GY568) Ketch 73 tons, official No.73240, for William S. Melhuish, New Clee (1890).
1876 'Lu Dawn (GY545) Ketch 73 tons, official No.73228, for George E. Allington, Grimsby (1880/90).
1876 'Oak (GY539) Ketch 79 tons, official No.73223, for Samuel L. Salsbury, Grimsby 1880, John Gidley Snr, Grimsby (1890).
1876 'Scottish Chief (GY578) Ketch 77 tons, official No.73250, for John Guzzwell, Grimsby (1890).
1876 'Spitfire (GY591) Smack, 36 tons, official No.76673, January 1877 registered Grimsby, 1878/1901 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby.
1876 'Three Sisters (GY587) Ketch 75 tons, official No.76669, December 1876 registered Grimsby, 1878/80 for J. Fowler, 4 St. Andrew's Terrace, Clee. 1890 for the Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1898 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd, Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1876 'Tricolour (GY571) Ketch 72 tons, official No.73245, for William R.O. Oxley, Weelsby (1890).
1876 'Typhoon (GY543) Ketch 74 tons, official No.73227, for George Jeffs Jnr, Grimsby (1890).
1876 'Volatile (GY561) Ketch 69 tons, official No.73237, for William T. Dunlin, Grimsby (1890).
1876 built Grimsby - 'William Grange' (GY588) Ketch, 79 tons, official No.76670, December 1876 registered Grimsby, 1878 for Henry Knott, Hainton Street, Grimsby. 1880 for William G. Collins, 17 Livingston Terrace, Victor Street, Clee. 1890/97 for George Jeffs, 65 Kent Street, Grimsby.
1876 'Young Albert (GY574) Ketch 78 tons, official No.73247, for Thomas C. Moss, Grimsby (1890).
1877 'A. M. Watkin' (GY648) Ketch 49 tons, official No.78338, for John Vere, Grimsby (1880) Matthew H. West, New Clee (1890).
1877 built Grimsby - 'Agenoria' (GY596) Ketch, 72 tons, official No.76678, March 1877 registered Grimsby, 1878/80 for John Goffin, 39 Cobden Street, Grimsby, 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1898 for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1877 built Grimsby - 'Agra' (GY608) Wooden Ketch Rigged Fishing Vessel,75 x 21 x 11 ft, 79 tons, official No.76688, May 1877 registered Grimsby, Captain Walter Alfred Brown, 1878/80 for William Beacock, Grimsby, 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. 27th July 1885 the loss of the sailing ship 'Emily' of Grimsby through collision with the sailing ship 'Agra' of Grimsby about 225 miles off Spurn Head, the skipper Walter Alfred Brown, of the 'Agra' was in default and had his certificate suspended for three months. The crew were rescued by the Steam Cutter 'Cormorant' and returned to Grimsby, one man injured.1900 registered Yarmouth for hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1877 built Grimsby - 'Allington' (GY607) Ketch, 75 tons, official No.76687, April 1877 registered Grimsby, 1878/90 for George E. Allington, Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1898 registered Yarmouth for Henry George, Winterton, Norfolk.
1877 built Grimsby - 'Argo' (GY628) Ketch, 80 tons, official No.76701, July 1877 registered Grimsby, 80 tons, 1878 for William Guzzwell, 20 Belle Vue Terrace, Grimsby. 1880/90 for John Guzzwell jnr, Beaconthorpe, Grimsby. 1900 for James Edwards, 74 Park Street, New Clee. 1906/08 for John Peel, Tetney Lock.
1877 'Autumn' (GY660) Dandy 79 tons, official No.78490, for Charles Pettifor, Grimsby (1880), William Hall, Grimsby (1890).
1877 'Baxter' (GY659) Dandy 74 tons, official No.78489, for Alfred Baxter, New Clee (1880).
1877 built Grimsby - 'Beta' (GY599) Ketch, 77 tons, official No.76682, April 1877 registered Grimsby, 1878 for John Trolley 4 Victor Street, Grimsby. 1880 for George Trolley, 24 Thorold Street, New Clee. 1890 for Frederick W. Short, 119 Guildford Street, New Clee. 1898 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1877 built Grimsby - 'Betsy Campbell' (GY614) Ketch, 78 tons, official No.76694, May 1877 registered Grimsby, 1878/80 for William Moss, 16 Hainton Street, Grimsby, 1890/99 for John S. Bedford, 113 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1877 'Charles & Sarah' (GY654) Dandy 76 tons, official No.78485, for Charles E. Pigott, Grimsby (1880/90).
1877 'Elizabeth Bainbridge' (GY657) Dandy, 77 tons, official No.78488, for Charles Newton, Grimsby (1880).
1877 built Grimsby - 'Friend' (GY636) Ketch, 76 tons, official No.76708, August 1877 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1878 for Richard Shepherd, 17 Victor Street, New Clee. 1880 for Richard Shepherd, Grimsby. 1890/94 for Ormund Halvorson, 16 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1877 'Gamma' (GY637) Ketch 80 tons, official No.78332, for John Trolley, Grimsby (1880), Robert H. Dine, Grimsby, (1890).
1877 built Grimsby - 'Gertrude' (GY633) Ketch, 76 tons, official No.76705, July 1877 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1878/80 for Frederick Andrew, 138 High Street, Lincoln. 1890/99 for James Plastow, 43 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1877 built Grimsby - 'John Frederick' (GY626) Ketch, 73 tons, July 1877 registered Grimsby. Official No.76699, 1878/80 for Leonard Spashett, 97 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1890 for George E. Allington, West Parade, Grimsby. 1898 for Alfred John Beeson, 15 Yarborough Street, Grimsby.
1877 built Grimsby - 'Judith' (GY612) Ketch, 76 tons, May 1877 registered Grimsby. Official No.76691, 1878/80 for Joseph Ward, Victoria Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Joseph Ward, The Vicarage, Great Coates, Gimsby. 1898 for Thomas Humphrey, 16 Grafton Street, New Clee.
1877 'Lady Plimsoll' (GY597) Ketch 74 tons, official No.76679, for Hewson Brown, Grimsby (1880/90).
1877 'Leo' (GY672) Dandy 76 tons, official No.78499, for John Netherton, Grimsby (1880/90).
1877 built Grimsby - 'Marco Polo' (GY634) Ketch, 60 tons, official No.76706, July 1877 registered Grimsby, 79 tons, 1878/80 for John Newton, Grimsby. 1890 registered Padstow for John Worden, High Street, Padstow. 1895 for Frederick James Croucher, Quay Street, Newport, Isle of Wight. 1898 for William Bird, St. Sampson's, Guernsey.
1877 built Grimsby - 'Minotaur' (GY627) Ketch, 72 tons, official No.76700, July 1877 registered Grimsby, 1878/80 for Henry Johnstone,131 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Henry Johnstone, 127 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1897 for The Grimsby Fish Salesmen's Association Ltd. Grimsby.
1877 'Osman Pacha' Dandy, 80 tons, official No.79073, for Joseph Smith, Grimsby. 23rd April 1888 in collision with Ketch 'Apostle' and sank witin minutes. The crew picked up by Grimsby cutter and taken to Grimsby.
1877 'Petrel' (GY690) Dandy, 79 tons, official No.79076, February 1878 registered Grimsby, 1880 for Benjamin J. Avery, St. Leonards on Sea, Sussex. 1890/01 for Benjamin J. Avery, St. Leonard's Villa, Hainton Street, Grimsby.
1877 built Grimsby - 'Secret' (GY643) Ketch, 72 tons, official No.78334, registered Grimsby, 1880/90 for George Kennedy, 34/56 Stirling Street, New Clee. February 1890 returning home from a fishing trip when the 'Gladiator' shot across her bows and was struck on her port bow and holed and sunk in two or three minutes. The 'Secret's' boat was launch and saved the skipper but nothing was found of the other four hands.
1877 built Grimsby - 'Silver Cloud' (GY615) Cutter, 27 tons, official No.76702, July 1877 registered Grimsby, 27 tons, 1878/80 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby. 1890/1901 for Edward Royce, Humber Street, Cleethorpes.
1877 built Grimsby - 'Sir Wilfred Lawson' (GY640) Ketch 72 tons, official No.76710, August 1877 registered Grimsby, 72 tons, 1878/90 for Henry Smethurst, Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1895 for James Craske, 50 Hildyard, Street, Grimsby.
1877 'Snowdrop' (GY669) Dandy 73 tons, official No.78497, for Thomas Higgins, Grimsby (1890).
1877 'T.Charlton (GY661) Dandy, 82 tons, official No.78494, for Sydney Smith, Grimsby (1890).
1877 'Toilers of the Sea Ketch 77 tons, official No.77339, for William McBean, Scarborough (1890).
1877 'Truelove (GY600) Wooden Ketch Rigged Fishing Vessel, 73 x 20 x 10 ft, 73 tons, official No.76684, April 1877 registered Grimsby, 1878/80 for Samuel Wooten Alward, Grimsby. 11th November 1888 the 'Truelove' of Grimsby was stranded about two and a half miles to the south of Withernsea. Captain Samuel Harner had his certificate suspended for two months. She was got off the beach and towed to Grimsby for repairs which cost £100.
1877 built Grimsby - 'William (GY673) Dandy 74 tons, official No.78500, registered Grimsby, 1880 for Thomas L. Hobday, 6 Guilford Street, Grimsby. For The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd, Grimsby (1890).
1877 'Young George (GY650) Dandy 73 tons, official No.78481, for John W. Haylock, Grimsby (1890).
1877 built Grimsby 'Rising Sun' (GY592) Ketch, official No.76674, February 1877 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1878/80 for J. Woods, 98 Albert Street, Grimsby. 1890 for John Simpson, 75 Duncombe Street, Grimsby. 1895 for Arthur Jeffs, West Parade, Cartergate, Grimsby.
1877 built Grimsby - 'Six Hundred' (GY594) Ketch, official No.76676, February 1877 registered Grimsby, 71 tons, 1878/80 for Richard T. Douglas, Clee Templers Buildings, Clee. Abandoned 15th October 1881.
1877 built Grimsby - 'Herbert' (GY598) Ketch, official No.76680, March 1877 registered Grimsby, 70 tons, 1878 for John William Haylock, Bedford. May 1878 stranded Horn Reef, Jutland.
1877 built Grimsby - 'Reprisal' (GY604) Ketch, official No.76685, April 1877 registered Grimsby, 49 tons, 1878/80 for John Vere, 67 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. Missing since 21st December 1879.
1878 'Agile' (GY727) Ketch, 42 tons, official No.79557, August 1878 registered Grimsby, 1880/99 for William Grant, Cleethorpes.
1878 built Grimsby - 'Amaranth' (GY691) Dandy 78 tons, official No.79077, February 1878 registered Grimsby, 1880 for Jacob Wiseman, 4 St. Andrew's Terrace, Grimsby, 1890/03 for Frederick W. Moody, Lyndhurst Villa, Bargate, Grimsby.
1878 built Grimsby - 'Sea Searcher' (GY693) Dandy, official No.79079, February 1878 registered Grimsby, 61 tons, 1880/85 for Joseph Ward, 444 Victoria Street, Grimsby. 1888/89 for Joseph Ward, The Vicarage, Great Coates, near Grimsby. Missing since 8/9th February 1889.
1878 built Grimsby - 'Diamond' (GY715) Dandy, 76 tons, official No.79096, May 1878 registered Grimsby, 1880/84 for Joshua Yarborough, 9 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1878 'Docea' Dandy 66 tons, official No.79554, for John Gidley Jnr, Grimsby (1880).
1878 built Grimsby - 'Eva' (GY688) Dandy, 49 tons, official No.79074, January 1878 registered Grimsby, 1880 for Robert Little, 139 Church Street, Grimsby. 1890/98 for Robert Little, 8 Garibaldi Street, Grimsby.
1878 'Fairy (GY717) Dandy, 75 tons, official No.79097, June 1878 registered Grimsby, 1880/98 for George Smith, 23 Kent Street, Grimsby.
1878 'Freemen' (GY696) Dandy, 75 tons, official No.79081, 1880/90 for J.R. Salsbury, 4 Temple Terrace, Grimsby. 1898 for Alfred Doust, 10 Heneage Street, Grimsby.
1878 'Great Surprise' (GY729) Dandy, 75 tons, official No.79558, September 1878 registered Grimsby, 1880 for Jno. Bryant, 37 Templers Terrace, Clee, 1890 for Nicholas Leo, 35 Duke Street, New Clee. 1898 for William Toogood, 41 Freeman Street, Grimsby.
1878 built Grimsby - 'Henry Read (GY712) Dandy, 81 tons, official No.79095, May 1878 registered Grimsby, 81 tons, 1880 for Henry R. Beeson, 5 Yarborough Street, Grimsby, 1890 for James Thorpe, Waterloo House, Freeman Street, Grimsby. 1899 for Robert William Roberts, 358 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby.
1878 built Grimsby - 'Kate Allington (GY708) Dandy, 73 tons, May 1878 registered Grimsby. Official No.79091, 1880/85 for George E. Allington, 79 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1887/88 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1878 'Lord Beaconsfield (GY719) Wooden Dandy Rigged Fishing Vessel, 75 x 21 x 11 ft, 80 tons, official No.79100, June 1878 registered Grimsby, 1880 for Alfred W. Brittan, 83 Orwell Street, Grimsby, 1885 for William Hall, Augusta Street, Bargate, Grimsby. 10th December 1885 stranded off Theddlethorpe, Lincolnshire, the skipper William Carlisle was found in default. Towed off on 17th December and taken to Grimsby with 20 ft of keel lost. 1886 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1900 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish market, Shadwell, London.
1878 built Grimsby - 'Only Son (GY698) Dandy, 81 tons, official No.79082, March 1878 registered Grimsby, 1880 for Thomas W. Thornham, 17 Arlington Terrace, New Clee, 1890/02 for James Plastow, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby.
1878 'Major Seddon (GY702) Dandy, 77 tons, official No.79088, April 1878 registered Grimsby, 1880 for George Amos, 19 Livingstone Terrace, Victor Street, Grimsby. 1890 for James T. Rowe, 9 Hilda Street, New Clee. 1898 for The Grimsby Fisherman's Association Ltd. Grimsby.
1878 built Grimsby - 'Twilight (GY734) Ketch, 77 tons, official No.79564, January 1879 registered Grimsby, 1880 for Alfred Tidman, 8 Alexandra Terrace, Grimsby. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd, Grimsby. 1900 registered Plymouth for William Denning, Queen Ann's Cottage, Coxside, Plymouth. 1910/18 for William Thomas Tope, Oreston, nr.Plymouth.
1878 built Grimsby - 'Urgent (GY733) Dandy, 66 tons, official No.79563, December 1878 registered Grimsby, 1880 for John Vere, Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890 for Richard Smith, 61 Cleetorpes Road, Grimsby. 1899 for Thomas Partington, 18 Robinson Street, Grimsby.
1878 'Vigil (GY720) Dandy 739 tons, official No.79552, for Leo Lewis, New Clee (1890).
1878 built Grimsby - 'William Hood (GY711) Dandy 81 tons, official No.79094, May 1878 registered Grimsby, 1880 for Charles Forester, 21 Clee Templers Buildings, Grimsby. 1890 for William J. Roffee, New Clee. 1899 for Mrs. A. G. Jackson, 166 Hainton Street, Grimsby.
1878 built Grimsby - 'Runnymede' (GY713) Dandy, official No.79093, May 1878 registered Grimsby, 54 tons, 1880 for John Vere, 67 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890 for Richard Smith, 61 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1900 for Jacob Cooper West, 156 Victor Street, Grimsby. 1910/20 for Amos King, 91 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1878 built Grimsby - 'Two Brothers' (GY737) Ketch, official No.79566, January 1879 registered Grimsby, 75 tons, 1880/86 for Joseph Buston, 1 Belle Vue Terrace, New Clee. Missing since 19th December 1885.
1879 built Grimsby - 'Richard Smith' (GY753) Dandy, official No.79582, July 1879 registered Grimsby, 44 tons, 1880 for John Vere, Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890 for Richard Smith, 61 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1900/10 registered Scarborough for Ernest de Lacy Read, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1915 registered Grimsby for Ernest de Lacy Read, Fish Docks, Grimsby.
1879 built Grimsby - 'Alfred Edward' (GY751) Dandy, 76 tons, official No.79580, July 1879 registered Grimsby, 1880 for Robert Inward, 10 Spurn View Terrace, Grimsby, 1890 for James M. Emtage, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1898 for George Edward James Moody, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby.
1879 'Amy' (GY752) Dandy, 80 tons, official No.79581, July 1879 registered Grimsby, 1880 for Philip Whinoop, 17 Clifton Terrace, Grimsby. 1890 for Philip Whinoop, 65 Weelsby Street, New Clee. 1899 for Thomas Baskcomb, 352 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1879 'Champion' (GY749) Dandy, 77 tons, official No.79578, June 1879 registered Grimsby, 1880 for James Hallett, 19 Albert Terrace, Grimsby, 1890/99 for James Thorpe, Waterloo House, Freeman Street, Grimsby.
1879 'Cornelia' (GY748) Dandy, 42 tons, official No.79576, June 1879 registered Grimsby, 1880/83 for Thomas Robinson, Highgate, Cleethorpes. Missing since 6th March 1863.
1879 'Fear Not' (GY750) Dandy, 53 tons, official No.79579, June 1879 registered Grimsby, 1880/91 for George Smith, 23 Kent Street, Grimsby.
1879 'George Stevenson' (GY762) Dandy, 82 tons, official No.79589, November 1879 registered Grimsby, 1880 for Thomas Charlton, Church Street, Grimsby, 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 900 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd, Fish Market, Shadwell, London. 1906 for Hugh Watts, Exchange Buildings, Cardiff.
1879 'Helen Maude (GY754) Dandy, 67 tons, official No.79584, September 1879 registered Grimsby, 1880/94 for Henry W. Alcock, Old Market Place, Grimsby. 17th February 1894 stranded NE end of Cork Sand off Essex.
1879 built Grimsby - 'Hilyard Marshall (GY739) Dandy, 74 tons, official No.79568, March 1879 registered Grimsby, 1880 for William J. S. Hood, Grimsby, 1890 for John S. Bedford, 113 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1879 built Grimsby - 'Livingstone (GY745) Dandy, 65 tons, official No.79574, May 1874 registered Grimsby, 1880 for Thomas C. Baxter, 9 Arlington Terrace, Grimsby. 1890 for Charles Baxter, 68 Albert Terrace, New Clee. 1897 for John P. Powell, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby.
1879 built Grimsby - 'Mayfield (GY759) Dandy, 76 tons, official No.79587, October 1879 registered Grimsby, 1880 for Joseph Tuff, 7 Willingham Street, Grimsby, 1890 for William Oxley, 70 Henage Street, New Clee. 1899 for Mrs. Rhoda Lutkin, Grimsby.
1879 built Grimsby - 'Mysterious (GY764) Dandy, 76 tons, official No.79591, December 1879 registered Grimsby, 1880 for John Nichols, Kent Street, Grimsby, 1890/97 James Plastow, 43 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1879 'Olga (GY754) Ketch, 77 tons, official No.79583, August 1879 registered Grimsby, 1880/82 for James Hallett, Cleethorpe's Road, Grimsby. 1883 for John Gidley jnr, Hainton Street, Grimsby. Missing since 6th March 1883.
1879 built Grimsby - 'Sir W. Armstrong (GY738) Dandy, 83 tons, official No.79567, March 1879 registered Grimsby, 83 tons, 1880 for Thomas Charlton, 22 Church Street, Grimsby. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd., Grimsby. 1900/0 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd, Fish Market, Shadwell, London. 1904/06 for Hugh Watts, Exchange Buildings, Cardiff.
1879 built Grimsby - 'Reaper' (GY741) Dandy, official No.79570, April 1879 registered Grimsby, 51 tons, 1880/90 for James Bishop, 41 Durham Street, Scarborough.1897 for Mrs. Mary A. Bishop, 118 Prospect Road, Scarborough.
1879 'Sunbeam (GY743) Dandy 76 tons, official No.79573, for Robert Mills, Grimsby (1890).
1879 'Toiler (GY765) Cutter, 42 tons, official No.79592, January 1880 registered Grimsby, 1880/91 for William Hannah, Sherringham, Norfolk.
1879 built Grimsby - 'Save All' (GY746) Dandy, official No.79572, May 1879 registered Grimsby, 80 tons, 1880/83 for William Moss, Hainton Street, Grimsby. 5th January 1883 in collision and lost with the Hull Steamer 'Empress' off the Spurn Lightship due to 'Save All' not showing any lights.
1879 built Grimsby - 'Sunbeam' (GY743) Dandy, official No.79573, May 1879 regsitered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1880 for Arthur Freeman, 3 Church Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Robert Mills 85 Hainton Street, Grimsby. 1900 registered Yarmouth and renamed 'Kate' for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London. 1903 registered Peterhead for James S. Mutch, 18 Prince Street, Peterhead.
1880 'Attempt' (GY769) Dandy, 77 tons, official No.79597, March 1880 registered Grimsby, 1882 for John Bromfield, 3 Belle View Terrace, New Clee. 1890/94 for Andrew Walkner, 79 Nelson Street, Grimsby.
1880 built Grimsby - 'Bonnie Lad' (GY772) Dandy, 94 tons, official No.79599, April 1880 registered Grimsby, 1882/90 for James Plastow, 43 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1898 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1880 'Exertion' (GY785) Dandy, 76 tons, official No.83527, for The Great Grimsby Ice Co.Ltd.(1890).
1880 'Fashion' (GY780) Dandy, 45 tons, official No.83522, June 1880 registered Grimsby, 45 tons, 1882/96 for John Grant, Fir Cottage, Cleethorpes.
1880 built Grimsby - 'Present Help (GY767) Dandy, 80 tons, official No.79594, February 1880 registered Grimsby,75 x 19 x 10 ft, 1880 for Robert Frayne, Grimsby. 1890 for James Plastow, 43 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 5th April 1891 stranded on Haile Sand, Lincolnshire, the Skipper, Robert Springall, was in default but the court refrains from dealing with his certificate.
1880 built Grimsby - 'Prima Donna (GY793) Dandy, 84 tons, official No.83533, December 1880 registered Grimsby, 1882 for William Allen, 123 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1890 for William J. Plowman, 31 Stanley Street, New Clee. 1900/01 for John P. Powell, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1880 built Grimsby - 'Star of Hope (GY787) Dandy, 83 tons, official No.83528, October 1880 registered Grimsby, 1882 for John Bates, Grimsby, 1890 for Henry C. Rhodes, 5 Duke Street, New Clee. 1900 for Harry G. Goldstone, 42 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1910/13 for Charles Bell, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1880 'Traveller (GY789) Oak Dandy, built by Smith Brothers, Grimsby, 66 tons, official No.83530, November 1880 registered Grimsby, 1882 for John J. Earle, 3 Albert Terrace, New Clee. 1890 for John J. Earle, 3 Belle Vue Terrace, New Clee. 1900/03 for Robert Marshall, 38 Grafton Street, New Clee. 1903/17 owned by M. Dahl, Vaag, Faroe Islands. 24 May 1917 blown up by German Submarine, crew saved. (Thank you Jan)
1880 built Grimsby - 'Shells of the Ocean' (GY766) Dandy, official No.79593, January 1880 registered Grimsby, 80 tons, 1880/84 for James H. Emptage, 11 Victor Street, New Clee. 1885/88 for Charles H. Woolnough, 27 Grafton Street New Clee. 28th June 1888 stranded Rattray Head.
1880 built Grimsby - 'Jessie' (GY783) Dandy, official No.83525, July 1880 registered Grimsby, 45 tons, 1882/99 for William Grant, Cleethorpes.
1880 built Grimsby - 'Exertion' Dandy, official No.83527, September 1880 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1882 for John Bromfield, Grimsby. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1899 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1881 'Active' (GY823) Cutter, 26 tons, official No.83559, December 1881 registered Grimsby, 1885/1900 for Joseph B. Bulpit, 115 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1910 for Amos King, 91 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1915 for James Campbell jnr, 12 Mangle Street, Grimsby. 1920 for Amos King 91 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1881 'Agonist' (GY802) Dandy 80 tons, official No.83543, for Thomas C. Moss, Grimsby (1890).
1881 'Conductor' (GY803) Dandy, 47 tons, official No.83545, July 1881 registered Grimsby, 1882 for Robert Sleight, Cleethorpes. 1890 for Thomas Robinson, Highgate, Cleethorpes. 1900/01 registered Lowestoft for Nathaniel H. Catchpole, Lowestoft.
1881 (Rebuilt orig 1853)'Eliza' Cutter 25 tons, official No.17736, for Thomas Campbell, Grimsby (1880/90).
1881 built Grimsby - 'Flying Fish' (GY797) Dandy, 61 tons, official No.83539, April 1881 registered Grimsby, 1882 for George E. Allington, 79 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890 for George E. Allington, West Parade, Grimsby. 1899 for Amos King, 91 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1881 built Grimsby - 'Fox' (GY800) Dandy, 76 tons, official No.83541, June 1881 registered Grimsby, 1882 for James Hallett, 39 Albert Terrace, Grimsby. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. 1898 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1881 built Grimsby - 'Devon' (GY811) Dandy, official No.83550, registered Grimsby, 75 tons, 1882 for Walker Moody, Cleethorpes.1885/87 for George Jackson, 34 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1889 for Thomas Holt, 187 Burgess Street, Grimsby. 25th November 1889 burnt about 63 miles ESE off Spurn Point.
1881 'Mary Genny (GY795) Dandy, 44 tons, official No.83536, March 1881 registered Grimsby, 1882 for John Randall, 9 Belle Vue Terrace, New Clee. 1890/92 for Robert Wynne Williams, 8 Worsley Buildings, Grimsby.
1881 'May Marshall (GY815) Cutter 30 tons, official No.83554, for William G. Marshall, Grimsby (1890).
1881 'Ocean Home (GY810) Dandy, 79 tons, official No.83551, September 1881 registered Grimsby, 1890/98 for Peter Cullington, 76 Guildford Street, New Clee.
1881 built Grimsby - 'Aries' (GY832) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.83566, registered Grimsby, 95 x 20 x 10 ft, 67 tons, 35 h.p. for the Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. June 1905 sold to Swedish buyers.
1881 built at Grimsby - 'Jane Elizabeth' (GY816) Dandy/Sailing Codman, official No.83555, registered Grimsby, 67 tons, for William Oxley, 95 Orwell Street, Grimsby. November 1893 a heavy sea carried away the master David Cooper, of Weelsby and drowned reported the mate William Cooper. October 1899 captured by a Danish gunboat for fishing off Faroe and had its gear confisgated. On returning to Grimsby encountered a gale and lost her mainmast, sails and rigging. 1900 for Isaac Bunch, 119 Church Street, Grimsby. 27th February 1903 she was struck by a huge sea, smashing the lifeboat, bulwarks, jib and foresails.
1881 built Grimsby - 'May Marshall' (GY815) Cutter, official No.83554, October 1881 registered Grimsby, 30 tons, 1890 for William G. Marshall, Macaulay Terrace, Little Field Lane, Grimsby.1900 for William G. Marshall, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1902/09 for Amos King, 91 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1882 built Grimsby - 'Active' (GY867) Dandy, 77 tons, official No.86436, November 1882 registered Grimsby, 1883/90 for Charles Leonard, 16 Pelham Street, New Clee. 1896 for Thomas C. Moss, 45 Orwell Street, Grimsby. Missing since 26th November 1895.
1882 'Dove' (GY860) Dandy, 75 tons, official No.86428, September 1882 registered Grimsby, 1883/1890 for Henry Smethurst, 3 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1900 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby. 1910 for George C. Coverly, Billingsgate Market, London. 1915 for George A. Roger de Coverly, Rosemount, Upper Dovercourt, Essex.
1882 'Garfield (GY857) Dandy, 77 tons, official No.86426, August 1882 registered Grimsby, 1883/90 for John Gidley, Kent Villa, Bargate, Grimsby. 1899 for Ann G. Jackson, 166 Hainton Street, Grimsby.
1882 built Grimsby - 'Guiding Star (GY853) Dandy, 78 tons, official No.86422, July 1882 registered Grimsby, 1883 for William J.T. Hill, 22 Spurn Street, New Clee. 1890/95 for William J. T. Hill, 55 Stanley Street, New Clee.
1882 'Leslie (GY828) Wood Dandy, 89 tons, official No.83563, January 1882 registered Grimsby, 89 tons, 1885 for Frederick Rushworth, 18 Wood Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Frederick Rushworth, 48 Albert Terrace, New Clee. 1895/1901 engine fitted 76 x 20 x 11 ft, 60 tons, 65 h.p. for Frederick Rushworth, 306 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1882 'Maggie (GY874) Dandy, 86 tons, official No.86441, for Arthur J. Baxter, New Clee (1890).
1882 built Grimsby - 'Paradigm (GY846) Dandy, 79 tons, official No.86417, May 1882 registered Grimsby, 1883/99 for William Moss, Hainton Street, Grimsby.
1882 'Premier (GY841) Dandy, 86 tons, official No.86413, for John A. Reynor, Grimsby (1890).
1882 'Volunteer (GY835) Dandy, 72 tons, official No.83567, February 1882 registered Grimsby, 72 tons, 1885/1899 for George H. Carrington, 51 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1882 'William & Rebecca (GY836) Dandy, 79 tons, official No.83568, February 1882 registered Grimsby, 79 tons, 1885/90 for William J. Howe, New Clee. 1900 registered Scarborough for William Eaman, 2 West Mount, Scarborough.
1882 built Grimsby - 'Young William (GY871) Dandy, 42 tons, official No.86438, November 1882 registered Grimsby, 1883/90 for John Ackrill, Cleethorpes. 1900/17 registered Douglas for Daniel Flinn, 11 Kingswood Grove, Douglas, Isle of Man.
1882 built Grimsby - 'Reliance' (GY869) Dandy, official No.86439, November 1882 registered Grimsby, 48 tons, 1883 for Thomas Robinson, Highgate, Cleethorpes. 1900 for William Owen, High Street, Pwllheli, Carnarvon. 1910 registered Liverpool for Mrs. Alice Rutter, 19 Birkett Road, West Kirby, Cheshire. 1915/20 for Frederick Jackson, 33 Ferndale Road, Hoylake. 1926 for Union Lighterage Co. Ltd. 16 Philpot Lane, London.
1882 built Grimsby - 'River Indus' (GY840) Dandy, official No.86411, April 1882 registered Grimsby, 80 tons, 1885/88 for Henry Morris, 123 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 28th October 1888 collision with Grimsby Dandy 'Motto' about 175 miles off Spurn Point.
1882 built Gallmpton - 'Rippling Wave' (GY843) Ketch, official No.86416, May 1882 registered Grimsby, 82 tons, 1885/94 for Henry W. Perry, 4 Humber Street, Grimsby. 5th January 1894 collision with Hull vessel 'Samuel & Ann' 90 miles NE by N off Spurn Point.
1882 built Grimsby - 'Cecily' (GY855) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.86424, August 1882 registered Grimsby, 82 x 19 x 10 ft, 64 tons, 18 h.p. 1883/1898 for Thomas Charlton, 9 Grosvenor Crescent, Grimsby.
1882 built Grimsby - 'John Webb' (GY858) Dandy, official No.86429, September 1882 registered Grimsby, 77 tons, 1883/97 for Fred Webb, 72 Freshney Street, Grimsby.
1883 built Grimsby - 'Arthur & Fanny' (GY880) Dandy 46 tons, official No.86449, February 1883 registered Grimsby, 1885 for Thomas Sleight, Bancroft Street, Cleethorpes. 1890/1899 for William Grant, Working Men's Buildings, Cleethorpes.
1883 built Grimsby - 'Day Star' (GY889) Dandy, 45 tons, official No.87756, April 1883 registered Grimsby, 1885/90 for George Baker, 15 Bancroft Buildings, Cleethorpes. 1900 registered Douglas for William Shimmin, Douglas, Isle of Man. 1910/15 registered Belfast for John Clint, Bally Halbert, co. Down.
1883 'Dewdrop' (GY908) Dandy, 79 tons, official No.87776, October 1883 registered Grimsby, 1884 for Thomas Higgins, 41 Victor Street, New Clee. 1890/95 for Thomas Higgins, 134 St. John's Terrace, New Clee. 16th April 1895 in collision with Barque 'Homewood' of Christiana, Norway about 65 miles ESE of Spurn Point.
1883 'Frank Buckland' (GY905) Dandy, 74 tons, official No.87773, September 1883 registered Grimsby, for Joshua Loughton, 16 Eleanor Street, Weelsby. 1899 for William R. O. Oxley, 284 Willingham Street, Grimsby.
1883 built Grimsby - 'General Wolseley (GY892) Dandy, 91 tons, official No.87759, May 1883 registered Grimsby, 1843/90 for John Popple, 29 Grafton Street, New Clee. 1900 for John Pasifull Powell, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1883 built Grimsby - 'George & Ellen' (GY881) Dandy, official No.86448, February 1883 registered Grimsby, 34 tons, 1884 for Joseph E. Horne, 20 Stanley Street, New Clee. 1890/1907 for Thomas Campbell, Albert Villa, Grimsby.
1883 'Lincoln (GY910) Dandy, 79 tons, official No.87778, October 1883 registered Grimsby, 1884 for John Gidley jnr, Hainton Street, Weelsby. 1890 for William John Scott Hood, Heneage Street, Weelsby. 1900 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London. 1891 sold foreign.
1883 'Morfran (GY916) Dandy, 80 tons, official No.87784, January 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885 for Lewis Lloyd, Cleethorpes. 1890/99 for James Alwood, 102 Cleethorpes Road,New Clee.
1883 'Paragon (GY891) Dandy 90 tons, official No.87757, for Augustus Culyer, New Clee (1890).
1883 built Grimsby - 'Patterdale' (GY895) Dandy, official No.87763, July 1883 regsitered Grimsby, 78 tons, 1884/99 for William Moss, Hainton Street, Grimsby. 25th September 'Rosetta' in collision with dandy 'Patterdale' of Grimsby 3 miles off Spurn Point.
1883 'Primrose (GY901) Yawl 79 tons, official No.87770, for Thomas C. Moss, Grimsby (1890).
1883 'Save All (GY906) Dandy Rigged Smack, 79 tons, official No.87775, October 1883 registered Grimsby, 1884/99 for William Moss, 51 Hainton Street, Grimsby. 5th January 1883 in collision with steamship 'Empress' off Spurn Lightship.
1883 'Star of Bethlehem (GY902) Dandy 78 tons, official No.87769, for Alfred Doust, Grimsby (1890).
1883 'Swan (GY884) Dandy, 28 tons, official No.87752, April 1883 registered Grimsby, 1885/1900 for Robert Suggitt, Beaconthorpe. 1910/15 for Amos King, 91 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1883 built Grimsby - 'Paragon' (GY891) Dandy, official No.87757, April 1883 registered Grimsby, 90 tons, 1884/98 for Augustus Culyer, 27 Stanley Street, New Clee. 27th November collision with floating wreckage off Kinnaird's Head, Aberdeenshire.
1883 built Grimsby - 'Cancer' (GY890) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.87758, May 1883 registered Grimsby, 95 x 20 x 10 ft, 74 tons, 35 h.p. 1884/90 for The Great Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906 registered Cape Town and renamed 'Victoria' for Carl F. Spilhaus, Cape Town, Cape Colony. 1923 for Judel Lurie, 42 Sir Lowry Road, Cape Town.
1883 built Grimsby - 'Welcome Home' (GY894) Dandy, official No.87761, May 1883 registered Grimsby, 46 tons, 1884/99 for George J. Rannard, 31 Grafton Street, New Clee.
1883 built Grimsby - 'Star of Bethlehem' (GY902) Dandy, official No.87769, September 1883 registered Grimsby, 78 tons, 1884 for John W. Gregory, 22 Grafton Street, New Clee. 1890 for Alfred Doust, 10 Heneage Street, Weelsby. 16th February 1890 stranded Staithes.
1883 built Grimsby - 'Primrose' (GY901) Yawl, official No.87770, September 1883 registered Grimsby, 79 tons, 1884/99 for Thomas C. Moss, 45 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1884 built Grimsby - 'Mistletoe' (GY921) Dandy, official No.87786, January 1884 registered Grimsby, 89 tons, 1885/1901 for William Allen, 84 Albert Terrace New Clee.
1884 'Charles H. Spurgeon' (GY965) Dandy, 94 tons, official No.90375, September 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885/90 for William Empson, Ebenezer House, Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 1900/01 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1884 'Conisboro' Castle' Dandy, 88 tons, official No.87799, for Weston W. Crampin, Grimsby (1890).
1884 'Corisande' (GY961) Dandy, 85 tons, official No.90371, September 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885/94 for Henry Spindler, 181 Victor Street, New Clee. 1st July 1894 stranded at Duncansby Ness.
1884 'Docea' (GY958) Dandy, 79 tons, official No.90369, August 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885/95 for William Ford Stroud, 10 Hamilton Street, New Clee. February 1880 collision with 'Alpha' 18 miles North from Spurn Point.
1884 built Grimsby - 'Empress of India' (GY947) Dandy, 81 tons, official No.90358, June 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885 for Charles Forester, 98 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd., Grimsby. 1900 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London. 1900 sold foreign.
1884 built Grimsby - 'G.F. Sleight (GY923) Dandy, 79 tons, official No.87790, March 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885/99 for William Thrower, 69 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1884 built Grimsby - 'Ruby' (GY926) Dandy, official No.87791, March 1884 registered Grimsby, 84 tons, 1885/90 for Joshua Yarbrough, 34 Grafton Street, New Clee. 1899 for John J. Cowham, 225 Victor Street, New Clee.
1884 'Little Pink (GY928) Dandy, 79 tons, official No.87792, April 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885 for Jesse Trevor, 109 Duncombe Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Jesse Trevor, 86 Duncombe Street, Grimsby. 1899 for Robert William Roberts, 98 Albert Terrace, Grimsby.
1884 built Grimsby - 'Refuge' (GY954) Dandy, official No.90364, July 1884 registered Grimsby, 79 tons, 1885 for Thomas Richards, 132 Wood Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Thomas Richards, 90 Newmarket Street, Grimsby. 1895 for Arthur Jeffs, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby.
1884 'Lizzie Thorpe (GY955) Dandy, 85 tons, official No.90366, August 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885 for William J. S. Hood, 47 Hainton Street, Weelsby. 1890 for George Dobson, 324 Victoria Street, Grimsby. 1899 for Henry Bell, Grimsby.
1884 'Mizpah (GY949) Dandy, 79 tons, official No.90359, June 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885 for John Woods, 119 Guilford Street, New Clee. 1890 for John Woods, 178 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1900 for John Du Pre, 4 Elizabeth Place, St. Heliers, Jersey. 1910/15 for Charles Le Quesne, Union and Le Geyt Street, Jersey. 1920 for Adcock, Kerr & Co. Ltd. 155 Fenchurch Street, London.
1884 built Grimsby - 'Morwenol (GY981) Dandy, 79 tons, official No.90390, December 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885 for Lewis Lloyd, 16 Clarence terrace, Abbey Road, Wellow, Nr. Grimsby. 1890 for Robert Bauckham, 13 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1898 for George William Parker, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby.
1884 built Grimsby - 'Nellie' (GY936) Dandy, 47 tons, official No.90351, May 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885/90 for Thomas Robinson, Cleethorpes. 1900 for Charles Jeffs snr, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1884 'The Pride (GY970) Dandy, 79 tons, official No.90378, October 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885 for Edward J. Genery, 24 Trinity Street, New Clee. 1890/95 for William J.T. Hill, 1 Clee Lane, New Clee.
1884 built Grimsby - 'Professor Huxley (GY922) Dandy, 85 tons, official No.87787, February 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885/97 for George L. Alward, 11 Hainton Street, Weelsby.
1884 built Grimsby - 'Silent Wave (GY956) Dandy, 82 tons, official No.90367, August 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885 for Edwin Bacon, 28 Stanley Street, New Clee. 1890 for Edwin Bacon, 15 Arlington Street, New Clee. 1898 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd Grimsby.
1884 'Tobit & Annie (GY946) Dandy, 45 tons, official No.90356, June 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885/90 for William Mudd Jnr, South Street, Cleethorpes. 1898 for Charles Rowston, New Clee. 24th March 1898 collision with Barque 'Bruder' of Norway 25 miles ESE off Flamborough Head.
1884 'Ucal (GY935) Dandy, 89 tons, official No.87798, May 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885/96 for Henry R. Hambrook, 157 Victor Street, New Clee. 12th December 1895 in collision with s.s. 'Harrington' of Sunderland about 20 miles ENE of Whitby.
1884 built Grimsby - 'Westward Ho (GY985) Dandy, 82 tons, official No.90393, December 1884 registered Grimsby, 1885/95 for George E.J. Moody, Cleethorpes.
1884 built Grimsby - 'Bertha' (GY968) Dandy, official No.90377, October 1884 registered Grimsby, 84 tons, 1885/87 for Edward H. Jackson, Dudley Street, Grimsby. Missing since 26th Feruary 1887 and presumed foundered following collision with 'Hansa' 65 miles E by S off Spurn Point.
1884 built Grimsby - 'Research' (GY988) Dandy, official No.90396, January 1885 registered Grimsby, 81 tons, 1887/1895 for Frank Allenby, 163 Victor street, New Clee. 1900/01 registered Lerwick for John Irvine, Lerwick, Shetland.
1885 built Grimsby - 'Pandora' (GY989) Ketch, official No.90399, January 1885 registered Grimsby, 86 tons, 1885/88 for Charles Forrester, 98 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 12th December 1888 foundered about 190 miles off Spurn Point.
1885 'Alice Kermond' (GY1063) Ketch, 86 tons, official No.92797, December 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Charles Henry Needham Blackburn, Grimsby. 1899 for Thomas C. Moss, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby.
1885 built Grimsby - 'Allegro' (GY1020) Ketch, 50 tons, official No.91525, May 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for John M. Young, 28 Bancroft Street, Cleethorpes. 1898 for George Ernest Baker, 27 Bancroft Street, Cleethorpes.
1885 built Grimsby - 'Aquila' (GY997) Ketch, 78 tons, official No.91505, February 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887 for Robert A. Robertson, 7 St. James Terrace, Bargate, Grimsby. 1890/98 for John H. Bellamy, 120 Burgess Street, Grimsby.
February 1885 'Camellia' (GY996) Ketch, 81 tons, official No.91503, February 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Thomas Higgins, 134 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 1900 for Walter C. Brown, Fish Docks, Grimsby.
1885 built Grimsby - 'Devonia' (GY1006) Ketch, 87 tons, official No.91515, April 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for John Guzzwell, Beaconthorpe, Grimsby. 1899 for The Grimsby Fishsalesmen's Association, Ltd. Grimsby.
1885 built Grimsby - 'Esperanza' (GY1022) Ketch, 83 tons, official No.91526, May 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/98 for George Jeffs, 65 Kent Street, Grimsby.
1885 built Grimsby - 'English Rose' (GY1007) Ketch, 88 tons, official No.91516, April 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for William Carr, 58 Duke Street, New Clee. 1899 for Mrs. A. Bellamy, Grimsby.
1885 built Grimsby - 'Fanny' (GY994) Ketch, 49 tons, official No.91504, February 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887 for William U. Bateman, 29 Bancroft Street, Cleethorpes. 1890 for William U. Bateman, 55 Weelsby Street, Grimsby. 1898 for Amon Croft, 6 Bancroft Street, Cleethorpes, Grimsby.
1885 'General Gordon (GY1012) Ketch, 81 tons, official No.91518, May 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for William Stockwood, 190 Victor Street, New Clee. 1900 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London (YH185). 1900 sold foreign.
1885 built Grimsby - 'George Hooker (GY1027) Wood Ketch, 80 tons, official No.91531, June 1885 registered Grimsby, 76 x 20 x 10 ft, 1887/94 for William J. Bensey, 120 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 8th September 1894 abandoned in the North Sea, the court found the skipper Mr. William Isaac Brusey in default and suspended his certificate for six months. Built for £1,150 and with fittings £1,800. 1893 ashore at Withersea and repaired at Grimsby for £4. The crew were rescued by 'Sir Titus Salt' and 'Eva' both of Grimsby.
1885 'Her Majesty (GY1057) Ketch, 81 tons, official No.92792, November 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Robert S. Brown, 38 Trinity Street, New Clee. 1900 registered Jersey for John George Le Gros, Oak Villa, Gorey, Jersey.
1885 'Lady Eleanor Heneage (GY993) Ketch, 80 tons, official No.91501, February 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/92 for William Browning, 50 Grafton Street, New Clee.
1885 built Grimsby - 'Martha Somerville (GY1035) Ketch, 79 tons, official No.91544, August 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887 for Thomas A. Mosse, 8 Worsley Buildings, Grimsby. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1900 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London. 1900 sold foreign.
1885 'Nolan's Charge' (GY1059) Ketch, 86 tons, official No.92793, for John H. Bellamy, Grimsby (1890).
1885 built Grimsby - 'Panurge (GY1033) Ketch, 83 tons, official No.91538, August 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Robert Staff, 80 Hamilton Street, New Clee. 1899 for Thomas C. Moss, Eleanor Street, Grimsby.<
1885 'Peregal (GY1045) Ketch, 83 tons, official No.91550, for Jas. Rich, New Clee (1890).
1885 'Prosperity (GY1061) Ketch, 80 tons, official No.92795, December 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Benjamin Beeson, 133 Duncombe Street, Grimsby. 14th November 1890 collision with 'Gemini' of Grimsby about 75 miles off Spurn Point.
1885 built by G. Outwin, Grimsby - 'Puritan (GY1056) Wood Ketch/Smack, 78 x 20 x 11 ft, 84 tons, official No.92789, November 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887 for James Barber, 104 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Thomas Baskcomb, New Clee. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co Ltd. Grimsby.
1885 built Grimsby - 'Saucy Lass (GY1023) Ketch, 50 tons, official No.91528, June 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Elvidge Grant, Mill Road, Cleethorpes. 1899 for George E. J. Moody, Cleethorpes.
1885 'Sidonia (GY1004) Ketch, 81 tons, official No.91513, April 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for John Guzzwell, Beaconsfield. 1899 for The Grimsby Fishsalesmen's Association Ltd. Grimsby.
1885 'Susan (GY1042) Ketch, 79 tons, official No.91547, September 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Henry Slater, 129 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1898 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1885 built Grimsby - 'W. G. Marshall (GY1047) Ketch, 91 tons, official No.92786, October 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Charles H. Woolnough, 106 Albert Terrace, Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 1900 sold foreign.
1885 'William Grant (GY1066) Ketch, 51 tons, official No.92801, January 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Edward T. Smead, Cleethorpes. 1900 for Robert Raddings, 27 Pelham Street, Grimsby. 1910/17 for John Bell, Great Grimsby. 1920 registered Guernsey for Charles H. Lowery, 34 Hopwood Street, Hull.
1885 'Young Lizzie (GY1029) Ketch, 58 tons, official No.91533, July 1885 registered Grimsby, 1887/98 for Charles Cook, 128 Thorold Street, New Clee.
1885 built Grimsby - 'Richard Boston' (GY1055) Wooden Ketch, official No.92790, November 1885 registered Grimsby, 68 x 19 x 9 ft, 63 tons, 1887 for Tom C. Gray, 1 Spring Terrace, Mill Road, Cleethorpes. 1888/90 owned by Mr. John Rutter, owner and Skipper, 138 Thorold Street, New Clee, Grimsby. Stranded two miles south of Withersea, 6th November 1888. 19th November she was got off and towed to Royal Dock, Grimsby. The vessel cost £1,200 and was insured for £850. The master John Rutter was found in default. 1900 for William Michael Staples, 130 Hainton Street, Grimsby.
February 1885 - 'Rosalind' Steel Barque, official No.91508, registered Grimsby, 352 tons, 1889 belonging to Messrs Sutcliffe and Sons, Grimsby. Her first voyage was to the West Indies in July and a crew of 10 hands. November 1889 on her second voyage, she was hit by a cyclone, and has been lost with all hands, Captain Russell of Grimsby.
1885 built Grimsby - 'Bay Wreath' (GY1072) Ketch, official No.92804, February 1886 registered Grimsby, 88 tons, 1887/90 for George Cracknell, 66 Stanley Street, New Clee. 24th November 1890 in collision with 'Resolution' of Grimsby about 210 miles off Spurn Point.
1885 built Grimsby - 'John Vere' (GY1034) Ketch, official No.91537, July 1885 registered Grimsby, 82 tons, 1887/90 for William H. Curwood, 127 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 1899 for Samuel E. Green, 6 Sydney Terrace, Cleethorpes Road, New Clee.
1886 'Agnes Louisa' (GY1083) Ketch, 95 tons, official No.92816, April 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Robert H. Ward, 40 Gladstone Terrace, New Clee. 1899 for Robert Ward, 41 Park Street, New Clee.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Appleby' (GY64) Ketch. 83 tons, official No.93929, January 1887 registered Grimsby, 1888/90 for Thomas Sowerby, 1 Grosvenor Place, High Street, Cleethorpes. 1900/08 registered Dublin for Francis Flanagan, Commercial House, Skerries, co. Dublin.
1886 built Grimsby - 'City of Rome' (GY1099) Ketch, 90 tons, official No.92825, May 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for James H. Keeble, 101 Willingham Street, Weelsby. 1899 for William Thomas Dunlin, 7 Albion Terrace, Cartergate, Grimsby.
1886 'El Dorado' (GY3) Ketch, 85 tons, official No.93897, August 1886 registered Grimsby, 85 tons, 1890 for John E. Woolis, 4 St. John's Terrace, New Clee. 1900/01 registered Yarmouth for John Edward Champney, Abchurch Chambers, London.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Cuxwold' (GY1098) Ketch, 82 tons, official No.92824, May 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887 for John Sowerby, Cuxwold Hall, Caistor. 1890 for William Birdsall, Grand Street. New Clee.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Earl of Cardigan' (GY39) Ketch, 59 tons, official No.93916, November 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887 for Andrew McUrich, Grimsby. 1890/96 for William Butt, Royal Dock Hotel, Cleethorpes.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Fred Carter' (GY49) Ketch, 36 tons, official No.93918, November 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/1900 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Florence & Laurina' (GY1073) Ketch, 84 tons, official No.92807, February 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for William Francis Vincent, 60 Grafton Street, New Clee. 1899 for Alfred Doust, 10 Heneage Street, Grimsby.
1886 'Happy Return (GY1119) Ketch, 50 tons, official No.93895, August 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Henry Burgess, 85 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1898 for James Paddison, 7 Charles Street, Cleethorpes.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Little Emma (GY1079) Ketch, 96 tons, official No.92811, March 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Walter Crampin, 94 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1900/02 for Andrew Sutherland, 50 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1886 'Little Lizzie (GY1089) Ketch, 80 tons, official No.92819, April 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for John T. Allenby, 88 Fildes Street, West Marsh, Grimsby. 1899 for William Thomas Lawrence, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Little Wave (GY1071) Ketch, 80 tons, official No.92805, February 1886 registered Grimeby, 1887/90 for Mark Duell, 3 Whitgift Street, Grimsby.
1886 'Masterpiece (GY1111) Ketch, 51 tons, official No.93889, 1890 for John Grant, Fir Cottages, Crowhill Road, Cleethorpes. 1900 registered Lowestoft for George W. Hame, 2 Old Nelson Street, Lowestoft. 1902 wrecked.
1886 'Mignonette (GY13) Ketch, 90 tons, official No.93901, 1887/90 for Charles Bealey, 186 Hainton Street, Weelsby. 1899 for James Smith 180 Victor Street, Grimsby.
1886 'My Pretty Love (GY1117) Ketch, 35 tons, official No.93892, 1890/1907 for Thomas Campbell, Grimsby. 6th April 1907 stranded near Tunstall, Yorkshire.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Ormonde (GY62) Ketch, 86 tons, official No.93927, December 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for William Germany, 158 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1899 for Thomas C. Moss, 45 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Pacific (GY43) Ketch, 86 tons, official No.93917, November 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for John W. Everett, 55 Thorold Street, New Clee. 1899 for Thomas Campbell Moss, Fish Docks Road, Grimsby.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Panton (GY30) Ketch, 86 tons, official No.93908, October 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for James William Austin, 110 Oxford Street, New Clee. 1899 for Thomas C. Moss, Eleanor Street, Grimsby.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Pavonia (GY60) Wood Ketch/Smack, 78 x 21 x 10 ft, 86 tons, official No.93923, December 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887 for William Bangs, Canning Town, Essex. 1890/02 for John S. Bedford, 113 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Percy Russell (GY57) Ketch, 82 tons, official No.93926, December 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887 for James P. Russel, 130 Weelsby Street, New Clee. 1890 for Henry Smethurst, Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1898 for John S. Bedford, 113 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Silver Belle (GY1087) Ketch, 83 tons, official No.92817, April 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for William Ellis, 62 Hainton Street, Weelsby. 1900 registered Lerwick for Lewis Francis U. Garriock, Scalloway, Shetland. 1904 for Richard Norris Wolfenden, Rougemont, Seaford, Sussex.
1886 'Silver King (GY1118) Wood Ketch/Smack, 79 x 20 x 11 ft, 85 tons, official No.93894, 1887 for George W. Outwin, 173 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 1890 for William H. Outwin, Park Street, New Clee. 1900 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London. 1900 sold foreign.
1886 built by G. Outwin - 'Sovereign (GY1091) Wood Ketch/Smack, 80 x 20 x 11ft, 86 tons, official No.92821, May 1896 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Alfred John Beeson, 15 Yarborough Street, West Marsh, Grimsby. 1899 for Samuel Gidley, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Spirit of the Deep (GY1082) Ketch, 80 tons, official No.92814, April 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/98 for Thomas Higgins, 134 St. John's Terrace, New Clee.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Whimbrel (GY40) Ketch, 84 tons, official No.93915, November 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Alexander W. Drury, Grimsby. 1900 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1886 'William Moss (GY1116) Ketch, 86 tons, official No.93891, 1887/99 for William Moss Jnr, 34 Riby Street, Grimsby.
1886 built Grimsby - 'William Stephenson (GY12) Ketch, 82 tons, official No.93907, 1887/90 for William Funnell, 32 Victoria Street, New Clee. 1899 for Mrs. A. G. Jackson, 166 Hainton Street, Grimsby.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Willie (GY1100) Ketch, 49 tons, official No.92826, May 1886 registered Grimsby, 1890 for Spencer Larkin, 115 Stanley Street, New Clee. 1900 registered Liverpool for George Isaac Evans, 14 Marmion Road, Hoylake, Cheshire. 1910 for Frederick Jackson, 12 Shaw Street, Hoylake, Cheshire.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Young Herbert (GY50) Ketch, 97 tons, official No. 93920, December 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Henry Coxson, 55 Freeman Street, Grimsby. 1900/01 registered Yarmouth for John Edward Champney, Abchurch Chambers, London.
1886 built by G. Outwin, Grimsby - 'Zebra (GY1070) Wood Ketch/Smack, 79 x 20 x 11 ft, 84 tons, official No.92806, February 1886 registered Grimsby, 1887/90 for Henry Thurston, Grimsby. 1898 for John Gidley jnr, 64 Welholme Street, Grimsby.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Rainbow' (GY1108) Ketch, official No.93883, registered Grimsby, 83 tons, 1890 for Ormund Halvorson, 239 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 27th March in collision with 'Merry Lass' off Spurn Point. 1895 for Henry Shackleton jnr, 62 Fraser Street, Grimsby.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Jehovah Jireh' (GY1110) Ketch, official No.93885, registered Grimsby, 50 tons, 1887 for William H. Dyer, 77 Thorold Street, New Clee. 1900 registered Galway for Robert Allan Tennant, New Dock, Galway. 1910/15 registered Liverpool for Thomas Linekar, 14 Drummond Road, Hoylake, Cheshire. 1920/30 for John H. Collins, 'Yvoemar', Abercrombie Road, Fleetwood.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Rebecca Sleight' (GY1120) Ketch, official No.93900, August 1886 registered Grimsby, 81 tons, 1887/88 for John T. Stroud, 197 Willingham Street, Weesby. 21st March 1888 in collision with 'Frankland' of Sunderland off Spurn Point.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Ravendale' (GY27) Ketch, official No.93906, September 1886 registered Grimsby, 81 tons, 1887/93 for Thomas Sowerby, Cuxwold Hall, Nr. Caistor, Norfolk. Missing since 19th November 1893.
1886 built Grimsby - 'Jane Stephenson' (GY29) Ketch, official No.93909, October 1886 registered Grimsby, 82 tons, 1887/90 for Josiah B. Spooner, 78 Weelsby Street, New Clee. 1899 for Mrs. A. G. Jackson, 166 Hainton Street, Grimsby.
1886 built Grimsby - 'John Guzzwell' (GY1074) Ketch, official No.92809, March 1886 registered Grimsby, 87 tons, 1887/99 for Henry Brusey, 33 Pelham Street, New Clee.
1887 'Athlete' (GY154) Ketch, 50 tons, official No.94082, June 1888 registered Grimsby, 1890 for Richard Smith, 61 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1900/10 registered Plymouth for Charles Foster, 28 St. John's Road, Plymouth. 1915/20 for Nathaniel R. S. Foster, 52 Notte Street, Plymouth.
1887 built Grimsby - 'Coriolanus' (GY87) Ketch, 51 tons, official No.94051, April 1887 registered Grimsby, 1888 for John R. Margarson, 19 Guilford Street, New Clee. 1890/98 for Thomas Sowerby, Cleethorpes.
1887 'Duchess of Norfolk' (GY103) Ketch, 88 tons, official No.94059, July 1887 registered Grimsby, 1888/90 for James Loades, Grimsby. 1899 for Thomas C. Moss, 45 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1887 built Grimsby - 'Fred Atkinson' (GY113) Ketch, 55 tons, official No.94062, August 1887 registered Grimsby, 1888/90 for George W. Outwin, Park Street, New Clee. 1897 for William Toogood, Grimsby.
1887 'George Herbert Ketch, 77 tons, official No.94070, for Thomas Campbell, Grimsby (1890).
1887 built Grimsby - 'H.M. Stanley (GY99) Ketch, 62 tons, official No.94056, May 1887 registered Grimsby, 1888/95 for George Jackson, Grimsby.
1887 built Grimsby - 'Queen's Jubilee' (GY76) Ketch, 81 tons, official No.94042, February 1887 registered Grimsby, 1888/90 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1899 for William Thomas Lawrence, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1887 'Silver Queen (GY78) Ketch, 83 tons, official No.94043, March 1887 registered Grimsby, 1888 for William Bray, 19 Weelsby Street, New Clee. 1890/94 for William Thomas Dunlin, Fish Dock, Grimsby. 4th March 1894 in collision with floating wreckage about 27 miles E By N of Spurn Point.
1887 built Grimsby - 'Thistle (GY116) Ketch, 87 tons, official No.94067, September 1887 registered Grimsby, 1888/90 for Alfred Tidman, 33 Victor Street, New Clee. 1900 for George Smith, 33 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1900 sold foreign.
1887 built Grimsby - Victoria (GY96) Cutter, 14 tons, official No.94052, May 1887 registered Grimsby, 1888 for Peter Parsons, 160 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890 for Edward Henry Lomes, 115 Strand Street, Grimsby. 1896 for George Davidson, Boston. Missing since 25th January 1902.
1887 built Grimsby - 'Volunteer (GY118) Ketch, 87 tons, official No.94068, September 1887 registered Grimsby, 1888/90 for Thomas Baskcomb, New Clee. 1898 for William Henry Baskcomb, 32 Hare Street, Grimsby.
1887 built Grimsby - 'Dr. T. deWitt Talmage' (GY85) Ketch, official No.94050, April 1887 registered Grmsby, 85 tons, 1888 for William Empson, Ebenezer House, Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 1890/98 for James Codling, Melrose House, Park Street, New Clee.
1887 built Grimsby - 'Rosebud' (GY112) Ketch, official No.94063, August 1887 registered Grimsby, 54 tons, 1888/90 for Tom C. Gray, Mill Road, Cleethorpes. 1894 for Alfred Burgess, 10 Bancroft Street, Cleethorpes. 23rd May 1894 collision with 'Nina' of Hull about 17 miles SE off Spurn Point.
1887 built Grimsby - 'John De Wycliffe' (GY131) Ketch, official No.94071, October 1887 registered Grimsby, 86 tons, 1888 for William Empson, Ebenezer House, New Clee. 1900 for James E. Furner, 45 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1900 sold foreign.
1888 built Grimsby - 'Beelsby' (GY160) Ketch, 61 tons, official No.94087, August 1888 registered Grimsby, 1890 for Thomas Sowerby, Elm Terrace, Cleethorpes. 6th August 1890 in collision with 'Valhalla' of West Hartlepool about 15 miles E by S of Spurn Point.
1888 built Grimsby - 'Bonnie Belle' (GY162) Ketch, 86 tons, official No.94090, September 1888 registered Grimsby, 1890/99 for William Moss Jnr, 11 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1888 built Grimsby - 'Flirt' (GY147) Ketch, 60 tons, official No.94079, April 1888 registered Grimsby, 1890/97 for Thomas Baskcomb, 92 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 22nd July 1897 collision with steamer 'Talis' of Sweden about 45 miles ENE of Spurn Point.
1888 built Grimsby - 'Fire Fly (GY193) Ketch, 51 tons, official No.95097, January 1889 registered Grimsby, 1890 for James Croft, Humber Street, Grimsby. 1900 registered Lowestoft for William James Williams jnr, 10 Regent Road, Lowestoft.
June 1888 built Grimsby - 'G.I.C. (GY157)Wood Ketch 85 tons, official No.94083, June 1888 registered Grimsby, 69 x 21 x 11 ft, 1890 for the Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. 1900/01 registered Yarmouth for John Edward Champney, Abchurch Chambers, London (YH193). 1902 renamed 'Esther' for Engey, Reykjavik . December 1922 sold to Faroe Islands (KG391). 1992 returned to Grimsby for £15,000.
1888 built Grimsby - 'Great Carlton (GY141) Ketch, 86 tons, official No.94077, March 1888 registered Grimsby, 1890 for Alonzo Carrington, 122 Thorold Street, New Clee. 1900 for James Enoch Furner, 45 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1900 sold foreign.
1888 built Grimsby - 'Lavinia Smith (GY159) Ketch 50 tons, official No.94086, August 1888 registered Grimsby, 1890 for Richard Smith, 61 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1900 registered Chester for William Brown, 18 Curzen Park, Chester. 1910/20 for The Dee Pilot Boat Co. Ltd. 8 Old Bank Buildings, Chester.
1888 built Grimsby - 'Little Ethel (GY140) Ketch, 68 tons, official No.94076, March 1888 registered Grimsby, 1890 for Joseph Dennis, New Clee. 1899 for Arthur Henry Barber, Fish Docks, Grimsby.
1888 built Grimsby - 'Romp' (GY145) Ketch, official No.94078, April 1888 registered Grimsby, 89 tons, 1890/99 for Thomas Baskcomb, 92 Cleethorpe Road, New Clee. 1899 sold foreign.
1888 built Grimsby - 'Mary' (GY172) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.94092, October 1888 registered Grimsby, 90 x 20 x 10 ft, 59 tons, 30 h.p. 1890/1900 for Thomas Charlton, 9 Grovenor Crescent, Grimsby. 1907/30 registered St, John's N.F.L. for Bell Island Steamship Co. Ltd Bell Island Conception Bay, N.F.L.
1889 'Ben Stark' (GY225) Ketch 103 tons, official No.96207, for Thomas Campbell, Grimsby (1890/1900).
1889 built Grimsby - 'Criterion' (GY213) Ketch, 62 tons, official No.96200, July 1889 registered Grimsby, 1890/99 for Thomas Baskcomb, 92 Albert Terrace, Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1889 built Grimsby - 'Pearl of the Ocean (GY228) Ketch, 67 tons, official No.96208, November 1889 registered Grimsby, 1890 for James E. Furner, Fish Dock, Grimsby. 1898/99 for James E. Furner, 45 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1889 built Grimsby - 'John Dillon' (GY205) Ketch. official No.96198, June 1889 registered Grimsby, 61 tons, 1890 for Richard Smith, 61 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1898 for James Meadows Ltd. Grimsby.
1890 built Grimsby - 'John Morley' (GY235) Ketch. official No.96211, February 1890 registered Grimsby, 62 tons, 1890 for Richard Smith, 61 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1898 for James Meadows Ltd. Grimsby.
1890 built Grimsby - 'Louise' Sloop, official No.96218, April 1890 registered Grimsby, 58 tons, 1891 for John Henry Alcock, Westbourne Villas, Wellow, Grimsby. 1892/93 for Thomas Scaife, Beckside. Beverley.
1890 built Grimsby - 'Fertile' (GY253) Ketch, official No.96222, June 1890 registered Grimsby, 72 tons, 1890/1900 for George Smith, 33 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1900 sold foreign.
1890 built Grimsby - 'Irish Patriot' (GY262) Ketch, official No.96226, August 1890 registered Grimsby, 62 tons, 1890 for Richard Smith, 61 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1895/98 for James Meadows Ltd. Grimsby.
1890 built Grimsby - 'Sapphire' (GY265) Ketch, official No.96230, October 1890 registered Grimsby, 49 tons, 1890 for John N. Frankish, Sea View Street, Cleethorpes. 1900 registered Lowestoft for William Cooper, 28 Seago Street, Lowestoft. 1907/08 for Thomas Phillips, 5 Elizabeth Terrace, Lovewell Road, Kirkley, Suffolk.
1890 built Grimsby - 'Croxby' (GY282) Ketch, official No.96233, December 1890 registered Grimsby, 69 tons, 1890/95 for James E. Furner, 26 Pelham Street, Grimsby. 1899 for James E. Furner, 45 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1891 built Grimsby - 'Ashby' (GY359 Ketch, official No.99174, 1891 registered Grimsby, 49 tons, 1892 for Levi Walter Leaver, 80 Ascough Street, West Marsh, Grimsby. 1900/15 for William John Armitage, 13 Sea View, Hoylake, Cheshire. 1920 for Samuel E. Dutton, Dunard, Vyner Road, Bidston, Cheshire. 1930 for Samuel E. Dutton, 24 Chapel Walk, Liverpool. 1940 for William A. Jones, Balcony House, Parkgate, Cheshire.
1891 built Grimsby - 'Prolific' (GY422) Ketch, official No.99200, registered Grimsby, 62 tons, 1892/1898 for James Meadows Ltd. Grimsby.
1891 built Grimsby - 'Galway' (GY429) Ketch, official No.99661, 1891 registered Grimsby, 72 tons, 1892/99 for James Meadows Ltd. Grimsby. 1900/01 registered Colchester for John Sawyer, Sydney Street, Brightlingsea, Essex.
1891 built Grimsby - 'Mermaid' (GY287) Ketch, official No.96236, January 1891 registered Grimsby, 63 tons, 1891 for William Toogood, Grimsby. 1900/10 for John Randles, 18 Bank Road, Hoylake, Cheshire. 1915/20 registered Liverpool for Ernest Mackay, 38 Lake Place, Hoylake, Cheshire. 1930/35 motor added, 68 x 19 x 10 ft, 63 tons, 50 h.p. for Ernest Mackay, 38 Lake Place, Hoylake, Cheshire.
1891 built Grimsby - 'Spray' (GY319) Ketch, official No.96248, 1891 registered Grimsby 73 tons, 1891/1894 for James Meadows Ltd. Grimsby. 29th June 1894 in collision with Steamer 'Actif' of France 16 miles E by N of Spurn Point.
1892 built Grimsby - 'Regina' (GY473) Ketch, official No.99684, registered Grimsby, 64 tons, 1893/1900 for John Bell, 31 Victor Street, Grimsby.
June 1893 'Miss Leak' (GY1025) Wooden Fishing Vessel, registered Grimsby, 42 tons for fishing for cod, oyster or whelking purposes.
1894 built Grimsby - 'Riby' (GY623) Ketch, official No.104178, registered Grimsby, 70 tons, 1895/99 for James Enoch Furness, 45 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 4th February 1899 stranded Beast Cliff, Yorkshire.
December 1896 - Ship building at Grimsby is a dead letter.
1901 built Grimsby - 'Herbert Gaselee' Sailing Vessel, official No.114715, July 1901 registered London, 339 tons, 1901 renamed 'W. H. No.1' for Woodman Hill, The Welkin, Lindfield, Sussex. 1915/30 for C. H. Campbell Ltd. 56 Victoria Street, Westminster, London.
1911 built Grimsby - 'Wagtail' official No.132240, January 1912 registered Hull, 125 tons, 1915 for John A. Scott, Ltd . 11 High Street, Hull. 1930/40 for John Deheer Ltd. 18 High Street, Hull.
1911 built Grimsby - 'Waxwing' official No.132254, January 1912 registered Hull, 125 tons, 1915/40 for John A. Scott, Ltd. 11 High Street, Hull.
1911 built Grimsby - 'Woodchat' Sailing Vessel, official No.132255, January 1912 registered Hull, 125 tons, 1915/40 for John A. Scott Ltd. 11 High Street, Hull.
1911 built Grimsby - 'Blackcap' Sail, official No.132239, January 1912 registered Hull, 125 tons, 1915/40 for John A. Scott Ltd. 11 High Stret, Hull.
Built 1934 - 'Alaskan' Motor Vessel, official No.166633, February 1940 registered Grimsby, 21 tons.
February 1937 – ‘Another important deal in trawlers – the second within a week – has just been completed at Grimsby. H.L. Taylor Ltd. have aquired seven ships of the fleet of the Standard Steam Fishing Company. The trawlers concerned are: Nubia, Salacon, Sanson, Silicia, Strephon, Vindelecia, and Simerson. All of the ships with the exception of Nubia were built at Beverley, and have been engaged in Faroe and Iceland fishing. The new owners, Japan Steam Fishing Co. Ltd., intend some of the ships to work the North Sea grounds and others to fish off the Faroes.’
1937 built Grimsby - 'Elsie Mabel' Wooden Motor Vessel, official No.164422, April 1937 registered Grimsby, 45 x 15 x 6ft, 7 tons, 55 b.h.p. 1940 for Irish Sea Fisheries Association Ltd. 45 Kildare Street, Dublin.
1939 built Grimsby - 'Petela' Wooden Motor Vessel, official No.167073, October 1939 registered Hull, 48 x 14 x 6 ft, 25 tons, 76 b.h.p. 1940 for Lionel Parrett, Springfield, Birstall, Nr Leeds.
1939 built Grimsby - 'Sarawara' Wooden Motor Ketch, official No.166631, March 1939 registered Grimsby, 47 x 14 x 6 ft, 10 tons, 70 b.h.p. 1940/47 for James H. L. Luddington, Wallington Hall, King's Lynn.
Ships registered at Grimsby
1801 built Rochester - 'Adventure' Dandy, official No.24888, November 1845 registered London, 51 tons, 1865 for William Garner Gravesend. 1870 registered Grimsby for John T. Hill, Grimsby.1880 for Henry William Brown, Clee.
1816 built Wivenhoe, Colchester - 'Sarah' Smack, official No.9600, registered Grimsby, 19 tons, 1870/72 for William Davy, Grimsby.
1825 built Frindsbury - 'Eliza' Schooner, official No.4845, registered Grimsby, 59 tons, 1870/75 for Edward Bannister, Grimsby.
1826 built at Limehouse - 'Majestic' Sloop, official No.12521, February 1850 registered Grimsby, 43 tons, 1865/70 for Nathan Chapman, Grimsby. 1880 for Joseph Chapman, Grimsby.
1826 built Grimsby - 'Andes' Snow, 285 tons, for C. Wilson, registered Newcastle, Captain C. Wilson.
November 1837 built Barking - 'Wanderer' Smack, official No.15888, 1880 registered London, 1865/70 for John Starling Barking, registered Grimsby, 52 tons, 1880/90 for George Millar, 45 Wood Street, Grimsby.
1837 - 'Williams' Sail, official No.17709, 1837/63 registered Grimsby, 50 tons.
1837 built Mistley, Essex - 'Mary' Dandy, official No.17720, May 1856 registered Grimsby. 51 tons, 1865 for William Genney, Grimsby. 1870 for John Wenney, Grimsby. 1880 for William Moore, Grimsby.
1838 built Barking - 'Alarm' Smack, official No.9130, November 1855 registered London, 55 tons, 1865 for Edward Balch, Barking Essex. 1866/80 registered Grimsby for Christopher Burns, Grimsby.
1841 built Barking - 'Admiral' Smack, official No.15893, registered London, 57 tons, 1865 for James Reed, Barking. 1870 for Thomas R. Forge, Barking. 1876 registered Grimsby for Henry William Earle, Grimsby. 1880 for Christopher Burns, 27 Kent Street, Grimsby.
1841 built Quebec - 'Union' Schooner, official No.21023, registered Grimsby 89 tons, 1867/70 for Thomas Oates, Grimsby.
1843 built by Frederick Baddeley, Brixham - 'Blessing' Dandy, official No.7573, registered Grimsby, 41 tons, 1867 for Thomas Gray, Grimsby. 1870 for William Goodfellow, Grimsby. 1880 for Foster Vicars, Cleethorpes.
1843 built Hastings - 'Ann and Kezia' or 'Ann & Kenzia' Dandy, official No.9048, November 1843 registered London, 1865 registered Grimsby, 47 tons, for John Winney, Cleethorpe's Road, Grimsby. 1870/80 for William S. Porter, Grimsby.
1844 built Bordeaux - 'Charles' Schooner, official No.562, September 1852 registered Grimsby, 53 tons, 1865 for Stephen Lawtey, Winteringham. 1870 for Susannah E. Lawtey, Winteringham. 1872 for James Watts, Hull. Wrecked 16th November 1874.
1845 built Newfoundland - 'John' Brigantine, official No.13280, registered Grimsby, 102 tons, 1872 for Samuel North, Grimsby.
1845 built Manningtree, Essex - 'Pearl' Steamer/Cutter, official No.17721, registered Grimsby, 53 tons, 20 h.p. 1865/70 for Joseph Harup, 11 Worsley's Buildings, Grimsby. 1870 converted to sail, 78 tons. 1880 for Robert Suggitt, Cleethorpes.
June 1846 - 'Wilberforce' Steamer, official No.7700, registered Newcastle, 1860 registered Grimsby, 12 tons, 40 h.p. 1865 for E. Bannister, Grimsby. 1870 for John Sharrah, Hull.
1845 built Rye - 'Son of Rechaby' or 'Son of Rechab' Ketch, official No.7685, October 1847 registered Sandwich, 40 tons, 1860 registered Grimsby, 1867/70 registered Kirkwall for James Williamson snr, Kirkwall.1880 for James Williamson jnr, Queen Street, Kirkwall, Orkney.
1846 built Quebec - 'Margaretta' official No.5834, 1854 registered Grimsby, 630 tons. 1854/62 for Hoodless, Hull for the Hull to New York trade. 1854 Captain G. Amery. September 1854 at Greenock Captain Amery, for Quebec with 17 pieces of oak, 30 of elm, 20 of ash, 453 of pine timber 46 deals 24 cords of lathwood. Abandonded October 1862.
October 1847 - 'Temperance Star' official No.7684, registered Sandwich, 39 tons, 1860 registered Grimsby, 1861/64 registered Yarmouth.
1847 built Knottingley - 'Alert' Schooner/Ketch, official No.602, December 1853 registered Grimsby, 59 tons, 1865/70 registered Gainsborough for Joseph Laughton, Gainsborough. 1880 for Thomas Smith, Bridgewater, Somerset. 1890 registered Bridgewater for James P. Nicholas, Bridgewater.
1848 built Portsmouth - 'Whim' Smack, official No.7654, registered Grimsby, 15 tons, 1865 for Edward Osborne, Cleethorpes. 1870 for John Wenney, Grimsby.
August 1848 built Sandwich, Kent - 'Emma' Smack, official No.5521, registered Ramsgate, 42 tons, 1860 registered Grimsby, 1865 for John Jones, Barking. 1870 registered Yarmouth for Thomas Farrell, Yarmouth. 1872 for Henry Barnes, Southtown, Suffolk.
1848 built Wivenhoe, Colchester - 'Start' (GY563) Smack, official No.56015, November 1848 registered London, 55 tons, 1868 for John Bunch, Grimsby. 1880 registered Grimsby for Henry Bunch, 117 Church Street, Grimsby. October 1880 foundered.
July 1849 - 'Queen' official No.263, registered Grimsby, 45 tons.
February 1850 built Foreign - 'Anthracite' Barque, official No.32468, registered Grimsby, 302 tons for Keetley & Co. for the Hull to Australia route. 1853 Captain A. Harris.
1850 built U.S.A. - 'Burton' (foreign name 'Franz Hugar') Barque, official No.62719, October 1868 registered Grimsby, 312 tons, November 1868 put into Lowestoft with coal to lighten load for Corunna. August 1869 Arrived Grimsby Roads from Skelleftea.1870 for William R. Marshall, Grimsby. March 1870 passed North of Grimsby at 3.30 pm. Sold Foereign December 1872.
May 1851 built Dundee - 'Enchanter' Barque, official No.4666, registered Aberdeen, 486 tons, 1865 for Robert Duthie, Fort Dee, Aberdeen. 1870 registered Quebec for Patrick G. Carvill, Liverpool. November 1873 the Board of Trade of Liverpool survey of the barque was detained because a lot of the timbers were rotten. 1880/75 registered Grimsby for John Hadfield, 10 Albert Terrace, Grimsby. 1888 registered Liverpool for Stephen W. Winchester, Liverpool. 1889 for Samuel Frederick Scott, Cardiff.
July 1851 - 'Slater' official No.242, registered Grimsby, 45 tons, 1865 for R. Allan snr, Louth. 1870 registered Goole for R. Allan jnr, Louth.
1851 - 'Laurel' official No.53221, August 1865 registered Grimsby, 40 tons.
July 1852 built Sandwich - 'Wanderer' Ketch, official No.5588, registered Grimsby, 42 tons, 1870/75 for Henry Greer, Grimsby.
October 1852 - 'Triton' official No.792, registered Grimsby, 38 tons, 1865/67 registered Sunderland for Adam Robson, Newcastle. Lost March 1867.
1852 - 'Hamburg' Steamer, official No.17711, 1852 registered Grimsby, 532 tons, 1860 registered London, 437 tons, 250 h.p.
October 1853 - 'King Fisher' official No.17726, registered Grimsby, 15 tons, 1865 for Thomas Grant, Cleethorpes.
May 1853 - 'Sea Gull' official No.5951, registered Scarborough, 31 tons, 1860 registered Grimsby. 1865 for Robert Lowe, Grimsby.
November 1853 - 'William and John' Steamer, official No.7694, registered Hull, 1860/64 registered Grimsby. March 1857 sailed Sunderland for Grimsby.
September 1853 - 'Mary Maria' official No.396, registered Grimsby, 56 tons, 1860 registered London. 1865/70 registered Newcastle for Ralph Todd, Felling Shore, Durham.
June 1854 - 'Tyro' Steamer Tug, official No.10686, registered Grimsby, 17 tons, 22 h.p. 1865/70 for R. H. Michell, Grimsby. June 1854 arrived Yarmouth and left for Cardiff, Captain Lakeman. Broken up November 1870.
'Ann' official No.17341, May 1854 registered London, 1865 for John Ashford, Creek Road, Deptford, 1866 registered Grimsby, 26 tons, for Edmund Cragg, Grimsby.
October 1854 built Louth - 'Woodlark' Sloop/Ketch, official No.683, registered Grimsby, 52 tons, 1865/70 for Charles Browne, Stepney, Middlesex. 1880/90 for Mark Aaron owner and Master, Louth. 1900/10 for John Hodgson, 49 Craven Street, Holderness Road, Hull. 1915/20 for Henry Oldridge, Barton on Humber.
July 1854 - 'Industry' Steamer, official No.6226, registered Stockton, 10 tons, 27 h.p. 1860/61 registered Grimsby. 1862/64 registered Hull.
1854 - 'William' official No.17701, December 1854/62 registered Grimsby, 57 tons, 1863/5 registered Jersey for Charles Paskins, Jersey.
1854 - 'Providence' Sail, official No.17702, December 1854/63 registered Grimsby, 44 tons.
September 1855 - 'Tower' official No.17753, registered Grimsby, 174 tons, 1857 registered Sunderland, 1860 registered Shields.
December 1855 - 'Sarah Jane' official No.11121, registered Grimsby, 39 tons, 1865 for Mark Smith, Louth.
1855 built Gauensiek - 'Frederikke' (GY796) Schooner, official No.83537, March 1880 registered Grimsby, 70 tons, 1882 for William Sproston, Cleethorpes. 1890 registered Goole for John Travis, 89 Wheldane Lane, Castleford.
1856 - 'Eugenie' Steamer, official No.11126, registered Grimsby, 370 tons, 80 h.p. for the Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Co. Manchester. October 31st 1867 had her bowsprit nocked in and received serious damage on the port side, in collision in the Humber with the 'Schwalbe' of Bremen, which had a large hole drove in on the starboard side and carried away part of her bulwalk.
January 1856 - 'Grimsby' official No.11123, registered Grimsby, 208 tons, 1864.
April 1856 - 'Victoria' official No.11129, registered Grimsby, 299 tons, January 1857 reported in collision on the Goodwin with the 'Alexandra', of Borgo, Russian Finland with a cargo of coal from Hull for Seville. 1858 sold overseas.
Built Barking, Essex 1857 - 'Alma' Sloop, registered Grimsby, official No.19768, 45 tons, 1870/90 for Henry Smethurst, 3 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1881 at Kings Lynn, John Robinson Fisherman, Charles Coulman Fisherman, Richard Robinson Fisherman, james Robinson Fisherman.
1857 built at Sandwich - 'Hydras' Dandy, official No.20271, registered Hull, 48 tons, 1867/82 for Isaac Brusey, 64 Kent Street, Grimsby.
October 1858 'Queen' Sloop, Captain John Watkinson on route London to Booth Ferry with manure, when anchored off Yarmouth in bad weather, Captain and his children lost, his wife and Mate rescued.
1859 built Rye - 'Arctic' Smack, official No.27546, September 1859 registered Grimsby, 37 tons, 1865 for Henry Knott, Grimsby. 1868/70 for George Allen, Grimsby. 1875 for George J. Osbourne, Grimsby.
1860 built at South Shields - 'Eddystone' Wooden Barque Rigged Fishing Vessel, official No.28591, 1870 registered Shields, 1880 registered Grimsby, 121 x 29 x 18 ft, 380 tons, 1870 for Emanuel Young, North Shields, 1880 for Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 3rd November 1888 was stranded and subsequent loss near Withersea, she was not insured so the total loss was about £1,500.
1861 built Rye - 'Myrtle' (GY142) Smack, official No.29801, June 1861 registered Grimsby, 41 tons, 1865/70 for George Jeffs, 65 Kent Street, Grimsby.1880 for William Moss, Grimsby. 1882/6 for Charles Fraray, 172 Church Street, Grimsby.
1861 - 'William & Mary' Sailing Vessel, official No.29803, registered Grimsby, 31 tons, 1865 for Edward Pearson, Grimsby. 1870/71 for William Jackson, Doncaster.
1861 built Rye - 'Merchant' (GY92) Smack, official No.29807, November 1861 registered Grimsby, 40 tons, 1865 for R. Swaby, Cleethorpes. 1870 for Thomas Lamming, Cleethorpes. 1875 for Robert Swaby, Cleethorpes. 1880 for Richard Appleyard, 1 Highgate, Cleethorpes. 1885 for Henry Croft, 2 Clowse Cottage, Highgate, Cleethorpes. 1889 for William Chapman, 53 Stirling Street, New Clee. Broken up.
1861 built Louth - 'Ebenezer' Sloop, official No.105544, 1896 registered Grimsby, 40 tons, 1896/1900 for Archibald McG. Nell, Railway Station, Louth. 1910/18 for Edward Chapman, Waterside Road, Barton-on-Humber.
1862 built Rye - 'Accord' (GY128) Smack, official No.44269, registered Grimsby, 47 tons, 1870 for J. Sweney, Grimsby. 1880 for John Clackson, 6 Thorold Street, New Clee. 1890 for John Clackson, 75 Nelson Street, Grimsby.
1862 built West Hartlepool - 'Agnes' Smack, official No.65831, October 1871 registered Grimsby, 18 tons, 1872 for Samuel Graham, Grimsby. 1875/76 for John Wenney, Grimsby.
1864 built Rye - 'Vivid' Fishing Ketch, official No.51224, 52 tons. 1870 registered Hull for John Lewis Potter, Hull. August 1874 sank Grimsby Smack 'May Queen' (official No. 54818, 49 tons, for Henry Smethurst jnr, Grimsby) and three of the crew drowned. 1880 registered Grimsby for the Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 registered Fleetwood for Charles H. Saunby, Fleetwood.
1864 built Rye - 'Sway' (GY137) Smack, official No.47992, May 1864 registered Grimsby, 49 tons, 1870 for John Guzzwell jnr, Grimsby. February 1870 Due to thick fog discovered ashore opposite the Royal Hotel, Aldeborough. The coastguards using rocket apparatus rescued the crew and fish.
1864 built Rye - 'Undaunted' (GY139) Smack, official No.47993, June 1864 registered Grimsby, 48 tons, 1865/75 for William Guzzwell, 60 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1876 for William Guzzwell, 20 Belle View Terrace, Grimsby.
1864 built Glasgow - 'Stockport' Formerly named 'Banshee', American Civil War Blockade Runner. Official No 50333, 618 tons, 250 h.p. Refit 1866 at Humber Iron Works, Hull and sold by Mr. Bates, Liverpool to Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Co. Manchester. Registered Grimsby. On maiden voyage from Grimsby to Hamburg was wrecked on Cuxhaven bar. Or another report in 1871 states she was lying in the Royal Docks for several years until bought by Mr. Bunz & refit by Mr. Hatfield, shipbuilder, for £6.700 for the Tonning & London Cattle Co. and renamed 'Eiderstedt' and carried 500 cattle & 3,000 sheep.
Built by A. & J. Inglis Ltd, Glasgow December 1865 'Bradford' Originally a Sailing Vessel the converted to Iron Screw Steamer, February 1866 registered Grimsby, for the Hull - Holland run. Captain R.Walker. (Lloyd's Register) Official No. 54809, 205 x 24 x 12 ft, 293 tons, 97 h.p. 1870/90 for Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Co. Manchester. 1871 lengthened. November 1873 a youth named Edward Coens, 15 years son of a wine merchant at Antwerp a passenger shot himself twice. Captain Ebbet from Antwerp attended to the wound and was delivered to hospital on arrival at Grimsby, were the bullet was removed. 1900/09 for the Bradford Steamship Co. Ltd. Newcastle.
1865 built Rye - 'Victor' (GY148) Dandy, official No.47995, February 1865 registered Grimsby, 51 tons, 1865/70 for George Vivian, Grimsby. 1875 for John Melhuish, Cleethorpes Road, Clee. 1880 for Thomas S. Harley, Grimsby. 1885 for James Devereux, 139 Weelsby Street, New Clee. 1890/95 for John E. Greenhow, Harrison House, Beaconthorpe, Cleethorpes.
1865 built Plymouth - 'Devon' (GY156) Sloop/Dandy, official No.47999, July 1865 registered Grimsby, 39 tons, 1866 for Henry Knott, Grimsby. 1870 registered Yarmouth for William Snell, Yarmouth. 1875 for James Welham Yarmouth. 1880/85 for Isaac Bridge, 8 Havelock Road, Yarmouth. 1890/01 for Edmund Alfred Durrant, 63 South Oval, Yarmouth.
1865 built Groningen - 'Katrina de Boer' Schooner, official No.83540, June 1881 registered Grimsby, 59 tons, 1882 for Matthew Brown, 3 Grant Street, New Clee. 1885 for Hans L. Moller, Sunderland.
1866 built Glasgow - 'Leeds' Iron Screw Steamer, registered Grimsby 1876. Official No.54806, 200ft x 24ft 12ft, 248 tons 40 h.p. Owners Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Co. January 1870 the steamship 'Leeds', Captain Hawkins, leaving Antwerp for Grimsby, collided with the steamship 'Zepher', of London when coming out of the Helvoetsius. Both vessels were seriously damaged, the 'Leeds' had her bows driven in and her forehold filled with water and she returned to Helvoet to discharge the cargo.
1866 built Hebburn - 'Loreley' 'Lorley' or 'Lorely' Iron Screw Steamer, official No.56003, registered Grimsby, 285 tons, 50 h.p. 165 x 23 x 14 ft, owned by E. J. Hough, Grimsby. February 1869 left Yarmouth for Syra. March 1870 arrived Constantinople, Captain Stewait. July 1871 Arrived Soderhamn, Captain Marcussen. August 1874 for Arensburg, Captain Platsen. March 1876 passed Scaw heading west. October 1876 passed Dover. June 1877 arrived Shields from Kosigsberg, Captain Wright. December 1874 - 'Lorely' steamer of Grimsby passed the Lizard heading west. December 1874 arrived Barcelona, Captain Vogt.
May 1866 - 'Tower' Schooner, official No.54815, registered Grimsby, 84 tons, 1870/80 for Nathan Chapman, Grimsby.
1866 - 'Foundling' Schooner, official No.54817, May 1866 registered Grimsby, 80 tons, June 1866 The schooner 'Foundling' at Grimsby, Captain Butts with a cargo of coal for Upnor, Kent was leaky. 21st November 1866 at anchor off Great Yarmouth. 30th December 1866 at anchor off Great Yarmouth. October 1867 'William & Clara' of London bound Hamburg from Malaga put into Lowestoft for coal and fouled the 'Foundling' of Grimsby carrying away her jib boon and getting her propeller entangled with cable. October 1869 'Harmonie' Norwegian Brig broke her moorings in Grimsby Old Harbour and drove into Smack 'Pioneer' doing serious damage, the schooner 'Foundling' was also damaged. 1870/72 for Edward Bannister, Grimsby.
1866 built Rye - 'Corsair' (GY183) Dandy, official No.54819, June 1866 registered Grimsby, 57 tons, 1870 for Henry Knott, Grimsby. 1880 for Walter Moody, Cleethorpes. 1890 registered Ayr for Robert Allan, 10 New Bridge Street, Ayr. 1900 registered Fleetwood for George Fogg, 80 Victoria Street, Fleetwood.
1866 - 'Richard Cobden' (GY205) Dandy, official No.56018, November 1866 registered Grimsby, 68 tons, 1868 for William Wellbury Dawson, Grimsby. Lost January 1868.
1866 built by J. P. Rennoldson, South Shields - 'Warrior' Wooden Paddle Tug, official No.56006, August 1866 registered Grimsby, 75 x 17 x 9 ft, 6 tons, 40 h.p. 1866/72 for T. & S. Oates, Grimsby. 1872 registered Wells for John Elliss Turner, Clay, Norfolk. 1876 for Benjamin Henry Nichols, Blakeney, Norfolk. 1878/90 renamed 'Star' and registered Newcastle for John Batey, 3 Gibson Street, Newcastle. 1900/03 for James G. Rae, Newburgh, Aberdeen.
1866 built Plymouth - 'John & Emma' or 'John and Emma' (GY189) Dandy, official No.56007, July 1866 registered Grimsby, 53 tons, 1867 for John Gidley, Grimsby. April 1867 stranded on Mouse Sand. 1870 registered Ramsgate for John T. Jones, Ramsgate. March 1879 collision with screw fishing steamer 'Hewett' of London and loss of vessel and the master, owned by Mr. Samuel Robert Simmons, West Raglan Street, Lowestoft.
1866 built Rye - 'Elizabeth' (GY190) Dandy, official No.56008, July 1866 registered Grimsby, 52 tons, 1870 for Robert Swaby, Cleethorpes. 1880 for Mrs. Elizabeth M. Marshall, Grimsby. 1890 for Mrs. S Cooper, Highgate Terrace, Cleethorpes.
1866 built Wells, Norfolk - 'Harvest Queen' (GY194) Dandy, official No.56010, September 1866 registered Grimsby, 25 tons, 1870/72 for Jacob Trofer, Grimsby.
1866 built Rye - 'Talisman' (GY196) Dandy, official No.56012, September 1866 registered Grimsby, 52 tons, 1870 for William Knott, Grimsby. 1880 for Henry Beeson, Grimsby. 1890 for George Edward Allington, West Parade, Carter Gate, Grimsby. 1894 for John Gidley snr, Bargate, Grimsby.
1866 - 'Liberty' (GY197) Dandy, official No.56013, October 1866 registered Grimsby, 55 tons, 1866/68 for John Lusby, Grimsby. Lost January 1868.
1866 - 'Increase' (GY198) Dandy, official No.56014, October 1866 registered Grimsby, 53 tons, 1867/68 for F. A. Castle, Cleethorpes. Lost January 1868.
1867 built Cowes - 'Cicada' Wooden Screw Steamer, official No.62214, 50 x 9 x 5ft, 6 tons, 13h.p. owned by John Winteringham, Grimsby.(1880)
1867 built Geestemunde - 'Elizabeth and Charlotte' official No.65824, registered Grimsby, 65 x 18 x 9 ft, 63 tons, owned by the Great Grimsby Fish and Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 23rd February 1888 the stranding and abandonment of 'Elizabeth and Charlotte' at Garton, near Tunstall. Under the command of Skipper Robert Royall.
1867 built Burton Stather - 'Martha' (GY221) Dandy, official No.56976, February 1867 registered Grimsby, 58 tons, 1870 for George Pearce, Grimsby. December 1867 missing.
1867 built Burton Stather - 'Charles & Ada' or 'Charles and Ada' (GY219) Dandy/Ketch, official No.56974, February 1867 registered Grimsby, 52 tons, 1868/70 for Charles Jeffs, Grimsby, 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. 1885 for John Winteringham, Grimsby.
1867 built Burton Stather - 'Yarra Yarra' (GY22) Ketch, official No.60266, October 1867 registered Grimsby, 55 tons, 1870 for Henry Knott, Grimsby. 1878 for Edwin Goodfellow, 131 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1882 for James S. Barnaby, Cleethorpes. 1883/84 for Robert Sinclair, 23 Albert Terrace, New Clee. 1885/87 for William Hall, Augusta Street, Bargate, Grimsby. 1888 for the Great Grimsby Fish & Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 registered Fleetwood for George E. J. Moody, Albert Road, Cleethorpes. 1891/1905 registered Greenock for Mrs. J. W. Campbell, 52 Brisbane Street Greenock.
1867 - 'Eos' official No.56981, April 1867 registered Grimsby, 315 tons, February 1867 arrived Queenstown, Captain Marianople. April in Marseilles, Captain Housken. May 1867 left Grimsby for Copenhagen, Captain Brown, is off Hellebeck, damaged by collision with a Shields barque, 'Thomas Forrest'. August 1867 Captain Steen from Hull for Hudicksvall. 13th October 1867 arrived Hull, Captain Steen from Hudicksvall.
1867 built Rye - 'John & Ann' or 'John and Ann' (GY236) Dandy, official No.56988, June 1867 registered Grimsby, 56 tons, 1868/70 for William Guzzwell, Grimsby. 1880/90 for John Guzzwell jnr, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1896 broken up.
1867 - 'Gertrude' official No.60267, October 1867 registered Grimsby, 6 tons, 1868/69 for Peter K. Seddon, Waltham. February 1869 lost.
1867 built Denmark - 'John Bright' (GY330) Dandy, official No.65835, October 1871 registered Grimsby, 77 tons, 1880 for Andrew Walkner, Grimsby. 1885 Skipper Andrew Walkner and owner on arrival at the Royal Dock reported third hand William Doy, Lowestoft, was drowned and second hand George Huteson injured.
1867 built Harburg - 'Palmerston' (GY328) Dandy, official No.65821, October 1871 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1872 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 29th December 1880 stranded Cowden, near Hornsea.
1867 built Elmshorn - 'Rhine' or 'Rhein' (GY327) Dandy, official No.65820, September 1871 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1872 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1882 for Henry Smethurst sen, 3 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1867 built Harburg - 'Hamburgh' or 'Hamburg' (foreign name 'Kohlbrand') (GY336) Dandy, official No.65840, November 1871 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1872 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880 for William C. Norminton, Church Street, Grimsby. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1897 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
Built Norway - 'Alert' (Foreign Name 'Christine Elizabeth') Brigantine, official No.60275, registered Grimsby, 100 tons, 1870 for Frederick Augustus Castle, Cleethorpes. 1880/85 for William Robson, 10 Alfred Street, Point Field, Hartlepool.
1868 built Sandwich - 'Quiver' (GY208) Ketch, official No.62713, Sepember 1868 registered Grimsby, 63 tons, 1870/80 for Isaac Brusey, Grimsby. 1890/93 for William W. Warman, 103 Guildford Street, New Clee.
1868 built Sandwich - 'Gloriana' (GY274) Ketch, official No.62714, registered Grimsby, 50 tons, 1870 for W. H. Salisbury, Grimsby. 1880 for John Gidley jnr, Bloomfield Villa, Grimsby. 1890 for Mrs Emma Gidley, 2 West Parade, Grimsby. 1904 for Amos King, 91 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1868 built Sandwich - 'Fred Moody' (GY278) Ketch, official No.62716, October 1868 registered Grimsby, 55 tons, 1870/95 for Walker Moody, Cleethorpes.
1868 built Sandwich - 'Kate & Polly' or 'Kate and Polly' (GY281) Ketch, official No.62718, October 1868 registered Grimsby, 62 tons, 1870/80 for William Lawrence, 6 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1890/92 registered Ramsgate for Matthew Thomas Gardner, 31 Spencer Square, Ramsgate.
1868 - 'Result' official No.62720, October 1868 registered Grimsby, 170 tons, 1869 for F. A. Castle, Cleethorpes. 1870 for Edmund Porter, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire.
October 1868 built by Andrew Leslie & Co. Hebburn - 'Mary' (Yard No.101) Iron Screw Steamer, official No.62721, November 1868 registered Grimsby, 206 x 28 x 21 ft, 566 tons, 90 h.p.1870/72 for Edward Jordan, Hough, North Shields 16th February 1872 registered London. 1879 stranded and lost on the Black Middens, at the entrance to the Tyne.
1868 - 'Golden Gleam' (GY282), Smack, official No.62722, November 1868 registered Grimsby, 53 tons, 1870 for Charles Jeffs, Grimsby. Lost December 1970.
1868 built Denmark - 'Gladstone' (foreign name 'Eider') (GY331) Dandy, official No.65836, October 1871 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1872 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1868 built Hamburg - 'Grimsby' (foreign name 'Spree') (GY337) Dandy, official No.65841, November 1871 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1872 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 for Robert C. Mills, 20 Pelham Street, New Clee.
1868 built Hamburg - 'Blanche' (foreign name 'Oder') (GY338) Dandy, official No.65843, November 1871 registered Grimsby, 78 tons, 1872 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 for Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd, Grimsby.
1869 built Sandwich - 'Achievement' Ketch, official No.62724, registered Grimsby, 61 tons, 1872 for Thomas Colton, Grimsby.
1869 built Sandwich - 'Aello' (GY291) Ketch, official No.62728, February 1869 registered Grimsby, 56 tons, 1870/80 for Henry Morriss, 18 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1885/89 for Thomas Grant, Cleethorpes.
1869 built Sandwich - 'Pioneer' (GY179) Ketch, official No.62730, March 1869 registered Grimsby, 61 tons, 1870 for William Jackson, Grimsby. 1880 for John Blake, 5 Victor Street, Grimsby. 1890 for John William Haylock, Abbey Park Road, Grimsby. 1895 for The Grimsby Fish Salesmen's Association Ltd. Grimsby.
1870 built Hamburg - 'Emily' (Foreign name 'Elbe') (GY391) Wooden Dandy Rigged Fishing Vessel, official No.67687, registered Grimsby, 69 x 19 x 11 ft, 93 tons, Captain John Wilson, for the Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. 27th July 1885 the loss of the sailing ship 'Emily' of Grimsby through collision with the sailing ship 'Agra' of Grimsby about 225 miles off Spurn Head. the crew were rescued by the Steam Cutter 'Cormorant' and returned to Grimsby, one man injured. the skipper Walter Alfred Brown, of the 'Agra' was in default and had his certificate suspended for three months.
1870 built Sandwich - 'Young Walker' (GY315) Ketch, official No.65810, July 1871 registered Grimsby, 65 tons, 1872/80 for Walker Moody, Cleethorpes. 1890 registered Fleetwood for John D. Gibson, Fleetwood. 1900 for Robert Westley, Fleetwood.
1871 'Mud Dredger' , Captain Carr, William Luke Trotter watchman.
February 1871 built by Andrew Leslie & Co. Hebburn - 'Rothbury' (Yard No.132) Iron Screw Steamer, official No.65808, May 1871 registered Grimsby, 210 x 29 x 19ft, 605 tons, 90 h.p. 1872 for Edward Jordan Hough, North Shields, 1880 for Edward J. Hough, 12 St Helen's Place, London. 1887 registered South Shields for Thomas Gentles, 2 Barrington Street, South Shields. 1900 for Durham W. Fitzgerald, South Shields. 1907 broken up. 6th October 1893 abandoned in the Bay of Biscay after taking in water with the pumps had broken down. The Court found the Chief Engineer John Hibbert in default and suspended his certificate for three months. The vessel was after a few problems was towed to Brest for repairs. 28th November 1897 owned by Mr. Joseph T. Eltingham, the second mate Philip Ferris, was during heavy seas washed overboard and drowned.
1871 built Sandwich - 'George & Maria' (GY303) Ketch, official No.65801, April 1871 registered Grimsby, 63 tons, 1872/80 for George Chamberlain, Grimsby. 1890 registered Fleetwood for Mrs. Anne Holden, Ainsdale, Lancashire. 1900/07 for Alexander Hull, 68 Great Patrick Street, Belfast.
1871 built Sandwich - 'Grove' (GY307) Ketch, official No.65804, April 1871 registered Grimsby, 69 tons, 1872 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1871 built Sandwich - 'Forager' (GY313) Ketch, official No.65809, May 1871 registered Grimsby, 63 tons, 1872 for George Jeffs, Grimsby. 1880 for Richard Leveritt, Westbourne Grove, Willingham Street, Grimsby. 1890 for John Gidley, Kent Villa, Grimsby.
1871 built Sandwich - 'Excelsior' (GY317) Dandy, official No.65812, July 1871 registered Grimsby, 63 tons, 1872/80 for William Steer, Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1871 built Brixham - 'Livonia' (GY316) Ketch, official No.65811, July 1871 registered Grimsby, 68 tons, 1872 for James Sweeney, Grimsby. 1880 for John Guzzwell jnr, 115 Cleethorpes Road Grimsby. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1871 built Sandwich - 'Hannah' (GY324) Ketch, official No.65817, September 1871 registered Grimsby, 65 tons, 1872 for Henry Smethurst, Grimsby. 1880/96 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1871 built East Donyland, Colchester - 'Annie' (GY325) Cutter, official No.65818, September 1871 registered Grimsby, 29 tons, 1872 for James Chapman Everitt, Cleethorpes. 1880 for William Henry Salsbury, Grimsby. 1890/1920 registered Lynn (LN36) for Thomas T. Sampler (Sampher), 29 Chapel Street, Lynn.
1871 built Sandwich - 'North Star' (GY346) Dandy, official No.65828, October 1871 registered Grimsby, 69 yons, 1872/74 for Carl Magnus Mundahl, Grimsby.
1871 built by Samuel Dewdney & Sons, Brixham - 'Zingra' (GY351) Ketch, official No.65838, October 1871 registered Grimsby, 69 tons, 1872/90 for John Guzzwell jnr, Grimsby. 1900 for Percy Bedford, Grimsby. 1900 converted to a hulk.
1871 built William A. Gibbs, Galmpton - 'Flora' (GY353) Dandy, official No.65842, November 1871 registered Grimsby, 64 tons, 1875 for Richard Henry Murray, Grimsby. 2nd November 1879 stranded Withernsea.
1871 built Sandwich - 'Lily' Ketch, official No.65846, November 1871 registered Grimsby, 73 tons, 1872/80 for Henry Smethurst jnr, Grimsby. 8th December 1880 in collision/missing.
1871 built Plymouth - 'Charlotte & Jane' (GY356) Ketch, official No.65847, November 1871 registered Grimsby, 60 tons, 1872 for Thomas Saunby, Cleethorpes. 1880/90 for Henry P. Ready, 76 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1897 for James Meadows Ltd. Grimsby.
1871 built Sandwich - 'Contest' Ketch, official No.65849, December 1871 registered Grimsby, 64 tons, 1874 for William Jackson, Grimsby. 1880/99 registered Lerwick for William S. Smith, Lerwick.
1872 built Govan - 'Huddersfield' Iron Screw Steamer, official No.67697, registered Grimsby, 231 x 30 x 16 ft, 676 tons, 120 h.p. for the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Co. Manchester. 1900 for Great Central Railway Co. Manchester. May 1903 sunk in the Scheldt after a collision with the Uto, of Christiania. Crew saved but 15/20 passengers, Austrian and Italian emigrants, drowned.
1872 built Govan - 'Halifax' Iron Screw Steamer, official No.67701, registered Grimsby, 231 x 30 x 16 ft, 677 tons, 150 h.p. for the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Company. September 1875 the steamer arrived on Tuesday morning at Grimsby with a large breach in her port bow, having been in collision with the Screw Steamer 'Fairy' of Hull, at the entrance to the harbour at Hamburg. The stem of the 'Fairy' penetrated through the iron plates of the forecastle of the 'Halifax and completely destroyed the bunks in that part of the ship.
Built Sandwich 1872 - 'Waterloo' Fishing Ketch, official No.67682, registered Grimsby, 69 tons. February 1873 collided with a French Lugger between the Bull and Newsand Lightships and ten of the eleven men aboard the lugger drowned. 1880 for Walker Moody, Cleethorpes. 1890 for Thomas W. Godfrey, 144 Wood Street, Grimsby.
1872 built Hebburn on Tyne - 'Ellen' Iron Screw Steamer, official No.67683, registered Grimsby, 219 x 27 x 15 ft, 596 tons, 70 h.p. for Mr. Edward Jordan Hough, North Shields/London. 14th November 1881 on a voyage from South Shields to Copenhagen with 905 tons of cargo coal, for the stranding and loss near Scaw Lighthouse in thick fog. The Captain Matthew Smith Ford had his certificate suspended for three months, crew saved.
February 1872 built Brixham - 'Venture' (GY361) Ketch, official No.67662, registered Grimsby, 68 tons, 1875 for John Vere, Grimsby. 1880 Francis Allenby, New Clee. 1890 for Richard J. Allen, 13 Duke Street, New Clee.
February 1872 built Newhaven - 'John Robert' Dandy, official No.67664, registered Grimsby, 62 tons, 1875 for John Lusby jnr, Grimsby. 1880 for the Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 for the Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
March 1872 built Ipswich - 'Amity' Dandy, official No.67665, registered Grimsby, 42 tons, 1875 for Alfred James Blake, Grimsby. 1880/90 for Frederick Osbourne, 50 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
April 1872 built Sandwich - 'Quiz' Ketch, official No.67671, registered Grimsby, 54 tons, 1875/80 for George Jackson, Brigg.
April 1872 built Sandwich - 'Edinburgh' Ketch, official No.67672, registered Grimsby, 74 tons, 1875/80 for Henry Smethurst snr, 3 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
April 1872 built Sandwich - 'Abraham Lincoln' Sloop, official No.67673, registered Grimsby, 30 tons, 1875/90 for Carl Magnus Mundahl, Grimsby. 1895 broken up.
May 1872 built Sandwich - 'Frank' Ketch, official No.67675, registered Grimsby, 73 tons, 1875/90 for Henry Smethurst jnr, 3 Pelham Terrace, Grimsby.
June 1872 built Kilpin Pike - 'Edward and Esther' Dandy, official No.67678, registered Grimsby, 60 tons, 1875/90 for Edward Cornell, 28 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
July 1872 built by William Gibbs, Galmpton - 'Fanny Shapley' (GY382) Ketch, official No.67679, registered Grimsby, 62 tons, 1875 for William John Scott Hood, Grimsby. Lost 27th November 1877.
July 1872 - 'Ernest' official No.67680, registered Grimsby, 72 tons.
August 1872 built Plymouth - 'Velocity' Dandy, official No.67681, registered Grimsby, 63 tons, 1875/80 for John Gidley snr, Grimsby. 1890 for Frederick W. Young, 188 Hainon Street, Grimsby.
August 1872 built Sandwich - 'Waterloo' Ketch, official No.67682, official No.67682, registered Grimsby, 69 tons, 1875 for William P. Hodge, Grimsby. 1880 for Walter Moody, Cleethorpes. 1890 for Thomas W. Godfrey, 144 Wood Street, Grimsby.
August 1872 built Hebburn - 'Ellen' Iron Screw Steamer, official No.67683, registered Grimsby, 219 x 27 x 15 ft, 596 tons, 70 h.p. 1875/80 for Edward Jordan Hough, North Shields. 14th November 1882 stranded and lost near Scaw Lightship whilst on a voyage from South Shields to Copenhagen under Captain Matthew Smith who had his certificate suspended.
September 1872 built Brixham - 'Acquire' Ketch, official No.67686, registered Grimsby, 68 tons, 1875/80 for Henry Morriss, 18 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1890 foor Henry Morriss, 2 Belle Vue Terrace, New Clee.
November 1872 built Sandwich - 'Galatea' Ketch, official No.67698, registered Grimsby, 65 tons, 1875 for William Stimpson Middleton, Grimsby. 1880 for Elisha Hilton, Grimsby. 1890 for James Knott, 1 Macaulay Terrace, Grimsby.
December 1872 built Galmpton - 'Antelope' (GY404) Ketch, official No.67699, registered Grimsby, 65 tons, 1875/80 for James Thorpe, Waterloo House, Freeman Street, Grimsby. 1890 for John W. Douglas, 39 Humber Street, Grimsby.
1869 built Bremerhaven - 'Joseph and William' Dandy, January 1873 official No.67700, registered Grimsby, 63 tons, 1875/80 for William Sheen, Grimsby.
1873 built London - 'Jennie' (Formerly named 'Princess Louise') Iron Screw Steamer, official No.68559, 104 x 17 x 7ft, 68 tons, 40h.p. Registered Grimaby 1875 and owned in 1880 by Peter K. Seddon, Grimsby.
1873 built Hebburn - 'Presnitz' Iron Screw Steamer, official No.67731, January 1874 registered Grimsby, 274 x 31 x 24 ft, 1067 tons, 120 h.p. 1875 for Hough, Laws & Surtees, North Shields. 1880 for Edward J. Hough, London. 1888 registered South Shields for Thomas Gentles, 3 Barrington Street, South Shields. 1900 for Durham W. Fitzgerald, Stone Quay, South Shields.
March 1873 built Burton Stather - 'Burton' Ketch, official No.67704, registered Grimsby, 69 tons, 1880 for Robert G. Reeves, 1 Humber Street, Grimsby. 1890 for James Plastow, 43 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
April 1873 built Elmshorn, Germany - 'Dr. Lees' Ketch, official No.67708, registered Grimsby, 78 tons, 1875 for Harrison Mudd, Grimsby. 1880 for Robert Richard Turner, Grimsby. 1890 for Robert Richard Turner, Eleanor Street, Weelsby.
April 1873 built Sandwich - 'Harold' Ketch, official No.67709, registered Grimsby, 72 tons, 1875 for William Jackson, Grimsby. 1880 for Joseph Mumby, Cleethorpes.
July 1873 built Dartmouth - 'Dart' Dandy, official No.67712, registered Grimsby, 57 tons, 1875 for William Wharton Reed, Grimsby. 1880 for Henry Maunder, Bath Street, Grimsby. 1890 for William Kennington, 35 Grafton Street, New Clee.
September 1873 built Dartmouth - 'Martin' Ketch, official No.67717, registered Grimsby, 55 tons, 1875/80 for Robert Martin, Grimsby.
September 1873 built Dartmouth - 'Colin Rodger' Ketch, official No.67719, registered Grimsby, 70 tons, 1875 for James Rodgers, Grimsby. 1880 for the Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 for the Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
September 1873 built North Shields - 'Spurn' Wooden Paddle Steamer, official No.67716, registered Grimsby, 85 x 18 x 9 ft, 30 tons, 33 h.p. 1875 for Edward Bannister, Grimsby. 1880/90 for James Turner, 132 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1900 for Robert W. Wheeldon, 1 Dixon Entry, Lowgate, Hull.
October 1873 built Rye - 'Avocet' Dandy, offi8cial No.67720, registered Grimsby, 68 tons, 1875 for John Guzzlewell jnr, Grimsby. 1880 for John Bye, 32 Duncombe Street, Grimsby.
October 1873 built Galmpton - 'Grand Charge' (GY439) Ketch, official No.67722, registered Grimsby, 62 tons, 1875 for William J. S. Hood, Grimsby. 1880/90 for Alfred T. East, Grimsby.
November 1873 built by Mr. Samuel Dewdney of Brixham - 'Australian' Wooden Ketch Rigged Fishing Vessel, official No.67723, 73 x 29 x 10 ft, 72 tons, 1875 for John Carlile, Grimsby. 1880 for the Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 for Thomas Lamming, 49 Garden Street, Grimsby. October 1892 stranded near Hornsea and subsequent lossed due to the default of Captain Charles Haynes, who had his certificate suspended for three months. The vessel was owned by Messrs James Meadows Ltd. Grimsby.
November 1873 built Plymouth - 'Fame' Ketch, official No.67724, registered Grimsby, 65 tons, 1875/80 for John Gidley sen, Grimsby. 1890 for Selim Pitcher, 44 Fildes Street, West Marsh, Grimsby.
December 1873 built Brixham - 'Willie' (GY447) Ketch, official No.67727, registered Grimsby, 71 tons, 1875/80 for James Cousins, Grimsby.
December 1873 built Rye - 'Ino' Dandy, official No.67728, registered Grimsby, 66 tons, 1875 for William Guzzwell, Grimsby. 1880 registered Lerwick for William S. Smith, Lerwick.
December 1873 built Dartmouth - 'Andrew Marvel' Ketch, official No.67729, registered Grimsby, 71 tons, 1875 for William Anderson, Grimsby. 1880 for John Gidley sen, Bar Gate, Grimsby.
1873 built Brixham - 'Magic' (GY451) Ketch, official No.67732, January 1874 registered Grimsby, 75 tons, 1875 for John Guzzwell, Grimsby. 1880 for Henry Johnstone, 64 Kent Street, Grimsby.
1874 built in Hebburn - 'Polam' Iron Screw Steamer, official No.67390. 234 x 29 x 19ft, 702 tons, 90h.p. registered Grimsby and in 1880 owned by Edward J. Hough, London.
1874 built Plymouth - 'William and Mary' Ketch, official No.67743, registered Grimsby, 63 tons, 1880 for William George Sharpe, 3 North Side, Orwell Street, Grimsby.
February 1874 built by Samuel Dewdney and Sons, Brixham - 'Milo' (GY457) Ketch, official No.67735, registered Grimsby, 74 tons, 1875 for William Guzzwell, Grimsby.
April 1874 built Hamburgh - 'Castor' Ketch, official No.67739, registered Grimsby, 80 tons, 1875/80 for Harrison Mudd, Waltham. 1890 for Thomas Baskcomb, 92 Albert Terrace, New Clee. 1900 registered Galway for John Heavy, Mainguard Street, Galway.
May 1874 built Brixham - 'Merlin' Ketch, official No.67741, registered Grimsby, 72 tons, 1875 for John O. Hawke, Grimsby. 1880 for the Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
July 1874 built Plymouth - 'William and Mary' Ketch, official No.67743, registered Grimsby, 63 tons, 1875/80 for William George Sharpe, 3 North Side, Orwell Street, Grimsby.
October 1874 built Galpton - 'Dasher' (GY481) Ketch, official No.67749, registered Grimsby, 68 tons, 1875 for Henry Knott, Grimsby. 1880 for John Clarke, 4 Mangle Street, New Clee. 1890 for James Thorpe, Waterloo House, Freeman Street, Grimsby. 1899 broken up.
December 1874 built Brixham - 'Lizzie' Ketch, official No.67754, registered Grimsby, 74 tons, 1880 for Charles Cook, Thorold Street, New Clee. 1890 for John S. Bedford, Grimsby.
April 1875 built Dartmouth - 'Amateurs' Ketch, official No.67759, registered Grimsby, 74 tons, 1880 for Henry Dolby, 26 Railway Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Alfred Charles Beeson, 41 Grafton Street, New Clee.
April 1875 built Brixham - 'G. Trolley' or 'George Trolley' Ketch, official No.67760, registered Grimsby, 75 tons, 1876/80 for Henry Morris, 18 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Henry Morris, 2 Belle Vue Terrace, New Clee. 1900 for Hagerup Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
May 1876 built by John Elder and Company of Govan, Scotland - 'Barnsley' (Yard No. 200) Iron Screw Steamer, Official No.73238, registered Grimsby 1876. 185 x 27 x 15ft, 374 tons 90 h.p. Owners Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Co.Ltd. For the Hamburg and Antwerp trade. 1889 she was sold to A Gomez, Lisbon, Portugal, and renamed 'Gomes VI'.
January 1876 built John Elder & Co, Govan, Glasgow - 'Sheffield' (Yard No.212) Iron Screw Steamer, official No.76675, February 1877 registered Grimsby, 201 x 27 x 15ft. 407 tons, 90h.p. 1878/90 owned by the Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Co.Ltd. 1900/10 for Great Central Railway Co. Manchester. 1815/20 for Joseph Constant, 11 Billitor Square, London. 1926 sokd to Turkish owners.
1876 built Dartmouth - 'Trio' Ketch, officfial No.73226, registered Grimsby, 67 tons, 1890 for John Gidley, Kent Villa, Bargate, Goole.
1876 built Rye - 'Samuel Plimsoll' (GY580) Ketch, official No.76661, November 1876 registered Grimsby, 72 tons, 1878 for Robert Frayne, 64 Duncombe Stret, Grimsby. 9th August 1879 in collision with 'Orlando' of Hull, in the North Sea.
1876 built Aldeburgh, Suffolk - 'Hercules' (GY581) Smack, official No.76662, November 1876 registered Grimsby, 45 tons, 1878 for Henry H. Fryman, 11 Sterling Street, Grimsby. 1880 for James H. Fryman, Oxford Street, Grimsby. 1890 for James Henry H. B. Fryman, Oxford Street, New Clee.
1876 built Stonehouse, Plymouth - 'Boldero' (GY584) Ketch, official No.76665, November 1876 registered Grimsby, 81 tons, 1878/80 for C. Bolder, 16 Freeman Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Tom J. Tye, 137 Charles Street, New Clee. 1897 for George L. Alward, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby.
1876 built Hamburg - 'Willie & Ada' (GY586) Ketch, official No.76668, December 1876 registered Grimsby, 74 tons, 1878/80 for Robert W. Greenwood, 116 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1890 for James Jamieson, 128 Gullford Street New Clee.
1876 built by Mr. H. S. Trethowan, Falmouth - 'Mystery' (GY590) Ketch, official No.76672, January 1877 registered Grimsby, 74 x 20 x 11 ft, 71 tons, 1878/80 for Frederick Barr, 6 Reliance Buildings, Weelsby Street, Grimsby. 1882 for Mr. Robinson for £630 and £120 spent on going to sea. 1884/90 for Ted Bobinson, Victor Street, Grimsby. 1883 for Thomas Tuplin, Macauley Terrace, Grimsby. 1900 for Samuel D. English, Walberswick, Suffolk. 20th August 1893 stranded off Bridlington Pier, The skipper Mr. Ted Robinson was in default and had his certificate suspended for three months.
1876 built Brixham - 'Lottery' (GY593) Ketch, official No.76690, May 1877 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1878 for John O. Hawke, Grimsby. 1880 for Henry Shackles, 38 Chapman Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Henry Shackles, 196 Hainton Street, Grimsby.
1876 built Sandwich - 'Mary Anne' (GY635) Dandy, official No.76707, July 1877 registered Grimsby, 78 tons, 1878/83 for Carl M. Mundahl, Grimsby.
1877 built by Mr. Frederick Richard Pain, Sandwich - 'Cecil' (GY595) Ketch, official No.76677, February 1877 registered Grimsby, 77 x 20 x 10 ft. 75 tons, 1878 for George Atkin, 26 Freeman Street, Grimsby. 1880 for James Smith, 67 Church Street, Grimsby. 1890/97 for James Smith, 182 Victor Street, New Clee. 27th October 1897 foundered with loss of life in collision with the steam trawler 'Rhone' of Grimsby, 20 miles off Spurn. Mr. Alfred Burgess master and the fourth hand William Hammond of the 'Rhone' were in default and the master had his certificate suspended for three months. Deck hand John Henshaw died.
1877 built Norway - 'Lynet' Brig, official No.76681, March 1877 registered Grimsby, 243 tons, 1878/83 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1877 built Sandwich - 'Walrus' (GY606) Ketch, official No.76686, April 1877 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1878/90 registered Lerwick for William J. Adie, Voe, Shetland Islands.
1877 built Sandwich - 'Toralium' (GY609) Ketch. official No.76689, May 1877 registered Grimsby, 75 tons, 1878/80 for Charles T. Price, North Terrace, Victor Street, Grimsby. 1890/02 for Richard Smith, 61 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1877 built Elmshorn - 'Thomas & Charlotte' (GY611) Ketch, official No.76692, May 1877 registered Grimsby, 93 tons, 1878/80 for Thomas Bascomb, Arlington Street, Clee. 1890 for Richard B. Baskcomb,near Tram Terminus, Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1900/04 registered at Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1877 built Galmpton, Devon - 'William Gibbs' (GY613) Dandy, official No.76693, May 1877 registered Grimsby, 68 tons, 1878/85 for Alfred Walton, Grimsby.
1877 built Elmshorn - 'J. Murrell' (GY619) Ketch, official No.76696, June 1877 registered Grimsby, 77 tons, 1878 for Joseph Murrell, 20 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1880 for the Grimsby Smack, Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890/95 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1877 built Brixham - 'Valorous' (GY622) Ketch, official No.76697, June 1877 registered Grmsby, 75 tons, 1878/80 for James Cosins, 182 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890 for Edwin Bacon, 15 Arlington Street, New Clee. 1900/12 registered Lerwick for Peter Garriock, Lerwick, Shetland.
1877 built Plymouth - 'Dovercourt' (GY624) Ketch, official No.76698, June 1877 registered Grimsby, 77 tons, 1880 for Walker Moody, Cleethorpes. 1890/97 for Henry Thurston, 124 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1877 built Ipswich - 'Diadem' (GY631) Ketch, official No.76703, July 1877 registered Grimsby, 75 tons, 1878/80 for H. G. Twyman, 68 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1890 for H. G. Twyman, 5 Albert Terrace, New Clee. 1900 registered Guernsey for Edward O. Mauger, Swansea.
1877 built Brixham - 'William Genney' (GY632) Ketch, official No.76704, July 1877 registered Grimsby, 72 tons, 1878/80 for John Randall, 9 Belle Vue Terrace3, Grimsby.1890 for John Randall, Carter Gate, Grimsby. 1898/89 for William T. Dunlin, 7 Albion Terrace, Grimsby.
1877 built Schlesvig - 'George Washington' Ketch, official No.76709, August 1877 registered Grimsby, 105 tons, 1878 for Carl M. Mundahl, 63 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1898/99 for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1877 built Rye - 'Henry Freeman' (GY675) Ketch, official No.79061, December 1877 registered Grimsby, 74 tons, 1880 for Alfred Doust, 70 New Market Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Alfred Doust, 10 Heneage Street, Weelsby, Grimsby. 1900 for Mrs. G. Smart, 8 Peter Street, Seacombe, Liverpool.(A.Doust, Fish Dock, Grimsby) 1904/5 for Amos King, 91 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1877 built Barton on Humber - 'Little William' (GY674) Dandy, official No.79062, December 1877 registered Grimsby, 78 tons, 1880 for William G. Sharpe, 85 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1885 for William Hall, Augusta Street, Bargate, Grimsby. 5th April 1886 collision with dandy 'Enchantress' of Grimsby, 90 miles ENE off Spurn Point.
1877 built Ipswich - 'Good Design' (GY676) Dandy, official No.79063, December 1877 registered Grimsby, 71 tons, 1880 for William T. Beeson, 3 Spurn View Terrace, New Clee. 1890 for William John Scott Hood, Kent House, Honeage Street, Weelsby, Grimsby. 1899 for Albert Doust, Heneage Street, Weelsby, Grimsby.
1877 built Neuhof, Hamburg - 'Oscar' (GY678) Dandy, official No.79064, December 1877 registered Grimsby, 83 tons, 1880/90 for Carl M. Mundahl, 63 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1900 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby. 1904 for Walter Crampin, Fish Docks, Grimsby.
1877 built Barton on Humber - 'Thomas & Florry' (GY680) Dandy, official No.79065, December 1877 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1880 for Thomas Brown, 107 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890 for Mary Ann Norris, Park Street, New Clee. 1895 for Thomas Humphrey, 16 Grafton Street, Grimsby. 1896 sold to Danish owners.
1877 built Elmshorn - 'Cossack' (GY666) Dandy, official No.79066, December 1877 registered Grimsby, 78 tons, 1880 for the Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1899 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1877 built Gosport - 'James Thorpe' (GY681) Ketch, official No.79067, January 1878 registered Grimsby, 74 tons, 1880/89 for John P. Robinson, 11 Arlington Terrace, Grimsby. 10th February 1889 abandoned about 120 miles ENE of Spurn Point.
1877 built Nenhof - 'Phebe' (GY667) Dandy, official No.79068, January 1878 registered Grimsby, 83 tons, 1880 for Henry Smethurst jnr, 3 Pelham Terrace, Grimsby. 1890 for David Horn, 54 Freshney Street, West Marsh, Grimsby. 1899 for Matthew Henry West, 179 Victor Street, Grimsby.
1877 built Elmshorn - 'Edward Heneage' (GY677) Dandy, official No.79069, January 1878 registered Grimsby, 78 tons, 1879 for Henry Smethurst, Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1900 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1877 built Brixham - 'Little Samuel' (GY687) Dandy, official No.79072, January 1878 registered Grimsby, 77 tons, 1879/88 for Anthony Forester, 11 Alexandra Terrace, Grimsby. 1889/96 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1897/98 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London. (9th August 1883 'Samuel' or may be 'Little Samuel' stranded Sandy Isle near Heligoland.)
1877 built Brightlingsea - 'Orcadian' (GY684) Dandy, official No.79075, January 1878 registered Grimsby, 53 tons, 1880 for Thomas C. Baxter, 9 Arlington Terrace, Grimsby. 1890 for Frederick William Smith, 57 Thesiger Street, Grimsby. 1896 sold to German owners.
February 1878 built by Sir Raylton, Dixon & Co. Middlesbrough - 'Precursor' (Yard No.148) (GY1242)(GY195) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.79085, April 1878 registered Grimsby, 130 x 21 x 11 ft, 113 tons, 50 h.p. engines by R. & W. Hawthorn. 1880 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1883 for the London Fish Market & National Fishing Co. Ltd. London. 1884/94 registered London for Hewett & Co. Ltd., 43 Trinity Square, Tower Hill, London (LR1882).
March 1878 built by Sir Raylton, Dixon & Co. Middlesbrough - 'Celerity' (Yard No.150) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.79086, 130 x 21 x 11ft, 114 tons, 50 h.p. engines by R. & W. Hawthorn. 1880 owned by the Great Grimsby Ice Co.Ltd. 1882 for The London Fish Market & National Fishery Co. Ltd. London1884 registered London for Hewett & Co. Ltd. 43 Trinity Square, Tower Hill, London. 1900 for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London. 24th November 1901 owned by Messrs. Small & Co. Yarmouth and registered Yarmouth, sunk after collision in the River Humber with the Middle Lightship,
March 1878 built by Sir Raylton, Dixon & Co. Middlesbrough - 'Dispatch' (Yard No.149) Iron Screw Trawler/Steamer, official No.79087, April 1878 registered Grimsby, 130 x 21 x 11 ft, 114 tons, 50 h.p. engines by R. & W. Hawthorn. 1880 for the Great Grimsby Ice Co.Ltd. Grimsby. 1882 for The London Fish Market & National Fishery Co. Ltd. London. 1884 registered London for Hewett & Co. Ltd. 43 Trinity Square, Tower Hill, London. 1900/01 registered Ayr for Thomas Steele, Ayr.
1878 built Galmpton, Devon - 'Lodore' (GY695) Ketch, official No.79080, February 1878 registered Grimsby, 72 tons, 1880 for James Cross, 112 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Christopher Fletcher jnr, 87 Annesley Street, Grimsby. 1900/10 registered Penzance for Edwin Thomas Mathew, 22 Chapel Street, Penzance.
1878 built Elmshorn - 'James & Alice' (GY699) Smack, official No.79083, March 1878 registered Grimsby, 77 tons, 1878/79 for James Bascomb, Grimsby. 18th November 1879 in collision with Barque 'North Wales' 80 miles NE by E off Spurn Point. Crew brought to Grimsby by smack 'Toraleim' the Barque carried on to Newcastle.
1878 built Brixham - 'Selina' (GY706) Dandy, official No.79089, April 1878 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1880 for John Randall, 9 Belle Vue Terrace, Grimsby. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1899 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd, Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1878 built Elmshorn, Hamburg - 'Sobriety' (GY707) Dandy, official No.79090, April 1878 registered Grimsby, 75 tons, 1880/94 for Thomas H. Greer, 97 Kent Street, Grimsby. 7th April 1894 in collision with the 'Bassett Hound' of Hull about 120 miles off Spurn Point.
1878 built Elmshorn, Germany - 'Almoner' (GY718) Dandy, official No.79098, June 1878 registered Grimsby, 78 tons, 1880/85 for Henry Smethurst, 3 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1889 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 7th November 1889 in collision with smack 'General Gordon' , of Grimsby, 180 miles ENE of Spurn Point.
1878 built Hamburg - 'Hydropathy' (GY731) Ketch, official No.79561, registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1880 for The Grimsby Smack Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890/98 for Henry Morgan, 44 Weelsby, New Clee.
1878 built Galmpton, Devon, - 'Stag' (GY732) Ketch, official No.79562, November 1878 registered Grimsby, 81 tons, 1880/90 for James Thorpe, Waterloo House, Grimsby. 1900 for James Harding, Cambridge Street, Hull.
1878 built Brixham - 'Fleetwing' (GY736) Dandy, official No.79565, January 1879 registered Grimsby, 73 tons, 1880 for Charles Acaster, 25 Yarborough Street, Grimsby. 1890 for George E. Allington, West Parade, Grimsby. 1898 for The Grimsby Fishermen's Association Ltd. Grimsby.
1878 built St. Ives - 'Jane Stevenson' (GY974) Dandy, official No.91520, May 1885 registered Grimsby, 31 tons, 1888 for Alfred Doust, 10 Heneage Street, Weelsby, Grimsby.
March 1879 built by Matthew Pearse & Co. Stockton on Tees - 'Zulu' (Yard No.168) Iron Screw Steamer, official No.79571, May 1879 registered Grimsby, 244 x 32 x 19 ft, 876 tons, 120 h.p. engines by Blair & Co. Ltd. 1880 for Jack Sutcliffe, 9 St. James Terrace, Grimsby. 1881 sold to Dutch owners and renamed 'Ariadne', 1905 abandoned in the Bay of Biscay.
1879 built Landernau, France - 'Violet' Dandy, official No.90388, registered Grimsby, 43 tons, 1885 for Hermann Pollak, 1 Leadenhall Street, London.
1879 built Redon, France - 'Mignonette' (foreign name 'Pecheries Francaises No.23') (GY4) Ketch, official No.93898, August 1886 registered Grimsby, 43 tons, 1887 for Great Grimsby Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 registered Ramsgate for Matthew Thomas Gardener, 31 Spencer Square, Ramsgate. 1900 for Chrisopher Wilson, 1 York Street, Ramsgate.
1879 built France - 'Primrose' (Foreign name 'Pecherie Francais No.3') (GY953) Dandy, official No.90362, July 1884 registered Grimsby, 40 tons, 1885/99 for David Lidgard, 1 Charles Street, Cleethorpes.
1879 built St. Malo - 'Tulip' (GY1058) Ketch, official No.92791, November 1885 registered Grimsby, 44 tons, 1887 for Samuel Gibbs, Rosa villa, Elm Road, Cleethorpes. 1890 for James Plastow, 43 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1900 registered Lerwick for John Morgan Aitken, Lerwick, Shetland. 1904 for Peter Garriock, Albert Wharf, Lerwick, Shetland.
1879 built by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co. Middlesbrough - 'Velocity' (Yard No.161) Iron Screw Steamer, official No.79575, June 1879 registered Grimsby, 130 x 21 x 11 ft, 102 tons, 50 h.p. engines by Blair & Co. Ltd. 1880 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1884 registered London for Hewett & Co. Ltd. 43 Trinity Square, Tower Hill, London. 1900 for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell London. 1906/20 registered Bristol for Pockette Bristol Channel Steam Packet Co. Ltd. 11 Narrow Quay, Bristol.
1879 built Elmshorn - 'May Flower' (GY747) Dandy, official No.79577, June 1879 registered Grimsby, 77 tons, 1880 for Robert R. Turner, 15 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Robert R. Turner, Eleanor Street, Grimsby. 1900/01 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1879 built Hamburg - 'City of Bergen' (GY757) Dandy, official No.79586, September 1879 registered Grimsby, 77 tons, 1880/85 for Carl M. Mundahl, 63 Kent Street, Grimsby. 10th September stranded 3 miles SSW of Reefsness, Iceland.
1879 built Hamburg - 'Alexandra' (GY756) Dandy, official No.79588, November 1879 registered Grimsby, 102 tons, 1880 for Henry Smethurst, 3 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890 for Hector Dass, Duke Street, New Clee. 1900 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby. 1906 for Amos King, 91 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1879 built Teignmouth - 'Pet' (GY768) Ketch, official No.79596, March 1880 registered Grimsby, 52 tons, 1882 for William J. Ready, 20 Stanley Terrace, Grimsby. 1890 registered Lowestoft for J. Macey, Bartlett House, Clapham Road, Lowestoft. 1893 for Thomas Elliot, Bevan Street, Lowestoft. 1894 sold foreign.
1879 built France - 'Daisy' (foreign name 'Pecheries Francaises No. 10') (GY971) Dandy, official No.90379, November 1884 registered Grimsby, 44 tons, 1885 for George P. Walford, Antwerp, Belgium. 1890 registered Ramsgate for Matthew Thomas Gardener, Ramsgate. 1897 for George S. Wren, 30 Vale Road, Ramsgate.
1879 built St. Malo - 'Rose' (foreign name 'Pecheries Francaises No. 39') (GY972) Dandy, official No.90381, November 1884 registered Grimsby, 43 tons, 1885 for George P. Walford, Antwerp, Belgium. 1890 registered Ramsgate for Matthew Thomas Gardner, 31 Spencer Street, Ramsgate. 1900 for William G. West, 3 Devonshire Terrace, Duncan Road, Ramsgate. 1902 registered Rye for Thomas Smith, Slade Terrace, Rye, Sussex.
1879 built St. Malo - 'Lily' (foreign name 'Pecheries Francaises No. 38') (GY973) Dandy, official No.90382, November 1884 registered Grimsby, 42 tons, 1885 for George P. Walford, Antwerp, Belgium. 1890/1900 registered Fleetwood for George Maskell, 25 London Street, Fleetwood. 1910 registered Liverpool for William Beck, Ferndale Road, Hoylake, Cheshire. 1915/53 for Joseph R. Beck, 15 Lake Road, Hoylake, Cheshire.
1879 built Landernau, France - 'Violet' (foreign name 'Pecherie Francaises No. 20') (GY980) Dandy, official No.90388, November 1884 registered Grimsby, 42 tons, 1885 for Herrman Pollack, 1 Leadenhall Street, London. 1887/88 for The Great Grimsby Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1879 built France - 'Lilac' (foreign name 'Pecheries Francaises No.21') (GY986) Dandy official No.90394, December 1884 registered Grimsby, 43 tons, 1885 for Herrman Pollak, 1 Leadenhall Street, London. 1890 registered Ramsgate for Matthew T. Gardener, 31 Spencer Square, Ramsgate. 1896 for Matthew H. Gardener, 19 Hibernia Street, Ramsgate.
1879 built Honfleur - 'Peony' (foreign name 'Pecheries Francaises No.28') (GY1015) Ketch, official No.91522, May 1885 registered Grimsby, 43 tons, 1887/90 registered Ramsgate for Matthew Thomas Gardner, 31 Spencer Square, Ramsgate. 1900 for Richard Benjamin Eates, 20 Sussex Street, Ramsgate.
1879 built La Brebis, France - 'Poppy' (foreign name 'Pecheries Francaises No.48') (GY1016) Ketch, official No.91523, May 1885/90 registered Grimsby, 43 tons, 1887 registered Ramsgate for Matthew T. Gardner, 31 Spencer Square, Ramsgate. 1900 for William Robert Parker, Canonbury Road, Ramsgate. 1901 sold foreign.
1880 - 'Fortuna' Sail, official No.79595, March 1880 registered Grimsby, 70 tons, 28th October 1880 stranded near Plymouth.
1880 built Brixham - 'Balaklava' (GY774) Ketch, official No.79600, May 1880 registered Grimsby, 75 tons, 1882 for William J. S. Hood, 14 Hainton Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Richard Thomas Douglas, 190 Wellington Street, New Clee. 1896 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1880 built Scarborough - 'Olive Branch' (GY777) Ketch, official No.83521, June 1880 registered Grimsby, 44 tons, 1882 for Austin Bishop, 40 Dutham Street, Scarborough. 1890/1920 for Chrisopher West, 154 Victor Street, Grimsby.
1880 built Brixham - 'Merry Lass' (GY781) Ketch, official No.83523, July 1880 registered Grimsby, 80 tons, 1882/91 for Alfred J. Beeson, 15 Yarborough Street, Grimsby. 27th March 1891 collision with the smack 'Rainbow' of Grimsby about 90 miles off Spurn Point.
1880 built Galmpton, Devon - 'Silvery Wave' (GY784) Ketch, official No.83526, August 1880 registered Grimsby, 80 tons, 1882 for Robert W. Roberts, 41 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1890/1900 for Robert W. Roberts, 2 St. John's Terrace, New Clee.
1880 built Elmshorn, Germany - 'Kate Mudd' (GY788) Dandy, official No.83529, October 1880 registered Grimsby, 75 tons, 1882 for James H. Bascomb, 12 Sterling Street, New Clee. 1890 for Charles R. Wright, 45 Weelsby Street, New Clee. 1900 for John Findlay Scott, Ferry Road, Montrose. 1904 registered Montrose for Severin A. Tallander, Ferry Road, Waterside Montrose.
1880 built Scarborough - 'Joseph of Arimathea' (GY790) Dandy, official No.83531, November 1880 registered Grimsby, 52 tons, 1882 for William P. Bishop, 42 Durham Street, Scarborough. 1890/94 for William Bishop, 168 Guilford Street, New Clee.
1880 built Galmpton, Devon - 'Gloucester' (GY791) Ketch, official No.83532, November 1880 registered Grimsby, 74 tons, 1882 for William Butt, Bingham's Hotel, Grimsby. 1890 for Willie A. Butt, 154 Victor Street, New Clee. 1898 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1880 built La Mailleray, France - 'Pansy' (foreign name 'Pecheries Francaises No. 15') (GY976) Dandy, official No.90384, November 1884 registered Grimsby, 43 tons, 1885 for Herrman Pollack, 1 Leadenhall Street, London. 1890 registered Ramsgate for Matthew Thomas Gardener, 31 Spencer Street, Ramsgate. 1900 for Thomas Hatton, 36 King Street, Ramsgate.
1881 built Galmpton - 'Energy' (GY799) Ketch, official No.83538, April 1880 registered Grimsby, 68 tons, 1882/90 for Edward Woolvett, 107 Thorold Street, New Clee. 1896 sold to Danish owners.
August 1881 built Rye - 'Star of Peace' Ketch, official No.83549, August 1881 registered Grimsby, 73 tons, 1882 for Alfred Doust, 10 Heneage Street, Grimsby. 1890/94 for Enoch Butler, 82 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1881 built Galmpton - 'Lady Godiva' (GY819) Ketch, official No.83556, November 1881 registered Grimsby, 74 tons, 1885 for Willie A. Butt, 64 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1890/94 for Willie A. Butt, 154 Victor Street, New Clee. 26th September 1894 in collision with smack 'Anglia' of Grimsby about 170 miles E by N half N of Spurn Point.
1881 built Brixham - 'Elizabeth Genney' (GY801) Ketch, official No.83542, June 1881 registered Grimsby, 59 tons, 1882 for John Randall, 135 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890 for Alfred Doust, 10 Heneage Street, Weelsby, Grimsby. 1900 registered Plymouth for George Tucker snr, 3 Barbican, Plymouth. 1910/20 for Edwin C. Congdon, 16 Cleveland Road, Plymouth. 1928 for Robert H. Turner, 2 Frobisher Terrace, Plymouth.
1881 built Brixham - 'Bedford' (GY812) Ketch, official No.83552, September 1881 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1890 for John William Haylock, Abbey Park Road, Grimsby. 1899 for The Grimsby Fish Salesmen's Association Ltd. Grimsby.
1881 built Rye - 'William Brusey' (GY813) Ketch, official No.83553, September 1881 registered Grimsby, 53 tons, 1890 for James Plastow, 43 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1897 for James & Edwin J. Plastow 45 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1881 built Rye - 'Cetonia' (GY822) Ketch, official No.83557, December 1881 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1885 for John Brusey, 81 Sunderland Terrace, New Clee. 1890/99 for John Brusey, 114 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1881 built Elmshorn - 'Arthur & Ernest' (GY821) Dandy, official No.83558, December 1881 registered Grimsby, 77 tons, 1885/1898 for Thomas Bascomb, 25 Albert Terrace, New Clee.
1881 built S. Dewdney & Sons, Brixham - 'Invincible' (GY824) Ketch, official No.83560, December 1881 registered Grimsby, 65 tons, 1885 for Joseph Race, 34 Grafton Street, New Clee. 1890 for Arthur Morgan, 68 Hamilton Street, New Clee. 1900 for John Green, 206 Victor Street, Grimsby. 1905 for Amos King, 91 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1881 built by Earle's Shipbuilding, Hull - 'Zodiac' (GY828)(Yard No.242) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.83561, January 1892 registered Grimsby,93 x 20 x 10 ft, 65 tons, 35 h.p. 1885/89 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 25th September missing.
1881 built Rye - 'The Friend's Goodwill' (GY826) Ketch, official No.83562, January 1882 registered Grimsby, 72 tons, 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1899 for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
May 1881 built by Hodgson & Soulsby, Cowpen Quay, Blyth - 'Pelham' Iron Screw Steamer, official No.83544, June 1881 registered Grimsby, 140 x 22 x 11 ft, 213 tons, 60 h.p. 1882 for The Grimsby & London Trading Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1883 registered London for the Pelham Steam Ship Co. Ltd. 140 Leadenhall Street, London. 1887 for George C. Stewart, 58 South John Street, Liverpool. 31st August 1888 Struck wreckage and sank at South Stack.
1881 built Galmpton - 'Deerhound' (GY807) Ketch, official No.83547, July 1881 registered Grimsby, 80 tons, 1882 for4 John Russell, 1 Weelsby Street, New Clee. 1890 for James Thorpe, 231 Freeman Street, Grimsby. 1899 for Thomas Dobson, 357 Convomore Road, Grimsby.
1882 built Galmpton - 'Alert' (GY830) Ketch, official No.83564, February 1882 registered Grimsby, 84 tons, 1885 for John W. Wilkin, 21 Trinity Street, New Clee. 1890 for John W. Wilkin, 190 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 1898 for William Thomas Dunlin, 7 Albion Terrace, Grimsby.
1882 built by J. C. Hoad, Rye - 'Beatrice' (GY838) Wood Ketch, official No.83569, March 1882 registered Grimsby, 74 x 20 x 10 ft, 73 tons, 1885/90 for Thomas Hall, 26 Grafton Street, New Clee. 1899 for Charles Edwin Moore, 82 Newmarket Street, Grimsby.
1882 built by J. C. Hoad, Rye - 'Arizona' (GY833) Wood Ketch, official No.83565, February 1882 registered Grimsby, 76 x 20 x 11 ft, 88 tons, 1885 for Alfred Naulls, 62 Guilford, New Clee. 1890 for John Guzzwell, Stafford House, Beaconthorpe, Grimsby. 1900/01 for Amos King, 91 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1882 built Christiansand, Norway - 'Sprite' (GY888) Dandy, official No.87754, April 1883 registered Grimsby, 80 tons, 1885 for William Moore, 63 Hilda Street, New Clee. 1890 for William Moore, 176 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1893 sold foreign.
1882 built by C. C. A. Dreyer, Hamburg - 'Harry Mundahl' (GY834) Dandy, official No.86412, April 1882 registered Grimsb, 77 x 21 x 12 ft, 122 tons, 1885/90 for Carl M. Mundahl, 63 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1900/01 registered Capetown for Alfred L. Blackburn, Capetown, South Africa.
1882 built by J. C. Hoad, Rye - 'Albany' (GY844) Wood Ketch, official No.86414, April 1882 registered Grimsby, 74 x 20 x 10 ft, 71 tons, 1885 for William Cunliffe, 193 Hainton Street, Grimsby. 1890 registered Hull for Charles H. Westoby, Constable Street, Hessle Road, Hull. 1894 registered Lowestoft for William Robbens, West Ragland Street, Lowestoft.
1882 built Newhaven - 'Boneta' (GY849) Dandy, official No.86418, May 1882 registered Grimsby, 73 tons, 1883 for John Guzzwell jnr, Beaconthorpe, Lincoln. 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1900 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd, Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1882 built by J. C. Hoad, Rye - 'Alaska' (GY850) Wood Ketch, official No.86419, June 1882 registered Grimsby, 76 20 x 11 ft, 87 tons, 1883 for John M. Emptage, 27 Victor Street, New Clee. 1890 for John M. Emptage, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1898 for Henry C. Rhodes, 5 Duke Street, New Clee.
1882 built by S. Dewdney & Sons, Brixham - 'Emerald' (GY851) Ketch, official No.86420, July 1882 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1883 for William Wright, 25 Hainton Terrace, New Clee. 1890 for William Wright, 117 Church Street, Grimsby. 1894 for William S. Letten, St. Andrew's Terrace, New Clee.
1882 built by C. C. A. Deyer, Newhof, Hamburg - 'Mary Smethurst' (GY852) Wood Schooner, official No.86421, July 1882 registered Grimsby, 92 x 21 x 11 ft, 110 tons, 1883 for Henry Smethurst jnr, Grimsby. 1890 for William Whitelam, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. November 1899 whilst fishing off Sutherland Captain William Wheatley grounded on Rabbit Islands. 1900 registered Wick for William & John Hart, Thurso, Caithness. April 1906 'New Orpoto', of West Hartlepool, whilst swinging preparatory being berthed Newcastle Quay collided with 'Mary Smethurst' sustaining damaged to her. January 1909 Tobermory. The wrecked Schooner 'Mary Smethurst' has been partially pumped out and is now berthed at the quay. Sold at auction for £75, the cargo of salt is all melted. 1910 for Dugald McKechnie, Kilchoan, Argyllshire. March 1917 sale of Stromness schooner belonging to Captain William Sutherland, has been sold to a firm of Dundee owners. 1920 for Robert Kinnes, East Whale Lane, Dundee. 1926 for Charles G. D. Sandison, Baltasound, Shetland. 22nd February 1908 Thurso Life Boat landed 4 men from the schooner. July 1910 sailed from Belfast for Irvine. August 1913 Arthur Burns fell in the hold and dislocated his neck and died. February 1914 damaged in Stornoway through crush of fishing vessel sheltering from gales. 29th October 1919 whilst in Arbroath Harbour, a few sails in the forecastle caught fire, probably caused by the upsetting of a lamp. November 1919 tried twice to take supplies to two whaling staions at Black Leg Island and Davis Islands but had to return due to leaks, Captain David Cramond. December 1921 driven from her moorings during hurricane at Baltasound, later her hold was full of water.
1882 built by A. Gibbs, Galmpton, Devon - 'Silvery Spray' (GY856) Wood Ketch, official No.86423, August 1882 registered Grimsby, 76 x 20 x 10 ft, 83 tons, 1883 for Robert W, Roberts, 11 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890/99 for Robert W, Roberts, 2 St. John's Terrace, New Clee.
1882 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn, Germany - 'Favourite' (GY854) Dandy, official No.86425, August 1882 registered Grimsby, 72 x 20 x 10 ft, 77 tons, 1883/85 for Thomas Baskcomb, 92 Albert Terrace, New Clee. 27th January 1885 collision with steamer 'Newminster' of Newcastle near Newsand Light.
1882 built by J. C. Hoad, Rye, Sussex - 'Arthur Pelham' (GY859) Wood Dandy, official No.86427, August 1882 registered Grimsby, 75 x 20 x 10 ft, 73 tons, 1883 for Richard T. Douglas, 42 Stanley Street, New Clee. 1890 for George Finch, 184 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 1900 for Samuel Gidley, 346 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1882 built Elmshorn, Germany - 'Smiling Morn' (GY862) Dandy, official No.86431, September 1882 registered Grimsby, 93 tons, 1883/90 for Robert R. Turner, Rose Cottage, Eleanor Street, Weelsby. 1898 for Walter C. Brown, Grimsby. 1898 sold to Dutch owners.
1882 built by J. C. Hoad, Rye - 'Sirius' (GY863) Wood Ketch, official No.86432, Ocober 1882 registered Grimsby, 63 x 17 x 8ft, 45 tons, 1883 for Charles Forester, 98 Albert Terrace, New Clee. 1890 for George Edward Allington, Cartergate, Grimsby.
1882 built Sandwich - 'Little Nelley' (GY864) Ketch, official No.86433, October 1882 registered Grimsby, 74 tons, 1883 for Walter Moody, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1890/95 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Road, Grimsby. 5th December 1895 foundered 240 miles east of Spurn Point.
1882 built by W. A. Gibbs, Galmpton - 'Severn' (GY865) Wood Dandy, official No.86434, October 1882 registered Grimsby, 78 x 21 x 10 ft, 79 tons, 1883 for William Butt, Havelock Hotel, Grimsby. 1890 for Willie A. Butt, 154 Victor Street, New Clee. 1898 for Hagerup Doughty & Co Ltd. Grimsby.
1882 built by S. Dewdney & Sons, Brixham - 'Tartar' (GY868) Wood Ketch, official No.86435, registered Grimsby, 75 x 20 x 11 ft, 80 tons, 1883/98 for Daniel W. King, 12 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1882 built by J. C. Hoad, Rye - 'James Emptage' (GY873) Wood Ketch, official No.86440, December 1882 registered Grimsby, 76 x 20 x 11 ft, 87 tons, 1883 for William H. Munson, 42 Railway Street, Grimsby. 1890 for William H. Munson, 124 Hainton Street, Grimsby. 1899 for John P. Powell, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1882 built by J. C. Hoad, Rye, Sussex - 'Henry & Martha' (GY875) Wood Ketch, official No.86442, January 1883 registered Grimsby, 75 x 20 x 10 ft, 74 tons, 1883/90 for Henry Johnstone, 127 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1899 for The Grimsby Fish Salesmen's Association Ltd. Grimsby.
1882 built by J. W. & A. Uphams, Brixham - 'Majestic' (GY876) Ketch, official No.86443, January 1883 registered Grimsby, 75 tons, 1884 for William S. Melbuish, Granville Terrace, New Clee. 1890 for William S. Melbuish, 37 Victor Street, New Clee. 1899 for John Henry Bellamy, 117 Henage Street, Weelsby.
1882 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn, Germany, 'True Brothers' (GY877) Wood Dandy, official No.86444, January 1893 registered Grimsby, 72 x 20 x 10 ft, 78 tons, 1884 for William R. Baskcomb, 124 Church Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Harrison Mudd, Bargate, Grimsby. 1893 for William Greenacre, 80 Oxford Street, New Clee.
1882 built by A. Gibbs, Galmpton - 'Fawn' (GY878) Wood Ketch, official No.86445, January 1883 registered Grimsby, 71 x 20 x 10 ft, 82 tons, 1884 for John P. Robinson, 10 Arlington Street, New Clee. 1890 for John P. Robinson, 27 Arlington Terrace, New Clee. 1899 for Thomas Dobson, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1882 built Norway - 'Vineta' (GY927) Dandy, official No.87795, April 1884 registered Grimsby, 68 tons, 1885/90 for George Beacher, 60 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1894 for William Joseph Heard, 148 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby. 10th September 1894 foundered about 17 miles ESE of Spurn Point.
1883 built by A. Gibbs, Galmpton - 'Lancaster' (GY886) Wood Ketch, official No.87755, April 1883 registered Grimsby, 76 x 20 x 10 ft, 82 tons, 1885 for William Walker, 15 Worsley Buildings, Grimsby, 1890/99 for William Thomas Roberts, 41 Orwell Strret, Grimsby.
1883 built by J. C. Hoad, Rye - 'Saltaire' (GY893) Wood Ketch, official No.87760, May 1883 registered Grimsby, 78 x 20 x 11 ft, 89 tons, 1884/90 for William H. Carrington, 131 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby. 1899 for James Meadows Ltd. Grimsby. 1939 stranded at Spurn Point.
1883 built by William Gibbs, Galmpton - 'Rescue' (GY897) Ketch, official No.87764, July 1883 registered Grimsby, 80 tons, 1884 for Austin A. Bates, 14 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Austin A. Bates, 5 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1899 for Robert William Roberts, 358 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1883 built by J. C. Hoad, Rye - 'William Martin' (GY898) Wood Ketch, official No.87766, July 1883 registered Grimsby, 75 x 20 x 10 ft, 76 tons, 1884 for Wolliam M. Allenby, 11 Weelsby Street, New Clee. 1890 for John Thomas Stroud, 71 Convamore Road, Weelsby. 1900/09 registered Lerwick for Elizabeth Tait, Scalloway, Shetland.
1883 built Elmshorn - 'Blue Ribbon' (GY900) Dandy, official No.87767, August 1883 registered Grimsby, 77 tons, 1883/97 for Robert R. Turner, 6 Eleanor Street, Weelsby.
1883 built by S. Dewdney & Sons, Brixham - 'Cambridgeshire' (GY899) Wood Ketch, official No.87768, August 1883 registered Grimsby, 75 x 20 x 11ft, 79 tons, 1884/90 for Robert Long, 46 Weesby Street, New Clee. 1899 for The Grimsby Fishermen's Association Ltd. Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1883 built Rye - 'William Clowes' (GY903) Ketch, official No.87771, September 1883 registered Grimsby, 77 tons, 1884 for William Empson, Ebenezer House, Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1890/1904 for Enoch Butler, 82 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1883 built Rye - 'John & Lizzie' (GY904) Ketch, official No.87772, September 1883 registered Grimsby, 76 tons, 1884 for John Johnstone, 14 Yarborough Street, Grimsby. 1890/98 for John S. Bedford, 113 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1883 built Elmshorn - 'Jacob Kremer' (GY907) Dandy, official No.87774, October 1883 registered Grimsby, 89 tons, 1884/97 for Robert R. Turner, Eleanor Street, Weelsby.
1883 built Galmpton, Devon - 'Morning Star' (GY909) Ketch, official No.87777, October 1883 registered Grimsby, 81 tons, 1884 for William Padgett, 45 Garibaldi Street, Grimsby. 1890/95 for William J. Padgett, 102 Fildes Street, Grimsby.
1883 built Rye - 'Oregon' (GY911) Ketch, official No.87779, November 1883 registered Grimsby, 89 tons, 1884 for John Macdonald Emptage, Ashburnham Villa, Grimsby. 1890/97 for John Macdonald Emptage, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby.
1883 built Scarborough - 'King Arthur' (GY912) Ketch, official No.87780, November 1883 registered Grimsby, 83 tons, 1884 for John R. D. Romyn, 2 Cliff Terrace, Bridlington Quay. 1890 for James Plastow, Grimsby. 1900/03 registered Lerwick for Andrew Smith, 77 Commercial Street, Lerwick.
August 1883 built by Russell & Co.Glasgow - 'Edith' (Yard No.71) Iron Screw Steamer, official No.87781, November 1883 registered Grimsby, 149 x 24 x 11 ft, 259 tons, 55 h.p. 1884 for The Grimsby & London Steam Ship Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1890 for William France Ltd. 35 Lime Street, London. 1897 registered London for Robert T. Thomson & Percy J. Clark, 9 Fenchurch Avenue, London. 1898 sold foreign.
1883 built by Messrs. James C. Hoad, Rye - 'Restless Wave' Wooden Ketch, official No.87782, December 1883 registered Grimsby, 75 x 20 x 10 ft, 74 tons, 1884 for William Henry Smith, 24 Clyde Street, Grimsby. 1890 for William Henry Smith, 157 Hainton Street, Grimsby. 5th September 1896 in collision with smack 'Agonist' of Grimsby in the North Sea due to the 'Lily of the Valley' having been improperly navigated and the 'Restless Wave' was not properly handled and the second hand, James Woolnough of the 'Lily of the Valley' was in default and Francis Lashbrook the second hand of the 'Restless Wave'. The court considers grave blame to the skippers John William Rycroft and William Henry Smith skippers of the 'Lily of the Valley' and the 'Restless Wave'.
1883 built by Messrs. William Allen Gibbs & Co. Galmpton, Devon - 'Lyra' Ketch, official No.87783, December 1883 registered Grimsby, 77 x 20 x 10 ft, 81 tons, 1884/90 for Walter H. Fraser, 19 Thorold Street, New Clee. 5th May 1892 in collision with 'Rover' of Grimsby which sank about 55 miles off Spurn. The collision resulted in the loss of life, a 15 year old cook David Doman. Both skippers were in default and had their certificates suspended for three months. 1899 for Thomas Dobson, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1883 built by J. C. Hoad, Rye - 'L'avenir' (GY920) Wood Ketch, official No.87785, January 1884 registered Grimsby, 75 x 20 x 10 ft, 76 tons, 1884/90 for Samuel E. Green, 129 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. 1895 for Samuel E. Green, 12 Sydney Terrace, New Clee. 31st August 1895 stranded at Amnum Shoal.
1884 built Rye - 'Oxfordshire' (GY924) Dandy, official No.87788, March 1884 registered Grimsby, 75 tons, 1885 for George Sergeant, Orwell Street, Grimsby, 1890 for Joseph P. Farrar, Wakefield. 1895 for George Edward James Moody, Albert Road, Cleethorpes.
1884 built by S. Dewdney, Brixham - 'Alice Gertrude' (GY925) Wood Ketch, official No.87789, March 1884 registered Grimsby, 76 x 20 x 11 ft, 80 tons, 1885 for Robert P. Porter, 187 Willingham Street, Weelsby. 1890 for John Randall, Cater Gate, Grimsby. 1900 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby. 1910/14 for Charles Bell, 99 Victor Street, Grimsby.
June 1884 built by Edward Withy & Co. West Hartlepool - 'Ashton' (Yard No.132) Iron Screw Steamer, Official No.90365, August 1884 registered Grimsby 1884, 239 x 32 x 14 ft. 545 tons, 170 h.p. 1885/90 Owners the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Co. Manchester, 1900/15 for Great Central Railway Co, Manchester, 1920/26 for The Cadeby SteamShip Co. Ltd. Glasgow. Closed 1926. August 1887 gas explosion from the hatches in Antwerp, considerable damage done but nobody hurt. January 1892 Captain W. P. Seaton was awared the bronze medal for saving two men from the vessel 'Enterkin' sunk during heavy weather. December 1908 Five passengers died after inhaling fumes from 35 barrels of ferro-silicon stowed near their cabins.
April 1884 built by Edward Withy & Co. West Hartlepool - 'Chester' (Yard No.131) Iron Screw Steamer, official No.90357, June 1884 registered Grimsby, 238 x 32 x 14 ft, 524 tons, 170 h.p. 1885 Captain Daniel Dunn Lamplough. 1885/90 for the Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Co. Manchester. 1900/10 for the Great Central Railway Co. Manchester. 3rd December 1885 in collision with the steamer 'Wakefield' of Grimsby which was lost. Nobody was in default however both masters Mr. Michael Tierney of the 'Wakefield' and Mr. Daniel Dunn Lamplough of the 'Chester' were blamed for not following regulations. 29th September in collision with 'Hugin' of Norway in the Elbe, and beached, later refloated and broken up.
December 1884 built by the Whitby and Robin Hood's Shipbuilding Co. Ltd, Whitby - 'Aelfleda' Ketch Rigged Fishing Vessel, official No.89776, registered Whitby, 77 x 20 x 10 ft, 80 tons, 1890 for Robert Harrowing, Whitby. 1891 registered Grimsby for the Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. April 1892 in collision with 'Nathan Chapman', of Grimsby in the North Sea and sunk, Skipper Mr. Robert Normandale.
1884 built by J. Smit, Rotterdam - 'K. A. Niemann' Iron Screw Steamer, official No.98392, registered Goole, 142 x 23 x 10 ft, 171 tons, 52 h.p. 1895/96 for Ferd, C. H. Hartmann, Boothferry Road, Goole. July 1896 bound for Guernsay was proceeding to her berth in Victoria Dock when the steamer 'British Empire' in tow by two tugs collided with her causing extensive damage. The 'K. A. Niemann' was awarded the full amount and costs.
1884 built by Mr. James C. Hoad, Rye - 'James Letten' (GY929) Wood Ketch, official No.87793, April 1884 registered Grimsby, 75 x 20 x 10 ft, 75 tons, 1885 for William S. Letten, 51 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1890/95 for George Richards, 131 Duncombe Street, Grimsby. 13th November 1892 stranded near Dimlington, Yorkshire. A tug from Grimsby eventually towed her back to Grimsby. The skipper Mr. John Richards alone in default and had his certificate suspended for three months.
1884 built by A. Gibbs, Galmpton - 'Silvery Cloud' (GY930) Wood Ketch, official No.87794, April 1884 registered Grimsby, 77 x 20 x 10 ft, 81 tons, 1885/90 for Joseph W. Little, Humber Street, Grimsby. 1899 for Robert William Roberts, 358 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby.
1884 built by S. Dewdney, Brixham - 'Robert The Devil' (GY932) Wood Ketch, official No.87797, May 1884 registered Grimsby, 80 x 21 x 11 ft, 86 tons, 1885 for Charles J. D. Astley, Welholme Cottage, Grimsby. 1890 for John Germany jnr, 9 Tomline Street, Grimsby. 1900 for Thomas Campbell Moss, 45 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1884 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn - 'Fortunate' (GY942) Wood Dandy, official No.90354, June 1884 registered Grimsby, 72 x 20 x 10 ft, 77 tons, 1885/90 for Henry L. Taylor, 25 Duke Street, New Clee. 1899 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1884 built W. A. Gibbs, Galmpton - 'William Butt' (GY951) Wood Ketch, official No.90360, June 1884 registered Grimsby, 79 x 21 x 10 ft, 88 tons, 1885 for Willie A. Butt, 64 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Willie A. Butt, 154 Victor Street, New Clee. 1898 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1884 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn - 'Minnie' (GY952) Wood Dandy, official No.90361, July 1884 registered Grimsby, 72 x 20 x 10 ft, 77 tons, 1885 for James H. Baskcomb, 74 Stanley Street, New Clee. 1890/96 for Thomas Baskcomb, 92 Albert Terrace, New Clee.
1884 built by S. Dewdney, Brixham - 'Ellen' (GY957) Wood Ketch, official No.90368, August 1884 registered Grimsby, 76 x 20 x 10 ft, 78 tons, 1885 for Walter Acaster, Grimsby. 1890 for Robert W. Rushton, 198 Vctoria Terrace, New Clee. 1895 for James Howard, 57 Hilda Street, New Clee.
1884 built by W. A. Gibbs, Galmpton - 'Silvery Crest' (GY963) Wood Ketch, official No.90373, September 1884 registered Grimsby, 79 x 21 x 10 ft, 88 tons, 1885/99 for Robert W. Roberts, 2 St. John's Terrace, New Clee.
1884 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn, Germany - 'Rival' (GY966) Wood Dandy, official No.90376, September 1884 registered Grimsby, 72 x 20 x 10 ft, 76 tons, 1885 for Thomas Baskcomb, 92 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 1890 for Albert E. McGregor, 45 Victor Street, New Clee. 1900 for Thomas Baskcomb, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1909 registered Inverness for James Oman, Tullear, Madagascar.
1884 built by G.& T. Smith, Rye - 'Sea Belle' (GY977) Wood Ketch, official No.90385, November 1884 registered Grimsby, 76 x 21 x 10 ft, 78 tons, 1885/95 for John W. Blake, 2 Argyle Terrace, Oxford Street, New Clee.
1884 built by T. Mathews, Galmpton - 'Resolute' (GY979) Wood Ketch, official No.90386, November 1884 registered Grimsby, 80 x 21 x 10 ft, 85 tons, 1885/99 for Thomas M. Stookes, 44 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1884 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn - 'Flower of the Forest' (GY983) Wood Dandy, official No.90391, December 1884 registered Grimsby, 72 x 20 x 10 ft, 76 tons, 1885 for Henry C. Oxley, 67 Church Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Henry C. Oxley, 81 Weelsby Street, Grimsby. 1898 for Henry Shackles, 196 Hainton Street, Grimsby.
1884 built by W. A. Gibbs, Galmpton - 'Gazelle' (GY984) Wood Ketch, official No.90392, December 1884 registered Grimsby, 79 x 21 x 10 ft, 87 tons, 1885/90 for James Thorpe, Waterloo House, Freeman Street, Grimsby. 1899 for Robert William Roberts, 358 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby.
1884 built by G.& T. Smith, Rye - 'R. Ingersoll' (GY990) Wood Ketch, official No.90397, January 1885 registered Grimsby, 76 x 21 x 11 ft, 78 tons, 1885/99 for Samuel Wooten Alward, 59 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1884 built by S. Dewdney, Brixham - 'Inflexible' (GY992) Wood Ketch, official No.90400, January 1885 registered Grimsby, 82 x 21 x 11 ft, 90 tons, 1885 for Joseph Race, 24 Grafton Street, New Clee. 1890 for Charles Osborn, 19 Duncombe Street, Grimsby. 1900 for John James, Edward Street, Grimsby.
September 1885 built by John G. Fay & Co, Northam, Southampton - 'Harbinger' Iron Screw Trawler, official No.90424, registered Southampton, 60 x 12 x 8 ft, 26 tons, 10 h.p. for Andrew S. Lamb, London. 1910 for Charles Holt, Lye, Nr. Stourbridge. 1915 for John T. Jackson, Elmleigh, Ilkley. 1916 registered Grimsby (GY880) for Edward Brown, Scunthorpe. 28th June 1917 sunk by UC 63, 18 miles off Spurn Point, Skipper E. Greenleaf, crew saved.
1885 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn - 'Vanguard' (GY1051) Ketch, official No.92782, October 1885 registered Grimsby, 72 x 20 x 10 ft, 77 tons, 1887 for John G. Stoaks, 17 Grant Street, New Clee. 1890/05 for William S. Letten, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1885 built by T. Mathews, Galmpton - 'Susie Spurgeon' (GY1053) Ketch, official No.92783, Ocober 1885 registered Grimsby, 81 x 21 x 11 ft, 93 tons, 1887 for Alexander W. Drury, 8 Worsley Buildings, Grimsby. 1890 for William Klingsick, 18 Convamore Road, Weelsby, Grimsby. 1900 registered Yarmouth for John Edward Champney, Abhurch Chambers, London.
1885 built Germany - 'Fortuna' (GY1052) Ketch, official No.92785, October 1885 registered Grimsby, 78 tons, 1887/93 for Harry Chanter, 100 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 17th August 1893 in collision with trawler 'Ibis' of Glasgow, 280 miles off Spurn Point.
1885 built by G.& T. Smith, Rye - 'Matchless' Ketch, official No.92787, October 1885 registered Grimsby, 76 x 20 x 11 ft, 80 tons, 1887 for Joseph Dennis, 47 Stanley Street, New Clee. 1890 for Edwin Bacon, 15 Arlington Street, New Clee. 1898 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1885 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn - 'Genesta' (GY1054) Ketch, official No.92788, October 1885 registered Grimsby, 73 x 20 x 10 ft, 83 tons, 1887 for James H. Baskcomb, 74 Stanley Street, New Clee. 1890 for Thomas Baskcomb, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 19th October 1890 stranded north of Withernsea.
1885 built by T. Mathews, Galmpton - 'Sparkling Wave' (GY1069) Wood Ketch, official No.92803, January 1886 registered Grimsby, 80 x 21 x 11 ft, 93 tons, 1887 for John W. Dixon, 101 Thorold Street, New Clee.1890 for John W. Haylock, Abbey Park Road, Grimsby. 1895 for The Grimsby Fisherman's Association Ltd. Grimsby.
1885 built by C.C.A. Dreyer, Hamburg, Germany - 'Queen Victoria' (GY1060) Ketch, official No.92794, December 1885 registered Grimsby, 75 x 21 x 11 ft, 74 tons, 1888/90 for Moses Buckden, 92 Church Street, Grimsby. 1900 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1885 built by A. Gibbs, Galmpton - 'Emmanuel' (GY998) Wood Ketch, official No.91507, March 1885 registered Grimsby, 77 x 21 x 10 ft, 83 tons, 1887/95 for Charles H. Dobson, 10 Arlington Street, New Clee.
February 1885 built by Alexander Hall & Co., Aberdeen - 'Rosalind' (Yard No.324) Iron Barque, official No.91508, March 1885 registered Grimsby, 141 x 28 x 13 ft, 352 tons, 1888 for Jack Sutcliffe, Grimsby. or John Sutcliff & Sons, Grimsby. 1889 missing.
1885 built by R. Jackman, Brixham - 'City of London' (GY1000) Wood Ketch, official No.91514, April 1885 registered Grimsby, 78 x 21 x 11 ft, 88 tons, 1887 for G. Chamberlain, 1 Hainton Square, Weelsby. 1890 for John Randall, West Parade, Carter Gate, Grimsby. 1895 for William Thomas Dunlin, 7 Albion Terrace, Grimsby. May 1896 in collision with schooner 'Jasep' of Russia.
1885 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn, Germany - 'Marjorie' (GY1005) Wood Ketch, official No.91517, April 1885 registered Grimsby, 72 x 20 x 10 ft, 78 tons, 1887/90 for John Tokley, 74 Clarence Terrace, Hamilton Street, New Clee. 1900/01 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Grimsby.
1885 built by G. & T. Smith, Rye - 'James Spurgeon' (GY1017) Wood Ketch, official No.91521, May 1885 registered Grimsby, 76 x 21 x 11 ft, 82 tons, 1887/90 for William Empson, 130 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 1897 for William M. Staples, 133 Hainton Street, Grimsby.
1885 built by W. A. Gibbs, Galmpton - 'Chinese Gordon' (GY1019) Wood Ketch, official No.91524, May 1885 registered Grimsby, 80 x 21 x 10 ft, 90 tons, 1887/96 for John Alp, 5 St. Andrew's Terrace, New Clee.
1885 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn - 'Little Jessie' (GY1028) Wood Ketch, official No.91532, July 1885 registered Grimsby, 72 x 20 x 10 ft, 78 tons, 1887/90 for Abraham E. Woods, 47 Weelsby Street, New Clee. 1900 for William Jessop snr, High Street, Boston. 1910/16 registered Peterhead for John Davidson, Peterhead.
1885 built by T. Mathews, Galmpton - 'Silver Fir' (GY1030) Ketch, official No.91534, July 1885 registered Grimsby, 91 tons, 1887/90 for Alfred Walton, 52 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1899 for William Thomas Dunlin, 7 Albion Terrace, Grimsby.
1885 built by W. A. Gibbs, Galmpton - 'William Wright' (GY1032) Wood Ketch, official No.91536, July 1885 registered Grimsby, 80 x 21 x 10 ft, 90 tons, 1887/98 for Joseph Wright, 176 Victor Street, New Clee.
1885 built by G. & T. Smith, Rye - 'La Mascotte' (GY1062) Wood Ketch/Smack, official No.92796, December 1885 registered Grimsby, 77 x 21 x 11 ft, 82 tons, 1887/90 for Samuel Everingham Green, 129 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 18th March 1898 burnt about 25 miles off Spurn Point.
1885 built by W. A. Gibbs, Galmpton - 'Speedwell' (GY1065) Wood Ketch, official No.92798, December 1885 registered Grimsby, 80 x 21 x 10 ft, 91 tons, 1887/90 for William Hill, 22 Victor Street, New Clee. 1892 for Willie Alfred Butt, 154 Victor Street, New Clee. 30th January 1892 missing since 1st January 1892.
1885 built by J.Kremer, Elmshorn - 'George Harry Mudd' (GY1037) Wood Ketch, official No.91539, August 1885 registered Grimsby, 77 x 20 x 10 ft, 77 tons, 1887/90 for Thomas Browne, 205 Hainton Street, Grimsby. 1899 for Thomas Henry Greer, 97 Kent Street, Grimsby.
1885 built by G. & T. Smith, Rye - 'Devotion' (GY1038) Wood Ketch, official No.91540, August 1885 registered Grimsby, 76 x 21 x 10 ft, 82 tons, 1887/90 for Samuel Buckingham, 39 Duke Street, New Clee. 1900 for George Smith, 33 Kent Street, Grimsby. 1902 for Charles Bell, 29 Victor Street, New Clee.
1885 built by R. Jackson, Brixham - 'City of Norwich' (GY1041) Wood Ketch, official No.91546, September 1885 registered Grimsby, 79 x 21 x 11 ft, 89 tons, 1887/90 for John Randall, West Parade, Grimsby. 1900/03 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby.
1885 built W. A. Gibbs, Galmpton, Devon - 'Confido' (GY1046) Wood Ketch, official No.91548, September 1885 registered Grimsby, 80 x 21 x 10 ft, 90 tons, 1887/90 for Arthur R. Roberts, 41 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1900 registered Faversham for John James T. Wickens, Wellwich Road, Milton-next-Sittingbourne, Kent. 1907 registered Dublin for John G. McEntagart, 29 Nassau Street, Dublin.
Built Chatham - 'Search' (GY1024) Wood Steamer, official No.91541, August 1885 registered Grimsby, 45 x 13 x 6 ft, 4 tons, 9 h.p. 1887 for Charles S. Fysh, 232 Victor Street, New Clee. 1890 for Robert A. Ray, 53 Fildes Street, West Marsh, Grimsby. 1892 for William Robert, Wakefield, 3 Diamond Terrace, Skegness. 1893/99 for John H. Wood, Victoria Street, Huddersfield.
1886 built by T. Mathews, Galmpton - 'Hero of Khartoum' (GY1106) Wood Ketch, official No.93881, registered Grimsby, 80 x 21 x 11 ft, 88 tons, 1890 for John William Haylock, Fish Dock, Grimsby. 1896 for The Grimsby Fishermen's Association Ltd. Grimsby. 31st July 1896 stranded off Sylt Island Lighthouse, Denmark.
1886 built by W. A. Gibbs, Galmpton - 'Sir Frederick Roberts' (GY1113) Wood Ketch, official No.93886, June 1886 registered Grimsby, 80 x 21 x 10 ft, 90 tons, 1887 for William Walker, 15 Worsley Buildings, Grimsby. 13th February 1889 missing since 13th February 1889.
1886 built R. Jackman, Brixham - 'Resolution' (GY1109) Wood Ketch, official No.93884, registered Grimsby, 74 x 21 x 10 ft, 77 tons, 1890 for John Randall, Carter Gate, Grimsby. 24th November 1890 in collision with 'Bay Wreath' off Spurn. 1899 for William Thomas Dunlin, 7 Albion Terrace, Grimsby.
June 1886 built by C.S. Swan Hunter, Wallsend - 'Warrington' (Yard No.98) Iron Screw Steamer, official No.93893, 1886 registered Grimsby, 230 x 30 x 15 ft, 412 tons, 170 h.p. 1887/90 for Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Co. Manchester. For the Grimsby to Hamburg trade. 1900/04 for Great Cemtral Railway Co. Manchester. 7th December 1903 wrecked on Haisborough Sand, Norfolk due to grave error of judgement by the master Mr. George Henry Morris, whilst carrying coal from Grimsby to Rotterdam.
1886 built Elmshorn - 'Hydrology' (GY2) Ketch, official No.93896, August 1886 registered Grimsby, 83 tons, 1887/90 for Martin Carter, 89 Holles Street, Grimsby. 1895 for George Henry Mudd, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1886 built Elmshorn, Germany - 'Joseph Chapman' (GY6) Ketch, official No.93902, February 1886 registered Grimsby, 83 tons, 1887/90 for George Elmore, 23 Stirling Street, New Clee. 1895 for William S. Letten, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1886 built Galmpton - 'Lilian & Evelyn' (GY5) Ketch, official No.93899, August 1886 registered Grimsby, 90 tons, 1887/95 for John R. Salsbury, 174 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee.
1886 built by T. Matthews, Galmpton - 'Evening Star' (GY19) Wood Ketch, official No.93903, September 1886 registered Grimsby, 79 x 21 x 11 ft, 92 tons, 1887/90 for Thomas Bennett, 119 Grafton Street, New Clee. 1898 for The Grimsby Fishermen's Association Ltd. Grimsby.
1886 built by G. & T. Smith, Rye - 'Revival' (GY29) Wood Ketch, official No.93904, September 1886 registered Grimsby, 77 x 21 x 10 ft, 82 tons, 1887 for William H. Foat, 39 Victor Street, New Clee. 1890/99 for John S. Bedford, 13 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1886 built by T. Mathews, Galmpton - 'Matilda Meadows' (GY34) Wood Ketch, official No.93910, October 1886 registered Grimsby, 80 x 21 x 11 ft, 89 tons, 1887/90 for Daniel Hardy, Oxford Street, New Clee. 1900 for William Michael Staples, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1886 built by G. & T. Smith, Rye - 'City of York' (GY37) Wood Ketch, official No.93912, October 1886 registered Grimsby, 79 x 21 x 11 ft, 88 tons, 1887/91 for John Eskriett, Weelsby. 31st October 1891 collision with 'Eos' off Spurn Point.
1886 built by D. W. Kremer, Elmshorn - 'Othello' (GY35) Wood Ketch, official No.93914, October 1886 registered Grimsby, 74 x 20 x 13 ft, 80 tons, 1887/90 for Jesse Sempers, Grimsby. 1895 for William Moore, 436 Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1886 built by S. Dewdney, Brixham - 'Nil Desperandum' (GY52) Ketch, official No.93919, December 1886 registered Grimsby, 92 tons, 1890 for Joseph Lamb, 92 Ayscough Street, West Marsh, Grimsby. 1900 registered Yarmouth for John Edward Champney, Abchurch Chambers, London.
1886 built by R. Jackson, Brixham - 'Beatrice Forester' (GY59) Wood Ketch, official No.93921, December 1886 registered Grimsby, 76 x 21 x 11 ft, 84 tons, 1890 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1896 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London. 1900 sold to Dutch owners.
1886 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn - 'Theodore' (GY55) Wood Ketch, official No.93924, December 1886 registered Grimsby, 76 x 20 x 11 ft, 84 tons, 1887 for Albert E. Banks, Victor Street, Grimsby. 1890/95 for Thomas Hoult, 6 Thomas Street, Grimsby. 1896 sold to Dutch owners.
1886 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn - 'Theodora' (GY54) Wood Ketch, official No.93925, December 1886 registered Grimsby, 77 x 20 x 11 ft, 84 tons, 1887/90 for Frank Grunill, The Bull Ring, Grimsby. 1900 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London. 1907 registered Peterhead for John Forrest, 85 Queen Street, Peterhead.
1886 built by W. A. Gibbs, Galmpton - 'Reindeer' (GY63) Wood Ketch, official No.93928, January 1887 registered Grimsby, 80 x 21 x 10 ft, 91 tons, 1887/96 for John P. Robinson, 10 Arlington Street, New Clee.
1886 built by T. Mathews, Galmpton - 'Lady of the Lake' (GY66) Wood Ketch, official No.93930, January 1887 registered Grimsby, 80 x 21 x 11 ft, 88 tons, 1888 for Charles W. Lake, 36 Trinity Street, New Clee. 1890 for John William Haylock, Abbey Park Road, Grimsby. 1898 for The Grimsby Fishermen's Association Ltd. Grimsby.
1886 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn, Germany - 'Euphony' (GY1068) Wood Ketch, official No.92802, January 1886 registered Grimsby, 77 x 21 x 11 ft, 83 tons, 1887/90 for Alfred George Johnstone, 29 Chapman Street, West Marsh, Grimsby. 1900/01 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1886 built by G. & T. Smith, Rye - 'Sam J. Dobson' (GY1076) Wood Ketch, official No.92808, March 1896 registered Grimsby, 67 x 19 x 9 ft, 59 tons, 1890 for Samuel Rowson, 8 Highgate Terrace, Cleethorpes. 1900 registered Lowestoft for William James Williams, Lowestoft. 1910 for Charles Bloomfield, 2 St. George's Terrace, Beccles Road, Lowestoft. 1915 for William J. Williams, 1 Marina, Lowestoft. 1920 for John M. Barnard, 8 Suffolk Road, Lowestoft. 1927 for John M. Barnard, 12 Trawl Market, Lowestoft.
1886 built by S. Dewdney & Sons, Brixham - 'Maritana' (GY1077) Ketch, official No.92810, March 1886 registered Grimsby, 89 tons, 1887/90 for John Randall, West Parade, Grimsby. 1900 for Thomas Campbell, Abbey Villa, Grimsby. 1907 for Walter Crampin, Granby House, Cleethorpes.
1886 built by Mr. William Allen Gibbs, Galmpton, Devon - 'Wainfleet' (GY1081) Ketch, official No.92813, March 1886 registered Grimsby, 80 x 21 x 10 ft, 90 tons, 1887/96 for George Smith, 160 Kent Street, Grimsby. 16th December 1890 stranded off Withernsea due to error in soundings by second hand Thomas Dwyer. The crew was taken off by lifeboat at Withernsea. The vessel was got off by the Insurance Club for £70 and brought to Grimsby and repaired for £170. She was insured for £1,075 and there was a mortgage of £1,040 and her cost in 1886 was £1,675.
1886 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn, Germany - 'Favourite' (GY1085) Wood Ketch, official No.92815, April 1886 registered Grimsby, 78 x 21 x 11 ft, 84 tons, 1887 for Thomas Baskcomb, 92 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 1890 for William J. Fraser, 139 Stirling Street, New Clee. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1886 built by C. C. A. Drayer, Neuhof, Hamburg, Germany - 'Wild Rose' (GY1086) Wood Ketch, official No.92818, April 1886 registered Grimsby, 75 x 21 x 11 ft, 77 tons, 1887 for John Sharp, 104 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1890 for Enoch Butler, 82 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1886 built by D. W. Kremer, Elmshorn, Germany - 'Silver Thread' (GY1093) Wood Ketch, official No.92822, May 1886 registered Grimsby, 74 x 20 x 11 ft, 79 tons, 1887/90 for John William Croft, Corporation Road, Grimsby. 1899 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1886 built by C. C. A. Drayer, Neuhof, Hamburg - 'Union Jack' (GY1094) Wood Ketch, official No.92823, May 1886 registered Grimsby, 75 x 21 x 11 ft, 76 tons, 1887/94 for Frederick Croft, 68 Ravenspurn Street, Grimsby.
1886 built by G. & T. Smith, Rye - 'Atlantic' (GY1103) Wood Ketch, official No.92827, May 1886 registered Grimsby, 78 x 21 x 11 ft, 86 tons, 1887/98 for John Coleman, 6 Argyle Terrace, New Oxford Street, New Clee.
1886 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn, Germany - 'John & Sarah Ann' (GY1104) Wood Ketch, official No.92828, May 1886 registered Grimsby, 77 x 21 x 11 ft, 83 tons, 1887/96 for John L. Richards, 80 Orwell Street, Grimsby.
1886 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn, Germany - 'Buttercup' (GY1102) Wood Ketch, official No.92829, May 1886 registered Grimsby, 77 x 21 x 11 ft, 84 tons, 1887/90 for John Nurse, 185 Weelsby Terrace, New Clee. 1895 for Harrison Mudd, Holbrook House, Grimsby. 1896 sold foreign.
May 1886 built by C.S. Swan Hunter, Wallsend - 'Northenden' (Yard No.97) Iron Screw Passenger Steamer, official No.92830, June 1886 registered Grimsby, 230 x 30 x 15 ft, 414 tons, 170 h.p. engines by Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co. Ltd. Wallsend. For the Grimsby to Hamburg trade.1890 for Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Co. Manchester. 1900 for Great Central Railway Co. Manchester. 1910 for Progress Co. (West Hartlepool) Ltd. West Hartlepool. 1910 sold to Turkish owners.
January 1887 built by S. Dewdney & Sons, Brixham - 'Nightingale' (GY71) Wood Ketch, official No.94041, February 1887 registered Grimsby, 81 x 21 x 11 ft, 93 tons, 1887 for Mr. W. Smithurst, Grimsby. 1888/90 for Thomas Wilson, Grimsby. 1900 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London.
1887 built Rye - 'The Bee' (GY80) Ketch, official No.94045, March 1887 registered Grimsby, 54 tons, 1888/90 for Joseph C. Little, Guilford Street, New Clee. 1900 Thomas B. Howard, Railway Hotel, Brightlingsea, Essex. 1904 registered Colchester for Thomas B. Howard, Railway Hotel, Brightlingsea, Essex.
1887 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn, Germany - 'Conquest' (GY83) Wood Ketch, official No.94048, April 1887 registered Grimsby, 77 x 21 x 11 ft, 86 tons, 1888/90 for Thomas Baskcomb, 92 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1900 sold foreign.
1887 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn, Germany - 'Pursuit' (GY84) Wood Ketch, official No.94049, April 1887 registered Grimsby, 73 x 21 x 11 ft, 83 tons, 1888/90 for Thomas Baskcomb, 92 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 1899 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1887 built by T. Mathews, Galmpton - 'Eclipse' (GY95) Ketch, official No.94053, May 1887 registered Grimsby, 79 x 21 x 11 ft, 91 tons, 1888 for William J. Davis, 19 Bedford Street, New Clee. 1890 for John W. Haylock, Abbey Park Road, Grimsby. 1898 for The Grimsby Fish Salesmen's Association, Ltd. Grimsby. 1899 sold foreign.
May 1887 built by William Doxford & Sons Ltd. Pallion - 'Haverstoe' (Yard No.170) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.94058, July 1887 registered Grimsby, 275 x 40 x 19 ft, 1372 tons, 160 h.p. 1888/90 for Bennetts & Co. Grimsby. 1899 renamed 'Germania' for Wilhelm Kunstmann, Stettin.
1887 built by G & T. Smith, Rye - 'Minnie Bacon' (GY110) Wood Ketch, official No.94060, July 1887 registered Grimsby, 77 x 21 x 10 ft, 82 tons, 1888/90 for Archar Bales, 98 Orwell Street, Grimsby. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1887 built by Sunderland Ship Building Co. Sunderland - 'Bradley' (Yard No.139) Steel Sloop, official No.94061, August 1887 registered Grimsby, 54 tons, 1888/90 for Henry Bennett, Grimsby. 1900 for Joseph Bennett jnr, Grimsby. 1910 for George Fish, 18 Ruskin Street, Hull. 1915/20 for John W. Hutton, 14 North Walls, Hull.
1887 built by W. A. Gibbs, Galmpton - 'Coronet' (GY115) Wood Ketch, official No.94064, August 1887 registered Grimsby, 79 x 21 x 10 ft, 90 tons, 1888/90 for William T. Roberts, 41 Orwell Street, Grimsby.1936/40 renamed 'Hazel Pearl' registered St. John's N.F.L. 77 x 20 x 9 ft, 53 tons, 57 b.h.p. for James W. Tiller, Westleyville, N.F.L.
1887 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn, Germany - 'Golden Hope' (GY114) Ketch, official No.94065, August 1887 registered Grimsby, 84 tons, 1888/90 for Richard B. Baslcomb, 208 Cleethorpes Road, New Clee. 1899 registered Yarmouth for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market. Shadwell, London.
1887 built by G. & T. Smith, Rye - 'Hawthorn' (GY124) Wood Ketch, official No.94069, October 1887 registered Grimsby, 77 x 21 x 10 ft, 82 tons, 1888/90 for William R. Oxley, 70 Heneage Street, Weelsby. 1900 registered Jersey for John Harvey, Belvoir, Littlehampton, Sussex. 1909 for John W. Jeune, Richlieu Lodge, Bagot, St. Heliers, Jersey.
1887 built by T. Mathews, Galmpton - 'Kitty Meadows' (GY133) Ketch, official No.94072, November 1887 registered Grimsby, 60 tons, 1888/98 for John Long, 102 Oxford Street, New Clee.
1887 built by Earle's Shipbuilding, Hull - 'Scorpio' (GY136/8) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.94074, November 1887 registered Grimsby, 102 x 21 x 11 ft, 91 tons, 44 h.p. 1889/1907 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 27 th September 1907 stranded and lost about 3 miles from Wick, Caithness. The court for the skipper George Robert Porter in default and suspended his certificare for two months, and censures Edgar Rackett, deckhand, for disobedience to orders.
1887 built by G & T Smith, Rye - 'C. & M. Slater' (GY135) Wood Ketch, official No.94073, November 1887 registered Grimsby, 79 x 21 x 11 ft, 86 tons, 1888 for William Empson, Ebenezer House, New Clee. 1900 registered Yarmouth for John Edward Champney, Abchurch Chambers, London (YH111).
1888 built Renfrew - 'Roma' Iron Screw Trawler, official No.102578, registered Port Glasgow June 1903, 81 x 13 x 7 ft, 31 tons, 15 h.p. 1910 for James Donald, 123 Hope Street, Glasgow. 1915 for Lavens M. Ewart, the Royal Ulster Yatch Club, Bangor, Co. Down. 1915 registered Grimsby 1920 for John Adams, 125 Poplar Road, Cleethorpes. October 1916 sunk, all six hands saved.
1888 built by G. & T. Smith, Rye - 'Estoile' (GY174) Wood Ketch/Smack, official No.94093, October 1888 registered Grimsby, 77 x 21 x 11 ft, 82 tons, 1890 for Joseph Smith. 48 Church Street, Grimsby. 1900 for William Michael Staples, Fish Dock, Grimsby. 28th November 1903 wrecked.
1888 built by J. Kremer, Elmshorn - 'Irex' (GY189) Wood Ketch, official No.94096, December 1888 registered Grimsby, 77 x 21 x 11 ft, 83 tons, 1890 for Thomas Baskcomb, 92 Albert Terrace New Clee. 1900 for Hagarup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
August 1889 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Capricornus' (Yard No.5)(GY215) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.96204, September 1889 registered Grimsby, 103 x 21 x 11 ft, 81 tons, 40 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1890 for Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1900 for Walter East, Glenmore, The Avenue, Southampton. Sold to French company.
August 1889 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Aquarius' (GY214)(Yard No.6) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.96203, September 1889 registered Grimsby,103 x 21 x 11 ft, 81 tons, 40 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd, Glasgow. 1890/1900 for Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. December 1904 stranded south of Withernsea.
1889 built Brixham - 'Oceana' (GY194) Ketch official No.94100, February 1889 registered Grimsby, 62 tons, 1890 for William M. Staples, 27 Duke Street, New Clee. 1900 registered Lowestoft for William Robbens, Clapham Road, Lowestoft. 1903 for Daniel Gray, 58 Milton Road, Lowestoft.
February 1889 built by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co. Middlesborough - 'Aslacoe' (Yard No.293) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.96192, April 1889 registered Grimsby, 296 x 42 x 19 ft, 1659 tons, 220 h.p. 1890 for Henry Bennett, Grimsby. 15th August 1890 wrecked in Trepassey Bay, Cape Race bound Grimsby with timber from Montreal. 12th September 1890 Steamer 'Nova Scotia' landed 15 of the crew at Liverpool.
'Williams' Wooden Cutter Rigged Shrimper, 10 tons, owned by Mr. Richard Britton, of Grimsby, drowned in collision with the steam trawler 'Heron' of Hull, May 1898.
April 1890 built by William Gray & Co. Ltd. West Hartlepool - 'Langoe' (Yard No.390) Steel Screw Schooner Rigged Steamer, official No.96219, May 1890 registered Grimsby, 290 x 38 x 20 ft, 1493 tons, 190 h.p. 1890/1900 for Henry Bennet, Grimsby. Master 1894 Andrew Milne. 9th September 1894 in collision with the Japanese Steamer, 'Dai San Masayoshi Maru'. off Rokuren Island at the entrance to Shimonoseeki Straits. 1900 sold foreign.
August 1890 built by William Gray & Co. Ltd. West Hartlepool - 'Elloe' (Yard No.396) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.96228, October 1890 registered Grimsby, 260 x 37 x 18 ft, 1119 tons, 150 h.p. 1890/96 for Henry Bennett, Grimsby. 1897/99 for Joseph Bennett, Grimsby. 1899 sold foreign.
October 1890 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Pisces' (Yard No.15) (GY271) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.96231, December 1890 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 48 tons, 40 h.p. 1890/1907 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1909 sold to Swedish owners.
1890 built by Mackie & Thomson, Glasgow - 'Zodiac' (GY286)(Yard No.16) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.96235, January 1891 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 48 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1890/1900 for Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910 for Samuel J. Green, 'Norwood',St. Dogmaels, near Cardigan. 1915 for Herbert M. Johns, Dock Street, Fleetwood. 1920 for William Would, Fish Docks, Grimsby (GY151). 1925/33 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Dock, Grimsby.
1890 built by A. W. Robertson, London - 'Euthamia' (GY285) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.96234, December 1890 registered Grimsby, 96 x 20 x 11 ft, 61 tons, 45 h.p. 1890/1918 for The North Eastern Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
February 1891 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Somerville' (GY301)(Yard No.20) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.96241, 1891 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 48 tons, 45 h.p. 1891 for William S. Letten, Fish Dock, Grimsby. 1900 for The Atlas Steam Fishing Co. Grimsby. (William S. Letten) 1910 for Mather & Co. Ltd. The Wholesale Fish Market, Dublin. 1915 for Robert Mather, 48 Rathdown Road, Dublin. 1920 for William Would, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1924 for Woodbury Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Humber Bank, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1930/32 renamed Lanchester for Alfred Bannister, Fish Docks, Grimsby (GY1070).
March 1891 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Scotia' (Yard No.22)(GY309) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.96245, 1891 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 48 tons, 45 h.p. 1891 for Henry Bennett, Grimsby. 1900 for the Anchor Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910 for Mather & Co. Ltd. The Wholesale Fish Market, Dublin. 1910 registered Ardrossan for Robert Reid, 64 Raise Street, Saltcoats, Ayrshire. 1919 for Charles Dobson, Fish Dock, Grimsby. 13th December 1918 in collision with the 'Falcon' of Grimsby and lost 20 miles E by N of Spurn Light with loss of life of eight crew. The court found the skipper of the 'Falcon' Henry William Soames in default and suspends his certificate for three months. The third hand George Wright was to pay £15 to the solicitors.
March 1891 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Hibernia' (GY308)(Yard No.23) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.96244, 1891 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 48 tons, 45 h.p. 1891 for William Bennett, Belmont House, Grimsby. 1900 for the Anchor Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby, 1902 for Mather & Co. Ltd. The Wholesale Fish Market, Dublin. 12th June 1902 foundered near Kish Bank Lighthouse.
March 1891 built by C.S. Swan & Hunter, Wallsend - 'Nottingham' (Yard No.164) Iron Screw Steamer, official No.96249, 1891 registered Grimsby, 240 x 32 x 15 ft, 543 tons, 250 h.p. engines by Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co. Ltd. Wallsend. 1891 for The Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Co. Manchester. 1914 for the Admiralty and renamed 'Notts'. 1919 renamed back to 'Nottingham'. 1900/20 for Great Central Railway Co, Manchester. 1930/36 for London & North Eastern Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London. 1935 broken up.
1891 built by A. W. Robertson & Co Canning Town, London - 'Lynton' (GY302)(Yard No.41) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.96242, 1891 registered Grimsby, 97 x 20 x 11 ft, 56 tons, 45 h.p. 1891/1900 for The International Steam Trawling Co. Ltd Grimsby. 1903/15 renamed 'Wistaria' for the North Eastern Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1920/30 for Thomas W. Baskcomb, Highfield, Welholme Road, Grimsby. 1935 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Grimsby.
1891 built by Swan Hunter, Wallsend - 'Staveley' (Yard No.165) Iron Screw Steamer, official No.99173, 240 x 32 x 15 ft, 494 tons, 250 h.p. registered Grimsby. For the Grimsby to Hamburg route, accommodation for 47 First class passengers & 330 Third Class passengers. 1892 for The Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Co. Manchester. 1900/20 owned by Great Grimsby Railway Co, Manchester. December 1903 when arriving Hamburg came into collision with the German Steamer 'Hermia', both vessels damaged. July 1914 in collision bound Grimsby from Antwerp with the 'Burma' from Goole 18 miles off Spurn causing serious damage to both vessels. 1930 by London & North Eastern Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London. Captain M. Howell 1901. 1934 renamed 'Lady Glen' for the British & Irish Steam Packet Co. Ltd. 6 Spring Gardens, London.
May 1891 built by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co. Middlesbrough - 'Cynthia' (GY346)(Yard No.341) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99164, 1891 registered Grimsby, 97 x 20 x 11 ft. 45 tons, 40 h.p. 1892 for George T. Mitchell, 115 Hainton Street, Grimsby. 1900/15 for The Allen Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. September 1916 sunk by Uboat off Flamborough Head.
May 1891 built by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co., Middlesbrough - 'Albion' (Yard No.342)(GY357) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99171, 1891 registered Grimsby, 96 x 20 x 11 ft, 45 tons, 40 h.p. engines by Westgarth, English & Co. for Albion Steam Trawling Co. Grimsby. Missing since 1st January 1892.
June 1891 built by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co., Middlesbrough - 'Briton' (GY374)(Yard No.343) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99179, registered Grimsby, 96 x 20 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 40 h.p. 1900/15 for The Great Grimsby Albion Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1916 for Mrs. Jennier Green, Alwyn, Bradord Avenue, Cleethorpes. September 1916 stopped by Uboat off Scarborough and sunk by gunfire, crew took to boats.
July 1891 built by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co. Ltd. Middlesbrough - 'Fitzroy' (GY375) (Yard No.347) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99180, registered Grimsby, 97 x 20 x 11 ft, 50 tons, 40 h.p. 1900/10 for Ellis, Spemce & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1915 for Thomas Sowerby, Fish Docks, Grimsby. November 1915 missing with all hands.
July 1891 built by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co. Middlesbrough - 'Lark' (GY383) (Yard No.346) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99184, 1891 registered Grimsby, 97 x 20 x 11 ft, 46 tons, 50 h.p. 1892/1900 for Pioneer Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1907 registered Fleetwood for Daniel Armour, 141 Pollok Street, Glasgow (FD120). 1911/48 registered Rangoon for Daniel Armour, 141 Pollok Street, Glasgow.
1891 built by A. W. Robertson & Co. Canning Town, London - 'Lynmouth' (GY348) (Yard No.42) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99165, 1891 registered Grimsby, 97 x 20 x 11 ft, 61 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Amos & Smith, Hull. 1900 for The North Eastern Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/15 renamed 'Yulan' for The North Eastern Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1920/30 for Thomas W. Baskcomb, Highfield, Welholme Road, Grimsby. 1935 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd, Auckland Road, Grimsby (LT96). 1945 for Wendover Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby (GY64). 1947/50 for Dorida Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grant's Buildings, Fish Docks, Grimsby.
June 1891 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Arcadia' (Yard No.29)(GY352) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99166, 1891 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft. 57 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1892/1913 for the Great Grimsby & East Coast Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1913 sold to Spanish owners.
June 1891 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Bohemia' (Yard No.30) (GY353) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99167, registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 57 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1892/1910 for the Great Grimsby & East Coast Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1912/13 registered Blyth for The Port of Blyth Steam Fishing & Ice Co. Ltd. Blyth.
1891 built by Messrs. George & Thomas Smith, Rye - 'Ivanhoe' Wooden Ketch, official No.99170, registered Grimsby, 68 x 19 x 9 ft, 61 tons, 1892 for John L. Greene, 6 Sydney Terrace, New Clee. 1900/07 registered Lowestoft for William James Williams jnr, 1 Marina, Lowestoft. January 1907 in collision and lost. She was in collision with the 'Tanfield' of London, The Court found the Chief Officer of the 'Tanfield', Mr. E. C. Bowles in default and loss of life and suspends his certificate for 12 months. Mr. C. Willgross the skipper and the Mate John Buckle of the 'Ivanhoe' died.
June 1891 built by Irvine & Co. West Hartlepool - 'Silvia' (Yard No.72) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.99172, 1891 registered Grimsby, 232 x 33 x 13 ft, 772 tons, 98 h.p. 1892 for Jack Sutcliffe, Grimsby. 1894 renamed 'King Arthur' registered Glasgow for The King Line Ltd. 12 Renfield Street, Glasgow. 1899 sold to French owners. Wrecked November 1924.
1891 built by A. W. Robertson & Co. Canning Town - 'Lundale' or 'Lyndale' (GY368) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99177, registered Grimsby, 97 x 20 x 11 ft, 61 tons, 45 h.p. 1900/04 for The Noth Eastern Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1904 renamed 'Xanthosia'.
1891 built by A. W. Robertson & Co. Canning Town - 'Lynbrook' (GY391)(Yard No.44) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99187, registered Grimsby, 97 x 20 x 11 ft, 61 tons, 45 h.p. 1900/02 for The North Eastern Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1902/35 renamed 'Jonquil' for Thomas William Baskcomb, Grimsby. 1935 registered Lowestoft (LT94).
August 1891 built by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co. Middlesbrough - 'Canadian' (GY392)(Yard No.349) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99188, registered Grimsby, 48 tons, 1892/1902 for the Great Grimsby Albion Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. June 1902 in collision and sank with trawler 'Gamecock', of Hull off Spurn Point.
August 1891 built by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co. Ltd, Middlesbrough - 'Dominican' (GY406)(Yard No.350) Trawler, official No.99192, registered Grimsby, 97 x 20 x 11 ft, 48 tons, 40 h.p. 1900/15 for The Great Grimsby Albion Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1915 for The Allen Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. November 1915 missing with loss of crew.
November 1891 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan, Glasgow - 'Utopia' (GY415)(Yard No.43) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99197, registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 57 tons, 40 h.p. 1892 for The Grimsby Union Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. February 1897 stranded near Aldborough with loss of life. The third hand Thomas Bode was found in default. The Mate, Chief engineer, 2nd engineer, deck hand, and coal trimmer. were drowned and the vessel towed to Grimsby by Tugs 'Alice' and 'Pole Star'. 1908 registered Aberdeen for Richard W. Lewis, Balnagask Road, Torry, Aberdeen. August 1915 sunk by Uboat off St. Abb's Head.
November 1891 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan, Glasgow - 'Umbria' (Yard No.42)(GY420) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99198, registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 57 tons, 45 h.p. 1892/1908 for The Grimsby Union Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1908 sold to Icelandic owners.
November 1891 built by Mackie & Thomson, Glasgow - 'Columbia' (GY430)(Yard No.44) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99662, 1891 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 57 tons, 45 h.p. 1900/10 for the Great Grimsby & East Coast Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1912/13 registered Blyth for The Port of Blyth Steam Fishing & Ice Co. Ltd. Blyth. 1913 sold to Spanish owners.
November 1891 built by Mackie & Thomson, Glasgow - 'Dalmatia' (GY435) (Yard No.45) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99665, 1891 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 57 tons, 45 h.p. 1900/1913 for The Great Grimsby & East Coast Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
November 1891 built by Mackie & Thomson, Glasgow - 'Cepheus' (GY440)(Yard No.46) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99667, 1892 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 57 tons, 45 h.p. 1900/15 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1920 registered Aberdeen for George Craig, South Esplanade, West, Aberdeen. March 1920 at entrance to Aberdeen harbour.
December 1891 built by Mackie & Thomson, Glasgow - 'Cerberus' (GY441)(Yard No.47) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99668, 1892 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 57 tons, 45 h.p. 1900/13 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1913 sold to French owners.
December 1891 built by Mackie & Thomson, Glasgow - 'Pegasus' (GY443) (Yard No.48) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99669, 1892 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 57 tons, 45 h.p. 1900/14 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. August 1914 captured by German Navel vessel.
December 1891 built by Mackie & Thomson, Glasgow - 'Perseus' (GY445) (Yard No.49) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99670, registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 57 tons, 45 h.p. 1900/15 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1915 mined.
1892 built by G.T. Smith, Rye - 'En Avant' (GY457) Ketch, official No.99674, registered Grimsby, 74 x 20 x 10 ft, 74 tons, 1895/99 for Joseph Smith, 52 Park Road, Grimsby. 1899 sold to Swedish owners.
October 1892 built by William Hamilton & Co. Glasgow - 'Stromo' (1908 foreign name 'Bertha') (Yard No.88)(GY470) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.99679, 1892 registered Grimsby, 100 x 21 x 11 ft, 44 tons, 45 h.p. engines by David Rowan & Co. Glasgow. 1900 for White Star, Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1915 for Henry Smethurst, Fish Docks, Grimsby (GY546). 1920 for William Would, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1930 for Orontes Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. April 1932 foundered near Coningbeg Lightship.
1892 built by Grangemouth Shipyard Co. Ltd. Grangemouth - 'Mary Isabel' (Yard No.168) Steel Schooner, official No.99680, registered Grimsby, 146 x 27 x 11 ft, 307 tons, 1900 for Jack Sutcliffe, Grimsby. 1910 registered Sydney N.S.W. for Robert S. Lamb, Pitt Street, Sydney N.S.W. September 1911 left New Zealand bound Sydney in bad weather and not seen again.
July 1892 built by Furness Withy & Co. West Hartlepool - 'Graffoe' (Yard No.195) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.99681, 1892 registered Grimsby, 314 x 41 x 21 ft, 1923 tons, 240 h.p. 1900 for Joseph Bennett, Grimsby. 1903 for Evan Morgan, 12 St. Mary Axe, London. Stranded 25th January 1923 on Ramsey Island bound Monte Video from Glasgow with a cargo of coal for Messrs. Cory Brothers.
1893 built Bristol - 'Merthyr' Steel Screw Steamer, official No.102483, registered Bristol, 107 x 20 x 8 ft, 72 tons, 35 h.p. 1900/1915 for William H. F. Everett, 30 Effingham Road, St. Andrew's Park, Bristol. for William Galbraith, 6 St. Vincent's Parade Hotwells, Britol. 1917 registered Grimsby for James G. Piprell, North Esplanade, Guernsey. 1930 Samuel Downding Ltd. 155 Above Bar, Southampton.
April 1893 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Etruria' (GY487)(Yard No.63) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99688, 1893 registered Grimsby, 102 x 21 x 11 ft, 59 tons, 45 h.p. 1900/10 for The Great Grimsby & East Coast Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1912 registered Blyth for The Port of Blyth Steam Fishing & Ice Co. Ltd. Blyth. 1913 sold to French owners.
May 1893 built by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co. Middlesbrough - 'Egyptian' (GY492)(Yard No.385) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99691, 1893 registered Grimsby, 100 x 20 x 11 ft, 54 tons, 40 h.p. 1900/15 for The Great Grimsby Albion Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 21st July 1916 lost near Hurdy Head, Aberdeen, due to default of skipper Carl Johnson and he had his certificate suspended for four months.
May 1893 built by Furness, Withy & Co. Ltd. Middleton, West Hartlepool - 'Beltisloe' (Yard No.198) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.99692, registered Grimsby, 314 x 41 x 21 ft, 1851 tons, 260 h.p. 1900 for Joseph Bennett, Grimsby. 1901 for Spanish owners. 1915 for Norwegian owners. 1916 sunk by Uboat near Cape Vilano.
1893 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Bittern' (GY495)(Yard No.64) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.99693, registered Grimsby, 98 x 21 x 11 ft, 54 tons, 35 h.p. 1895 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. Skipper Mr. John William Edlands. 9th March 1895 in collision with the the boat from the 'Bittern' and the 'Halcyon' whose skipper Mr. John William Imison was found in default and had his certificate suspended for twelve months. The boat was manned by the third hand Thomas Page and John Kenny died and Patrick McGovan suvived.
June 1893 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Cygnet' (GY503)(Yard No.65) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.99694, 1893 registered Grimsby, 98 x 21 x 11 ft, 54 tons, 35 h.p. 1894 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1896 registered London for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London. 1906 for Charles T. Pannell, 60 Durley Road, Stamford Hill, Middlesex. 1915 for Charles E. B. L. Curzon, Watermouth Castle, Berrynarbor, North Devon. 1919/27 registered Yarmouth for John T. C. Salmon, Bradwell House, Bradwell, Suffolk.
June 1883 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Halcyon' (GY504)(Yard No.66) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.99695, 1893 registered Grimsby, 98 x 21 x 11 ft, 54 tons, 35 h.p. 1894 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1900 registered London for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London. 1910 for Charles T. Pannell, 60 Durley Road, Stamford Hill, Middlesex. 1915 for Charles E. B. L. Curzen, Watermouth Castle, Berrynarbor, North Devon. 1917 registered North Shields for Richard Irvin & Sons Ltd. Fish Quay, North Shields. 9th March 1895 in collision with the the boat from the 'Bittern' and the 'Halcyon' whose skipper Mr. John William Imison was found in default and had his certificate suspended for twelve months. The boat was manned by the third hand Thomas Page and John Kenny died and Patrick McGovan suvived.
July 1893 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Osprey' (GY507)(Yard No.67) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.99697, 1893 registered Grimsby, 98 x 21 x 11 ft, 54 tons, 35 h.p. 1894 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1896 registered London for Hewett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London. 1910 for Charles T. Pannell, 60 Durley Road, Stamford Hill, Middlesex. 1914 for Charles E. B. L. Curzon, Watermouth, Berrynarbor, Devon. 1918/30 sold to Greek owners.
July 1893 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Stork' (GY508)(Yard No.68) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.99698, 1893 registered Grimsby, 98 x 21 x 11 ft, 54 tons, 35 h.p. 1895 for The Great Grimsby Ice Co Ltd. Grimsby. 8th December 1895 missing at sea.
July 1893 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Teal' (GY509) Yard No.69) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.99699, registered Grimsby, 98 x 21 x 11 ft, 54 tons, 35 h.p. 1900 for Heett & Co. Ltd. Fish Market, Shadwell, London. 1910 for Charles T. Pannell, 60 Durley Road, Stamford Hill, Middlesex. 1915 for Charles E. B. L. Curzen, Watermouth, Berrynarbor, Devon. 1915 registered Aberdeen for The Standard Fishing Co. of Aberdeen Ltd. 16 Bridge Street, Aberdeen. 1st June 1917 captured and sunk by Uboat near Sule Skerry Light.
July 1893 built by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co. Middlesbrough - 'Fijian' (GY529)(Yard No.391) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99708, registered Grimsby, 100 x 20 x 11 ft, 49 tons, 40 h.p. 1894/1915 for The Great Grimsby Albion Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
September 1893 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Hercules' (GY546)(Yard No.74) Iron/Steel Screw Trawler, official No.99713, 1893 registered Grimsby, 106 x 21 x 11 ft, 60 tons, 45 h.p. 1895 for Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1896 wrecked on Langaton Point, Stroma, crew saved.
September 1893 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Cetus' (GY548)(Yard No.75) Iron/Steel Screw Trawler, official No.99714, 1893 registered Grimsby, 99 x 20 x 10 ft, 54 tons, 40 h.p. 1894/1915 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1920 for Jack Mengel & Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby (GY1225). 1929 registered Milford for Oliver Curphey, 'Redcroft' St. Annes Road, Hakin, Milford Haven. 1932 renamed 'Dilys' (M35) for Edgar Erel Carter, Docks, Milford. September 1932 in collision with Steamer 'Zelo' in the English Channel.
September 1893 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Corvus' (GY550)(Yard No.76) Iron/Steel Screw Trawler, official No.99715, 1893 registered Grimsby, 99 x 20 x 10 ft, 54 tons, 40 h.p. 1900/15 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1920 for Harry Bennett, Newlyn, Weelsby Road, Grimsby. 1924/36 registered Milford for Peter L. Hancock, Beachways, Hakin, Milford Haven (M2) 1936 broken up.
1893 built by Messrs, Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Chilian' (GY564)(Yard No.485) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.99719, registered Grimsby, 108 x 21 x 11 ft, 80 tons, 45 h.p. for Great Grimsby Co-operative Box & Fish Carrying Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 8th April 1894 stranded and loss of six lives on Filey Brigg due to the default of the skipper Mr. Joseph William Little who had his certificate suspended for nine months. The 'Hercules' helped rescue five members of the crew, a Filey cobble rescued the skipper.
October 1893 built by Robert Craggs & Sons, Ltd. Middlesbrough - 'Grimbarian' (GY699)(Yard No.107) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.104187, registered Grimsby, 100 x 20 x 11 ft, 50 tons, 40 h.p. engines by Westgarth, English & Co. 1895/1910 for The Great Grimsby Albion Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby.1915 for Thomas B. Roberts, Fish Docks, Grimsby. August 1915 mined off Spurn.
1894 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Cockatrice' (Yard No.490) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.104171, registered Grimsby, 91 x 20 x 11 ft, 50 tons, 40 h.p. 1900/15 for Frederick W. Mackrill, Fish Dock, Grimsby. September 1916 sunk by submarine off Spurn Light Vessel.
March 1894 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Arizona' (GY580)(Yard No.486) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.104163, 1894 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 57 tons, 45 h.p. engines by North Eastern Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. Sunderland. 1885/1900 for George L.Alward, 11 Hainton Street, Grimsby. 1910/11 for J. & G. Alward Ltd. Grimsby. 1918 for Swedish owners.
April 1894 built by Furness, Withy & Co.Ltd Middleton, Hartlepool - 'Waggoe' (Yard No.206) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.104165, 1894 registered Grimsby, 314 x 41 x 21 ft, 1838 tons, 245 h.p. engines by W. Allan & Co. 1885 for Sir Henry Bennett, Grimsby. 1900 for Joseph Bennett, Grimsby. 12th March 1900 grounded near Lower Mupun Spit buoy December 1901 sank after collision with 'Isle of Kent' east of Cape Cod.
March 1894 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Alcedo' (Yard No.81)(GY594) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.104164, 1894 registered Grimsby, 87 x 20 x 10 ft, 45 tons, 35 h.p, engines by Muir & Houston Ltd, Glasgow. for J. Codling, Grimsby. October 1894 sunk in collision off Spurn.
May 1894 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Campania' (GY598)(Yard No.487) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.104166, 1894 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 59 tons, 48 h.p. 1895/1903 for Grimsby Alliance Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1904 sold to Norwegian owners.
May 1894 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Cockatrice' (Yard No.490)(GY619) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.104171, 1894 registered Grimsby, 91 x 20 x 11 ft, 50 tons, 40 h.p. engines by North Eastern Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. Sunderland. 1894/1915 for Frederick W. Mackrill, Fish Dock, Grimsby. September 1916 sunk by Uboat off Spurn Light Vessel.
October 1894 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Caledonia' (GY700)(Yard No.494) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.104188, 1894 registered Grimsby, 90 x 20 x 11 ft, 41 tons, 40 h.p. engines by North Eastern Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. Sunderland. 1895/97 for Grimsby Alliance Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1897 sold to French owners. 1932 wrecked.
September 1894 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Calabria' (GY694)(Yard No.495) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.104185, 1894 registered Grimsby, 90 x 20 x 11 ft, 41 tons, 40 h.p. engines by North Eastern Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. Sunderland. 1885 for Grimsby Alliance Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1899/1903 registered West Hartlepool, for Charles H. Ford, Victoria Terrace, West Hartlepool. 1903 sold to Dutch Owners. 1934 broken up.
1894 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Lucania' (GY724)(Yard No.492) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.104191, 1894 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 48 tons, 48 h.p. engines by North Eastern Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. Sunderland. 1895/1904 for Grimsby Alliance Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1904 sold to Norwegian owners. 1938 broken up.
December 1894 built by Edward's Brothers, North Shields - 'Catania'(GY737)(Yard No.497) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.104193, 1895 registered Grimsby, 91 x 20 x 11 ft, 32 tons, 40 h.p. engines by North Eastern Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. Sunderland. 1896 for Grimsby Alliance Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1899/1903 registered West Hartlepool for Charles H. Ford, Victoria Terrace, West Hartlepool. 1903 sold to Dutch owners. 1916 sank.
1895 built Queen's Ferry - 'Monarch' Steel Screw Tug, official No.104192, 1895 registered Grimsby, 61 x 14 x 7 ft, 12 tons, 24 h.p. 1896/1900 for George E. J. Moody, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1910/1920 renamed 'No.4' for The Great Central Railway Co. Marylebone, London. 1930/31 for London & North Eastern Railway Co. Marylebourne Station, London.
February 1895 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Unicorn' (GY746)(Yard No.498) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.104195, 1895 registered Grimsby, 91 x 20 x 11 ft, 28 tons, 40 h.p. engines by North Eastern Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. Sunderland. 1896/1900 for Fred W. Mackrill, Cleethorpes. 1907/1920 registered Inverness for James Campbell, 11 James Street, Lossiemouth. 1920/23 registered Milford for Hare Steamkship Co. Ltd. 38/39 Prudential Buildings, Plymouth. April 1923 foundered off Rame Head, Cornwall.
March 1895 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Caspian' (GY755)(Yard No.499) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.104198, 1895 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 36 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Great Grimsby Co-operative Box & Fish Carrying Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1896 for Great Grimsby Co-operative Box & Fish Carrying Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1899 for Great Cetral Co-operative Engineering & Ship Repairing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1900/15 for The Allen Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1918 for the Admiralty. 1920 for Economy Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1930/40 for Trawlers (White Sea and Grimsby) Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1947/50 registered London for Raw Materials Supply Corporation Ltd. Bevis Marks House, London. 1950 Broken up.
September 1895 built by Robert Craggs & Sons Ltd. Middlesbrough - 'Hindustan' launched as 'Marion' (GY775)(Yard No.97) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.105521, 1895 registered Grimsby, 100 x 20 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 40 h.p. engines by Westgarth, English & Co. 1895 for The Great Grimsby Albion Steam Fishing Co. Ltd Grimsby. 1899 registered North Shields for the Castle Trawl & Line Fishing Co. Ltd. North Shields. 1906 for George Davies, North Road, Milford Haven.
May 1895 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Aldgate' (GY776)(Yard No.502) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.105522, 1895 registered Grimsby, 96 x 21 x 11 ft, 42 tons, 48 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. Sunderland. 1895/1914 for James Schofield, Hull. 1914 sold to Swedish owners.
September 1895 for by Sir Ray Dixon & Co. Middlebrough - 'Glenroy' (GY817)(Yard No.392) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.105527, 1895 registered Grimsby, 100 x 20 x 11 ft, 45 tons, 40 h.p. 1895 for William H. Johnson, 52 Hainton Street, Grimsby. 1900/10 for Ellis, Spence & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1915 for William Ellis, 'West View' Abbey Park Road, Grimsby. 1920 for James Coombes, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1928/30 registered Lowestoft for Daniel Thorpe, Victor House, 255 Victoria Road, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft. 1936 for Sidney A. Loose, 'Ashleigh' Hall Road, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft.
September 1895 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Draco' (Yard No.101)(GY842) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.105529, 1895 registered Grimsby, 99 x 20 x 10 ft, 54 tons, 45 h.p. 1895/1915 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1915/19 for the Admiralty. 1920 for William Hill, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1922/25 registered Boston for Basil S. Robson, Whitley Villa, Bishopton Road, Stockton on Tees.
September 1895 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Dorando' (Yard No.102)(GY844) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.105530, 1895 registered Grimsby, 99 x 20 x 10 ft, 54 tons, 45 h.p. 1895/1920 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1914/1918 for the Admralty. 1930/37 for Trawlers (White Sea & Grimsby) Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1937 broken up.
1896 built North Shields - 'Barnsley' Iron Screw Steamer, official No. 106673, registered Grimsby 1896. 104 x 21 x 11ft, 46 tons 30 h.p. Owners Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
December 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Jersey' (GY184)(Yard No,130) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106693, registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 52 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd, Glasgow. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/15 for Consolidated Steam Fishing and Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. London. 4th October 1916 captured and blown up by UB 19 off Spurn Light Ship, crew saved.
Hull May 5th 1896 the steam fleeter 'Halcyon' has brought into Grimsby the crew of the trawl smack 'Henry & Herbert', sank by collision. When fishing with the fleet at Terschelling on Saturday morning she was run into by the Steamer 'Endeavour' and sank almost immediately.
February 1896 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Phoenix' (GY21)(Yard No.500) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.105542, 1896 registered Grimsby, 91 x 20 x 11 ft, 32 tons, 40 h.p. 1896/1910 for Frederick William Mackrill, Cleethorpes. 1915/16 for Frederick William Mackrill, Fish Dock, Grimsby. September 1916 sunk by Uboat off Spurn Light Vessel.
March 1896 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Owl' (GY44)(Yard No.515) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.105550, 1896 registered Grimsby, 91 x 20 x 11 ft, 33 tons, 30 h.p. 1896/1900 for Cleethorpes Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1907/15 registered Fraserburgh for William Noble, Shore Street, Fraserburgh. 1916 registered Aberdeen for Thomas Davidson, Commercial Road, Aberdeen. 1928 registered Lowestoft for Charles Sansom, Spread Eagle Hotel, High Street, Lowestoft. 1935 broken up.
1896 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Hawk' (GY46)(Yard No.517) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.106652, 1896 registered Grimsby, 91 x 20 x 11 ft, 33 tons, 30 h.p. 1896/1907 for Cleethorpes Steam Trawling, Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1907 sold to Greek owners.
March 1896 built by Furness Withy & Co. Ltd, Middleton, West Hartlepool - 'Thrunscoe' (Yard No.222) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.106653, 1896 registered Grimsby, 330 x 43 x 27 ft, 2186 tons, 230 h.p. 1896/1900 for Joseph Bennett, Grimsby. 20th April 1899 wrecked, near Minicoy Light, Maldives, India the court found the captain John Leisk and the second officer James Oliver in default and their certificates suspended for three months for the captain and six months for the second officer.
May 1896 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Carinthia' (GY69)(Yard No.522) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.106657, 1896 registered Grimsby, 97 x 20 x 11 ft, 44 tons, 40 h.p. 1896/1902 for the Grimsby Alliance Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1904 sold to Spanish owners.
August 1896 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Devonian' (GY89) (Yard No.523) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.106664, 1896 registered Grimsby, 97 x 20 x 11 ft, 42 tons, 35 h.p. engines by The Great Central Co-operative Shipbuilding and Engineering Company Limited. 1896 for William John Allen, Grimsby. 1900/15 for The Allen Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1915 sank by mine off Spurn Light Vessel.
August 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Centaur' (GY94) (Yard No.114) Steel Screw Trawler. official No.106665, 1896 registered Grimsby, 99 x 20 x 10 ft, 45 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd, Glasgow. 1896/1902 for William Thomas Roberts, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1903 sold to Danish owners. 13th December 1897 stranded about 5 miles north of Flamborough in thick weather. The court found the master Mr. Arthur Young in default and suspended his certificate for six months.
August 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Chameleon' (Yard No.115) (GY105) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106666, 1896 registered Grimsby, 99 x 20 x 10 ft, 45 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir& Houston Ltd. Glasgow. 1896/1914 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 24th August 1914 captured by German torpedo boat, crew taken prisoner.
August 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Crux' (Yard No.116) (GY106) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106667, 1896 registered Grimsby, 99 x 20 x 10 ft, 45 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd. Glasgow. 1896/1912 for the Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 20th October 1908 in collision with trawler 'Rheno' of Grimsby about 17 miles E. by S. of Spurn. The skipper of the 'Crux'> Thomas Siddle was found in default and had his certificate suspended for three months. Stranded near Withernsea 11th January 1912 in a gale.
September 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Crater' (Yard No.117) (GY111) Steel Screw Trawler. Official No.106669, 1896 registered Grimsby, 99 x 20 x 10 ft, 45 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1896/1915 for The Grimsby and North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1919 registered Fleetwood for Ernest Taylor, Knowsley Villa, Victoria Road, Thorton, Fleetwood (FD330). 1923/26 registered North Shields for Joseph D. Irvin, 60 Linskill Terrace, North Shields (SN135). 2nd February 1926 struck submerged wreakage River Tyne and sunk.
September 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Cygnus' (GY121)(Yard No.118) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106670, 1896 registere Grimsby, 99 x 20 x 10 ft, 45 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1896/1914 for The Grimsby and North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 13th November 1914 missing.
September 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Lupus' (GY122) (Yard No.119) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106671, 1896 registered Grimsby, 99 x 20 x 10 ft, 45 tons, 45 h.p engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1896/1909 for The Grimsby and North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1930 sold to Greek owners.
October 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Lynx' (GY127)(Yard No.120) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106675, 1896 registered Grimsby, 99 x 20 x 10 ft, 45 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd, Glasgow. 1896/1905 for the Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1911 foundered.
October 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Aberdeen' (GY129) (Yard No. 121) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106676, 1896 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 63 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd. Glasgow. 1896/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. Ltd. (Grimsby), 1 Quality Court, London. 1914/19 for the Admiralty. 1925 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1940/01 for Don Trawling Co. (Milford Haven) Ltd. The Docks, Milford Haven. 11th March 1941 bombed and sunk in Cardigan Bay.
October 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Aberdeen' (GY132) (Yard No. 122) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106677, 1896 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 63 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd. Glasgow. 1896/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/17 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. Ltd. (Grimsby), 1 Quality Court, London. 28th October 1914/16 for the Admiralty and foundered.
November 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Cardiff' (GY139) (Yard No.123) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106680, 1896 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 63 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd. Glasgow. 1896/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/15 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 29th August 1911 in collision with 'Gleaner' of Grimsby which sank with loss of life (Skipper S.R. Pitcher, Second hand Joseph Mabletoft, Deckhand John Bourne, Chief Engineer Stephen Hammond and Trimmer James Martin). The court found the 'Cardiff' in default and the second hand Horace Francis Goodrum, had his certificate suspended for two years. 9th June 1915 sunk by gunfire from Uboat off Spurn.
November 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Dover' (GY142)(Yard No.124) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106681, 1896 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 63 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1896/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/15 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1924/36 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Grimsby (LT96). 1936 broken up.
November 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Eastbourne' (GY155)(Yard No.125) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106684, 1896 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 63 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1896/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/15 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1919 registered Fleetwood for Ernest Taylor, Oriental Buildings, Station Road, Fleetwood (FD331). 1930/35 for Harold E. Moran, 25 Glenmore Terrace, Brixham Devon. 1936 for John Chant, 'Seven' Radford Park Road, Plymstock, Plymouth. 1937 for Plymouth Trawlers Ltd. The Barbican, Plymouth. 1937 broken up.
November 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Fleetwood' (GY166) (Yard No.126) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106688, 1896 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 63 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1896/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1921 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 24th November 1920 stranded and lost on Scroby Sand. The Court found the skipper Mr. Harry Head in default and suspends his certificate for nine months and the second hand Mr. Joseph Belton for a period of six months.
November 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Grimsby' (GY168) (Yard No.127) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106689, 1896 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 63 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1896/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1914/18 for the Admiralty. 1922/26 registered Leith for James Paton, 13 Admiralty Street, Leith (LH308).
November 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Harwich' (GY170) (Yard No.128) Steel Screw Trawler, offoicial No.106690, 1896 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 63 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1896/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/13 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 13th February 1908 sank after collision with coaster 'Ask' 40 miles off Spurn Point.
December 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Ipswich' (Yard No.129) (GY178) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106692, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 52 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1897/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1925/40 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Grimsby (LT128). 1944/53 registered Hull for Cranbrook Shipping Co. Ltd. Bevis Marks House, Bevis Marks, London (H56). 1953 broken up.
December 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Jersey' (GY184) (Yard No.130) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106693, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 52 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1897/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/16 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 4th October 1916 sunk by Uboat off Spurn Light Vessel.
December 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Kingston' (Yard No.131) (GY206) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108442, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1896/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1926/34 registered Fleetwood for Mason Trawlers Ltd. 200 Dock Street, Fleetwood (FD144). 1915/19 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper. 1934 broken up.
December 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Leeds' (Yard No.132)(GY207) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108443, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1896/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1925/40 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Grimsby (LT131). 1847/51 for William D. Uglow, The Docks, Milford Haven. 1951 broken up.
December 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Margate' (GY218)(Yard No.133) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108444, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1896/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/19 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1914/17 for the Admiralty. 24th April 1917 sunk by Uboat off Spurn Head.
December 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'City of York' (GY187) (Yard No.147) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106695, 1897 registered Grimsby, 130 x 23 x 11 ft, 66 tons, 72 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1897/1902 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1904 sold to French Navy.
December 1896 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'City of York' (GY185) (Yard No.148) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106694, 1897 registered Grimsby, 130 x 23 x 11 ft, 66 tons, 72 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1897/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1900 sold to French Navy.
September 1896 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Ashton' (GY123)(Yard No.531) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.106672, 1896 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft,46 tons, 30 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1896/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1925/28 registered Lowestoft for Frederick Monkman, 6 Robinson Street, West, Grimsby (LO401). 1929 for Dutch owners. 1936 broken up. 1914/18 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper.
September 1896 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Barnsley' (GY125)(Yard No.532) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.106673, 1896 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 46 tons, 30 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1896/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/15 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1917 for The Mersey Steam Trawlers Ltd. London Street, Fleetwood. 1914/15 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper. 13th February 1917 scuttled by Uboat U-78 off Inishtrahull.
November 1896 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Chester' (GY148)(Yard No.533) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.106682, 1896 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 45 tons, 45 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1896/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/16 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1915 for the Admiralty as Minesweeper. 29th February 1916 sank after collision in the Firth of Forth.
1896 built by Edwards Brothers, Norh Shields - 'Derby' (Yard No.534) (GY153) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.106683, 1896 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 46 tons, 45 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1896/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1924/29 registered London for Ascension Island Phosphate & Guano Co. (Sales Concession) Ltd. 82 Victoria Street, Westminster, London. 1915/18 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper and renamed 'Debeney' for this period.
November 1896 built by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co. Middlesborough - 'Gleaner' (Yard No.436)(GY160) Iron/Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106685, 1896 registered Grimsby. 96 x 20 x 11 ft, 43 tons, 42 h.p. engines by North Eastern Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. 1896/1900 for William H. Johnson, 52 Hainton Street, Grimsby. 1910 for John Herbert Tate, Freeman Street, Grimsby. 29h August 1911 lost in collision with trawler 'Cardiff', see 'Cardiff' for details.
November 1896 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Tynemouth' (GY163) (Yard No.535) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.106687, 1896 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 47 tons, 45 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. Sunderland. 1896/1902 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 13th April 1902 wrecked at Bempton Cliffs.
December 1896 built by Edwards Brothers, Howdon on Tyne - 'City of London' (GY188)(Yard No.536) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106696, 1897 registered Grimsby, 130 x 23 x 11 ft, 80 tons, 67 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Wallsend. 1897/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1913 for Thomas W. Ward Ltd. Savile Street, Sheffield. 1915 registered Aberdeen for Sidney M. Cannon, 164 Market Street, Aberdeen. 1916 registered Grimsby for Robert D. Clarke, Fish Docks, Grimsby (GY955). 1920 sold to Spanish owners.
December 1896 built by Edwards Brothers, Howden on Tyne - 'City of Lincoln' (GY191) (Yard No.537) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.106697, 1897 registered Grimsby, 130 x 23 x 11 ft, 80 tons, 67 h.p.engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Wallsend. 1897/1905 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 30th September 1905 wrecked at Newbiggin Bay, Orkney.
December 1896 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Ostero' (GY200) (Yard No.539) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.106700, 1897 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 45 tons, 44 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1897/1900 for White Star Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/15 for Henry Smethurst, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1920 for George Smith, Railway Street, Grimsby. 1930 for Walter. Garratt, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1931 for Fred B. Jeffs, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1935 for Thomas W. Baskcomb, 'Nunsfield', Bargate, Grimsby. 1935 broken up.
December 1896 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Svino' (GY221) (Yard No.540) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.108445, 1897 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 46 tons, 44 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1897/1900 for White Star Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910 for Henry Smethurst, 6 Pelham Terrace, Grimsby. 29th July 1911 in collision with Grimsby trawler 'Larchwold' about 48 miles E. by S. off Spurn. The court found the second hand, Joseph Norman, of the 'Larchwold' in default for falling asleep and suspended his certificate for six months.
January 1897 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Waverley' (GY222) (Yard No.541) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.108446, 1897 registered Grimsby, 96 x 21 x 11 ft, 36 tons, 50 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1897/1900 for James Meadows Ltd. Grimsby. 19036/09 for Alfred Bannister, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1909 sold to Dutch owners. 20th March 1940 sunk by German planes.
January 1897 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Killarney' (GY224) (Yard No.542) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.108447, 1897 registered Grimsby, 86 x 21 x 11 ft, 37 tons, 50 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1897/1900 for James Meadows Ltd Grimsby. 1903/09 for Alfred Bannister, Fish Dock, Grimsby. 1909 sold to Dutch owners. 1936 broken up.
January 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Newhaven' (Yard No.134) (GY232) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108449, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1897/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1925/40 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Grimsby (LT134). 1917/19 for the Admiralty. 15th January 1940 mined near Lowestoft.
January 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Oxford' (Yard No.135) (GY233) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108450, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1897/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/14 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 10th September 1914 missing.
January 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Peterborough' (Yard No.136) (GY244) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108451, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1897/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1922 for George Whamond, 127 Durham Street, Hartlepool (HL41). 1923/34 registered Hartlepool for Waterloo Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. 3 Victoria Road, Milford Haven. 1914/19 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper. 1934 broken up.
February 1897 built by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co. Middlesbrough - 'Raven' (Yard No.438)(GY249) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108453, 1897 registered Grimsby, 96 x 20 x 11 ft, 40 tons, 40 h.p. engines by North Eastern Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. 1897/1914 for Cleethorpes Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
February 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Queenstown' (GY250) (Yard No.137) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108454, 1897/1900 registered Grimsby, 55 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow 1897/1900 for Hagerup Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/16 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 2nd December 1916 wrecked on Knavestone Rock, Farne Islands.
February 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan, Govan - 'Richmond' (Yard No.138)(GY255) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108455, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1897/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1925/35 registered Lowestoft for John MacLeod, 17 Galloway Road, Waterloo, Liverpool (LT135). 1917/19 for the Admiralty. 1935 broken up.
February 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Scarborough' (GY266) (Yard No.139) Sreel Screw Trawler, official No.108456, 1896 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 63 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1897/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1925/36 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Grimsby (LT136). 1940 for Don Trawling Co. (Milford Haven) Ltd, The Docks, Milford Haven. 1947 for Cranbrook Shipping Co. Ltd. Bevis Marks House, London. 1914/19 for the Admiralty. 1952 broken up.
February 1897 built by Cochrane & Cooper, Beverley - 'Verbena' (Yard No.176) (GY269) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.108457, 1897 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 67 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Messrs. C. D. Holmes & Co. Hull. 1897/1910 for Arctic Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1915 for the Savoy Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1915/18 for the Admiralty (Adty No.827) and renamed 'Verbena II'. 1920/25 for Harry Wood, Fish Docks, Grimsby (GY176).
March 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Ulceby' (Yard No.140)(GY284) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108461, 1897 registered Gtimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1897 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. 1st Februeary 1898 foundered 200 miles E. by N. from Spurn in heavy seas, crew rescued by trawler 'Peterborough'.
March 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Ventnor' (Yard No.141) (GY293) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108462, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 45 h.p. 1897/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/15 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1915 missing.
March 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Waltham' (GY303) (Yard No.142) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108463, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1897/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/19 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 10th October 1917 lost off the Isle of Man in Admiralty service.
April 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Xania' (Yard No.143)(GY330) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108470, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1897/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1914/19 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper. 1925 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby (LT138). 1939/40 for Pair Fishing Co. Ltd, The Docks, Milford Haven. 22nd March 1940 sunk after collision with the trawler 'Aberdeen' (LT123), crew saved.
April 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Yarmouth' (GY334)(Yard No.144) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108471, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1897 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/15 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 8th November 1915 missing.
April 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Zennor' (GY337)(Yard No.145) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108472, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1897 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1923 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby. May 1923 sold to French owners.
August 1897 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Ayrshire' (GY393)(Yard No.568) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.108478, 1897 registered Grimsby, 96 x 21 x 11 ft, 46 tons, 35 h.p. engines by Great Grimsby Co-operative Box & Fish Carrying Co Ltd, Grimsby. 1897/1906 for North Lincolnshire Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 11th March 1906 foundered about 60 miles ESE of Spurn Point.
September 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Exeter' (Yard No.160)(GY426) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108482, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 51 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1897 for Frederick E. Hagerup, Royal Dock Chambers, Drimsby. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1925 registered Lowestoft for James H. Gough, 35 Dewsland Street, Milford Haven (LT139). 1940/01 for John C. Llewellin, 'Camelot' Lowestoft. 1917/19 for the Admiralty. 29th March 1941 bombed near Ballycotton.
September 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Falmouth' (Yard No.161)(GY428) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108482, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 51 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1897 for Frederick E. Hagerup, Royal Dock Chambers, Drimsby. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1925 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby (LT143). 1938/45 for Pair Fishing Co. Ltd. The Docks, Milford Haven (M286). 1917/19 for the Admiralty. 12th April 1945 mined off Deal.
September 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Greenock' (Yard No.162)(GY433) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108484, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 51 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1897 for Frederick E. Hagerup, Royal Dock Chambers, Drimsby. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/15 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 12th November 1815 foundered in gales 85 miles E by N off Spurn Light Vessel.
September 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Halifax (Yard No.163)(GY442) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108485, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 51 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1897 for Frederick E. Hagerup, Royal Dock Chambers, Drimsby. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1925/40 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby (LT144). 1914/18 for the Admiralty. 11th March 1940 mined off Aldeburgh.
October 1897 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Berkshire' (GY398) (Yard No.569) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.108479, 1897 registered Grimsby, 96 x 21 x 11 ft, 46 tons, 35 h.p. engines by Great Grimsby Co-operative Box & Fish Carrying Co Ltd, Grimsby. 1897/1915 for The North Lincolnshire Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 15th May 1915 on Admiralty service (Adty No.995)in collision with 'Valiant II' off Red Bay.
October 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Ilfracombe' (Yard No.164)(GY450) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108486, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 51 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1897 for Frederick E. Hagerup, Royal Dock Chambers, Drimsby. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1925/30 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby (LT148). 1940 for Don Trawling Co.(Milford Haven) Ltd. The Docks, Milford Haven. 1945/47 for Cranbrook Shipping Co. Ltd. Bevis Marks House, London. 1914/18 for the Admiralty. 22nd September 1945 total loss after grounding on the Irish Coast. Later refloated and broken up.
October 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Jedburgh' (Yard No.165)(GY451) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108486, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 51 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow. 1897 for Frederick E. Hagerup, Royal Dock Chambers, Drimsby. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/17 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co.(Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 21st April 1917 sunk by Uboat near Foule Island.
October 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Kilmarnock' (Yard No.166)(GY454) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108488, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 51 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houstson, Glasgow. 1897/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty and Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906 for Consolidated Steam Fishing and Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. London. 22nd September 1914 sunk by mine 31 miles from Spurn Point, 6 lives lost out of nine.
December 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Lamcaster' (GY455)(Yard No.167) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108489, 1897 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 51 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1897/1905 for Hagarup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 12th April 1905 in collision with Steamer 'Cossack' of South Shields 12 miles E. of Spurn Light Vessel.
December 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Mansfield' (GY460)(Yard No.168) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108489, 1898 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 51 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1898/1900 for Hagarup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1921 registered Aberdeen for James Ritchie, Glenbrae, Hakin, Milford Haven, & William T. Davies, Wernlwyd, Hakin, Milford Haven (A685). 7th April 1934 foundered 20 miles from the Coningbeg Light Vessel, Ireland, crew saved. 1917/19 for the Admiralty.
December 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'City of Manchester' (Yard No.176) (GY563) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109516, 1898 registered Grimsby, 141 x 24 x 10 ft, 92 tons, 64 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1905 sold to French owners. 1909 converted to a yacht.
December 1897 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'City of Liverpool' (GY565) (Yard No.181) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109517, 1898 registered Grimsby, 141 x 24 x 11 ft, 92 tons, 64 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1900/07 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1907 sold to Danish Owners. 23rd April 1945 scuttled in the River Elbe.
December 1897 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Anglesey' (Yard No.574)(GY474) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.108493, 1898 registered Grimsby, 107 x 21 x 11 ft, 52 tons, 60 h.p. engines by MacColl & Pollock Ltd, Sunderland. 1900 for James Meadows Ltd. Grimsby. 1903 for Milford Haven Steam Trawling Co, Milford Haven. 24th September 1903 wrecked off Yokane Point, Co. Cork. The skipper Mr. A. W. Barrett was found in default but did not deal with his certificate, the second hand Mr. Thomas Charles Jobson was found in default and had his certificate suspended for nine months, The expenses of the third hand William Collie were disallowed for his serious neglect of duty while on watch.
January 1898 built by Irvine Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Irvine - 'Uxbridge' (GY465) (Yard No.1) Steel Screw Trawler, offiial No.108491, 1898 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 50 tons. 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1899/1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/15 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 3rd May 1915 mined in the North Sea.
January 1898 built by Irvine Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd, Irvine - 'Whitby' (GY524) (Yard No.2) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108499, 1898 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 51 tons, 45 h.p. Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1923 for Thomas W. Mason, 64 Caw Road, Fleetwood (FD147). 1928 registered Milford for Frank L. Youds, 32 Dartmouth Street, Milford Haven (M141). 1940/01 for John C. Llewellin, Camelot, Milfor Haven. 4th April 1941 bombed and sunk in the North Sea.
January 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Alaska' (GY477)(Yard No.577) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.108494, 1898 registered Grimsby, 96 x 21 x 11 ft, 42 tons, 30 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1900 for George L. Alward, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1910 for J. & G. Alward Ltd. Grimsby. 1913/20 for The Spurn Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1920 registered Lowestoft for Hobson & Co. (Lowestoft) Ltd. The Gables, Marina, Lowestoft (LT1031). 1926 sold to French owners. 1914/19 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper (Adty No.728).
January 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Catalonia' (GY466)(Yard No.570) Iron Screw Trawler official No.108492, 1898 registered Grimsby, 105 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Great Central Co-operative Engineering & Ship Repairing Co Ltd, Grimsby. 1900/04 for Grimsby Alliance Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906 sold to Norwegian owners.
January 1898 built by Dundee Shipbuilders Co. Ltd., Dundee - 'Nellie Bruce' (GY494)(Yard No.108) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108495, 1898 registered Grimsby, 112 x 21 x 11 ft, 86 tons, 57 h.p. engines by Cooper & Greig Ltd., Dundee. 1900 for The Crampin Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/16 for Weston W. Crampin, Holmesdale, Abbey Park Road, Grimsby. 30th October 1916 sunk by U-24 Uboat off Beru Fjord, Iceland.
February 1898 built by Dundee Shipbuilders Co. Ltd., Dundee - 'Conisbro Castle' (Yard No.109) (GY533) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109511, 1898 registered Grimsby, 112 x 21 x 11 ft, 86 tons, 57 h.p. engines by Cooper & Greig Ltd., Dundee. 1900 for The Crampin Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910 for Walter Crampin, Granby House, Grimsby Road, Cleethorpes. 1915 for The Bunch Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1917 for George F. Sleight, Fish Docks, Grimsby.
February 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Nile' (GY500)(Yard No.581) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108497, 1898 registered Grimsby, 111 x 21 x 11 ft, 45 tons, 60 h.p. engines by MacColl & Pollock Ltd, Sunderland. 1900 for The Britannia Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1905/15 registered Fleetwood for J. Marr & Son, Ltd. Dock Street, Fleetwood (FD11). 1918/22 registered Milford for Thomas G. Hancock, Hill House, Hakin, Milford Haven (M186). 1915/19 for the Admiralty. 1922 foundered after having struck a rock on leaving Crookhaven, Co. Cork.
February 1898 built Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Saint Vincent' or 'St. Vincent' (Yard No.582) (GY502) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.108498, 1898 registered Grimsby, 111 x 21 x 11 ft, 47 tons, 60 h.p. engines by MacColl & Pollock Ltd, Sunderland. 1900 for The Britannia Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1903 for George Sheard, 10 Gordon Road, Cardiff. 1907 for The Milford Haven Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Cardiff. 22nd August 1909 foundered 30 miles NE by E of Smalls Lighthouse.
February 1898 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Nottingham' (GY534) (Yard No.169) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109512, 1898 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 51 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/15 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 7th June 1915 sunk by Uboat 70 miles NE off Spurn Point.
February 1898 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Oldham' (Yard No.171) (GY538) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109513, 1898 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 52 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1922 registered Aberdeen for Frederick Ballard, 114 Don Street, Woodside, Aberdeen. (A904). 1928/33 registered Milford for Davis Pettit, Westcliffe, Hakin, Milford Haven (M153). 2nd July 1933 foundered off St.Ann's Head.
February 1898 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Plymouth' (Yard No.172)(GY547) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109514, 1898 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 51 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/15 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd, 1 Quality Court, London. 11th June 1915 sunk by Uboat 67 miles NE off Spurn.
1898 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Orion' (GY593)(Yard No.190) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109522, 1898 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 39 tons, 41 h.p. engines by Ross & Duncan, Glasgow. 1900/06 for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 15th June 1906 foundered about 60 miles NE off Spurn Point on the Dogger Bank, flooded after tailshaft broke, crew rescued by trawler 'Lobelia'.
March 1898 built by Messrs. Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Active' (Yard No.585)(GY622) Iron Steam Trawler, official No.109526, 1898 registered Grimsby, 1898 ownwed by Pelham Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby, April 1905 sold to Messrs Neale & West, Cardiff. 1909 sold foreign. July 1940 sank 15 miles west of Torbruk. Dimensions 106 x 21 x 11 ft. 55 tons, 43 h.p. engines by Baird & Barnsley, North Shields.
March 1898 built by Irvine Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd, Irvine - 'Valentia' (Yard No.3)(GY568) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109518, 1898 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 51 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1925 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby (LT150). 1938 registered Milford for Pair Fishing Co. Ltd. The Docks, Milford Haven (M267). 1945 registered Grimsby for Valentia Fishing Co. Ltd Fish Docks, Grimsby (GY26).
March 1898 built by Irvine Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Irvine - 'Yeovil' (Yard No.4) (GY575) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109519, 1898 rgistered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 51 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/17 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grmsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 21st April 1917 sunk by Uboat 35 miles NNW from Foula with the loss of one crew member.
March 1898 built by Dundee Shipbuilders Co. Ltd., Dundee - 'Magic' (GY586) (Yard No.110) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109521, 1898 registered Grimsby, 108 x 21 x 11 ft, 64 tons, 57 h.p. engines by Cooper & Greig Ltd., Dundee. 1900 for Atlantic Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1905/06 for The Grimsby Northern Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
March 1898 built by Dundee Shipbuilders Co. Ltd., Dundee - 'Honoria' (GY693)(Yard No.112) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109537, 1898 registered Grimsby, 112 x 22 x 12 ft, 60 tons, 60 h.p. engines by Cooper & Greig Ltd., Dundee. 1900/15 for The Rushworth Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 23rd July 1915 sunk by Uboat U-36, 35 miles NNW of Cape Wrath.
March 1898 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Niobe' (Yard No.191) (GY602) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109524, 1898 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 39 tons, 41 h.p. engines by Ross & Duncan, Glasgow. 1900 for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1901 for Norwegian owners. 1914/15 for the Admiralty (Adty No.693). 1915 renamed 'Nadine' for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby (GY138). 1st September 1915 mined off Shipwash Buoy, Thames.
March 1898 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Apollo' (Yard No.192) (GY605) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109525, 1898 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 30 tons, 41 h.p. engines by Ross & Duncan, Glasgow. 1900 for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1904 for Norwegian owners. 1914/19 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper. 1914/20 renamed 'Zonia' for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby . 1920 registered Douglas I.O.M. for Direct Fish Supplies Ltd. 3 London Wall Buildings, London (DO88). 1922/30 for Thomas W. Baskcomb, Fish Docks, Grimsby (GY139). 1935/40 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Grimsby (LT118). 1941 for J. Marr & Son Ltd. Hull. 1945 for Samuel Stewart & Co. Ltd. London. 1947 for Cranley Shipping Co. Ltd. Bevis Marks House, Bevis Marks London (LT118).
March 1898 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'City of Birmingham' (GY683)(Yard No.182) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109531, registered Grimsby, 141 x 24 x 10 ft, 92 tons, 64 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1905/6 registered Hong Kong for John Watt Jameson, 3 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong. 1919 wrecked on the east coast of Korea.
March 1898 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'City of Edinburgh' (GY685)(Yard No.183) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109532, registered Grimsby, 141 x 24 x 10 ft, 92 tons, 64 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1909 for Charles M. Blandy, 16 Mark Lane, London.
1898 built by Robert McAlister & Son, Dunbarton - 'Rover' (GY621) Wooden Screw Steam Trawler, official No.113990, registered Grimsby, 70 x 14 x 7 ft, 20 tons, 7 h.p. engines by Matthew Paul & Co. Dumbarton. 1901 for Lord Burton, Rangemore, Burton on Trent and Glenquoich, Invernessshire. 1906 for James H. Roger, 7 Kelvingrove Terrace, Glasgow. 1914 for David Cockburn, Manor House, Manor Road, Bellahouston, Glasgow. 1915 for Charles A. Peck, Grimsby. 1916 for Amaranth Steam Fishing Co. Grimsby. 5th October 1916 captured by UB 19, off Spurn Light Ship, and blown up, crew saved.
1898 built Eyemouth - 'Rose of June' Wooden Sailing/Motor Trawler, 20 tons, 1914 for J. W. Brown, Newbiggen, BH 26, Blyth. June 1915 for John Robinson & Sam Chapman, Cleethorpes, GY515, Skipper George Grice. July 1915 sold to John H. Turner, Grimsby, Skipper H. Burnett. 30th June 1917 sunk by UC 63 10 miles off Spurn Point - see 'Frank' and 'William and Betsey'.
April 1898 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Queenborough' (Yard No.173)(GY658) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109528, 1898 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 52 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/17 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. Missing since 30th May 1917.
April 1898 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Rochester' (Yard No.174)(GY671) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109529, 1898 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 52 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1914 for the Admiralty (Adty No.642) as minesweeper. 1925/40 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Docks Grimsby (LT153). 1941 for Boston Deep Sea Fishing Co. Ltd. 1944 for Ocean Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Hull (H59).
May 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Capricornus' (Yard No.586)GY750) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109548, registered Grimsby, 114 x 21 x 11 ft, 80 tons, 52 h.p. engines by North Eastern Marine Engineering Co. Ltd, Sunderland. 1900/10 for Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. August 1914 torpedoed by German Uboat 85 miles off Spurn Point.
May 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Ladas' (Yard No.572) (GY681) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109530, 1898 registered Grimsby, 111 x 21 x 11 ft, 61 tons, 52 h.p. 1898/14 for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1914 for Danish owners. 1920 for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby(GY282). 1918/19 for the Admiralty. 1921 for Direct Fish Supplies Ltd. 3 London Wall Buildings, London. 1923/32 for Thomas W. Baskcomb, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 20th August 1932 sank 7 miles ENE off Spurn after collision with 'Thyra'.
May 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Lysander' (Yard No.573)(GY689) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109535, 1898 registered Grimsby, 111 x 21 x 11 ft, 65 tons, 52 h.p. Engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1900/10 for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1918 renamed 'Karsavina' for E. G. Forum Esberg. 1918 renamed 'Lysander' for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby(GY473). 1915/18 for the Admiralty (Adty No.2660). 1920 for Direct Fish Supplies Ltd. London. 1922/30 for Thomas W. Baskcomb, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1935 renamed 'Bernica' for East Anglian Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
May 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Waago' (GY705)(Yard No.583) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.109539, 1898 registered Grimsby, 106 x 21 x 11 ft, 52 tons, 51 h.p. Engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1898 for White Star Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 29th October 1902 in collision with the steamer 'Viatka' off Ymuiden which sank. 1904 sold to Swedish owners. 1910/15 for Henry Smethurst, Fish Docks, Grimsby (GY596). 11th June 1915 sunk by Uboat U-19, 80 miles NE by N off Spurn Point.
May 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Capricornus' (GY750)(Yard No.586) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109548, 1898 registered Grimsby, 114 x 21 x 11 ft, 80 tons, 52 h.p. Engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1898/14 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 22nd August 1914 sunk by torpedo boat 85 miles E by N of Spurn Point.
May 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Brisk' (GY708)(Yard No.595) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.109540, 1898 registered Grimsby, 105 x 21 x 11 ft, 56 tons, 45 h.p. Engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1900 for The Pelham Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1905/09 registered Cardiff for Henry West, Hope Street, Cardiff. Sold foreign.
May 1898 built by Dundee Shipbuilders Co. Ltd., Dundee - 'Hilaria' (GY698) (Yard No.113) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109538, 1898 registered Grimsby, 112 x 22 x 12 ft, 90 tons, 57 h.p. engines by Cooper & Greig Ltd., Dundee. 1900/15 for The Rushworth Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1920 for Isaac Bunch, 32 Heneage Road, Grimsby. 1930 for Payne Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. 44 Humber Street, Grimsby. 1936 for Payne Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Wharncliffe Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby.
May 1898 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Croton' (GY716) (Yard No.193) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109541, 1898 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 39 tons, 41 h.p. engines by Ross & Duncan, Glasgow. 1898 for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1901 for Norwegian owners. 1914 for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby (GY49). 1914/19 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper. 1920 registered Douglas Isle of Man, for Direct Fish Supplies Ltd. 3 London Wall Buildings, London (DO89). 1922/30 for Thomas W. Bascomb, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1935 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1941 for J. Marr & Sons Ltd. 1945 sold to Partnership (Hull) Ltd. 1945/50 for Hyman Mostyn, The Rise, Tranby Lane, Swanland. 1950 broken up.
May 1898 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Nero' (Yard No.194)(GY718) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109542, 1898 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 39 tons, 41 h.p. engines by Ross & Duncan, Glasgow. 1898/1904 for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1904 for Norwegian owners. 21st December 1904 stranded at Fair Head.
1898 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Plato' (GY726) (Yard No.229) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109543, 1898 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 39 tons, 41 h.p. engines by Ross & Duncan, Glasgow. 1900/10 for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1912 registered Aberdeen and renamed 'Manda' (A468). 1913 registered Fleetwood for Clevedon Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. 1 Preston Street, Fleetwood (FD178). 1917/19 for Grant & Baker Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks. Grimsby (GY1093). Missing since 23rd December 1918.
1898 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Nestor' (Yard No.230) (GY827) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109815, 1898 registered Grimsby, 110 x 21 x 11 ft, 50 tons, 56 h.p. engines by Ross & Duncan, Glasgow. 1898/1900 for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1904 sold to Norwegian owners. April 1917 sunk by Uboat gunfire near North Ronaldshay.
1898 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Jason' (Yard No.231)(GY828) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109816, 1898 registered Grimsby, 110 x 21 x 11 ft, 50 tons, 56 h.p. Ross & Duncan, Glasgow. 1900 for the Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1908/15 registered North Shields for Alfred J. Freeth, Welbury, Preston Park, North Shields (SN76). 1914 for the Admiralty. 1st April 1915 sunk by Uboat U-10, crew rescued by trawler 'Rhodesia'.
June 1898 built Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Zetland' (Yard No.175) (GY760) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109549, 1898 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 52 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 1917/19 for the Admiralty. 1925/36 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby (LT154). 1936 scrapped.
June 1898 built Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Truro' (Yard No.176) (GY761) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109550, 1898 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 52 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1906/15 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. 2nd June 1907 stranded near South Corner, Speeton Cliffs, Flamborough Head. The Court found the skipper William Jay in default and suspends his certificate for three months, and the second hand William Alexander Saunders has his certificate suspended for six months.
June 1898 built Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Stirling' (GY765)(Yard No.176A) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109801, 1898 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 52 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Muir & Houston Ltd., Glasgow. 1900 for Hagerup, Doughty & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/15 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. 1 Quality Court, London. Missing since 25 February 1915.
July 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Corona' (GY778)(Yard No.588) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109806, 1898 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 49 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Great Central Co-operative Engineering & Ship Repairing Co Ltd. 1900/07 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1908 sold to Swedish owners. 23rd March 1916 mined off Ramsgate in Admiralty service.
July 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Andromeda' (GY781) (Yard No.587) Steel Screw Trawler, offocial No.109807, 1898 registered Grimsby, 104 x 21 x 11 ft, 47 tons, 44 h.p. engine by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1900/16 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 23rd September 1916 sunk by Uboat UC-16, 39 miles SE by E of Spurn Light Vessel.
July 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Cassiopeia' (GY805)(Yard No.589) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109810, 1898 registered Grimsby, 105 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 45 h.p. engnes by Great Central Co-operative Engineering & Ship Repairing Co Ltd. 1900/15 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. Missing since 6th November 1915.
July 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Hercules' (GY811) (Yard No.590) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109811, 1898 registered Grimsby, 112 x 21 x 11 ft, 63 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Great Central Co-operative Engineering & Ship Repairing Co Ltd. 1900/15 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1914/19 for the Admiralty, 1915 renamed 'Hercules II' for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1930/40 for Trawlers (White Sea & Grimsby) Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. Lost about 27th April 1940.
July 1898 built by Clelands Graving Dock & Slipway Co. Ltd, Willington Quay - 'Majestic' (Yard No.3) Steel Screw Tug, official No.109812, 1898 registered Grimsby, 107 x 22 x 10 ft, 2 tons, 99 h.p. 1900 for The Grimsby & Deep Sea Towing & Salvage Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1900/30 registered Dublin for The Dublin Port & Docks Board, Dublin. 1934/56 registered Swansea for Britannia Steam Towing Co. Ltd. 10 Quay Parade, Swansea. 1956 broken up.
July 1898 built by Ropner & Sons, Stockton - 'Scarthoe' (Yard No.348) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.109822, 1898 registered Grmsby, 337 x 47 x 26 ft, 2536 tons, 240 h.p. engines by Blair & Co. Ltd., Stockton-on-Tees. 1900/08 for Joseph Bennett, Louth. 1908 sold to Uruguay owners. 1933 broken up.
August 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Minotaur' (GY840)(Yard No.584) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.109818, 1898 registered Grimsby, 94 x 20 x 11 ft, 46 tons, 25 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1898 for White Star Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1898/15 for Frederick W. Mackrill, Fish Dock, Grimsby. Missing since 31st March 1915.
September 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Alabama' (Yard No.578) (GY941) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.109826, 1898 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 43 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Great Central Co-operative Engineering & Ship Repairing Co Ltd. 1898/05 for J. & G. Alward, Ltd. Grimsby. 24th September 1905 stranded near Cape Wrath. The Court finds the skipper, Mr. George Matthews in default and suspends his certificate for six months.
September 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Amazon' (Yard No.579)(GY943) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.109827, 1898 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 42 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Great Central Co-operative Engineering & Ship Repairing Co Ltd. 1898 for J. & G. Alward, Ltd. Grimsby. Missing since 13th November 1901.
September 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Vulture' (GY972)(Yard No.596) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109832, 1898 registered Grimsby, 110 x 21 x 11 ft, 62 tons, 52 h.p. engines by MacColl & Pollock Ltd, Sunderland. 1900/15 for Cleethorpes Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 30th September 1915 mined in the North Sea.
October 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Videro' (GY980)(Yard No.602) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109836, 1898 registered Grimsby, 111 x 21 x 11 ft, 59 tons, 52 h.p. engines by G. T Grey & Co Ltd, South Shields. 1900 for White Star Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/13 for Alfred Bannister, Saxon House, Cleethorpes. 1913 sold to Norwegian owners.
October 1898 built Furness, Withy & Co. Ltd., Middleton, Hartlepool - 'Candleshoe' (Yard No.238) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.109844, 1898 registered Grimsby, 340 x 47 x 27 ft, 2466 tons, 307 h.p. for Joseph Bennett, Louth. 12th February 1907 stranded off Ras Dhib, bound for Singapore with a cargo of coal and coke. The court found the Master Harry Dugdall in default and suspended his certificate for six months and the first mate, William Hood Graham in default and suspended his certificate for twelve months. 1909 renamed 'Broadwater' and registered London for the Colne Steam Shipping Co. Ltd. 44 Leadenhall Street, London. 1911 sold to Italian owners. 1933 broken up.
November 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Arkansas' (GY974)(Yard No. 601) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.109834, 1898 registered Grimsby, 111 x 21 x 11 ft, 55 tons, 55 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1898/1904 for J. & G. Alward Ltd. Grimsby.15th February 1904 foundered about 190 miles E by N of Spurn Point.
November 1898 built by Hawthorns & Co. Leith - 'Rob Roy' (GY993) (Yard No.75) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109840, 1898 registered Grimsby, 106 x 21 x 10 ft, 44 tons, 50 h.p. 1900/10 for Ellis, Spence & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1913 for William Ellis, Fish Dock, Grimsby. 1913 sold to French owners.
December 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields 'Sir Galahad' (Yard No.599)(GY1043) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109849, February 1899 registered Grimsby, 106 x 21 x 11 ft, 58 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Baird & Barnsley, North Shields. 1900 for the Excalibur Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. October 1899 the skipper Thomas Kew fined £60 and his vessel's gear and fish confiscated for fishing off the Faroe and sentanced to two months imprisonment. The vessel sailed back to Grimsby by the second hand J. West. 1911/16 renamed 'Lindum' for Walter H. Beeley, Fish Docks, Grimsby (GY619). 3rd October 1916 wrecked at Thornwick Bay, near Flamborough. The Court found the skipper Charlie Baker in default and suspended his certificate for six months.
December 1898 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Sir Lancelot' (GY1040)(Yard No.598) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.109848, 1899 registered Grimsby, 106 x 21 x 11 ft, 58 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Baird & Barnsley, North Shields. 1900 for The Excalibur Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. Missing since 14th February 1900.
1899 built at Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. North Shields - 'Carthagenia' Iron Screw Trawler, official No.110917, registered Grimsby, 111 x 21 x 11 ft, 63 tons, 52 h.p. for Grimsby Alliance Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. April 1912 sold to French buyers and renamed 'Epervier'.
January 1899 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Sir Percivale' (GY1078)(Yard No.600) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110863, February 1899 registered Grimsby, 106 x 21 x 11 ft, 59 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Baird & Barnsley, North Shields. 1900 for The Excalibur Steam Fishinh Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1909 renamed 'Nansen' for Danish Owners. 1911 renamed 'Hainton' for Alick Black, Fish Docks Grimsby. 1913 for William Ellis, West View, Abbey Park Road, Grimsby (GY535). 11th July 1915 sunk by Uboat U-25, 45 miles NE by E of Spurn Point.
February 1899 built by Dundee Shipbuilders Co. Ltd., Dundee - 'Windsor Castle' (Yard No.122)(GY1101) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110869, March 1899 registered Grimsby, 119 x 22 x 12 ft, 95 tons, 80 h.p. engines by Cooper & Greig Ltd., Dundee. 1900/08 for The Grimsby Castle Line Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1908 for Danish owners and renamed 'Dannebrog'. 1911 registered Grimsby. 1915 renamed 'Mollymawk' for the Blanco Trading Co. Ltd. Fish Dock Road Grimsby. 1920 for George F. Sleight, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1930 renamed 'Reformo' for George F. Sleight, Weelsby Hall, near Grimsby. 1934 registered Aberdeen for Thomas R. King, 129 Balnagask Road, Aberdeen. 1947 for Ailsa Craig Fishing Co. Ltd. North Esplanade East, Aberdeen.
February 1899 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Sirdar' (GY1113)(Yard No.607) Iron/Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110871, April 1899 registered Grimsby, 117 x 21 x 11 ft, 68 tons, 52 h.p. engines by G. T. Grey, South Shields. 1899 for James Layman jnr. 225 North Boulevard, Hull. 1902/3 for Meadows Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1904/5 for The Crampin Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1905 sold to Spanish owners.
February 1899 built by Wood, Skinner & Co. Ltd. Bill Quay on Tyne - 'Gilderoy' (GY1120)(Yard No.81) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110872, March 1899 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 44 tons. 40 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1900/10 for Elliss, Spence & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1915 for William Ellis, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1917 for Aldersyde Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. 29 Heneage Road, Grimsby. 1919 for Ernest Taylor, Orient Buildings, Station Road, Fleetwood (FD332) 1919 sold to Belgian owners.
February 1899 built by Gourlay Brothers & Co., Dundee - 'Belvoir Castle' (GY2)(Yard No.187) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110873, March 1899 registered Grimsby, 123 x 22 x 12 ft, 91 tons, 58 h.p. 1900 for the Crampin Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/15 for Weston W. Crampin, Homesdale, Abbey Park Road, Grimsby. 1917 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 14th February 1917 sunk by Uboat U-44, 15 miles SE by E of Buchanness.
February 1899 built by John Duthie, Sons & Co., Aberdeen - 'Indian' (Yard No.204)(GY173) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110888, June 1899 registered Grimsby, 111 x 21 x 11 ft, 56 tons, 57 h.p. 1900 for The Great Grimsby Albion Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. Missing since 5th February 1900 with all hands.
February 1899 built by John Duthie & Sons, Aberdeen - 'Arabian' (GY251)(Yard No.205) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110893, August 1899 registered Grimsby, 111 x 21 x 11 ft, 56 tons, 57 h.p. engines by J. T. Eltringham & Co., South Shields. 1900/10 for The Great Grimsby Albion Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1914 registered Aberdeen for Thomas Lauder, 208 Market Street, Aberdeen (A209). 1915/19 for the Admiralty. 1919 for Noah Ashworth, Orient Buildings, Station Road, Fleetwood (FD325). 1919 Sold to Belgian owners. 1919 for Noah Ashworth, Orient Buildings, Station Road, Fleetwood. 1929 renamed 'Aventure' registered Milford for Alan L. Hancock, Beachways, Milford Haven (M9). 1934 for Reginald Hancock, Beachways, Milford Haven. 1936 broken up.
March 1899 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Andes' (GY5)(Yard No.603) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.110875, May 1899 registered Grimsby, 106 x 21 x 11 ft, 54 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Great Central Co-operative Engineering & Ship Repairing Co Ltd, Grimsby. 1900/10 for J. & G. Alward Ltd. Grimsby. 1915/20 for The Spurn Steam Fishing Co. Ltd, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1917 for the Admiralty for Fishery Reserve. 1930 for Alfred Bannister, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1940/57 renamed 'Andros' for Bernard H. Bannister, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1957 broken up.
March 1899 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Algoma' (Yard No.604)(GY6) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.110876, May 1899 registered Grimsby, 106 x 21 x 11 ft, 54 tons, 45 h.p. 1900/10 for J. & G. Alward Ltd. Grimsby. 1915/20 for The Spurn Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1917 for the Admiralty for Fishery Reserve. 1930 for Alfred Bannister, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1940/47 for Bernard H. Bannister, Fish Docks, Grimsby. April 1903 towed the trawler 'Kilmarnock', which had lost her propellor. October 1904 steward William Sadler suddenly ran from the galley and with a wild laugh lept over the bulwarks in to the sea. He died shortly after been recovered. January 1916 along with a British collier brought the crew of a Swedish steamer 'Nereus' which sank in he North Sea and landed them at Grimsby. April 1926 while the net was been hauled James Rose, the third hand was dragged overboard and failed to grab a rope which was flung to him. A second rope was flung but he was too exhausted to grab it. The third rope struck the exhausted man and the blow brought him back to consciousnes and he was dragged to safety. February 1936 she went ashore on the Yorkshire coast, the crew have reached port safely. The cook F. Avison said after the ship struck we came to the conclusion that the safest place was in the bows. We made the best of it. As it was skipper's birthday I had made a cake, so we decided to eat it.The third hand, W. Meadows fetched a pot of tea from the galley.
March 1899 built by Dundee Shipbuilders Co. Ltd., Dundee - 'Magnific' (GY8)(Yard No.123) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110877, April 1899 registered Grimsby, 119 x 22 x 12 ft, 90 tons, 80 h.p. engines by Cooper & Greig Ltd., Dundee. 1900 for Atlantic Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910 renamed 'Edinboro Castle' for John W. Hobbs, Fish Docks, Grimsby (GY1285). 1915/30 for Alfred Bannister, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1915/17 for the Admiralty based Milford Haven as boom defence vessel. 1940/47 for Bernard H. Bannister, 10 Clee Road, Cleethorpes.
March 1899 built by Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd. Bill Quay on Tyne - 'Alroy' (Yard No.82)(GY9) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110878, April 1899 registered Grimsby, 101 x 21 x 11 ft, 42 tons, 40 h.p. engines by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1900/10 for Ellis, Spence & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1915 for John W. Smethurst 2 Pelham Terrace, Grimsby. 1917/19 for the Admiralty as a boom defence vessel. 1919 renamed 'Grimenco' and registered Whitby for Streonshalh Fishing Co. Ltd. Bank Chambers, Baxtergate, Whitby. 1924 registered Lowestoft for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1927 sold to Frence owners.
April 1899 built by Dundee Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. Dundee - 'Balmoral Castle' (Yard No.124)(GY530) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110904, August 1899 registered Grimsby, 125 x 22 x 11 ft, 121 tons, 80 h.p. engines by Cooper & Greig Ltd., Dundee. 1900 for The Grimsby Castle Line Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 17th October 1900 sustained serious damage after collision with Trawler 'St. Paul' in Faxe Bay, Iceland. The court found the skipper George Albert Foreman the skipper of 'St. Paul' caused by serious damage to both vessels and cancelled his cerificate. 1909 renamed 'Friesland' for Arthur Smith, Fish Docks, Grimsby (GY459). 1915 for Henry Berstein, 37 Abbey Road, Grimsby. 1920/01 for The Zaree Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 12th May 1921 sunk in the North Sea 25 miles NE from the Spurn Lightship. The Court found The Registered Manager to blame and ordered him to pay £200 towards the cost of the inquiry.
August 1899 built by Edwards Brothers, North Shields - 'Argentina' (Yard No.605)(GY566) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.110905, September 1899 registered Grimsby, 111 x 21 x 13 ft, 60 tons, 45 h.p. engines by Great Grimsby Co-operative Box & Fish Carrying Co Ltd, Grimsby. 1900/10 for J. & G. Alward Ltd. Grimsby. 1915 for The Spurn Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 26th March 1915 last seen, then missing.
August 1899 built by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, North Shields - 'Kalso' (Yard No.619)(GY725) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110911, November 1899 registered Grimsby, 111 x 21 x 11 ft, 58 tons, 52 h.p. engines by Shanks, Anderson & Co, Glasgow. 1900 for White Sea Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/15 for Alfred Bannister, Saxon House, Cleethorpes. 1920 for The Spurn Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1930 for Alfred Bannister, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1932/36 for Bernard H. Bannister, Fish Docks, Grimsby.
August 1899 built by John Duthie, Sons & Co., Aberdeen - 'Dale' (GY1133)(Yard No.214) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.110930, January 1900 registered Grimsby, 112 x 21 x 12 ft, 69 tons, 55 h.p. engines by Tindall & Co, Hull. 1900/17 for D Line Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1914/17 for the Admiralty as a Patrol Vessel (Adty No.823). 12th February 1917 sunk by Uboat 42 miles off North Ronaldsay.
September 1899 built by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd. North Shields - 'Cephalonia' (GY933)(Yard No.612) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.110916, October 1899 registered Grimsby, 111 x 21 x 11 ft, 63 tons, 52 h.p. engines by G.T. Grey, South Shields. 1900/03 for Grimsby Alliance Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 24th January 1903 stranded at Lerevick Point , Thorshaven, Faroe.
September 1899 built by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd. North Shields - 'Carthagenia' (Yard No.613)(GY1025) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.110917, October 1899 registered Grimsby, 111 x 21 x 11 ft, 63 tons, 52 h.p. engines by G. T. Grey, South Shields. 1900/12 for Grimsby Alliance Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1912 sold to French owners.
September 1899 built by John Duthie, Sons & Co., Aberdeen - 'Doon' (GY1132)(Yard No.213) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.110929, December 1899 registered Grimsby, 112 x 21 x 12 ft, 71 tons, 55 h.p. engines by Tindall & Co, Hull. 1900/25 for D Line Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1917/19 for the Admiralty as Fishery Reserve. 1926 sold to Spanish owners.
November 1899 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. North Shields - 'Kuno' (GY1129)(Yard No.620) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110926, January 1900 registered Grimsby, 116 x 21 x 11 ft, 64 tons, 48 h.p. engines by Shanks & Anderson & Co. Glasgow. 1900 for White Star Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/12 for Alfred Bannister, Saxon House, Cleethorpes. 1912 sold overseas.
November 1899 built by John Duthie & Co, Montrose - 'Lune' (Yard No.7) (GY1143) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110940, February 1900 registered Grimsby, 112 x 21 x12 ft, 70 tons, 55 h.p. engines by Tindall & Co, Hull. 1900 for the Palatine Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910 for George W. Jeffs, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1915 for Weston W. Crampin, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1920 for Henry C. Baker & John L. Green, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1921 for Roulette Steam Drifter Trawling & Fishing Co. Ltd. North Shields. 1921 sold to Spanish owners.
December 1899 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. North Shields - 'Khedive' (GY1128)(Yard No.622) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110925, January 1900 registered Grimsby, 116 x 21 x 11 ft, 70 tons, 52 h.p. engines by G. T. Grey, South Shields. 1900 for James Meadows Ltd. Grimsby. 1907 renamed 'Huxley' for the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Citadel Hill, Plymouth. Link 1911 for Walter Crampin, Fish Docks, Grimsby (GY536). 1912 for The Bunch Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1915/19 for the Admialty (Adty No.1531). 1919 for William Baynton Scartho, nr. Grimsby. 1921 for The Headway Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1924 for William J. Allen, 'Woodbury' Park Drive, Grimsby and William Lambert, Highfield, Thrunscoe Road, Cleethorpes. 1926 for Harold A. Jeffries, 'Southwood', The Park, Grimsby. 1935 for Line Fishing Co. Ltd. Smitton Street, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1935 broken up.
December 1899 built by Robert Menzies & Sons, Inverkeithing - 'Horatia' (GY1134)(Yard No.37) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110931, February 1900 registered Grimsby, 120 x 22 x 11 ft, 61 tons, 61 h.p. engines by Shanks, Anderson & Co., Glasgow. 1900/15 for The Rushworth Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. Missing since 25th March 1915.
December 1899 built by John Duthie, Sons & Co. Aberdeen - 'Goldseeker' (Yard No.212)(GY1161) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.113168, May 1900 registered Grimsby, 117 x 22 x 12 ft, 69 tons, 49 h.p. engines by S & H Morton & Co., Leith. 1900/06 for E.M.W. North, Grimsby. 1908 for Fishery Board for Scotland. 1923/40 renamed 'Edith Williames' and registered Belfast for Belfast Harbour Commisioners, Harbour Office Corporation Square, Belfast. 1947 for John Lee, Belfast. 1947 broken up.
December 1899 built John Duthie & Co, Montrose - 'Ribble' (GY1159)(Yard No.9) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.113166, April 1900 registered Grimsby, 112 x 21 x 12 ft, 71 tons, 55 h.p. engines by Tindall & Co, Hull. 1900 for The Palatine Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910 for George W. Jeffs, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1915 for Weston W. Crampin, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1920/21 for Henry C. Baker & John L. Green, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1921 sold to Spanish owners.
1900 - 'Silanion' Trawler, official No.113184, July 1900 registered Grimsby, 64 tons, Wrecked December 1902.
February 1900 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Jupiter' (Yard No.210) (GY1149) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110946, March 1900 registered Grimsby, 109 x 21 x 11 ft, 57 tons, 45 h.p. engines by W. V. V. Lidgerwood, Coatbridge. 1902/10 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 3rd December 1909 lost, possibly overwhelmed by heavy seas. All 10 crew lost - Skipper Thomas Creese, 2nd Hand William Collar, Third Hand E. Nettle, Deck Hand Langeren, Steward William Hooker, Apprentice William Whatmore, Apprentice E. Tausley, Apprentice A. W. Grimwood, Fist engineer William Dean, and Second Engineer J. Skinner. The cost of the trawler was £5858 2s 1d and value at sailing was £3,345.
February 1900 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Saturn' (GY1150) (Yard No.209) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110947, March 1900 registered Grimsby, 57 tons, 45 h.p. engines by W. V. V. Lidgerwood, Coatbridge. 1902/15 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 7th June 1915 sunk by Uboat U-25, 86 miles NE off Spurn Point.
February 1900 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Mercury' (Yard No.211) (GY1151) Steel Screw Trawler, official No. 110948, April 1900 registered Grimsby, 109 x 21 x 11 ft, 57 tons, 45 h.p. engines by W. V. V. Lidgerwood, Coatbridge. 1900/16 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 23rd September 1916 sunk by Uboat U-16, 65 miles SE by E of Spurn Light Vessel.
April 1900 built by Robert Menzies & Sons, Inverkeithing - 'Hermia' (GY1153)(Yard No.38) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.110950, April 1900 registered Grimsby, 120 x 22 x 11 ft, 61 tons, 61 h.p. engines by Shanks, Anderson & Co., Glasgow. 1900/19 for The Rushworth Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1915/19 for the Admiralty (Adty No.855) as a minesweeper. George James Cressy, Second Hand, died 1st June 1916. 1919/25 registered Fleetwood for The Mersey Stea Trawlers Ltd. London Street, Fleetwood (FD92). 1926 for Walter H. U. Morley, 1 Preston Street, Fleetwood. 1929 sold to Dutch owners.
April 1900 built by John Duthie & Co, Montrose - 'Irwell' (GY1176) (Yard No.10) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.113181, September 1900 registered Grimsby, 111 x 21 x 12 ft, 77 tons, 55 h.p. engines by Tindall, Earle & Hutchison Ltd, Hull. 1900 for The Palatine Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910/20 for George W. Jeffs, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1916/19 for the Admiralty as a Fishery Reserve. 1930 for Walter Garratt, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1933 for Thomas W. Baskcomb, 'Nunsfield', Bargate. 1936/48 renamed 'Saxonia' for East Anglia Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks Grimsby. 1939/40 For the Admiralty.
June 1900 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Cancer' (GY1182)(Yard No.212) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.113187, July 1900 registered Grimsby, 109 x 21 x 11 ft, 58 tons, 45 h.p. engines by W. V. V. Lidgerwood, Coatbridge. 1900/15 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. Captured in the North Sea, 22nd April 1915, crew taken prisoners.
June 1900 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Castor' (GY1183)(Yard No.213) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.113188, July 1900 registered Grimsby, 109 x 21 x 11 ft, 58 tons, 45 h.p. engines by W. V. V. Lidgerwood, Coatbridge. 1900/15 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 9th June 1915 sunk by Uboat (U-25) 85 miles NE by N of Spurn Point.
June 1900 built by Mackie & Thomson, Govan - 'Pollux' (GY1184) (Yard No.214) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.113189, August 1900 registered Grimsby, 109 x 21 x 11 ft, 58 tons, 45 h.p. engines by W. V. V. Lidgerwood, Coatbridge. 1900/14 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 24/26th August 1914 sunk by Torpedo boat in the North Sea.
August 1900 built by John Duthie & Co, Montrose - 'Mersey' (GY1196)(Yard No.11) Iron Screw Trawler, official No.113202, November 1900 registered Grimsby, 111 x 21 x 12 ft, 78 tons, 55 h.p. engines by Tindall, Earle & Hutchison Ltd, Hull. 1900 for The Palatine Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1910 for George W. Jeffs, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1914 for Frank Newson, 4 Lloyd's Avenue, London. 25th August sunk by torpedo boat in the North Sea.
May 1901 built by Smith's Dock Co Ltd. North Shields - 'Favo' (GY1219)(Yard No.658) Steel Screw Drifter. official No.113222, June 1901 registered Grimsby, 80 x 18 x 8 ft, 25 tons, 22 h.p. engines by MacColl & Pollock Ltd, Sunderland. 1900/10 for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1907 registered Banff for Andrew M. Ritchie, 443 Portlnockie, Banff (BF477). 1915/19 for the Admiralty as a net vessel. 1920/33 for Andrew R. Mair, 443 Portknockie, Banff. 1933 broken up.
May 1901 built by Smith's Dock Co Ltd. North Shields - 'Cato' (Yard No.659) (GY1220) Steel Screw Drifter, official No.113223, July 1901 registered Grimsby, 80 x 18 x 8 ft, 25 tons, 22 h.p. engines by MacColl & Pollock Ltd, Sunderland. 1900 for Orient Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1907 registered Banff and renamed 'Mizpah', 1909 for John D. Buchan, 1 Gladstone Road, Peterhead. 1910 registered Peterhead for John D. Buchan, 1 Gladstone Road, Peterhead (PD552). 1915/19 for the Admiralty as a net vessel. 1920 for George G. Wood, 4 Blantyre Place, Portknockie, Banff (BF114).
October 1902 built by Smith's Dock Co Ltd. North Shields - 'Griffin' (Yard No.699)(GY1240) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.113240, February 1903 registered Grimsby, 105 x 21 x 11 ft, 40 tons, 54 h.p. engines by North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland. 1904/20 for Frederick W. Mackrill, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1929 for H. & B. Trawlers Ltd. Fish Quay, North Shields. 1929 sold to Dutch owners.
December 1902 built by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co., Middlesbrough - 'Nord II' (Yard No.494) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.122682, 1903 for Ang. A/B Nord, Helsingfors. June 1905 registered Hull, 240 x 35 x 21 ft, 736 tons, 173 h.p. engines by Richardsons, Westgarth & Co. Ltd., Middlesbrough. 1905/18 renamed 'Wrexham' for the Great Central Railway Co. London.
1903 built Kinghorn - 'Fair Maid' Steel Screw Steamer, official No.115666, 90 x 19 x 8 ft, 73 tons, 33 h.p. for the Perth Shipping Co. Ltd. Perth. November 1907 the Grimsby steamer 'Fair Maid' was towed into Yarmouth. She was making a coastwise trip with a cargo of grain, and off the Norfolk coast shipped a succession of seas which smashed her lifeboat, flooded the engine room. She drove across Scroby Sands and anchored but when the pumps were choked, was towed into port by the Yarmouth tugs.
1904 built by Gourlay Bros. & Co. (Dundee) Ltd, Dundee - 'No.1' (Yard No.212) Steel Screw Tug, official No.118924, June 1904 registered Grimsby, 65 x 16 x 8 ft, 2 tons, 21 h.p. 1904/20| for Great Central Railway Co. Manchester. 1930/47 for London & North Eastern Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London. 1947 for British Transport Commission, London. 1950 broken up.
1904 built by Gourlay Bros. & Co. (Dundee) Ltd, Dundee - 'No.2' (Yard No.213) Steel Screw Tug, official No.118925, June 1904 registered Grimsby, 65 x 16 x 8 ft, 2 tons, 21 h.p. 1904/20| for Great Central Railway Co. Manchester. 1930/47 for London & North Eastern Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London. 1947 for British Transport Commission, London. 1950 broken up.
February 1905 built by Furness, Withy & Co Ltd., Hartlepool - 'Haverstoe' (Yard No.279) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.118950, April 1905 registered Grimsby, 340 x 47 x 27 ft, 2467 tons, 312 h.p. engines by Richardsons, Westgarth & Co. Ltd. 1905/10 for Joseph Bennett jnr, Grimsby. 20th January 1908 in collision with the 'Arctic' of Grimsby. The Court finds the lost of life was caused by the propeller of the 'Haverstoe' cutting into the side of the 'Arctic' and that the Chief Officer John Edward Hart was in default and had his certificate suspended for three months. The Court also censures the skipper of the 'Arctic' for leaving the deckhand alone in charge during the change in watch. 10th December 1909 in collision in the Grimsby Roads with the 'Dart'. The Court blames the Pilot for not keeping a closer watch. The skipper and steward of the 'Dart' were drowned. 1912 registered Newcastle and renamed 'Isle of Iona' for The Isles Steam Shipping Co. Ltd. 11 Queen Street, Newcastle. 14th December 1914 wrecked.
April 1905 built by Furness, Withy & Co Ltd., Middleton, Hartlepool - 'Langoe' (Yard No.280) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.122684, May 1905 registered Grimsby, 340 x 47 x 27 ft, 2466 tons, 312 h.p. engines by Richardsons, Westgarth & Co. Ltd. 1905/10 for Joseph Bennett jnr, Grimsby. 1915 for The Duffryn Shipping Co. Ltd, Cardiff. 1916 renamed 'Butetown' and registered London for Hendon Steamship Co. Ltd. 101 Leadenhall Street, London. 8th September 1916 torpedoed by UB-47 off Cape Matapan bound for Malta.
June 1905 built by Dundee Shipbuilders Co. Ltd., Dundee - 'Gloria' (Yard No.158) (GY78) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.122697, July 1905 registered Grimsby, 130 x 23 x 12 ft, 114 tons, 70 h.p. 1905 for Alick Black, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1909 renamed 'Glorie' and registered Fleetwood for South Western Steam Fising Co. Ltd. Wyre Dock, Fleetwood. 1920 registered Grimsby. 1909 for French owners. 1912 for Icelandic owners. 1921/23 renamed 'Pelham' for Henry Smethurst Ltd. Fish Dock Road, Grimsby (GY1088). 1925 for South Western Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Hulton Road, Grimsby. 1926/39 for Earl Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Huton Road, Grimsby.
July 1905 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. North Shields - 'Aquarius' (Yard No.775)(GY76) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.122704, September 1905 registered Grimsby, 113 x 22 x 11 ft, 73 tons, 50 h.p. engines by Great Central Co-operative Engineering & Ship Repairing Co Ltd, Grimsby. 1910/20 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1917/19 for the Admiralty. 1923/45 for Lindsey Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 25th February 1945 sunk by mine, off Outer Dowsing, all crew lost.
October 1905 built by Smith's Dock Co Ltd. North Shields - 'Tubal Cain' (Yard No.784) (GY88) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.122709, December 1905 registered Grimsby, 120 x 22 x 12 ft, 111 tons, 58 h.p. engines by W. V. V. Lidgerwood, Glasgow. 1905/14 for John E. Rushworth, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 7th August 1914 captured and sunk by 'Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse' German warship off Iceland.
May 1906 built by Swan Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd., Wallsend - 'Immingham' (Yard No.769) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.125042, January 1907 registered Grimsby, 271 x 41 x 20 ft, 564 tons, 1300 h.p. engines by Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co Ltd, Wallsend. 1910/15 for the Great Central Railway Co. London. 1911 engines altered at Hull to 397 h.p. by Earle's Shipbuilding, Hull. 1915 for the Admiralty as a stores carrier. 6th June 1915 sunk in collision with 'HMS Reindeer' in the Mediterranean Sea.
October 1906 built by Furness Withy & Co. Ltd. West Hartlepool - 'Elloe' (Yard No.297) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.123590, November 1906 registered Grimsby, 340 x 47 x 27 ft, 2485 tons, 317 h.p. engines by Richardsons, Westgarth & Co. Ltd. Hartlepool. 1906/10 for Joseph Bennett jnr, Grimsby. 1912/17 registered Newcastle and renamed 'Isle of Arran' for The Isles Steam Shipping Co. Ltd. 11 Queen Street, Newcastle. 8th June 1917 scuttled by U-39 off Cape Spartel.
October 1906 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. North Shields - 'Dragon' (GY201)(Yard No.796) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.123591, November 1906 registered Grimsby, 118 x 22 x 11 ft, 99 tons, 52 h.p. engines by MacColl & Pollack Ltd. Sunderland. 1906/20 for Frederick W. Mackrill, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1914/19 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper and renamed 'Dragon II' (Adty No.428). 1930/32 for William J. Allen, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1932 broken up.
October 1906 built by Smith's Dock Company Ltd.,North Shields - 'Hydra' (Yard No.797) (GY196) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.123595, November 1906 registered Grimsby, 118 x 22 x 11 ft, 99 tons, 52 h.p. engines by MacColl & Pollock Ltd. Sunderland. 1906/28 for Frederick W. Mackrill, Cleethorpes. 1928 sold to Dutch owners. 1952 broken up. 20th February 1915 in collision in the North Sea about 75 miles ENE of Spurn Light Vessel, with the trawler 'Kestrel' of Hull which sank. The Court found the second hand of the 'Kestrel' in default for leaving inexperienced deckhand in charge of the vessel and suspended his certificate for six months.
November 1906 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. North Shields - 'Lord Nelson' (Yard No.807) (GY194) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.123599, January 1907 registered Grimsby, 133 x 23 x 12 ft, 155 tons, 75 h.p. engines by Shields Engineering Co Ltd, North Shields. 1906/10 for John E. Rushworth, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1911 sold to Icelandic owners.
November 1906 built by Smiths Dock Co. Ltd., North Shields - 'Nizam' (GY199)(Yard No.808) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.125041, January 1907 registered Grimsby, 121 x 22 x 12 ft, 102 tons, 65 h.p. engines by Shields Engineering Co. Ltd. North Shields. 1907 for Ernest Sleight, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1910 purchased by the Admiralty for minesweeping training and renamed 'Rose' (Adty No.53). 1920 renamed 'Aby' registered Boston for Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co. Ltd. The Dock, Boston. 1927 sold to French owners.
December 1906 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd., North Shields - 'Alberta' (GY212)(Yard No.813) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.125045, registered Grimsby, 116 x 22 x 11 ft, 98 tons, 65 h.p. engines by Shields Engineering & Dry Dock Co. Ltd. North Shields. 1910/20 for The Dominion Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. August 1914 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper. 14th April 1916 sunk by mine it was towing 35 miles north east of Grimsby, 7 crew died.
December 1906 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. North Shields - 'Ontario' (Yard No.814)(GY213) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.125046, February 1907 registered Grimsby, 116 x 22 x 11 ft, 100 tons, 65 h.p. engines by Shields Engineering Co. Ltd, North Shields. 1910/41 for The Dominion Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 31st March 1941 bombed and sank off Faroe Islands. 1914/19 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper.
April 1906 built by Cammell Laird, Birkenhead - 'Marylebone' (Yard No.673) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.123594, November 1906 registered Grimsby, 270 x 41 x 20 ft, 1067 tons, 397 h.p. (initially turbines change to engines by Earle's 1911), 1906/10 for Great Central Railway Co. London. Accomodation for 60 first class passengers, 24 second class and 300 third class passengers. 1915/20 for Great Central Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London. 1930 for London & North Eastern Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London. 1934 for Marylebone Steamship Co. Ltd. Larnaca, Cyprus.
April 1907 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. North Shields - 'Coronet' (GY241) (Yard No.339) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.125053, April 1907 registered Grimsby, 131 x 23 x 12 ft, 144 tons, 84 h.p. engine by Shields Engineering Co Ltd, North Shields. 1910/14 for Crown Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1914 for French owners.
April 1907 built by Dundee Shipbuilding Company Ltd., Dundee - 'Conquest' (Yard No.172) (GY292) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.125066, August 1907 registered Grimsby, 121 x 22 x 12 ft, 118 tons, 76 h.p. engines by C. D. Holmes & Co. Hull. 1910 for The Marshall Line Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1915 for John E. Rushworth, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1916/18 for the Admiralty. 1920 renamed 'Hortensia' for James Coombes, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1930 for Walter Garratt, St. Aubyns, Lambert Road, Grimsby. 1931 for Fred B. Jeffs, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1932 for Ohlson & Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1933 for Charles Dobson, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1945 for Wembley Steam Fishing Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1948 for Grateful Steam Fishing Co.Ltd.Aberdeen. 1953 for Andrew W. King, Aberdeen. 1956 broken up.
1907 built by Cook, Welton & Gemmell, Beverley - 'Sheraton' (Yard No.115)(GY230) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.125043, January 1907 registered Grimsby, 130 x 22 x 12 ft, 120 tons, 94 h.p. engines by Amos & Smith Ltd. Hull. 1910/47 for The Standard Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1916/19 for the Admiralty as a boon defence vessel (Adty No.1659) 1940/44 For the Admiralty as a minesweeper. May 1946 for the RAF for target practice. 23rd April 1947 wrecked near Hunstanton Lighthouse. Picture Link
1907 built Fraserburgh - 'Frigate Bird' (FR256) Wooden Fishing Trawler, 12 tons. August 1915 for Edward Ernest Cox, Grimsby, GY591, 28th June 1917 sunk off Flamborough Head by UC 63, 5 crew lost, Skipper C. Sadler, I. W. Farrow, H. S. Sadler, W. R. Sadler, W. E. Skudder.
1907 built Filey - 'William and Betsy' (GY351) Motor Fishing Vessel, 21 tons, owned by F. W. Mackrill, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 28th June 1917 sunk by UC 63 10 miles off Spurn Point.
September 1907 built by Smith's Dock Co Ltd. North Shields - 'Naamah' (Yard No.338)(GY289) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.125074, October 1907 registered Grimsby, 125 x 22 x 12 ft, 114 tons, 75 h.p. engines by Shields Engineering Co Ltd, North Shields. 1910 for John E. Rushworth, Grimsby. 1915 for Thomas W. Baskcomb, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1917 for John L. Green Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 7th January 1917 sunk by uboat UC-76 off Ronaldsay, Orkney Islands.
1907 built by Smith's Dock Co Ltd. North Shields - 'Canadian' (GY290) (Yard No.354) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.125082, November 1907 registered Grimsby, 125 x 22 x 12 ft, 129 tons, 69 h.p. engines by Shields Engineering Co Ltd, North Shields. 1910 for The Great Grimsby Albion Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1911 sold to Reykjavik owners (RE141).
April 1910 built by J. T. Eltringham & Co, South Shields - 'Central No.1' (Yard No.275) Steel Screw Tug, official No.127861, July 1910 registered Grimsby, 92 x 21 x 11 ft, 1 ton, 78 h.p. engines by Baird Bros, North Shields. 1910/20 for Great Central Co. Marylebone Station, London. 1930/47 for London & North Eastern Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London. 1947 registered Middlebrough and renamed 'Silver Cross' for Tees Towing Co. Ltd. 1958 registered Grimsby and renamed 'Lady Joan'. 1964 broken up.
1910 built Dordrecht, Holland - 'Jannie' Steel Screw Tug, official No.134768, April 1913 registered Grimsby, 76 x 17 x 8 ft, 1 ton, 35 h.p. 1913/20 for Great Central Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London. 1930 for London & North Eastern Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London. 1940 for Frederick Hall, 15 Holborn Street, Hull with 40 b.h.p. motor.
April 1911 built by Smith's Dock Company Ltd., South Bank, Middlesbrough - 'Durga' (Yard No.469) (GY612) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.132103, June 1911 rgistered Grimsby, 117 x 21 x 12 ft, 83 tons, 76 h.p. engines by Shields Engineering & Dry Dock Co. Ltd. 1911/15 for Ernest Sleight, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1914/19 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper (Adty No.300). 1920/30 for Sleights Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1936 registered Aberdeen for Alexander A. Davidson, Commercial Quay, Aberdeen. 1940 J. Bennett (Wholesale) Ltd. (W.A.Bennett), Aberdeen. 1941 Aldred Fishing Co. Ltd. (H. Markham Cook), Aberdeen. 1943 Loch Fishing Co., Hull (H83). 1952 broken up.
February 1912 built by J. T. Eltringham & Co Ltd, South Shields - 'Central No.2' (Yard No.287) Steel Screw Tug , official No.132122, March 1912 registered Grimsby, 92 x 21 x 11 ft, 137 gross tons, 66 h.p. engines by Baird Bros, North Shields. 1912/20 for Great Central Railway Co. Marylebourne Station, London. 1924/47 for London & North Eastern Railway Co. Marylebourne Station, London. 1947 for Tees Towing Co Ltd. Middlesbrough. 1949 for William Crosthwaite & Son, Middlesbrough. 1914/19 for the Admiralty. 1962 broken up.
March 1912 built by Dundee Shipbuilding Company Ltd., Dundee - 'Libra' (GY687)(Yard No.241) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.132134, May 1912 registered Grimsby, 117 x 22 x 12 ft, 82 tons, 56 h.p. engines by MacColl & Pollock Ltd., Sunderland. 1912/20 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Fish Docks. Grimsby. 1921 for Trawlers (White Sea & Grimsby) Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1940 renamed 'Tocsin' for the Admiralty. 1945 for Crete Shipping Co. Ltd. 9/13 Fenchurch Buildings, Fenchurch Street, London. 1950 renamed 'Everingham' for Sir Thomas Robinson & Son (Grimsby) Ltd, Grimsby. 1956 broken up. 1914/19 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper (Adty No.29). Served in WW2.
April 1912 built by Dundee Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. Dundee - 'Corona' (GY684) (Yard No.242) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.132137, May 1912 registered Grimsby, 117 x 22 x 12 ft, 82 tons, 56 h.p. engines by MacColl & Pollock Ltd. Sunderand. 1912/15 for The Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1915/16 for the Admiralty (Adty No.1137) 23rd March 1916 mined near Ramsgate.
1912 built Whitstable - 'Whitstable' Wooden Screw Trawler, official No.134741, September 1912 registered Grimsby, 52 x 11 x 5 ft, 7 tons, 60 h.p. 1915 for The Consolidated Whaling & Deep Sea Fishing Co. of South Africa Ltd. 25 Victoria Street, Westminster, London. 1919 for William D. M. Cotts, Maritime Buildings, Riebeek Street, Cape Town.
October 1912 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. Middlesbrough - 'Tagalie' (Yard No.529) (GY744) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.134750, November 1912 registered Grimsby, 117 x 22 x 12 ft, 81 tons, 78 h.p. engines by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. Middlesbrough. 1912/20 for Sleight's Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1927 for Overseas Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1935/47 registered Aberdeen for William Brebner, 33 Leslie Road, Aberdeen(A391). 1953 scrapped. 1914/19 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper (Adty No.451).
October 1912 built by Smith's Dock Company Ltd., Middlesbrough - 'Chrysea' (GY745)(Yard No.530) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.134752, November 1912 registered Grimsby, 117 x 22 x 12 ft, 81 tons, 78 h.p. engines by Smith's Dock Company Ltd. 1912/20 for Sleights Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1930 for Staples Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1940 for Earl Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1947 for J. Bennett (Wholesale) Ltd. Neptune House, Water Lane, Great Tower Street, London. 1914/19 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper and in WW2 (Adty No.626).
November 1913 built by Smith's Dock Company Ltd., South Bank, Middlesbrough - 'Delphine' (GY958)(Yard No.569) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.135979, January 1914 registered Grimsby, 125 x 24 x 12 ft, 97 tons, 85 h.p. engines by Smith's Dock Company Ltd. 1915/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1927 for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1934 registered Aberdeen for North Star Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Regent Road, Aberdeen (A216). 20th November 1939 sunk by U-33 off Tory Island. Crew saved. 1914/19 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper (Adty No.1619).
1913 built by Colby Brothers, Lowestoft - 'Runnell' Wooden Drifter, fitted for trawling, 88 x 20 x 10 ft, 97/36 tonnage, triple engines.January 25th 1935 for Sale at the Ship Hotel, Grimsby.
1913 built Wyvenhoe, Essex - 'No.10' Steel Screw Steamer, official No.134779, July 1913 registered Grimsby, 40 x 12 x 6 ft, 17 gross tons, 15 h.p. 1915/20 for Great Central Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London. 1930 for London & North Eastern Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London. 1935 registered Hull for Peter Foster & Co. Ltd. 31/32 High Street, Hull.
1913 built Wyvenhoe, Essex - 'No.9' Steel Screw Steamer, official No.134781, July 1913 registered Grimsby, 40 x 12 x 6 ft, 17 gross tons, 15 h.p. 1915/20 for Great Central Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London. 1930/38 for London & North Eastern Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London.
1913 built Wyvenhoe, Essex - 'No.8' Steel Screw Steamer/Tug, official No.134785, July 1913 registered Grimsby, 40 x 12 x 6 ft, 17 gross tons, 15 h.p. 1915/20 for Great Central Railway Co. Maryleborne Station, London. 1930 for London & North Eastern Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London. 1935/47 registered Hull for Sheffield & South Yorkshire Navigation Co. Exchange Street, Sheffield.
October 1913 built by Wood, Skinner & Co. Ltd. Bill Quay on Tyne - 'Dredger No.2' (Yard No.186) Steel Screw Dredger, official No.135984, November 1913 registered Grimsby, 125 x 29 x 12 ft, 137 tons, 64 h.p. engines by Earle’s Co Ltd, Hull. 1913/20 for Great Central Railway Co. Marylebone, London. 1930 for London & North Eastern Railway Co. Marylebone, London. 1932/47 registered Hull for London & North Eastern Railway Co. Marylebone, London. 1948 for British Transport Commision, Hull. 1963 for British Transport Docks Board, Hull. 1964 broken up.
October 1913 built by Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd, Newcastle - 'Chesterfield' (Yard No.924) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.135986, December 1913 registered Grimsby, 250 x 34 x 16 ft, 535 tons, 278 h.p. engines by Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd. Christened by Mrs. Clear.1913/18 for Great Central Railway Co. Marylebone, London, for the Grimsby to Rotterdam trade. 1914/18 for the Admiralty as a store carrier and fleet messenger. 1918 torpedoed & sunk by U-Boat UC52 off Malta.
1914 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. Middlesbrough - 'Dagon' (GY957) (Yard No.568) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.135991, January 1914 registered Grimsby, 125 x 24 x 12 ft, 97 tons, 85 h.p. engines by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. Middlesbrough. 1915 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1915/16 for the Admiralty (Adty No.3202). 8th December 1916 sunk by mine laid by UC-21, off the Royal Sovereign Light Vessel, Dover, 12 crew lost.
December 1913 built by Smith's Dock Company Ltd., South Bank, Middlesbrough - 'Drusilla' (GY951) (Yard No.570) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.135993, January 1914 registered Grimsby, 125 x 24 x 12 ft, 97 tons, 85 h.p. engines by Smith's Dock Company Ltd. 1915/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. Fish Dock, Grimsby. 1930 for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1934 registered Aberdeen for J. Marr & Son, Ltd. 228 Dock Street, Fleetwood. 1939 for North Star Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Regent Road, Aberdeen. 1944 for Eton Fishing Co. Ltd Hull. 1946 registered Grimsby for Vinur Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Wharncliffe Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby (GY223). 1951 for Alfred Bannister (Trawlers) Ltd. Grimsby. 1959 broken up. 1915/19 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper (Adty No.36).
December 1913 built by Smith's Dock Company Ltd., South Bank, Middlesbrough - 'Elmira' (GY969)( Yard No.571) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.135994, February registered Grimsby, 113 x 22 x 12 ft, 76 tons, 68 h.p. engines by Smith's Dock Company Ltd. 1915/20 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. Fish Dock, Grimsby. 1930/40 for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1915/19 for the Admiralty as a minesweeper (Adty No.1603) 23rd March 1941 bombed and sunk off the Shetlands. 10 crew lost.
December 1913 built by Smith's Dock Company Ltd., South Bank, Middlesbrough - 'Evangel' (GY970) (Yard No.572) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.135995, February 1914 registered Grimsby, 113 x 22 x 12 ft, 76 tons, 68 h.p. engines by Smith's Dock Company Ltd. 1915 for Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd. Fish Dock, Grimsby. 1915/17 ffor the Admiralty as a minesweeper (Adty No.1408). Sunk by mine laid by UC-48 off Milford Haven. All crew lost.
May 1914 built by Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd. Walker on Tyne - 'Macclesfield' (Yard No.936) Steel Screw Steamer, official No.136014, June 1914 registered Grimsby, 250 x 34 x 16 ft, 535 tons, 278 h.p. engines by Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd. 1915/20 for Great Grimsby Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London. 1930/47 for London & North Eastern Railway Co. Marylebone Station, London. 1948 for British Transport Commision, Grimsby. 1958 broken up.
1915 built Lowestoft - 'Dracoena' Wooden Motor Vessel, official No.164397, November 1935 registered Grimsby, 35 x 11 x 4 ft, 3 tons, 26 b.h.p. 1940 for Ernest Harrison, 13 Abbey Park Road, Grimsby.
February 1915 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. South Bank on Tees - 'Carbineer II' (GY1048)(Yard No.602) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.144434, March 1920 registered London the Grimsby, 130 x 24 x 13 ft, 107 tons, 85 h.p. 'Fusilier' purchased by the Admiralty while building for a total cost of £93,800 (Adty No.1163). 1930/44 for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1940 for the Admiralty in WW2.
July 1916 built by J & G. Forbes, Sandhaven, Fraserburgh - 'Jennie Bullas' (GY921) Wooden Motor Fishing Trawler, official No.138982, 55 x 13 x 9 ft, 10 tons, for Edward Ernest Cox, Grimsby. 4th October 1916 sunk by UB 19 14 miles off Spurn Light Vessel, crew saved by Swedish Steamer 'Gustaf'.
1916 built New Jersey, U.S.A. - 'Noratania' Wooden Motor Vessel, official No.146882, July 1923 registered Grimsby, 80 x 12, 22 tons, 440 b.h.p. 1923/32 for Mrs. Emily Barnes, Worsley House, Poplar Road, Cleethorpes.
1916 - 'Spaniel' (GY284) Motor Vessel, official No.146895, March 1925 registered Grimsby, for G. H. Mudd, missing since 6th October 1926.
1917 built Frederikssund, Denmark - 'Sialkot' (GY174) Wooden Motor Trawler, official No.146873, October 1922 registered Grimsby, 63 x 16 x 6 ft, 22 tons, 57 b.h.p. 1923 for Edward Little Portland, Weelsby Road, Grimsby and Einar Olgeirsson Wichurania, Holton-le-Clay. 1930/40/58 for Palestine Fishing Co. Ltd. 60 Scarbourough Street, West Hartlepool.
1917 built by Jos. L. Meyer, Papenburg, Germany - 'Ludendorff' (Yard No.326) (GY260) Trawler, official No.146879, April 1923 registered Grimsby, 88 tons, 1923 for South-Western Steam Fishing Co. Ltd., Grimsby.
1917 built Germany - 'Niendorf' (GY269) Trawler, official No.146881, April 1923 registered Grimsby, 90 tons, for Marsall Line.
1917 built by Dominion Shipbuilding & Repair Co. Toronto, Ontario - 'Malaga' (GY393)(Yard No.59) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.146901, September 1926 registered Grimsby, 126 x 24 x 13 ft, 123 tons, 62 h.p. 1917/26 for Canadian Government. 1930/35 for Boston Deep sea Fishing & Ice Co. Ltd., Fleetwood. October 1935 missing and lost with crew.
1917 built by Canadian Vickers Ltd, Monreal, Canada - 'Fontenay' (GY397) Trawler, official No.146902, September 1926 registered Grimsby, 126 x 24 x 13 ft, 123 tons, 1926 for Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co. Ltd. Grimsby. October 1926 sold to Frence owners.
1918 built by Canadian Vickers Ltd, Monreal, Canada - 'Marie Evelyne' (GY398) Trawler, official No.146903, September 1926 registered Grimsby, 126 x 24 x 13 ft, 124 tons, 1926 for Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Ltd. Grimsby. 1926 sold to Frence owners.
1918 built Poland - 'Admiral Souchon' (GY136) Trawler, official No.146876, December 1922 registered Grimsby, 91 tons, December 1922 for Marshall Line Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. Sold to Dutch Owners. 1957 scrapped.
1918 built Frederickshaven - 'Betty Mork' (foreign name 'Nordsoen') (GY464) Wooden Motor Fishing Vessel, official No.146908, June 1928 registered Grimsby, 48 x 15 x 7 ft, 16 tons, 49 h.p. for Anders J. Olesen, 401 Victoria Street, Grimsby. June 1931 in collision along with 'Bellona' owned by a Danish fisherman by the Swedish steamship 'London', 750 tons, laden with timber, at the Royal Dock, Grimsby, both vessels sunk by the steamer.
1918 built Germany - 'Admiral Von Schroder' (GY1358) Trawler, official No.146862, May 1922 registered Grimsby, 125 x 24 x 13 ft, 81 tons, 1922 for Pelham Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Sold to Dutch owners.
1918 built John Lewis & Sons, Aberdeen - 'Moonbeam' (GY21)(Yard No.61) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.146863, July 1922 registered Grimsby, 86 x 19 x 9 ft, 42 tons, 43 h.p. for the Royal Navy. 1923/24 renamed 'Skimmer' for Thomas Baskcomb Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1938 sold to Spanish owners renamed 'Mourisca' for Juan Velasco Gutierrez, Vigo.
1918 built Viken, Norway - 'Belvoir Castle' (foreign name 'Thelma') Wooden Motor Smack, official No.146880, April 1923 registered Grimsby, 54 x 20 x 8 ft, 14 tons, 60 b.h.p. 1923/30 for William Crampin, Armadale, Weelsby Road, Grimsby. 1940/48 for William E. W. Craske, 316 Wellington Street, Grimsby.
1918 built Collingwood Ontario - 'Somersby' Steel Trawler, official No.146900, September 1926 registered Grimsby, 126 x 24 x 13 ft, 124 tons, 62 h.p. 1927/30 for Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co. Ltd. Fleetwood. 1940/42 for F.G. P. Maritime Enterprises Ltd. 36 New Broad Street, London.
1918/28 Built by Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd, Aberdeen, 'William Beaumont' (GY854) Steel Steam Trawler, official No.143911, December 1919 registered London, 115 x 22 x 12 ft, 81 tons, 203 gtons, 57 h.p. 1920 for the Admiralty, London. 1925 for Crown Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby.
1919 built Macduff - 'Midnight Sun' (GY7) Wooden Trawler, official No.146861, June 1922 registered Grimsby, 87 x 20 x 10 ft, 41 tons, 43 h.p. 1923 for Grimsby Seine Fishing Co. Ltd. Wharncliffe Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1929 registered Peterhead renamed 'Green Pastures' for George Buchan, 11 Maiden Street, Peterhead. 1940 for George Buchan, Roselea, Cairntrodlie, Peterhead.
1919 built Lymington - 'Maelstrom' (GY15) Wooden Trawler, official No.146864, June 1922 registered Grimsby, 87 x 20 x 10 ft, 38 tons, 225 b.h.p. 1923/30 for Grimsby Seine Fishing Co. Ltd. Wharncliffe Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1937/46 registered Peterhead and renamed 'Fair Haven' for Bisset B. Coull, 49 King Street, Peterhead.
1919 built Lymington - 'Greynight' (GY141) Wooden Trawler, official No.146869, September 1922 registered Grimsby, 87 x 20 x 10 ft, 40 tons, 43 h.p. 1923/30 for Grimsby Seine Fishing Co. Ltd. Wharncliffe Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1940 for Harry N. Franklin, Cross Street, Fish Docks, Grimsby.
1919/1928 - 'Trawl 1' Motor vessel, official No.146888, registered Grimsby, 13 tons.
1919/26 - 'Honora' Steamer, official No.146898, December 1925 registered Grimsby, 154 tons.
1922 - 'Walpole' (GY50) Motor, official No.146865, July 1922 registered Grimsby, 25 tons, 1922/24.
1922 built Lowestoft - 'Amasia' Steel Motor Steamer, official No.146874, March 1923 registered Grimsby, 72 x 18 x 8 ft. 62 tons, 50 h.p. 1923/30 for Standard Coal Supply Co. Ltd. Humber Bank, Grimsby. 1940 for Norstand Ltd. Humber Bank, Fish Docks, Grimsby.
1922 built Germany - 'Senator Wessels' (GY248) Trawler, official No.146878, registered Grimsby, 83 tons, January 1922 Damage amounting to several hundreds of pounds was done by fire on board the ex German trawler 'Senator Wessels' in Grimsby Docks, the cabin and all fixtures etc totally destroyed despite the efforts of two fire brigades. One fireman had scores of rats all over his body to escape the fire which started in the galley.
Built 1922 by Deutsche Werke AG (Rustingen, Germany) - 'Elsie Cam' Trawler, official No.166634, April 1940 registered Grimsby, 250 tons, 22 June 1941, Nore Command, January 1942, Royal Navy, January 1942, Nore Command, Sheerness. Minesweeping Group 122.
1923 built South Shields - 'T & D.C S. No.3' Steel Screw Steamer, official No.146890, October 1924 registered Grimsby, 75 x 19 x 10 ft, 89 tons, 100 b.h.p. 1925/30 for Ohlson & Co. ltd. Castle Buildings Castle Street, Hull. 1940 for John R. Hepworth, Main Street, Paull, Hull.
1924 built Hamburg - 'Bahram' (foreign name 'Standard') Steel Motor Vessel, official No.164402, February 1936 registered Grimsby, 70 x 21 x 7 ft, 28 tons, 180 b.h.p. 1938/40 for Harry Franklin Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby.
1924 built Beverley - 'Jeffs' Steel Screw Trawler, official No.146883, March 1924 registered Grimsby, 78 x 19 x 10 ft, 59 tons, 14 h.p. 1925/30 for Great Grimsby Coal, Salt & Tanning Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1940 for Richard Irvin & Sons, Ltd. North Shields.
'Eblana' Sail, official No.146897, August 1925 registered Grimsby, 299 tons, 1926/36 for Chareton & Co. Ltd. Royal Dock, Grimsby.
1926 built Frederikshaven, Denmark - 'Genara' (GY382) Wooden Motor, official No.146899, March 1926 registered Grimsby, 52 x 16 x 7 ft, 15 tons, 10 h.p. 1927/40 for Fred Sleight, Hillside, Mill Road, Cleethorpes.
1930 - 'Howe' (GY177) Screw Trawler, official No.160982, February 1930 registered Grimsby, 152 tons, November 1931 stranded on Bear Island with help from other trawlers the crew were rescued. Skipper G. McGregor, Cleethorpes.
1930 - 'Frida-Sophia' Steamer, official No.161003, December 1950 registered Grimsby, 97 tons.
1931 built Frederikshaven, Denmark - 'Clavis' Wooden Motor Vessel, official No.161008, February 1931 registered Grimsby, 53 x 16 x 7 ft, 20 tons, 60 b.h.p. 1940 for Fred Sleight, Hillside, Mill Road, Cleethorpes.
1934 built at Messrs Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. Middlesbrough - 'Grimsby Town' (GY136)(GY81)(Yard No.968)Steel Screw Trawler, 422 gross tons, 157 x 27 x 13 ft, 99 h.p. for the Hull Ice Co. Ltd. St. Andrews Dock, Hull and managed by the Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Grimsby. 1939/45 for the Admiralty. 23rd April 1946 the stranding and total loss of the Steam Trawler 'Grimsby Town' near Alvidruhamrur, Iceland, the skipper George Alfred Camburn had his certificate suspended for 18 months and fined £100 costs.
1935 - 'Couronne' Motor Vessel, official No.166639, April 1943 registered Grimsby, 227 tons.
1936 built by J. W. Berg, Halso, Sweden - 'Floradora', (GY317) Wooden Motor Trawler, official No.164411, registered Grimsby 67 x 19 x 9 ft, 33 tons, 120 b.h.p for Marstrand Fishing Co. Grimsby. May 1937 sent out SOS with engine problems in Icelandic gales, 'Quacker Girl ' sent to assist. 1940 for Walter Holmes, Fleetwood.
July 1935 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. South Bank on Tees - 'Cambridgeshire' (GY180)(Yard No.987) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164391, July 1935 registered Grimsby,162 x 27 x 14 ft, 161 tons, 99 h.p. 1940 for the Cambridgeshire Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1939/45 for the Admiralty (FY142) as anti-submarine trawler. 1947 renamed 'Kingston Saphire' for Kingston Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Hull.
July 1935 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd.South Bank on Tees - 'Bedfordshire' (Yard No.988) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164392, August 1935 registered Grimsby, 162 x 27 x 14 ft, 161 tons, 99 h.p. 1940 for the Bedfordshire Fishing Co. Lts. Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1939 for the Admiralty (FY141) as anti-submarine trawler.
1935 built Frederikshaven, Denmark- 'Kathrine Jean' Wooden Motor Vessel, official No.164393, August 1935 registered Grimsby, 56 x 16 x 8 ft, 20 tons, 75 b.h.p. 1940 for Frand Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby.
1935 - 'Gipsy Love' Motor vessel, official No.164394, August 1935 registered Grimsby, 60 tons, owned by Marstrand Fishing Co. March 1936 she was was to sail on a fishing trip but5 developed engine problems and Captain George Osbourne returned to Grimsby. He was the given the 'Girl Pat' to take to sea, but insteam of fishing she head for Dover and eventually captured in British Guiana in June and charge with teft of a vessel.
1935 - 'Princess Charming' Seine Net Motor Vessel, official No.164395, September 1935 registered Grimsby, 58 tons, for Marstrand Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. February 1937 she broke down off Helborn Head during rough seas. Thurso Lifeboat went to her assistance.
December 1935 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. South Bank on Tees - 'Lincolnshire' (Yard No.993) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164399, January 1936 registered Grimsby, 162 x 27 x 14 ft, 157 tons, 99 h.p. 1937 for Lincolnshire Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks Road, Grimsby. 1939 registered Hull for Boyd Line Ltd. St. Andrew's Dock, Hull. 1939 for the Admiralty (FY222).
1935 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. South Bank on Tees - 'Warwickshire' (Yard No.986) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.162899, March 1935 registered Grimsby, 160 x 27 x 13 ft, 162 tons, 99 h.p. 1935 for Warwickshire Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks Road, Grimsby. 1935 for the Admiralty.
January 1936 built by Smith's Dock Co. South Bank on Tees - 'Leicestershire' (Yard No.994) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164401, January 1936 registered Grimsby, 162 x 27 x 14 ft, 157 tons, 99 h.p. 1938 for the Lincolnshire Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1938 reported missing off the Orkneys.
February 1936 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. South Bank and Stockton - 'Berkshire' (Yard No.997) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164406, March 1936 registered Grimsby, 164 x 27 x 14 ft, 168 tons, 99 h.p. 1939 for the Admiralty (FY183). 1940 for Berkshire Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby.
1936 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. South Bank on Tees - 'Warwickshire' Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164407, March 1936 registered Grimsby, 164 x 27 x 14 ft, 168 tons, 99 h.p. 1940 for Warwickshire Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks Road, Grimsby.
March 1936 built by Smith's South Bank on Tees - 'Melbourne' (Yard No.1001) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164408, April 1936 registered Grimsby, 164 x 27 x 14 ft, 169 tons, 99 h.p. 1939 for the Admiralty (FY209). 1940 for H. Croft Baker & Sons Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby.
1936 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. South Bank on Tees - 'Mildenhall' (Yard No.1002) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164409, April 1936 registered Grimsby, 164 x 27 x 14 ft, 169 tons, 99 h.p. 1936 for the Admiralty (FY128). 1940 for H. Croft Baker & Sons Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby.
1936 built Halso, Sweden - 'Floradora' Wooden Motor Vessel, official No.164411, July 1936 registered Grimsby, 67 x 19 x 9 ft, 33 tons, 120 b.h.p. 1937 for Marstrand Fishing Co. Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1940 for Walter Holmes, 39 Laidleys Walk, Fleetwood.
1936 - 'Desert Song' Motor Vessel, official No.164412, July 1936 registered Grimsby, 36 tons. For Marstrand Fishing Co. Grimsby. April 1937 Grounded whilst entering Aberdeen Harbour with a catch from Iceland of about 200 boxes, later at high tide she landed her catch. Skipper Mr. Carl Mathieson and a crew of six. July 1937 whilst off the east coast of Iceland she was stopped by an Icelandic patrol boat and accused of fishing and place a member of their staff on board and requested to follow the Patol vessel to port. Because of thick fog she lost site of the Patrol vessel so Skipper Martenson headed back to Grimsby.
1936 built by J. W. Berg, Halso, Sweden - 'Quaker Girl' Wooden Motor Trawler, official No.164415, registered Grimsby for Marstrand Fishing Co. Grimsby. February 1937 The Grimsby seine net mortor boat sent a wireless message to Wick saying it was drifting three miles off Stathy Point and wanted help. She was towed into Scrabster by seine net motor boat 'Floradora' accompanied by 'Bohemian Girl' and 'Desert Song' belonging to Marstrand Fishing Co.
1936 built Marstrand, Sweden - 'Bohemian Girl' Wooden Motor Vessel, official No.164413, July 1936 registered Grimsby, 67 x 19 x 9 ft, 34 tons, 120 b.h.p. 1938 for Marstrand Fishing Co. Ltd. Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1940 for Walter Holmes, 39 Laidleys Walk, Fleetwood.
July 1936 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. South Bank on Tees - 'Indian Star' (Yard No.999)(GY324) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164414, August 1936 registered Grimsby, 164 x 27 x 14 ft, 169 tons, 99 h.p. 1938 for Gresham Trawlers Ltd. Humber Bank, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1940 for Lincolnshire Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1939/45 for the Admiralty (FY208).
August 1936 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. South Bank on Tees - 'Rutlandshire' (Yard No.1007) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164417, September 1936 registered Grimsby, 165 x 27 x 15 ft, 164 tons, 99 h.p. 1936/40 for Rutlandshire Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1939 for the Admiralty (FY241) April 1940 bombed then beached at Namsos.
August 1936 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. South Bank on Tees - 'Hertfordshire' (Yard No.1008) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164418, 165 x 27 x 15 ft, 164 tons, 99 h.p. September 1936 registered Grimsby, 1936/40 for Rutlandshire Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1939 for the Admiralty (FY176).
April 1937 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd.South Bank on Tees - 'Scottish' (Yard No.1032) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164426, May 1937 registered Grimsby, 174 x 29 x 15 ft, 222 tons, 99 h.p. 1939/45 for the Admiralty (FY245). 1940 for Vinur Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Humber Bank, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1945 registered Hull renamed 'Kingston Perl' (H542) for Kingston Steam Trawling Co. Ltd. Hull.
May 1937 built South Bank on Tees - 'Mareham' (Yard No.1028) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164430, August 1937 registered Grimsby, 174 x 29 x 15 ft, 196 tons, 99 h.p. 1937 renamed 'Coventry City' (GY422) for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Grimsby. 1939 for the Admiralty (FY267).
June 1937 built at Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. South Bank on Tees - 'Aston Villa' (Yard No.1029) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164431, September 1937 registered Grimsby, 174 x 29 x 15 ft, 196 tons, 99 h.p. 1940 for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. Auckland Road, Grimsby. 1939 for the Admiralty (FY261).
November 1937 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. South Bank on Tees - 'Norwich City' (Yard No.1030) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164435, January 1938 registered Grimsby, 176 x 29 x 15 ft, 195 tons, 99 h.p. 1940 for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd, Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1939 for the Admiralty (FY229).
1937 built Nordby, Denmark - 'Ewa' (ex 'Laila') (GY?) Wooden Motor Seiner, official No.166645, June 1946 registered Grimsby, 52 x 16 x 7 ft, 22 tons, 105 b.h.p. K. W. Alder Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby.
January 1938 built by Smith's Dock Company Ltd., South Bank on Tees - 'Fifeshire' (GY524) (Yard No.1035) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.166626, June 1938 registered Grimsby, 176 x 29 x 15 ft, 198 tons, 99 h.p. engines by Smith's Dock Company Ltd. 1938 for Fifeshire Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1940 registered Hull for Hellyer Brothers Ltd. St. Andrew's Dock, Hull. 1940 for the Admiralty. Sunk by bombing off Orkney 20th February 1940, twentyone lost their lives and one survivor.
1938 built by Smith's Dock Co Ltd. South Bank on Tees - 'Argyllshire' (GY528) (Yard No.1036) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.166629, September 1938 registered Grimsby, 176 x 29 x 15 ft, 198 tons, 99 h.p. engines by Smiths Dock Co Ltd. South Bank on Tees. 1938 for Banffshire Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 1940 for Hull Northern Fishing Co. Ltd. St. Andrew's Dock, Hull. 1st June 1940 sunk by E-Boat near Dunkirk.
November 1938 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. South Bank on Tees - 'Notts County' Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164436, January 1938 registered Grimsby, 176 x 29 x 15 ft, 195 tons, 99 h.p. 1940 for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd, Auckland Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1939 for the Admiralty (FY250).
January 1938 built by Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. South Bank on Tees - 'Ayrshire' (Yard No.1034) Steel Screw Trawler, official No.164438, February 1938 registered Grimsby, 176 x 29 x 15 ft, 198, 99 h.p. for Ayrshire Fishing Co. Ltd, Grimsby.1939 registered Hull for Hellyer Brothers Ltd. St. Andrew's Dock, Hull. 1939 for the Admiralty (FY225).
1939 built Frederickshavn, Denmark - 'Frem' (GY201) Wooden Motor Seine Netter, official No.166632, September 1939 registered Grimsby, 58 x 17 x 7 ft, 23 tons, 134 b.h.p. 1940/47 for Trent Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby.
May 1940/88 built by F. Curtis, Charlestown, Cornwall - 'Grasby' (GY510) Royal Navy wood Trawler auxilliary patrol, official No.166664, October 1947 registered Grimsby, sold 1947. 88 x 22 x 10 ft, 36 tons, 83 h.p. engines by Crossley Brothers Ltd. Manchester. 1947 for Shire Trawlers, Grimsby. 1950 for Northern Trawlers, Grimsby. 1951 fror Huxley Fishing Co. Ltd. Lowestoft. (LT267). 1956 for A. W. King and renamed 'Doonie Braes' (A66). 1967 for Metal Industries Ltd. Leith and converted to salvage vessel.
1943 built Gillelije Denmark - 'Arcona Lad' (GY256) Wooden Motor Seine Netter, official No.166644, April 1946 registered Grimsby, 52 x 16 x 7 ft, 22 tons, 95 b.h.p. renamed 'Our Sharon' for Arcona Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks Grimsby. Scrapped 1988.
1943 built by Frank Curtis, Charlestown, Cornwall.- 'Digby' (GY467) Wooden Motor Trawler, official No.166659, April 1947 registered Grimsby, 89 x 23 x 10 ft, 38 tons, engines by Crossley Brothers Ltd. Manchester. 1947 for Shire Trawlers Ltd. Grimsby. 1950 for Northern Trawlers Ltd. Grimsby.
1945 built by Frank Curtis Ltd. Totnes - 'Clixby' (GY457) Wooden Motor Trawler, official No.166656, January 1947 registered Grimsby, 88 x 22 x 10 ft, 36 tons. 83 h.p. engines by Crossley Brothers Ltd. Manchester. 1947 for Shire Trawlers, Grimsby. 1950 for Northern Trawlers, Grimsby. 1951 renamed 'Ramsholm' for Norwegian Owners, Thv. Joh.Bie at Hangesund, Norway.
1946 built by Jones Buckie Slip and Shipyard Ltd, Buckie - m.v. 'Alirmay' Wooden Motor Screw Fishing Vessel, official No.181005, registered Aberdeen, 58 x 18 x 8 ft, 20 tons, diesel engine by Ruston & Hornsby, Lincoln, giving nearly 10 knots, for the Stability Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 23rd September 1949 the stranding and loss of the m.v. 'Alirmay'. near Downies, Portlethen, the court suspends Alexander Gardiner's skippers certificate for a period of six months.
1946 - 'Primula' (GY302) Motor Trawler, official No.166646, July 1946 registered Grimsby, 71 tons, closed 1948.
1946 built by East Anglian Constructors Ltd., Lowestoft - 'Aylesby' (GY329) (Yard No.364) Motor Trawler, official No.166649, September 1946 registered Grimsby, 87 x 22 x 8 ft, 36 tons, 240 b.h.p. engines by Crossley Brothers, Ltd. Manchester. Admiralty cancelled before completion. 1946 for Aldred Fishing Co. Ltd. Fleetwood. 1948 for Huxley Fishing Co. Ltd. Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1951 registered Lowestoft for Harry Markham Cook, Louth.
1946 built Par, Cornwall - 'Bonby' (GY371) Wooden Motor Trawler, official No.166652, November 1946 registered Grimsby, 93 x 23 x 10 ft, 40 tons, 240 b.h.p. 1947 for Shire Trawlers Ltd. Neptune House, Water Lane, Great Tower Street, London. 1950 for Northern Trawlers, Grimsby. 1951 registered Lowestoft.
1946/52 built Wivenhoe Ship Building & Engineering Co. Wivenhoe - 'Enderby' Wooden Motor Trawler, official No.166661, June 1947 registered Grimsby, 89 x 23 x 10 ft, 40 tons, 77 h.p. engines by Crossley Brothers Ltd. Manchester. For H. Markham Cook. 1949 for Huxley Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby.
1947/51 built by J. Hall, Plymouth - 'Firsby' (GY494) Wooden Motor Trawler, official No.166662, July 1947 registered Grimsby, 89 x 23 x 10 ft, 37 tons, 83 h.p. engines by Crossley Brothers Ltd. Manchester. 1949 for Shire Trawlers Ltd. Grimsby.
1947/63 - 'Arabis' Motor Trawler, official No.166665, December 1947 registered Grimsby.
1948 - 'Sletness' was ex German torpedo boat 'Mars' Yard No.740 built by Nordenwerft Koser und Fischdampfer. Rebuilt into a Steam Trawler, official No.166666, September 1948 registered Grimsby by G. F. Sleight's for Rinovia Steam Fishing Co. Ltd.
1948/88 built by Frank Curtis Ltd. Totnes - 'Harrowby' (GY531) Wood Motor Trawler, official No.166668, January 1948 registered Grimsby, 89 x 23 x 10 ft, 39 tons, 83 h.p. engines by Crossley Brothers Ltd. Mancester. 1948 for Shire Trawlers Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1950 for Northern Trawlers Ltd. Grimsby. 1952 renamed 'Vesper Star' registered Lowestoft for Star Drift Fishing Co. Ltd. Lowestoft. 1968 for H. W. J. Bartlett, Shoreham.
1948/88 - 'Clee' Motor Trawler, official No.166669, March 1948 registered Grimsby.
1948 built by F. Curtis Ltd. Charlestown, Cornwall - 'Ingoldby' Wood Motor Trawler, official No.166670, May 1948 registered Grimsby, 89 x 23 x 10 ft, 40 tons, 79 h.p. engines by Crossley Brothers Ltd. Manchester. 1948 for Shire Trawlers Ltd. Grimsby. 1950 for Northern Trawlers Ltd. Grimsby. 1952 renamed 'Arne Gorth' for Thomas Madsen, Hangesund, Norway.
1948 built by Frank Curtis Ltd. Totnes - 'Keelby' Wood Motor Trawler, official No.166671, June 1948 registered Grimsby. 88 x 22 x 10 ft, 36 tons, 83 h.p. engines by Crossley Brothers Ltd. Manchester. 1948 for Wharfedale Trawlers Ltd. Grimsby. 1950 registered Aberdeen for Department of Scientific Industrial Research. 1960 for Cameroon Fisheries Ltd. Aberdeen.
1948/99 - 'Scarthoe' Motor Trawler, official No.166672, June 1948 registered Grimsby.
1948/56 - 'Scanboy' (GY579) Motor Trawler, official No.166673, June 1948 registered Grimsby, 23 tons.
1948/76 - 'Airdrie' Motor Trawler, official No.166674, July 1948 registered Grimsby.
1948/69 - 'Delga I' Motor Trawler, official No.166675, July 1948 registered Grimsby.
1958 - 'Quicksilver' Sail, official No.168601, August 1958 registered Grimsby, 2 tons.
1958/88 built by Whitby Boatbuilding Co. Whitby - 'Walpaul' (GY589) Motor Trawler, official No.168605, December 1958 registered Grimsby, 56 ft, 18 tons, 114 bhp. 1958 for Consonidated Fisheries (Seiners) Ltd. Grimsby. 1968 for Walney Fishing Co. Grimsby. 1980 for Consonidated Fisheries (Seiners) Ltd. Grimsby. 1987 for Tom Sleight Ltd. Grimsby.
1958 built by Head & Machenzie, Peterhead - 'Britta' (GY595)(Yard No.167) Wood Motor Seiner, official No.168606, December 1958 registered Grimsby, 19.84 x 5.49 x 2,71 mtrs, 24 tons, 152 b.h.p. engines by L. Gardner & Sons Ltd. Manchester. 1958 for L. J. Sorensen Ltd. Grimsby. 1980 sank in Silver Pit, North Sea.
1958/88 built by Messrs. George Thomson & Son, Buckie - 'Gladness' or 'Gladnes' Motor Vessel, official No.168608, December 1958 registered Grimsby.
1959/88 - 'Longset' Motor Vessel, official No.168609, January 1959 registered Grimsby, 1965 renamed 'Locarno'.
1959/63 - 'Lady Cecilia' Motor Vessel, official No.168610, April 1959 registered Grimsby, 162 tons.
1959/1998 built Whitby - 'Lynmay' (GY633) Motor Trawler, official No.168612, April 1959 registered Grimsby, 56 ft, 17 tons, 1959 for Gull Fishing Co. Grimsby. 1968 for H. Mudd (Seiners) Ltd. Grimsby. 1980 for Consolidated Fisheries (Seiners) Ltd. Grimsby. 1987 renamed 'Our Clare' for Reginald Birch, Fleetwood.
1959/1998 built by Herd & Mackenzie, Peterhead - 'Saxon King' (GY629) (Yard No.168) Wood Motor Seiner, official No.168614, April 1959 registered Grimsby, 19 x 6 x 2 ft, 23 tons, 152 b.h.p. engines by L. Gardner & Sons Ltd. Manchester. 1959 for Forward Steam Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1976 for Alatna Seiners Ltd. Grimsby. 1977 for Alatna Seiners Ltd. & Frenbeck Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby. 1979 for Delga Fishing Co. Ltd. Grimsby & Ane B. J. Van Zandvirt, North Shields. 1980 renamed 'Delvan'. 1983 for Tom Sleight Seiners Ltd. Grimsby & Andrew Whittle, Cleethorpes. 1987 for Guy C. Allen, Tetney. 1988 for Tom Sleight (Seiners) Ltd. Grimsby.
1959 built by Herd & Mackenzie, Peterhead - 'Rona Hansen' (GY599) (Yard No.170) Wood Motor Seiner, official No.168616, July 1959 registered Grimsby, 19.84 x 5.49 x 2.71 mtrs, 23 tons, 152 b.h.p. engines by L. Gardener & Sons Ltd. Manchester. 1959 for Kowai Fishing Ltd. Grimsby. 2nd November 1963 Sunk in the North Sea, crew rescued by Steamer 'Leda'.
1959 by Richards Iron Works Ltd. Lowestoft - 'Boston Coronet' Motor Trawler, official No.168618, August 1959 registered Grimsby, 106 x 23 x 11 ft, 79 tons, 550 b.h.p. engines by H. Widdop & Co. Ltd, Keighley. 1968 for Aberdeen Near Waters Trawlers Ltd. Lowestoft. 1975/80 for Boston Deep Sea Fisheries Ltd. Lowestoft, 850 b.h.p. engines by Mirrlees Blackstone Ltd.
March 1852 - On Tuesday last the water was admitted into the new dock at Grimsby, when the great banquetting hall, which on the previous Thursday afforded ample accommodation for 300 guests, was devoted to the floating purpose of commerce. The gates worked admirably and all the engineering difficulties connected with the establishment of the new Port were pronounced overcome. But other difficulties still remain, the surmounting of which must be attended with considerable trouble. The interests of the Grimsby Dock Company and the Grimsby Corporation are not considered so identical as they ought to be.
See 'River Humber' for further Grimsby Information.
Shipping Companies at Grimsby.
Blow, River Head, Grimsby.
1906 built New Holland - 'Blow's David' official No.146470, registered Hull, 74 tons, 1940 for Nelson Blow, River Head, Grimsby.
1906 built New Holland - 'Blow's Anderson' Steel Sail, official No.146499, September 1922 registered Hull, 73 tons, 1923 for Nelson Blow, River Head, Grimsby. 1930 renamed 'Saxby' for Henry Oldridge, 62 High Street, Hull. February 1931 Slipped anchor at Barrow Haven and collided with New Holland Pier.1933/40 motor added 68 x 17 x 7 ft, 59 tons, 49 b.h.p. - for George W. Foster, 55 Marsh Lane, Barton on Humber.
1907 built Hessle - 'Blow's Ernest' official No.146469, registered Hull, 106 tons, 1940 for Nelson Blow, River Head, Grimsby.
1922 built New Holland - 'Blow's William' official No.146503, November 1922 registered Hull, 106 tons, 1923/40 for Nelson Blow, River Head, Grimsby.
1923 built Hessle - 'Blow's John' official No.147109, registered Hull, 107 tons, for Ernest Blow, Oberon Wharf, Queen Street, Hull.
1924 built Hessle - 'Blow's Walter' official No.147160, July 1924 registered Hull, 104 tons, 1940 for Nelson Blow, River Head, Grimsby.
1925 built Hessle - 'Blow's Albert' official No.149014, registered Hull, 115 tons, 1925/40 for Nelson Blow, River Head, Grimsby.
1926 built Hessle - 'Blow's Oberon' official No.149089, registered Hull, 106 tons, 1927/'40 for Nelson Blow, River Head, Grimsby.
William Marshall & Sons, Grimsby, Ltd. Victoria Flour Miller, Grimsby.
1879 built Knottingley - 'Mystery' Keel, official No.108475, 1879 registered Grimsby, 45 tons, 1900 for John W. Wilkinson, 29 Trinity Lane, Louth. 1910 for William Brown,Barton on Humber. 1915 for Charles E. Blume, 110 Chapman Street, Grimsby. 1920/31 for Humber Lighterage Co. Ltd. Victoria Mills, Grimsby.
1904 built Beverley - 'Dora' Sail, official No.118923, March 1904 registered Grimsby, 183 tons, 1906/19 for William Marshall & Sons, Grimsby, Ltd. Grimsby.
1906 built Thorne - 'Zereda' Keel, official No.124757, April 1907 registered Hull, 63 tons, 1910 for William Moxon jnr, 56 Mulgrave Street, New Cleveland Street, Hull. 1915 for William Moxon jnr, 44a Holderness Road, Hull. 1920/30 for Humber Lighterage Co. Ltd, Victoria Flour Mills, Grimsby. 1940/47 for Samuel L. Goldthorpe, 20 Park View, Cleethorpes.
1909 built Barton on Humber - 'Ellen A' Sloop, official No.128139, June 1909 registered Hull, 62 tons, 1910 for Edward Arnold, Barton on Humber. 1915 for Edward Arnold, Butts Road, Barton on Humber. 1920/30 for The Humber Lighterage Co. Ltd, Victoria Flour Mills, Grimsby. 1940 for Hull & Grimsby Water Transport Co. Ltd. Crown Dry Dock, Garrison Side, Hull. 1947 for John H. Whitaker Ltd. Oriental Buildings, High Street, Hull.
1917 built York - 'Mirfield' Sail, official No.139952, June 1917 registered Grimsby, 79 tons, 1920/30 for Humber Lighterage Co. Ltd. Victoria Mills, Grimsby. 1940 for Hull & Grimsby Water Transport Co. Ltd. Crown Dry Dock, Garrison Side Hull. 1947/50 for John H. Whitaker Ltd. Oriental Buildings, High Street, Hull.
Grimsby Tugs.
1855 built North Shields - 'Gipsy King' Wooden Paddle Steamer Tug, official No.2167, registered Sunderland, 76 x 15 x 8 ft, 15 tons, 26 h.p. for George Lindsay, Sunderland. 1872 registered Arbroath for The Magistrates and Town Council, Arbroath. 1881 registered Grimsby for Mrs Mary A. Jewitt, 6 Newmarket Street, Grimsby. October 1891 the Steam Tug 'Gipsy King' was in the Grimsby Dock Basin approaching the east pier and the mate Frank Harrison was leaning over the port rail. The vessel struck the pier and pitched the man overboard and did not again rise to the surface. 1900 for George B. Stuart, 56 Freeman Street, Grimsby. 1900 Broken up.
1865 built Northfleet - 'Garibaldi' Iron Paddle steamer Tug, official No.50176, registered Rochester, 73 x 15 x 7 ft, 15 tons, 32 h.p. for George Smeed, Sittingbourne, Kent. 1874/1890 registered Grimsby for Stephen Oates, Victoria Street, Grimsby. 1892 registered Hull for the Humber Steam Towing Co. Ltd. 299 Beverley Road, Hull.
1870 built Bristol - 'Pendragon' Iron Screw Tug, official No.62047, registered Falmouth, 73 x 15 x 9 ft, 40 tons, 45 h.p. for Francis F. Fox, Bristol. 1887 registered Poole for Henry Burden jnr, Poole. 1891 registered Grimsby for Arthur W. Simons, Haven Side, Grimsby.
1872 built at Rutherglen - 'Osprey' Iron Screw Tug, official No.67974, registered Glasgow, 106 x 18 x 8 ft, 40 tons, 40 h.p. for John Steel, Glasgow. 1907 registered Waterford for the Waterford & Duncannon Steamboat Co. Ltd. Waterford. 1915 for Frank H. Jackson, Cheshire. 1916/30 registered Grimsby for Charlton & Co. Ltd. Royal Docks, Grimsby.
1876 built South Shields - 'Humber' Wooden Paddle Steamer Tug, official No.73231, registered Grimsby, 93 x 19 x 10 ft, 14 tons, 39 h.p. for James Turner, Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby.
1876 built South Shields - 'J.W.Jewitt' Wooden Paddle Steamer Tug, official No.73231, registered Grimsby, 93 x 19 x 10 ft, 14 tons, 39 h.p. for John W. Jewitt, 101 Hainton Street, Grimsby.
1876 built South Shields - 'Champion' Iron Paddle Steamer Tug, official No.76666, registered Grimsby, 103 x 19 x 10 ft, 54 tons 80 h.p. for Stephen Oates, Grimsby. 1910 for John Graham, Ashbrooke, Middlesbrough. 1913 registered Middlesbrough for the Tees Tug Co. Ltd. Middlesbrough.
August 1876 built by Wouldhave & Johnston, North Shields - 'Alice' Wooden Paddle Tug, official No.70259, August 1876 registered Newcastle, 83 x 18 x 9 ft, 11 tons, 28 h.p. engines by Baird & Barnsley, North Shields. 1876 for Anthony Wilkinson, Scotswood, Northumberland. June 1882 aground on Bondicar Rocks, near Amble on a pleasure trip, 14 people drowned. 1890 for Robert Forester, Scotswood, Northumberland. February 1897 along with 'Pole Star' towed stranded trawler 'Utopia' from Aldborough to Grimsby. 1899 registered Grimsby for Thomas Commander, 53 Hedon Road, Hull. 1905 broken up.
1878 built John Payne at Vauxhall Works, Bristol - 'Kimberley' Iron Screw Tug, official No.78186, registered Falmouth, 78 x 15 x 8 ft, 17 tons, 45 h.p. for Jas. Hosking Rushden, Falmouth. 1899 registered Hull for Charles Thompson, Grimsby. 1907 registered Grimsby for Thomas Copeland, 52 Harrington Street, New Cleethorpes.
1886 built Leith - 'Solway' Iron Paddle Steamer Tug, official No.55224, registered Carlisle, 90 x 17 x 9 ft, 24 tons, 70 h.p. for Robert Young, Glasgow. 1897 registered Grimsby for Charles Copeland, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1915 for the Grimsby Salvage and Towing Co. Ltd. Royal Dock, Grimsby. 1930 for Jarrow Hoppers Ltd. Jarrow.
1886 built Southampton - 'Irene' (formerly 'Beta') Iron Screw Tug, official No.92040, registered Southampton, 71 x 12 x 8 ft, 25 tons, 14 h.p. for Richard C.T. Blunt, London. 1900 for Richard F.T. Gasgoigne, Partington, Leeds. 1915 for John Burrows, Oban. 1915 renamed 'John Bruce 'and registered Grimsby for John Adams, 125 Poplar Road, Cleethorpes. 1930 for John H. Pigott, 209 Grimsby Road, New Cleethorpes.
September 1891 built South Shields at Rennoldson & Sons - 'Goole No. 8' Iron Steamer Tug registered Goole for river trade, 100 x 20 x 11 ft, 12 ton, 75 h.p. September 1891 owned by the Goole & Hull Steam Towing Co. Ltd. (Official No.98386) 1899 registered London and name changed to 'Gauntlet' for John Page (Elliot Steam Tug Co.). 1925/40 registered Dundee for Victor A. Cappon Tugs.
1893 'Pole Star' Steel Screw Tug, 67 x 15 x 8ft, 10 tons, 33 h.p. Official No.99709 built by Henry Scarr, Beverley, 1894 for Isaac Richardson, 12 Belgrave Terrace, Chantrey Lane, Grimsby. 1900 for the Grimsby Towing Co. Ltd.
Built Newport, Mon 1895 - 'Robert Forrest' Iron Steam Tug, official No.98884, registered Newport, 57 x 13 x 8 ft, 1 ton, 15 h.p. 1900 for The Shipowners Tug Co. Ltd. Bristol. 1901 registered London for Charles Murrell, London. 1917 registered Grimsby for Harry Parker (Grimsby) Ltd. 88 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby. February 1920 - The steam Tug 'Robert Forrest', lying in the Drypool Basin, was found on fire on Saturday. Slight damage was done to the engine room and deck, but the Fire Brigade soon extinguished the flames.
1900 built by T. Scott, Goole - 'Condor' Steel Screw Tug, official No.112800, 1908 registered Grimsby, 80 x 18 x 10 ft, 4 tons, 95 h.p. for James Turner, River View, Cleethorpes. 1914/20 for the Admiralty. 1930 for James Turner, Endsleigh, Park Drive, Grimsby. 1940 for J.H. Lamey Ltd. Liverpool. Broken up 1953.
1901 built by Cook, Welton & Gemmell, Hull - 'Conqueror' (Yard No.291) Steel Screw Tug, official No.113225, August 1901 registered Grimsby, 60 x 14 x 8 ft, 7 tons, 28 h.p. 1901 for George S. Letten, Fish Dock, Grimsby. 1906/20 for The Great Central Railway Co. Marylebone, London. 1930/32 for London & North Eastern Railway Co. Maryleborne, Station, London.
February 1902 built at Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd. Grovehill, Beverley - 'Huntsman' First vessel from their new Yard. Trial Trip April 1902. Steel Steam Tug, official No.113637, registered Hull, 95 x 18 x 9 ft, 13 ton, 50 h.p. 12 knots. Engines by Messrs C.D. Holmes & Co. Hull. 1904 for T. Gray & Co. Ltd. Hull.
Built Ayr 1905 - 'Lynx' Steel Screw Tug, official No.118716, registered Swansea, 80 x 16 x 9 ft, 2 tons, 40 h.p. For Thomas Milward, Swansea. 1914/40 registered Grimsby, for the Grimsby Salvage & Towing Co. Ltd. Royal Docks, Grimsby.
1913 built Wyvenhoe, Essex - 'No. 8' Steel Screw Tug, 40 x 12 x 6 ft, 15 h.p. for Great Central Railway Co. London.
1914 built Wyvenhoe, Essex - 'No. 7' Steel Screw Tug, 40 x 12 x 6 ft, 15 h.p. for Great Central Railway Co. London. March 1915 sunk at Grimsby with the loss of two crew whilst towing Paddle Steamer 'Brighton Queen'.
1969 - 'Sanrene' (GY152) Trawler, 34 tons. 18th June 1917 featured in an episode of Vera.